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我国是属于自然灾害多发的国家,但由于保险市场与资本市场相对落后,目前对于巨灾的管理仍然主要依靠政府事后的财政拨款与民间捐赠。本文借鉴并改进了国内外相关研究结论,构建了由保险市场、资本市场以及政府所组成的巨灾风险分担模型。在该模型的基础上,以熵测度为准则,设计了一种有政府参与的混合巨灾债券,这种债券是传统的简单巨灾债券与...  相似文献   

从行为经济学视角看巨灾保险市场失灵及矫正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着巨灾风险的不断加剧,巨灾保险需求不断增加,而巨灾保险供给却远远不足。对于巨灾保险供给市场的失灵,传统经济学理论一般从信息不对称的角度来进行解释,但信息不对称问题对巨灾保险市场的影响似乎并不大。因此,本文从行为经济学的视角来进行考察,认为巨灾保险市场  相似文献   

巨灾风险管理基金的重要作用 巨灾风险管理基金是以金融保险产品为载体,由政府、资本市场、保险市场等多方主体共同参与,用于分散风险与承担巨灾损失的专项资金。该基金作为巨灾风险市场化、社会化的资源整合平台,是一种巨灾发生前实施积累、发生后用于经济损失补偿的灾前融资新型制度,能够把保险市场和资本市场有机结合起来,  相似文献   

传统的商业保险方式并不适合对地震巨灾风险的转移和分散,商业保险在地震巨灾面前显现出市场失灵。基于地震风险管理的公共物品属性,地震保险在我国不应完全依赖市场化的商业保险机,地震风险管理应发展成国家支持的政策性业务,使政府供给与私人供给相结合。  相似文献   

在我国,农业遭受的自然灾害较为严重,灾害种类多样,受灾范围广泛,其中带来的损失十分严重的灾害主要是地震、洪水、台风这三类巨灾.但是目前我国尚未建立起有效的农业巨灾损失补偿机制,通过建立农业巨灾保险体系箭在弦上.农业巨灾保险对保护广大农民的利益,维持国家经济稳定有着积极的作用.但是我国农业巨灾保险还存在着有效需求不足,立法不完善,政府财政补贴不足,保险市场与再保险市场不完善等问题.本文认为我国可以建立以政府为主导政府和市场相结合的中国农业巨灾保险模式,同时可以加强立法,增加政府财政支持,建立农业巨灾保险基金,研究农业巨灾保险资本产品,促使农业巨灾再保险市场的大力发展,这样可以促进农业巨灾保险在我国的发展与完善.  相似文献   

政府干预巨灾保险市场的研究述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
何小伟 《保险研究》2009,(12):115-120
本文总结了国外学术界对政府干预巨灾保险市场这一领域的研究成果,集中探讨了政府干预巨灾保险市场的背景、政府是否应当干预巨灾保险市场、政府应该怎样干预巨灾保险市场这三个问题,并对未来的研究方向略做了展望。  相似文献   

王飞 《海南金融》2014,(10):19-22
巨灾债券沟通保险市场与资本市场,利用资本市场雄厚的资金实力来弥补再保险市场承保能力的不足。巨灾债券在我国尚属空白,税收制度的不完善是重要原因之一。我国应在深入分析巨灾债券的交易结构与本质属性的基础上,以巨灾债券的税收理念为指导,建立巨灾债券税收制度,以促进金融创新,增加巨灾保险供给。  相似文献   

巨灾造成的损失巨大,一次巨灾的发生,往往给所在地区带来毁灭性的打击,单纯依靠传统保险和再保险已经难以承受巨灾带来的损失赔偿.而资本市场的资金量远远大于保险市场,其巨大的储备可以为巨灾风险的分散和转移提供充足的资金支持.因此,如何将巨灾风险分散和转移到资本市场成为近年来的研究热点.“侧挂车”是国际保险市场最新兴起的创新性巨灾风险管理工具之一.作为对(再)保险和巨灾债权的有力补充,“侧挂车”的出现,为保险业借助资本市场来进行融资提供了有力支持,极大地拓宽了(再)保险公司的风险转移渠道,提高了(再)保险公司的承保能力.  相似文献   

面对我国巨灾风险发生频繁与损失巨大、且巨灾风险融资落后的客观现实,迫切呼唤建立与发展多视角、多层次、整合性的巨灾风险融资方式,构建中国特色的巨灾风险融资体系。本文以巨灾风险融资与巨灾风险管理之间的关系为切入点,就巨灾风险融资的主要模式进行比较,研究结果显示分散性的巨灾风险融资模式融资手段单一,融资策略运用不足且缺乏计划性,进而导致整体融资效率低下。基于此,本文提出构建融合保险市场、资本市场和政府、自保及社会捐赠的整合性巨灾风险管理融资模式,并进行了理论分析和实证检验。  相似文献   

立足于公共产品的基本特征,本文得出巨灾保险是一种具有非竞争性和排他性特征的准公共产品,并有着明显的正外部性。从各国巨灾保险的实践来看,巨灾保险正外部性的发挥会受到供给和需求两方面因素的制约。其中,供给方面的制约因素使得人们"买不到"和"买不起"巨灾保险,而需求方面的制约因素使得人们"不愿买"巨灾保险。因此,要想更好地发挥巨灾保险的正外部性,就需要政府干预巨灾保险市场从而克服各种制约因素。  相似文献   

