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欧元区失业率通胀率稳定显示经济向好趋势按照欧盟统计局7月31日发布的数据,欧元区17国6月份失业率为12.1%,与5月份持平。同时,欧盟28国失业率为10.9%,与5月份的11.0%相比略有下降,这也是欧盟失业率2011年以来首次下降。  相似文献   

本文研究媒体报道对通胀预期的影响以及预期对现实通货膨胀的驱动效应。文章根据发行量排名、影响力和覆盖范围选取媒体库并计算相关媒体报道的量化指标,通过调查数据获得现实中公众对未来的通胀预期,进而检验媒体报道是否对公众预期通胀率具有显著影响。文章还进一步构建了基于微观基础的新凯恩斯菲利普斯曲线模型,用以考察通胀预期对现实通胀率的驱动效应。研究结果表明,中国的媒体舆论显著驱动公众预期,媒体舆论对公众预期变化的解释程度接近30%;单份报刊每增加1篇关于物价上涨的相关报道,公众预期通胀率会上升0.1%~0.2%;同时,公众预期又对现实通胀率具有显著驱动效应,公众预期通胀率每上升1%,现实通胀率上升0.3%~0.7%。因此,我国存在着从媒体报道到公众预期再到现实通货膨胀的传导机制。  相似文献   

本文以欧元区的数据为例,基于宏观经济学和期限结构动力学的组合模型,估算了通胀风险溢价的大小和力度.名义收益率和与物价指数挂钩的收益卒等相关数据都被用在了实证分析中.我们的结论指出,欧元区收益曲线中的溢价大部分反映了真实的风险,即会影响到名义债券和指数挂钩债券回报的风险.在欧洲货币联盟时期,通胀风险溢价通常是可以忽略的,偶尔会有取决于统计上的重要性的小波动存在(2004-2006).原始均衡通胀率的波动看起来已经足以反映通胀风险溢价中的这些变动,然而长期通胀预期自1999年至今仍然保持着明显的固定状态.  相似文献   

杨晓龙  岳海峰 《经济师》2014,(11):92-93
文章从贸易效应、资本流动效应、财政扩张效应以及欧债危机等四个方面,回顾欧元区货币一体化效应的研究,并对文献进行了述评。在文献回顾的基础上,进一步提出欧债危机的五点反思与启示,包括:缩小欧元区国家之间的技术水平差异,提高经济发展水平较低国家的技术水平;改革欧元区国家的劳动力市场;重视欧元区内的贸易不平衡问题;缩小欧元区的经济发展水平差异;建立财政联盟或希腊等国家退出欧元区。  相似文献   

陈建奇  张原 《经济评论》2015,(2):138-148
欧元区宏观政策溢出效应的评估对于保障全球经济健康发展尤其重要,对此,本文通过构建溢出效应理论分析框架,并且结合美国、英国、欧元区、中国和日本五个系统重要性经济体的经验数据进行实证分析。研究表明,基于各系统重要性经济体与欧元区不同的产业结构和经济联系,欧元区宏观政策产生不同的溢出效应。促进欧元区经济增长的扩张性宏观政策的实施,将促使欧元区对与其具有相似产业结构的美英等国产生负向溢出效应。而中国与欧元区由于处于产业链的不同阶段而具有互补性,欧元区扩张性宏观政策对中国经济产生正向溢出效应。欧元区自金融危机以来采取的扩张性财政政策及债务危机后滋生的内生性财政整顿需求,促使欧元区宏观政策溢出效应呈现复杂性和不确定性,在此背景下,各国亟待加强宏观政策的国际协调,加快构建兼顾溢出效应的开放政策体系。  相似文献   

赵永升 《经济》2014,(6):54-55
正根据欧盟各成员国公布的经济数据来看,欧元区一季度的GDP增长远低于预期值。而通胀率依旧处在不到一个百分点的"险区",尽管4月份略有回升,欧盟主要成员国的经济业绩也参差不齐,显示出较高的"异质性":德国还是老大,一如既往地推动  相似文献   

本文利用动态面板平滑转换模型,发现我国通胀率对经济增长存在非线性门槛效应。从东部、中部和西部来看,其门槛值依次上升,但通胀率对经济增长的影响速度却依次下降。在通胀率较低时,无论是当年还是上年通胀率,对经济增长都有促进作用;但随着通胀率的上升,虽然当年通胀率对经济还具有一定的促进作用,但上年通胀率对经济增长开始呈现较大的负向作用,两者间表现为左高右低非对称的“U”形。另外,经济增长的可持续在一定程度上也受通胀率的影响,并在东部、中部和西部表现出不同的特征。因此,央行应致力于降低通胀率来促进经济增长,并根据区域情况不同实施差异化的货币政策。  相似文献   

