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We consider a firm which seeks the maximum profit by selling a product and assume that the firm can advertise its product in order to improve the firm goodwill and affect the product demand positively. In particular the good demand is zero when the goodwill is less than a fixed threshold. The problem is formulated in terms of optimal control theory. We show that there exists a unique optimal solution and sketch an algorithm to determine it.  相似文献   

This paper examines the dynamic processes of agricultural land use in the context of the von Thünen model. Consumers purchase agricultural goods to maximize their utility levels; farmers plant agricultural goods only once in a year and they decide their land use according to the last year's prices. In this context, it is first shown that land use is generally unstable for a broad class of utility functions, although the equilibrium land use is achieved in a very specific case. Second, it is shown that under a certain condition, land use changes cyclically with 2-year intervals.  相似文献   

In this paper we show that for a large subset of utility functions in the space of all C1 utility functions and for all prices the mean demand of those consumers whose taste is represented by a given utility function in that subset is uniquely determined. This implies that for a large set of economies mean demand is a continuous function. Our analysis uses derivatives of first and of higher order. The result is essentially a consequence of the multijet transversality theorem.  相似文献   

Using Mather's Multijet Transversality Theorem one obtains generic results for uniqueness of mean maximizers and continuity of aggregate demand.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce the concept of price-dispersed preferences. Moreover we state conditions under which economies with price-dispersed preference distributions have a continuously differentiable mean demand function.  相似文献   

The problem of estimating a normal mean with unknown variance is considered under an asymmetric loss function such that the associated risk is bounded from above by a known quantity. In the absence of a fixed sample size rule, a sequential stopping rule and two sequential estimators of the mean are proposed and second-order asymptotic expansions of their risk functions are derived. It is demonstrated that the sample mean becomes asymptotically inadmissible, being dominated by a shrinkage-type estimator. Also a shrinkage factor is incorporated in the stopping rule and similar inadmissibility results are established. Received September 1997  相似文献   

In this article we explore the consumer demand for gasoline within the framework of the household production function model. Working with a time series of regional cross-sections, we find the parameters in the gasoline demand model varying across states. Random coefficient model is utilized to analyze temporal cross-section data.  相似文献   

Conventionally, the money demand function is estimated using a regression of the logarithm of money demand on either the interest rate or the logarithm of the interest rate. This equation is presumed to be a cointegrating regression. In this paper, we aim to combine the logarithmic specification, which models the liquidity trap better than a linear model, with the assumption that the interest rate itself is an integrated process. The proposed technique is robust to serial correlation in the errors. For the USA, our new technique results in larger coefficient estimates than previous research suggested, and produces superior out‐of‐sample prediction. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Starting from a linear error correction model (ECM) the stability and linearity of a German M1 money demand function are investigated, applying smooth transition regression techniques. Using seasonally unadjusted quarterly data from 1961(1) to 1990(2) it is found that the money demand equation considered is both linear and stable. After extending the sampling period until 1995(4) a clear structural instability due to the monetary unification on 1 July 1990 is found and subsequently modelled. A non-linear specification for the extended period is presented and discussed. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

2008年宏观调控重点发生改变;2008年货币政策将从紧;存款准备金率创新高;央行宣布2007年第六次加息;2008年水价将适当上调。  相似文献   

We consider utility functions defined on P?, the closure of the positive orthant of Rl, that satisfy the differentiable monotonicity and differentiable convexity conditions. We show that the demand function derived from such a utility function is piecewise smooth in a strong sense. We use this result to show that the Pareto optimal subset of a pure exchange economy derived from the kind of utility functions we consider is generically the union of a finite number of compact manifolds-with-corners.  相似文献   

We show that the aggregate excess demand function in an economy with incomplete real asset markets can be characterized by Walras’ law, homogeneity, and continuity around critical prices that cause one-dimensional drop of the dimension of the budget set.  相似文献   

