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中原乙烯碳4工程获批复 河南省中原乙烯50 kt/a混合碳4以上深加工综合利用工程项目,近日获中国石油化工集团公司正式批复,即将开工。 该工程是以现有副产品混合碳4资源生产丁烯-1供聚乙烯装置作共聚单体,替代现有乙烯双聚制丁烯-1装置,建设规模为50 kt/a,主要包括丁二烯选择加氢单元、异丁烯醚  相似文献   

丁烯齐聚后的产物可以作为重要的化工原料,并可进一步生产精细化工产品,采用反应和精馏耦合工艺,既能强化精馏过程,也可强化反应过程.本文以工业硅铝小球为催化剂,在自行设计的催化精馏塔内对混合丁烯齐聚反应精馏工艺进行了研究,考察了主要操作条件如进料位置、塔釜温度、进料流率等因素对过程的影响,并与固定床微型反应器的实验结果进行了比较.结果表明:釜温升高,转化率升高,二聚物选择性下降;进料速率为10mL/min及从塔节4进料的操作条件最佳;与固定床微反相比,催化反应精馏工艺具有明显优势.  相似文献   

催化装置至要产品中的汽油和液化气全部来自催化稳定塔,因此稳定塔的平稳操作对于控制产品质量尤为重要.催化稳定塔标高6235米,设计50层塔盘,采用双溢流型式.塔壁三个进料口分别在23、27、31层.季节性的更替所带来的环境温度变化对于冷换设备的冷却效果产生很大的影响.日常操作时应多思考相关的影响因素,在原设计的基础上寻求新的利于优化操作的有效措施.  相似文献   

加氢精制柴油带水终结方案探讨——氢气汽提应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
弘润石化公司新上100万吨柴汽油混合加氢装置,采用分流塔底蒸汽气提工艺,生产的精制柴油带水严重,产品混浊,影响产品质量,有损产品在客户中的形象。  相似文献   

采用ADV微分浮阀对气分装置的脱丙烷塔、脱乙烷塔和精丙烯塔进行技术改造,在三塔的塔径、塔高和塔盘数不变的情况下,将气分装置的处理量由50Kt/a提高到100Kt/a,丙烯纯度达到99.5%以上。  相似文献   

利用三菱PLC实现煤制氢变压吸附的控制。吸附塔是氢气变压吸附的主要设备,本装置变压吸附工艺采用5-1-3 PSA工艺。文章的设计主要包括可编程控制器控制系统设计、系统硬件设计、系统软件设计以及最后的可编程控制器系统的调试。  相似文献   

大庆石化公司丁辛醇装置异构物塔原设计F-1型浮阀塔板间距过小,存在雾沫夹带较大、塔板效率较低、水利学负荷过大等问题,改造扩产后的异构物塔不能满足提高产品产量与质量的要求.用高性能塔盘代替原F-1型浮阀塔板后,使产品产量与质量均得到较大提高,取得了显著的经济效益.  相似文献   

该发明公开了一种精对苯二甲酸生产装置废气的净化方法,将精对苯二甲酸装置氧化尾气的直排废气和排气系统排放废气合为稳定废气,稳定废气作为催化燃烧装置的基本处理对象,连续稳定地进入催化燃烧处理装置,维持催化燃烧装置连续操作;吸附塔再生尾气浓度超过控制指标时,进入上述催化燃烧处理装置,吸附塔再生尾气浓度低于控制指标时,  相似文献   

聚丁烯-1研究进展及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
等规立构聚丁烯-1是具有多晶变体的聚合物,具有突出的耐热抗蠕变性、优异的韧性、耐环境应力开裂性、耐磨性、耐燃性和优良的可加工性、环保性等,特别适合于制备管材。主要介绍了国内外聚丁烯-1研究进展,探讨了Z-N催化体系、制备条件对丁烯-1聚合性能的影响和茂金属催化剂制备聚丁烯-1的相关研究,以及着重概述了聚丁烯-1管材的应用,结合我国现状简要说明了聚丁烯-1树脂在我国具有的开发潜力。  相似文献   

丁二烯生产技术及国内外市场分析(续)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国丁二烯的生产经历了酒精接触分解、丁烯或丁烷氧化脱氢和蒸汽裂解制乙烯联产C4抽提分离三个发展阶段。目前我国正在运行的丁二烯生产装置,绝大多数都是随着乙烯工业的发展而逐步配套建设起来的。1971年兰州石油化工公司利用自己开发设计的ACN技术建成我国第一套工业生产装置,生产能力为1.25万吨/年。随后,吉林石油化工公司、北京燕山石油化工公司也相继建成生产装置。  相似文献   