人民币双边汇率与我国贸易收支关系的实证研究:1997-2004   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
本文的目的在于研究中国和主要贸易伙伴国之间双边汇率与进出口之间的关系,着重考察汇率和进出口之间是否存在长期稳定关系、马歇尔-勒纳条件是否成立以及是否存在J-曲线效应。作者利用中国1997—、2004年实际汇率波动与双边贸易关系进行研究发现,各国之间存在较大的差异。协整检验表明中国与美国、加拿大、韩国、欧元区国家和马来西亚五个经济体的贸易收支和实际汇率之间存在长期稳定关系,而与日本和英国之间却不存在。研究结果还表明马歇尔-勒纳条件只在中国和美国、欧元区国家之间成立。一般脉冲响应函数检验贸易收支对实际汇率冲击的反应,发现中国和美国、欧元区国家的贸易之间存在J-曲线效应。  相似文献   

欧元作为一种新兴世界货币既在全球经济中发挥日益重要的作用,也是人民币汇率形成机制中的重要权重货币,由于欧盟是中国最大的贸易伙伴,故欧元兑人民币实际汇率变动对中欧贸易平衡产生重要影响。本文采用1999—2008年间欧元兑人民币汇率数据和中国与欧元区贸易季度数据构建VAR模型,并运用单位根检验、协整检验和脉冲响应函数的分析方法对欧元汇率变动对中欧贸易相对差额的影响进行实证分析。结果表明,人民币兑欧元的贬值初期会引起中国对欧元区贸易收支的短期恶化,但经过一段时间后由于我国对欧元区出口数量增加,贸易盈余趋于稳定,中国对欧元区贸易存在汇率贬值的"J曲线效应"。  相似文献   

杨晓龙  姜冉 《经济师》2014,(6):81-84
首先构建货币一体化财政扩张效应的理论分析框架,然后对财政扩张效应的宏观影响因素进行实证研究,最后给出政策建议。研究结果表明,第一,当欧洲中央银行的目标和欧元区各成员国的目标不一致时,各成员国倾向于采取扩张性的财政政策。第二,人均GDP差异越大,欧元区国家越会采取扩张的财政政策。第三,劳动力市场僵化会加剧财政扩张,且劳动力僵化与人均GDP差异之间存在交互效应。第四,储蓄率与财政扩张负相关,人口老龄化与财政扩张正相关,但系数均不显著。  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce two new definitions of pair-wise and multi-wise similarity between short-run dynamics of inflation rates in terms of equality of forecast functions and show that in the context of invertible ARIMA processes the autoregressive metric introduced by Piccolo (1990) is a useful measure to evaluate such similarity. Then, we study the similarity of short-run inflation dynamics across European Union (EU)-25 Member States during the Euro period. Consistent with studies on inflation differentials and inflation persistence, our findings suggest that after seven years from the launch of the Euro the degree of similarity of short-run inflation dynamics across Euro area countries is still weak. By contrast, we find that EU countries not adopting the common currency, whether old EU or new accession Members, display a higher degree of inflation dynamics similarity both among each other and with Euro area countries.  相似文献   

This paper provides new evidence on inflation persistence before and after the European Monetary Union (EMU). Taking into account fractional integration of inflation, we confirm that inflation dynamics differed considerably across Euro area countries before the start of EMU. Since 1999, however, results obtained from panel estimation indicate that the degree of long run inflation persistence has converged. In line with theoretical predictions, we find that the persistence of inflation has significantly decreased in the Euro area, probably as a result of the more effective monetary policy of the ECB.  相似文献   

We examine the macroeconomic effects of different types of oil shocks and the oil transmission mechanism in the Euro area. A comparison is made with the US and across individual member countries. First, we find that the underlying source of the oil price shift is crucial to determine the repercussions on the economy and the appropriate monetary policy reaction. Second, the transmission mechanism is considerably different compared to the US. In particular, inflationary effects in the US are mainly driven by a strong direct pass-through of rising energy prices and indirect effects of higher production costs. In contrast, Euro area inflation reacts sluggishly and is much more driven by second-round effects of increasing wages. The monetary policy reaction of the ECB to oil shocks is also strikingly different compared to the FED. The inflation objective, relative to the output stabilization objective, appears more important for Euro area monetary authorities than for the FED. Third, there are substantial asymmetries across member countries. These differences are due to different labour market dynamics which are further aggravated by a common monetary policy stance which does not fit all.
--- Gert Peersman and Ine Van Robays  相似文献   

