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《Journal of Corporate Finance》2003,9(4):377-384
This article provides a brief overview of the importance of market microstructure research and identifies existing areas of research that focus on links between microstructure and corporate finance. Each of the special issue articles is then summarized with particular attention given to the research contribution of the article and to the links explored between microstructure and corporate finance. 相似文献
《Journal of Financial Markets》2000,3(3):205-258
Market microstructure studies the process by which investors’ latent demands are ultimately translated into prices and volumes. This paper reviews the theoretical, empirical and experimental literature on market microstructure relating to: (1) price formation, including the dynamic process by which prices come to impound information, (2) market structure and design, including the relation between price formation and trading protocols, (3) Transparency, the ability of market participants to observe information about the trading process, and (4) Applications to other areas of finance including asset pricing, international finance, and corporate finance. 相似文献
We study the microstructure of the Pink Sheets and assess the ability of existing theory to capture salient features of this relatively unstructured and unregulated market. Clustering patterns in quotes, quoted spreads, and trade prices indicate that market participants have selected price-dependent tick sizes for different stocks. Clustering intensity varies across stocks as a function of proxies for information availability. Similarly, the bid-ask spread varies as a function of volatility and liquidity. These results suggest (1) microstructure research has established robust predictions of market attributes and (2) unstructured markets are able to develop at least some effective behavioral norms endogenously. 相似文献
Market microstructure and stock return predictions 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
To what extent are the empirical regularities implied by marketmicrostructure theories useful in predicting the short-run behaviorof stock returns? A two-equation econometric model of quoterevisions and transaction returns is developed and used to identifythe relative importance of different microstructure theoriesand to make predictions. Microstructure variables and laggedstock index futures returns have in-sample and out-of-samplepredictive power based on data observed at five-minute intervals.The most striking microstructure implication of the model, confirmedby the empirical results, specifies that the expected quotereturn is positively related to the deviation between the transactionprice and the quote midpoint while the expected transactionreturn is negatively related to the same variable. 相似文献
The early automation of the Australian and New Zealand financial markets provided researchers with access to high‐frequency data to undertake extensive empirical market microstructure research. We use this anniversary edition of Accounting and Finance to review some of this research and to discuss the development of the Australian and New Zealand markets since their automation. We identify issues currently facing the markets and highlight potential areas for future research. The paper also provides a review of market microstructure theory on inventory control models and asymmetric information models. 相似文献
As asymmetric information model of the bid - ask spread is developedfor a foreign exchange market subject to occasional governmentinterventions. Traditional tests of the unbiasedness of theforward rate as a predictor of the future spot rate are shownto be inconsistent when the rates are measured as the averageof their respective bid and ask quotes. Larger bid - ask spreadson Fridays are documented. Reliable evidence of asymmetric bid- ask spreads for all days of the week, albeit more pronouncedon Fridays, are presented. The null hypothesis that the forwardrate is an unbiased predictor of the future spot rate continuesto be rejected. The regression slope coefficients increase towardunity, however, indicating a less variable risk premium. 相似文献
