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宁军明 《消费经济》2005,21(6):41-43,46
消费与环境的可持续性存在密切关系,改变消费过程已被认为是朝向可持续发展的重要步骤,消费行为及其驱动力影响可持续消费的实现。本文基于消费行为理论视角,用一个综合方法构建了一个可持续消费模型,探讨了可持续消费的本质,并指出其政策意义。  相似文献   


The percentoffarmed salmon production has grown from 20.3% of total world salmon supply in 1989 to 52.0% in 1998. This trend poses a major challenge for the wild salmon industry. The impact of the wild salmon industry's marketing programs on the demand for ocean-caught salmon needs to be addressed. This study explored the consumption and perceptions of wild and farmed salmon among college students. Results showed that salmon consumption varied noticeably within this market segment, as well as consumers' familiarity with the terms wild salmon and farmed salmon and related issues and attributes. These findings suggest that the wild salmon industry may need to place more emphasis on product differentiation awareness and promotion campaigns targeting niche markets to increase sales of ocean-caught salmon.  相似文献   

我国农村居民谨慎消费心理的成因探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
农村居民谨慎消费心理的形成,直接导致农民消费率过低,并严重影响我国总体消费水平的提高,制约了我国经济的持续增长。本文探讨了我国农村居民谨慎消费心理的形成,致使其消费率长期低于城市居民消费率的原因;提出了消除我国农村居民的谨慎消费心理,开拓农村市场的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

我国最终消费率偏低的心理成因实证分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
我国最终消费率长期偏低并持续走低,这一状况严重阻碍了我国经济增长方式的转变和社会经济的可持续发展.本文开辟了居民消费心理这一新视角来研究我国最终消费率问题,运用实证研究方法深入挖掘影响我国最终消费率的居民心理因素,并在此基础上结合我国现实情况分析了居民消费意愿不足、最终消费率偏低的心理成因,并为寻求提高最终消费率的对策措施提供全新的思路和理论依据.  相似文献   

加入WTO对我国居民消费需求和消费品市场的影响分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
宋则 《财贸经济》2001,(11):42-46
按照世界贸易组织的各项要求和中国所作承诺,大幅度、快节奏调整现有经济体制、相关政策和法律法规,定将进一步加快国内经济格局的积极变化.在这种场合顺势增进城乡居民消费、实现经济生活平稳过渡至关重要,也是中国加入世贸组织的根本原则.中国目前和今后所做的一切,最终还是要从城乡居民消费水平、生活质量是否得到明显提高来评价和体现.同时这一目标也对消费政策的调整完善提出了更高的要求,难度增大是显而易见的.从世界贸易组织一系列多边协议来看,其核心是采取低关税水平、规范非关税措施、扩大市场准入,推进各成员之间的贸易自由化.在这种场合,特别是在"入世"过渡期扩大开放,对中国城乡居民消费需求和消费品市场有五大影响.  相似文献   

居民消费、流动性约束和居民个人消费信贷的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵霞  刘彦平 《财贸经济》2006,(11):32-36
本文利用1978-2004年城镇居民人均消费支出和人均可支配收入数据对我国居民消费和流动性约束之间的关系进行了实证研究.数据分析结果表明:我国居民受流动性约束的程度明显偏高;从1999年我国大力发展居民个人消费信贷业以来,消费信贷的发展在一定程度上缓解了流动性约束的程度,促进了我国居民消费增长率的提高.  相似文献   

我国消费与投资结构的畸型化,是宏观经济结构全面失衡的一种反映和表现,其成因主要是我国生产资料生产内部(主要是重工业内部)形成了一种不依赖消费的封闭式自我循环.要解决我国的低消费问题,就必须打破这种恶性循环.调整投资与消费结构,需要进一步端正发展经济、发展生产的目的,从调整产业结构入手,解决低消费、高投资的分配结构问题,注重改善投资结构,增加直接改善和提高生活方面的投资,并着力提高投资效果.  相似文献   

This essay criticizes the romantic ethic of consumption (Campbell, 1987) from the tragic perspective (Nietzsche, 2006). By tragic, we refer to the constant tension between Apollo and Dionysius (Nietzsche, 2006, p. 47). It is suggested that the romantic ethic of consumption, which orders our existence, is associated with Apollonian ideals, thus, creating a protective and individuating illusion against the chaotic, the amorphous, and the contradictory—characteristics associated with the Dionysian. What has been considered as the romantic-Apollonian ethic of consumption promises to satiate our desires (Campbell, 2006), even though this is not possible since incompleteness is inherent to the individual (Freud, 1996, 1997). This ethic may prove frustrating for some consumers since the satiation of wills has a transient effect and the individual therefore remains in a state of desire. In cases like these, an alternative to the romantic meaning would be the adoption of a tragic conception of consumption, a conception consubstantiated in the knowledge of its uselessness as a strategy to recover a lost completeness. Thus, this article describes the figure of the tragic consumer, the one who knows the chaotic side of the act of consuming, but who reaffirms his or her will, either consuming—since he perceives that there is no escape from the logic imposed by consumption—or by choosing to abandon specific categories of goods that do not respond to the reiteration of his will. As a practical instance for the development of this critique, we have reflected on the phenomenon of category abandonment (Suarez & Chauvel, 2012).  相似文献   

消费信贷对消费需求的影响效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林晓楠 《财贸经济》2006,(11):27-31
本文选取中国和美国1990-2004年消费信贷与居民消费的数据,对消费信贷对消费需求的影响效应进行分析比较,结果表明,在现阶段,由于我国经济改革造成的不确定性预期增强、居民贫富差距扩大及消费的挤出效应等原因,消费信贷对居民消费的刺激作用很不显著.扩大消费需求的根本举措在于提高居民收入水平,减少收入差距,完善社会保障体系.  相似文献   

