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经济全球化将是市场经济的经济 规则推向了全球范围,但同时,也将市 场经济内在的基本矛盾,劳资矛盾,播 向世界各地。如何协调和解决这一矛 盾,已经成为各国经济和社会发展所 面临的最为突出的问题之一。与此同 时,作为缓和协调劳资矛盾的手段之 一的企业社会责任运动,也从欧美兴 起并开始进入中国。如何评价、把握和 应对这一运动,是中国入世后必须要 面对的问题。本文拟对于企业社会责 任运动发起的缘由、性质、社会意义, 以及我国对于这一运动应该采取的对 策等,作一初步的研究分析。  相似文献   

在我国,市场经济体制不完善,法律体系与经济发展不相配,存在企业社会责任缺失的问题。在国内、国外引起广泛的关注。文章对此现象进行了分析并提出了对策。  相似文献   

一、关于企业社会责任的不同学派 企业是否应承但社会责任?承担到何种程度?承担社会责任与企业的自身发展有着什么样的关系?  相似文献   

在现代社会.无论企业大小,它从创建的那一天开始。就会确立自己的发展目标.那就是创造利润。追求价值最大化。从而创造社会财富.这是企业最根本的使命。  相似文献   

文章从企业内部环境和外部环境角度论述影响企业发展的因素以及企业在发展过程中企业承担的社会责任,从企业长期发展的角度来探讨企业承担社会责任对企业发展的影响。认为社会责任就是企业对其利益相关者承担责任,即要关注并维护企业利益相关者的利益,在发展时企业要处理好内外环境的关系,来促进企业更好的发展。  相似文献   

兴起于西方的企业社会责任运动已对我国产生了影响,并引起广泛关注,对此需要正确认识。企业社会责任运动本身并非贸易壁垒,也未提出过高要求,其推行对宏观经济利大于弊,政府应积极介入标准的实施与监督  相似文献   

陈清 《企业经济》2005,(3):10-11
追求经济利益曾经是所有企业的惟一目标。但随着企业社会责任运动在全球的广泛开展,企业被要求在合法获取利润的同时承担相应的社会责任。本文概要地介绍了企业社会责任运动的兴起及具体体现,分析了我国在企业社会责任方面的成绩及缺失,并对加强我国企业社会责任提出建设性的意见。  相似文献   

企业需要付出一定的成本来履行社会责任。这似乎与企业存在的目的是相矛盾的。基于从利益相关者理论和企业资源理论两个视角的辨析,本文认为,企业社会责任的履行与战略性和谐发展的关系并不是此消彼长而是相辅相成的,文章从企业战略管理的角度对如何履行社会责任提出了建议。  相似文献   

本文描述了企业社会责任的概念和内涵,以及企业社会责任在中国的发展新趋势,并根据企业社会责任运动兴起的国际经验提出了推进企业社会责任运动的若干对策。  相似文献   

2007年3月10日,国家电网公司首次对外发布企业社会责任报告,这是我国大型中央企业对外正式发布的第一份社会责任报告.  相似文献   

企业是社会的一个有机组成部分,赢利的企业在多种意义上向社会做出贡献,他们在现行立法规定的范围之内富于效益的运作,不仅自己创造工作机会,还使其分包商创造工作机会,提供满足消费者需求的产品和服务,并通过缴税资助社会公共福利。然而,在越来越多的场合下,这些企业却被公众期待着能够担负起更广泛的社会责任,对于跨国公司则更为如此。因为社会责任是有关于公司在较为广泛的社会范畴中的一个概念,  相似文献   

从"耐克案"看"企业社会责任"运动的兴起   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
众所周知,耐克是一家制造并销售运动鞋和运动服饰的美国跨国公司,其产品大多数是由转包商在中国、越南、印尼等地制造,生产工人大多数是年龄在24周岁以下的女工。  相似文献   

Corporate social responsibility and economic performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe some perspectives on corporate social responsibility (CSR), in order to provide a context for considering the strategic motivations and implications of CSR. Based on this framework, which is based on characterizing optimal firm decision-making and underlies most existing work on CSR, we propose an agenda for further theoretical and empirical research on CSR. We then summarize and relate the articles in this special issue to the proposed agenda.  相似文献   

This study examines the association between board internationalization and firms’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance in China during 2009–2019. Using a large dataset of director nationalities and CSR scores, we find that foreign directors promote CSR performance as evidenced by higher CSR scores. We further document that this relationship is more pronounced among government-controlled firms, firms with better corporate governance, and firms operating under stricter institutional environments. These findings remain valid after sequential robustness checks. Overall, our findings imply that foreign directors motivate the board of directors and their firms to actively pursue and practice social responsibility. Our study enriches the literature on the outcomes of board internationalization and determinants of CSR and provides the internationalization of corporate governance mechanisms a reasonable basis.  相似文献   

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a mainstream business practice, attracting broad attention from business, consumers, academics, and policymakers, leading firms to account for the social and environmental footprints of their activities. The aim of this paper is to present recent advances on CSR, regarding its incentives and its market and societal effects. The analytical approaches surveyed highlight various ways through which CSR creates value for firms and stakeholders. The paper looks on the CSR of multinational enterprises as well and concludes with issues related to international initiatives for the inclusion of CSR in policy agendas towards sustainable development.  相似文献   

In a duopoly in which firms universally engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities, this paper shows that, in contrast to the main tenet of the received managerial delegation literature, if the CSR sensitivity is sufficiently high: (a) when both firms delegate output decisions to managers, at the equilibrium profit (resp. consumer welfare) is higher (resp. lower) than when firms are pure CSR; (b) in a managerial delegation game, asymmetric multiple subgame perfect Nash equilibria emerge in which one firm delegates and the rival does not. These results hold under both the “sales delegation” and “relative profits” manager's bonus schemes.  相似文献   

企业社会责任与企业伦理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
企业社会责任标准(SA8000)是一种国际上新兴的企业认证体系,它是1997年8月由美国国际标准化组织经济优先认可委员会(CEPAA)所制定的国际标准。SA8000的含义是Social Accountability 8000的英文简称。SA8000标准取自于国际劳工组织公约、国际人权宣言、关于儿童权利的联合国公约和联合国消除一切形式歧视妇女行为公约。  相似文献   

This article investigates corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices while taking into account their product substitutability and environmental responsibility. CSR firms, integrating environmental and social concerns into its business operations, are introduced. The effects of the firms' social concerns, environmental responsibility, and product substitutability are all captured. First, firms' social concerns improve both outputs and CSR firms' objective function value, while reducing the profit maximization firm's profits. Second, environmental responsibility has the contrary effects. Both the outputs and the objective function values of both firms decrease with their product substitutability. Finally, social concern effects on CSR firms' performance are uncertain.  相似文献   

构建社会主义和谐社会涉及到各个社会组织的社会责任,其中企业的社会责任在整个社会组织的责任体系中占有重要地位,发挥着重要作用。文章从企业社会责任的概念和内容出发,分析了我国企业履行社会责任的现状并提出加强企业履行社会责任的对策,从而为建设我国社会主义和谐社会做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

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