We examine the role of market structure in identifying microstructure features of the NYSE.Euronext-LIFFE STIR futures market by comparing the ability of two bid-ask spread component models to explain bid-ask spreads. These two models differ only in their assumptions about whether or not market makers are present. The period we analyze includes data from pit-based trading alongside electronic market data. We explore how market structure affects the way private information influences bid-ask spreads and return volatility. A second part of our study employs intraday correlation to investigate these links in greater depth, while a third part looks at how private information and trading noise contribute to price evolution. 相似文献
《Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money》2004,14(4):385-400
The lead/lag relationship between portfolios comprising large and small cap firms is analytically derived in terms of their speeds of adjustment and degrees of thin trading. Using a number of Indian equity index series that differ in their market capitalization characteristics, large cap indices are found to lead small cap indices and to have higher speeds of adjustment towards intrinsic values. However, pure thin trading effects and an interaction effect between thin trading and speeds of adjustment are found to make significant contributions to the lead/lag effect. An empirical analysis of the underlying intrinsic value process using a reduced form model developed in the paper indicates that a small degree of overreaction is present in intrinsic values series. 相似文献
Yuko Hashimoto Takaaki Ohnishi Misako Takayasu Hideki Takayasu Tsutomu Watanabe 《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(6):893-905
Using tick-by-tick data for the dollar–yen and euro–dollar exchange rates recorded on the actual transaction platform, a ‘run’—continuous increases or decreases in deal prices for the past several ticks—does have some predictable information on the direction of the next price movement. Deal price movements, that are consistent with order flows, tend to continue a run once it is started. Indeed, conditional probabilities of a run continuing in the same direction after several consecutive observations exceed 0.5. However, quote prices do not show such a run tendency. Hence, a random walk hypothesis is refuted in a simple test of a run using tick-by-tick data. In addition, a longer continuous increase of the price tends to be followed by a larger reversal. The findings suggest that those market participants who have access to real-time, tick-by-tick transaction data may have an advantage in predicting exchange rate movements. The findings reported here also lend support to the momentum trading strategy. 相似文献
This work compares a dealer market and a limit-order book. Dealers commonly observe order flow and collect information from multiple market orders. They may be better informed than other traders, although they do not earn rents from this information. Dealers earn rents as suppliers of liquidity, and their decisions to enter or exit the market are independent of the degree of adverse selection. Introduction of a limit-order book lowers the execution-price risk faced by speculators and leads them to trade more aggressively on their information. Introduction of the book also lowers dealer profits, but increases the informational efficiency of prices. 相似文献
There are two variance components embedded in the returns constructed using high frequency asset prices: the time-varying variance of the unobservable efficient returns that would prevail in a frictionless economy and the variance of the equally unobservable microstructure noise. Using sample moments of high frequency return data recorded at different frequencies, we provide a simple and robust technique to identify both variance components. 相似文献