A bstract . Historical comparisons between the USSR and US economies most often focus on the stark contrasts between market and centrally controlled systems. However, expediency in response to dynamic pressures caused the adoption of central planning in both countries. Additionally, the USSR's lackluster economic performance when wedded to Marxism caused institutional arrangements to move toward markets. After summarizing USSR's central planning experiences before 1965, its similarity to the US's wartime planning is discussed. These comparisons provide insights into the problems of moving between market and planned economies  相似文献   

Yoshikazu Takada 《Metrika》2000,52(2):163-171
A sequential point estimation of the mean of a normal distribution is considered under LINEX loss function. The regret of sequential procedures are obtained. Furthermore, it is shown that a sequential procedure with the sample mean as an estimate is asymptotically inadmissible. An accerelated stopping time is also considered. Received: December 1999  相似文献   

Consider a non-homogeneous Poisson process,N(t), with mean value functionΛ(t) and intensity functionsΛ(t). A conditional test of the hypothesis that the process is homogeneous, versus alternatives for whichΛ(t) is superadditive, was proposed by Hollander and Proschan (1974). Proposing a new test for superadditivity ofΛ(t), Kochar and Ramallingam (1989) have observed the fact that the Pitman asymptotic relative efficiency of their test with respect to the Hollander-Proschan test is unity. In order to distinguish between these competing tests, we shall compute the exact Bahadur slopes of these tests for important alternatives and demonstrate that the new test has high Bahadur efficiencies relative to the test of Hollander and Proschan.  相似文献   

Toward a Model of Organizational Co-Evolution in Transition Economies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
abstract    The paper presents a model of organization–environment co-evolution, which portrays the joint impact of organizational and environmental characteristics on organizational survival. The four organizational characteristics included in the model are: (a) control structure, (b) product strategy, (c) exchange strategy, and (d) distance to the market. The three environmental characteristics are: (a) control structures, (b) competitive structures, and (c) exchange structures. In line with the general co-evolutionary approach, the model highlights the interrelationship between micro and meso level phenomena, specifically, between firm-level adaptation and industry-level selection of organizational forms. The paper focuses on transition economies and uses the empirical evidence from these economies to illustrate the model's potential. The model, however, is sufficiently general to be applied in other organizational environments.  相似文献   

本文利用广义超越对数成本函数估计了我国国有商业银行及股份制商业银行1994—2001年的成本函数,并计算出各自的规模经济和范围经济。结果表明:国有商业银行存在规模经济而股份制商业银行存在轻微的规模不经济;国有商业银行在其传统业务(存款、贷款)上具有规模经济,在投资上具有规模不经济,股份制商业银行则相反;国有商业银行及股份制商业银行都存在总体范围经济;国有商业银行在贷款和存款上的范围经济大于在投资上的范围经济,股份制商业银行在贷款上不具有范围经济,而在投资和存款上具有显著的范围经济;国有商业银行和股份制商业银行在贷款和投资组合上都不具有成本互补性,而在贷款和存款及存款和投资组合上都具有轻微的成本互补性。针对上述检验结果,提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

Let X 1, X 2, ..., X n be a random sample from a normal distribution with unknown mean μ and known variance σ 2. In many practical situations, μ is known a priori to be restricted to a bounded interval, say [−m, m] for some m > 0. The sample mean , then, becomes an inadmissible estimator for μ. It is also not minimax with respect to the squared error loss function. Minimax and other estimators for this problem have been studied by Casella and Strawderman (Ann Stat 9:870–878, 1981), Bickel (Ann Stat 9:1301–1309, 1981) and Gatsonis et al. (Stat Prob Lett 6:21–30, 1987) etc. In this paper, we obtain some new estimators for μ. The case when the variance σ 2 is unknown is also studied and various estimators for μ are proposed. Risk performance of all estimators is numerically compared for both the cases when σ 2 may be known and unknown.  相似文献   

In this paper some tools will be developed for analysing a simple inventory problem of the slow-mover type with the special feature that the probability distribution of the demand interarrival times is unknown. The role of sufficient statistics in decision making is analysed for an arbitrary optimality criterion and particularly for the Bayesian criterion. A computational approach for the case of a Bayesian criterion is presented together with some numerical results.  相似文献   

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