Su Zhou 《Applied economics》2013,45(7):849-856
Earlier studies hardly reject the hypothesis of a unit root in inflation. Few studies have examined the possibility of nonlinearity in inflation and tested nonlinear stationarity of the inflation rates. This study thus intends to fill the gap. This study utilizes the tests for nonlinearity along with the unit root tests that allow for nonlinearity in the variables to examine the stationarity of inflation rates of 12 European countries that formed the Euro Zone (EZ) later in the sample period. The results suggest that the majority of these countries’ inflation rates can be characterized by mean reversion during the floating exchange rate period. Many of them appear to be nonlinear stationary. This finding is essential in conducting applied economic studies for these countries, when constructing models whose validity relies on whether or not inflation is stationary. The results of this study also imply that shocks to inflation have a transitory effect on inflation in the euro area. Therefore, it would be less costly in exercising the policies of disinflation for the monetary authorities of the euro area than for those of the countries with nonstationary inflation.  相似文献   

We examine the process of inflation transmission among GIIPS countries (Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain) and Germany. Our findings suggest that inflation spillovers have increased since 2001. We also find that peripheral economies are (dis‐)inflation transmitters to the core. This finding is significant for policy formulation, given the very low inflation environment that currently exists in the Euro area and the macroeconomic implications that arise from this.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the issue of convergence in the original Euro Area countries, and assesses the effect of the global financial crisis on the process of convergence. In particular, we consider whether the global financial crisis pulled the 12 economies of the Euro Area together or pushed them apart. We investigate the dynamics of stochastic convergence of the original Euro Area countries for inflation rates, nominal interest rates, and real interest rates. We test for convergence relative to Germany, taken as the benchmark for core EU standards, using monthly data over the period January 2001 to September 2010. We examine, in a time-series framework, three different profiles of the convergence process: linear convergence, nonlinear convergence, and linear segmented convergence. Our findings both contradict and support convergence. Stochastic convergence implies the rejection of a unit root in the inflation rate, nominal interest rate, and real interest rate differentials. We find that the differentials are consistent with a unit-root hypothesis when the alternative hypothesis is a stationary process with a linear trend. We frequently, but not always, reject the unit-root hypothesis when the alternative is a stationary process with a broken trend. We also note that the current financial crisis plays a significant role in dating the breaks.  相似文献   

We evaluate the performance of composite leading indicators of turning points of inflation in the Euro area, constructed by combining the techniques of Fourier analysis and Kalman filters with the National Bureau of Economic Research methodology. In addition, the study compares the empirical performance of Euro Simple Sum and Divisia monetary aggregates and provides a tentative answer to the issue of whether or not the UK should join the Euro area. Our findings suggest that, first, the cyclical pattern of the different composite leading indicators very closely reflect that of the inflation cycle for the Euro area; second, the empirical performance of the Euro Divisia is better than its Simple Sum counterpart and third, the UK is better out of the Euro area.  相似文献   

To converge or not converge: unit labor cost inflation in the Euro area   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article, convergence of unit labor cost (ULC) inflation within the Euro area is tested by means of panel unit root tests. To account for the small cross-sectional dimension, cross-sectional dependence of model innovations and time varying volatility, wild bootstrap critical values are employed for inference. Convergence is tested separately for pre- and post-Euro introduction subperiods. Moreover, we identify particular economies that are characterized by diverging ULC inflation after the introduction of the Euro. While the German economy is characterized by ULC inflation which is persistently below the sample average, Spain and Italy have suffered sustained losses of price competitiveness against their trading partners within the Euro area. ULC inflation in Finland, France, and Ireland can be classified as neutral with respect to relative competitive positions.  相似文献   

Calvo-style models of nominal rigidities currently provide the dominant paradigm for understanding the linkages between wage and price dynamics. Recent empirical implementations stress the idea that these models link inflation to the behavior of the labor share of income. Ga?´ et al. (2001) argue that the model explains the combination of declining inflation and labor shares in Euro area. In this paper, we show that with realistic parameters, the canonical Calvo-style model cannot explain the joint behavior of inflation and the labor share in Europe. In addition, we show that the model fails very badly in sectoral data with consistently negative estimated coefficients on the labor share in a number of different inflation specifications. Indeed, the use of a traditional output gap measure proved more successful in terms of a positive relationship with inflation.  相似文献   

Building on prospect theory, we apply the concept of loss aversion to the formation of inflation perceptions and test empirically for nonlinearities in the inflation-perceptions relation for a panel of 10 Euro area countries. Specifically, under the assumption of loss aversion, inflation changes above a certain reference rate will be perceived more strongly. Rejecting rationality of inflation perceptions in general under symmetric loss and in a majority of cases under flexible loss functions, panel smooth transition models give evidence of nonlinearities in the inflation-perceptions relation regarding both actual inflation and time. This result is confirmed by dynamic fixed effects estimates, where the slope of the estimated value function is significantly steeper in the loss region and the implied average reference inflation rate is found close to 2%.  相似文献   

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