In our earlier paper, we drew upon Franz Kafka’s literary writings to attend to the repressive sides of the State and markets and their impact on subaltern positions. Moreover, we pointed to some of the key limitations in the theories of the base of the pyramid and subsistence marketplace. In this paper, responding to the commentaries, we clarify some doubts, provide correctives to misinterpretations and further develop the broad theoretical argument we made in our earlier paper. In response to Viswanathan’s commentary, we specifically clarify the role of neoliberal ideology as it impels discourse of subsistence markets. Moreover, as a corrective to Karnani’s reading, we explain the limitations of the State, markets and private enterprises in alleviating poverty in India. Through these clarifications, we ask scholars to attend to systemic features of the current political economy that create poverty and call for an imagination beyond the current capitalist zeitgeist to empower the subaltern.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between openness to trade, immigration, and income per person across countries. To address endogeneity concerns we extend the instrumental-variables strategy introduced by Frankel and Romer (1999). We build predictors of openness to immigration and to trade for each country by using information on bilateral geographical and cultural distance (while controlling for country size). Since geography may affect income through other channels, we also control for climate, disease environment, natural resources, and colonial origins. Most importantly, we also account for the roles of institutions and early development. Our instrumental-variables estimates provide evidence of a robust, positive effect of openness to immigration on long-run income per capita. In contrast, we are unable to establish an effect of trade openness on income. We also show that the effect of migration operates through an increase in total factor productivity, which appears to reflect increased diversity in productive skills and, to some extent, a higher rate of innovation.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2020,63(1):37-50
A decade ago, we published an article in Business Horizons about the challenges and opportunities of social media with a call to action: “Users of the world, unite!” To celebrate its anniversary, we look at artificial intelligence and the need to create the rules necessary for peaceful coexistence between humanity and AI. Hence, we now are urging: “Rulers of the world, unite!” In this article, we outline six debates surrounding AI in areas like artificial superintelligence, geographical progress, and robotics; in doing so, we shed light on what is fact and what is utopia. Then, using the PESTEL framework, we talk about the six dilemmas of AI and its potential threat and use. Finally, we provide six directions on the future of AI regarding its requirements and expectations, looking at enforcement, employment, ethics, education, entente, and evolution. Understanding AI’s potential future will enable governments, corporations, and societies at large (i.e., the rulers of this world) to prepare for its challenges and opportunities. This way, we can avoid a scenario in which we return in 10 years to write the article: “Dreamers of the world, unite!”  相似文献   

In this study we argue that there is an interconnection between; the mechanistic worldview and competition, and the organic worldview and cooperation. To illustrate our main thesis we introduce two cases; first, Max Havelaar, a paradigmatic case of how business might function in an economy based upon solidarity and sustainability. Second, TINE, a Norwegian grocery corporation engaged in collusion in order to force a small competitor out of the market. On the one hand, in order to encourage market behaviour that integrates economic, societal and environmental values we find that transparent cooperation within a context of an organic worldview takes care of important intrinsic as well as instrumental values. On the other hand, we find evidence for asserting that cooperation based upon a mechanistic worldview, typically leads to group egotistical consequences undermining the long term common good.  相似文献   

本文首先对广告的作用,包括经济作用与社会作用做了定性的描述,然后运用经济学模型对广告与社会福利的关系进行了分析并探讨了最优的广告投放水平,最后分析了广告的负外部性因素对社会福利的影响。  相似文献   

文章提出,在工作分析实践中,存在三个需要普遍重视的问题:一是技术本身存在无法逾越的难点,二是人员自身技术掌握程度与运用问题,三是工作分析的职业道德与人性化问题。要解决这三个问题,不仅需要观念上的转变、技术上的提升,还需要在要素选择与组合上开展工作,使得工作分析的结论更具价值性和可用性。文章提出,工作说明书主要包括工作描述以及任职资格与条件等两大类最基本的内容,但具体编写过程中更为详细的要素内容则应根据实际需要确定,一般差异比较大,基本要素的选择应遵循实用有效的原则。工作分析过程中,除要掌握相关技术分析方法外,还要把握一些实战技巧与策略。  相似文献   

Transparency is a crucial condition to implement a CSR policy based on the reputation mechanism. The central question of this contribution is how a transparency policy ought to be organised in order to enhance the CSR behaviour of companies. Governments endorsing CSR as a new means of governance have different strategies to foster CSR transparency. In this paper we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of two conventional policy strategies: the facilitation policy and the command and control strategy. Using three criteria (efficiency, freedom and virtue) we conclude that both strategies are defective. Most attention is paid to the facilitation strategy since governments nowadays mainly use this. In evaluating this strategy we analyse the Dutch case. As an alternative we introduce a third government policy: the development of a self-regulating sub-system. By construing an analogy with the historical development of corporate financial disclosure, we point out that the vital step in the creation of a self-regulating subsys- tem is the creation of strong informational intermediate organisations.  相似文献   

世界粮食供求格局对我国影响日趋明显,从中长期分析我国的粮食供求压力较大。从我国粮食供求、资源禀赋等因素分析,为保障粮食安全我国可采取如下策略:(1)统筹两个市场制定粮食等农产品国际贸易战略;(2)切实加快农业领域利用外资步伐,以开放促发展促安全加快农业"走出去"步伐;(3)提高农业利用两个市场两种资源能力;(4)利用多双边机制拓展农业合作空间。  相似文献   

OA办公自动化系统跟其他普通软件一样,在使用过程中难免会遇到这样或那样的问题,在出现问题时,普通用户也需要对常见问题有一定的认识及解决办法,确保OA系统的稳定和正常运行。介绍了OA办公自动化系统中的一些常见问题现象以及对出现问题的分析和处理方法,并对OA系统的顺利实施给出了一些建议。  相似文献   

In an attempt to disentangle the impact of sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures on trade patterns, we use the database on specific trade concerns on SPS measures of the WTO. Estimating various gravity model specifications at the HS4 disaggregated level of trade, we find that aggregated SPS measures constitute obstacles to agricultural and food trade consistently to all exporters. But conditional on market entry, trade flows are positively affected by SPS measures. In addition, we find that SPS measures related to conformity assessment hamper market entry, while SPS measures related to product characteristics increase bilateral trade flows conditional on meeting the standard.  相似文献   

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