Mathieu Rosenbaum 《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(6):883-899
We introduce a new microstructure noise index for financial data. This index, the computation of which is based on the p-variations of the considered asset or rate at different time scales, can be interpreted in terms of Besov smoothness spaces. We study the behavior of our new index using empirical data. It gives rise to phenomena that a classical signature plot is unable to detect. In particular, with our data set, it enables us to separate the sampling frequencies into three zones: no microstructure noise for low frequencies, increasing microstructure noise from low to high frequencies, and some kind of additional regularity on the finest scales. We then investigate the index from a theoretical point of view, under various contexts of microstructure noise, trying to reproduce the facts observed on the data. We show that this can be partially done using models involving additive correlated errors or rounding error. Accurate reproduction seems to require either both kinds of error together or some unusual form of rounding error. 相似文献
在西方成熟市场,国债市场构成为核心金融市场,这既是西方经济学家对国债市场功能和作用的高度概括,又是由国债市场在西方金融市场中的独特地位决定的.金边债券的美誉、金融市场避风港的角色、基准利率与收益率曲线的形成、利率市场化与公开市场操作的依据、联接资本市场与货币市场的载体,国债市场以其高度的流动性和准货币,成为经济学家笔下的宠儿. 相似文献
Theoretical expectations related to market discipline generally suggest a positive relationship between firm financial strength and price. We examine market discipline in the individual annuity market by measuring annuity contract yields during the accumulation phase and find that, among other results, firm financial strength is positively related to yield (i.e., negatively related to price). We argue that this apparent anomaly can be viewed as a form of market discipline itself, for at least four related reasons, the foremost reason being that in order to compete in the asset accumulation market, an insurer has an incentive to provide a track record of historically strong credited interest rates within the annuity. In addition, the credited interest rates within an annuity are only revealed ex post over time, thus diminishing consumer ability to impose traditional market discipline relating firm financial strength and price, and also enabling financially weaker insurers to impose higher ex post prices in the form of lower realized annuity yields. 相似文献
有效市场假说与分形市场假说之争 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
作为现代金融理论基石的有效市场假说越来越多少被实践证明不符合现实,而建立在非线性动力系统之上的分形市场假说,利用流动性和投资起点很好地解释了有效市场假说无法解释的各种市场现象。通过定性分析和定量分析表明,有效市场假说只是分形市场假说的一种特殊情况,有效市场只是在某个特定时段才可能出现。但由于分形市场假说在数学建模上的困难,有效市场假说仍具有现实的参考和指导意义。 相似文献
<正>制度变革要取得预期的效果还需要市场相关主体行为模式的改变,并在市场主体的相互博弈中形成新的均衡2018年11月5日,国家主席习近平在首届中国国际进口博览会开幕式上宣布设立科创板,并在该板块内进行注册制试点。经过不到一年的准备,科创板于2019年7月22日正式启动。回顾科创板从筹备到正式运行一年来的情况,在肯定取得成绩的同时,需要看到一些不足,并秉持市场化的初心和坚持注册制的核心,努力建设更具包容性的科创板。强制型制度变迁有力地打破了路径依赖著名经济史学家道格拉斯·诺思认为,制度是"一个社会的博弈规则,更正式地说,是人为制定的用以规范人们互动行 相似文献
论离岸金融市场是有监管的市场 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
离岸金融市场是现代金融市场的重要组成部分,具有不同在岸市场的特殊性,离岸市场的出现和发展虽然给金融监管带来了前所未有的挑战,但离岸市场仍然是有监管的市场,而且受来自多方面监管和法律影响,没有任何一个国家或机构能够行使完全控制,离岸市场的发展促成了国际金融的一体化,也造成了国际金融体系的不稳定,因此对离岸市场客观上需要加强监管。 相似文献
本文在梳理我国银行间债券市场做市商制度发展历程及其与市场流动性关系的基础上,以一段包含牛、熊市的完整市场周期为样本,考察了双边价差的影响因素,并对不同行情下做市商报价行为及稳定市场的效果作了比较研究。结果发现,做市商提供的市场流动性整体不足,而做市商的表现明显好于尝试做市商;从做市商稳定市场的效果看,只有五大行发挥了一定作用。原因在于,市场没有分层、做市商缺乏激励使得做市业务无法盈利,仅做市商考核排名(提高声誉)能对国有大行带来一定激励,因此越是以盈利为考核目标的机构做市的意愿越低。 相似文献
2017年7月,银行业信贷资产登记流转中心(以下简称"银登中心")考察小组赴英、法两国同业机构交流,期间先后访问了多家行业协会和金融机构,就欧洲信贷资产流转市场的基础设施、平台公司、自律组织等进行了考察调研。调研发现,欧洲信贷资产流转市场在三十多年的发展历程中,交易品种和交易模式逐渐丰富,具有行业自律作用突出、投资者结构多元化、市场分散度高且区域性强等特点,这对于金融基础设施服务的要求不断提高。在此基础上,本文从促进我国信贷资产流转市场进一步发展的角度出发,提出了制定并推广行业标准、完善金融基础设施服务、继续研究贷款评级和价格发现机制、推动银团贷款流转业务等建议。 相似文献
王静 《内蒙古财经学院学报(综合版)》2014,(1):33-36
观点市场理论主张在观点表达和交换过程中排除国家干预,相信市场机制对于甄别观点正误的有效性。现代社会中,大众传媒是观点表达和传播的主要物质载体和社会手段。市场逻辑下的传媒业暴露出媒体垄断、重广告商轻受众、低质量内容驱逐高质量内容以及弱势群体沉寂化等问题。受到市场审查的大众传媒在观点的多元性、编辑的独立性、内容的实质性以及公众的接近性等四个方面存在不足。 相似文献