森林保险作为集体林权制度改革的一项重要配套改革内容.已经成为集体林权改革能否顺利推进、林业发展能否持续的关键。森林保险准公共物品属性导致的“市场失灵”,和林业生产经营者对于森林保险这一公共服务的需求差异性导致的“政府失灵”,决定了单一地由商业机构或政府来提供森林保险都存在弊端。所以,引入PPP模式,于适当的时机建立相对独立的“森林保险计划”,探索构建全国森林巨灾/大灾风险准备金支持下的、政府制定规则并进行监管和协助、利用商业保险公司的服务网络以及风险管理技术经办、按省进行保费统筹的公私合营森林保险模式,有利于解决森林保险的健康可持续发展问题。  相似文献   

U.S. insurers are heavily dependent on global reinsurance markets to enable them to provide adequate primary market insurance coverage. This article reviews the response of the world's reinsurance industry to recent mega-catastrophes and provides recommendations for regulatory reforms that would improve the efficiency of reinsurance markets. The article also considers the supply of insurance and reinsurance for terrorism and makes recommendations for joint public–private responses to insuring terrorism losses. The analysis shows that reinsurance markets responded efficiently to recent catastrophe losses and that substantial amounts of new capital enter the reinsurance industry very quickly following major catastrophic events. Considerable progress has been made in improving risk and exposure management, capital allocation, and rate of return targeting. Insurance price regulation for catastrophe-prone lines of business is a major source of inefficiency in insurance and reinsurance markets. Deregulation of insurance prices would improve the efficiency of insurance markets, enabling markets to deal more effectively with mega-catastrophes. The current inadequacy of the private terrorism reinsurance market suggests that the federal government may need to remain involved in this market, at least for the next several years.  相似文献   

本文从国际经验借鉴的角度,根据基本医疗保险体系中的商业参与程度,选取了瑞士、澳大利亚和日本三个国家,对其基本医疗保险体系的特点和商业参与方式进行了阐述和总结。商业参与基本医疗保险这一公共物品的供给,是社会经济发展的必然,也是政府与市场的共同选择。当前,我国需要处理好政府部门与商保机构的衔接和职能分工,以提高基金运行效率、并维护参保者的合法权益。  相似文献   

In this article insurance is considered as a means for allocating terrorism risk. After September 11th, 2001 several countries, among them Germany, Great Britain, and the United States, have intervened on the markets for terrorism insurance. In Germany a primary insurance company was founded by the government and private insurers to supply cover for this peril. Using a full dataset of the demand for terrorism insurance this paper provides an evaluation of the intervention on the market for terrorism insurance in Germany. The results derived are then used to suggest ways to improve the allocation of terrorism risk in Germany.  相似文献   

This article reviews the growing literature on the market for private long-term care insurance, a market notable for its small size despite the fact that long-term care expenses are potentially large and highly uncertain. After summarizing long-term care utilization and insurance coverage in the United States, the article reviews research on the supply of and the demand for private long-term care insurance. It concludes that demand-side factors impose important limits on the size of the private market and that we currently have a limited understanding of how public policies could be designed to encourage the growth of this market.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the supply side of the private German long term care insurance market. It compares loads and comprehensiveness of subsidized and unsubsidized insurance policies for three age groups. The results show that subsidized insurance policies are less comprehensive than unsubsidized insurance policies. In addition the premiums of subsidized policies are marked up substantially above expected benefits compared to unsubsidized policies. All in all these results indicate market failure due to adverse selection within the subsidized private long term care insurance market. Furthermore, the results show that due to unisex pricing, private long term care policies are in general more attractive to women than to men. As this is not reflected in demand, other factors than supply side failure seem to contribute to an overall low demand for private long term care insurance policies.  相似文献   

农业保险属性与政府补贴理论探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作为准公共物品的农业保险的外部性导致市场机制不能对农业保险资源进行有效配置,保障农业保险的有效供求,从而导致我国农业保险目前的发展困境。农业保险市场机制失灵为政府干预,建立政府补贴型的政策型农业保险制度提供了理论依据,但过度的政府干预和高额政策补贴不仅不能解决市场失灵,反而会产生一系列的负面效应,扭曲市场机制的资源配置功能,降低资源配置效率。因而单纯地依靠市场机制的自发作用或政府干预都不能有效解决目前我国农业保险所面临的问题,关键还在于能否有效地把市场调节和政府干预有机地结合起来,合理界定两者的关系,使二者能达到最优配置,更加公平并富有效率。  相似文献   

The privatization of social services is being increasingly discussed. The market of social services is often characterized by market failures, like informational asymmetries, externalities, distributional problems, which all justify public intervention. But the quality of services provided by public authorities or by private insurers in the context of health insurance is different and could be observable. The public reimbursement of health care is often conditional on rules, like the choice of the physician or the hospital, that induce a disutility of using social insurance instead of private insurance. An alternative solution to a complete privatization is to allow some individuals to opt out. We can imagine that the government allows and even in some cases favors part of the population leaving the public health insurance system. We analyze the situations where the opting out is welfare improving. We then study the optimal policy depending on the characteristics of the economy considering a Rawlsian criterion.  相似文献   

赵斌  宁婕 《保险研究》2011,(10):30-38
新医改提出政府向商业健康保险公司购买医疗保障管理服务的思路,为私营医疗保险市场的进一步发展提供了政策支持。但医改方案公布后,除人保健康进入这一市场外,其他公司仍举旗观望,提供该类服务的公司寥寥无几。这一困境出现的原因是保险机构对政府购买经办服务政策下,相关产品组合的盈利模式缺乏认识。对可得的有限数据进行分析,期望总结中...  相似文献   

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