<正>我国改革开放30多年来,国民经济综合实力有了很大提高,国民经济快速发展,国民生产总值自1978年的3645.2亿元,人均381元发展到2008年的300670亿元,人均22648元;城乡居民储蓄存款余额由1978年末的210.6亿元增长到2008年末的217885亿元,国家财力和国民财富大幅度提高,进入"民富国强"发展时期。  相似文献   

Malaysia is currently enjoying an economic revival, resulting in a rising per capita income and an increasing urban population. There are consumers whose taste buds have become more accustomed to international cuisines, including meaty Western food, to satisfy their quest for diversity in their new lifestyles. This group of consumers in Malaysia plays an important role in shaping the rising trend in the consumption of meat products, and this changing attitude calls for empirical research to clarify factors shaping it. The results also indicate that there are three factors (attributes of beef cuts, quality and safety, and the variety of Malaysian dishes) that greatly influence the preference for beef consumers toward their consumption of beef cuts. It was also determined that four factors that influenced the preference for non-beef consumers are price of beef cuts, lifestyle, risk associated with beef cuts consumption, taste, and preferences influencing non-beef consumers.  相似文献   

A statistical test is applied to explore the possibility that children can affect the efficiency with which parents consume. Parents may receive some economic benefits from children in the form of reverse integenerational transfers that occur because of a positive influence children have on family behavior. Results show that not only do children have an influence on parental consumption, but also that the influence is beneficial. In fact, not accounting for such a benefit could cause an underestimate in such measures as the rate of return to education or the benefits from such governmental programs as Head Start.  相似文献   

We present new evidence that existing, but long-ignored, measures of consumer sentiment can reduce errors in forecasting total consumption expenditures and its components. The component questions of the aggregate Index of Consumer Sentiment improve forecasts, not only of consumer expenditures on durables but also on non-durables and services. Empirical studies have historically focused on whether consumer sentiment improves one-quarterahead forecasts of consumer expenditures. In fact, we document that measures of consumer sentiment are especially predictive at the longer, four-quarter-ahead horizon. In addition, they typically contribute at least as much to one-quarter-ahead and four-quarter-ahead forecasts of consumption as do income and wealth variables. Out-ofsample forecasts for the 2000-2005 period further substantiate that measures of consumer sentiment can reduce consumption forecasting errors appreciably. JEL Classification C53,E21  相似文献   

黄爱华 《消费经济》2002,18(4):58-61
"消费社会认为,不断增长的消费即意味着个人对幸福的追求.……人们现在根据所消费的商品和劳务的质量和数量来判断一个人的地位、价值和成功."…上述观念在以前决不会产生共鸣.因为,传统思维不知怎么总是囿于"重生产,轻消费"的定式.  相似文献   

市场经济就是一种契约经济,消费者和生产经营者者之间的交易关系本质上就是一种契约关系,消费者权益也都是通过消费契约来界定的.但消费契约又是不完全的,通过消费契约对消费者权利的界定也就不可能是完全的。对于契约(明确的和默认的契约)已经界定的权利来说,消费者权益保护的中心就是契约的有效履行问题;对于契约没有界定的权利来说,消费者权益保护问题的关键就是剩余权利公正合理地配置问题。  相似文献   

Despite steady improvement in product quality and values, consumer complaints and demands for protective legislation are more common than before. The rising expectations of consumers are a main cause of consumer irritation, and exaggerated promotional information contributes to these rising expectations. The remedy for consumer dissatisfaction is to narrow the gap between consumer expectancy and perceived product performance, primarily by reducing exaggerated expectancy. More careful and thorough monitoring of consumer satisfaction levels can help reduce consumer dissatisfaction. Three guidelines are suggested for dealing with discrepancies between consumer expectancy and product performance.  相似文献   

While the broad and growing sector of leisure, culture and entertainment is rapidly adapting to marketing, little is known about segmentation in this field. The sector has customer and transaction databases of very good quality, but usage-based segmentation in this new field poses new problems, as hedonic consumption goods are importantly different from other consumption goods. The type of consumer choice behavior suggested in the literature demands a segmentation of category purchase incidence identified transaction data based on Latent Class Analysis. We illustrate such an approach to a library transaction database. The article concludes with a reflection on the results and suggests further directions for research.  相似文献   

城乡消费二元结构及其加剧的原因分析   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
由消费二元结构模型的分析看出:消费二元结构“加剧”是城乡群体对私人消费和公共消费占有的差距拉大过程。中国城乡居民的消费量和消费设施都处于“不对称”状态。其形成和“加剧”的原因是传统宗法体系的封闭性与农民消费观念的惰性、亲城市消费的经济体制与劳动力流动的“藩篱阻断”以及土地制度下政府“经纪人”造成的农民利益缺失,它们归结为制度问题。应进行有关制度安排的总体设计,逐步完成消费二元结构的转换。  相似文献   

许永兵 《财贸经济》2005,(12):52-54
本文运用因子分解法找出了决定居民消费率的两个基本因素:居民总收入占国内生产总值的比重和居民平均消费倾向.进一步的分析表明居民平均消费倾向下降是居民消费率下降的主因.还对居民消费率下降原因的几种流行观点:投资率过高论、居民收入增长滞后论和收入分配差距扩大论进行了评析.  相似文献   

In this paper, an attempt is made to define the scope of the various subdisciplines of consumer studies. The topical relationships between these subdisciplines are also explored. From this basis, a framework is developed for investigating consumer issues and related policy questions.  相似文献   

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