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●德国"社交媒体经理"走俏随着脸谱、推特等社交媒体的兴起,德国"社交媒体经理"这一职业出现在公众视野,并逐渐走俏。德国IT行业协会BITKOM,3月19日发布的最新调查结果显示,854家受访企业中,16%的企业聘有负责社交媒体的专职工作人员,这一比例在2011年仅为10%。●伊战十周年"蝴蝶效应"日益显著2013年3月20日是伊拉克战争爆发十周年纪念日。十年已过,伊拉克远未走出战后的"阵痛期",在政权不稳、安全形势严峻和社会重建缓慢  相似文献   

随着各种社交媒体平台的蓬勃发展,其市场格局也不断变化,各社交媒体间的竞争也变得激烈。借助于整合生态位理论范式和"使用与满足"理论,通过问卷调查采集经验数据,揭示当前国内社交媒体竞争图景。研究发现:在QQ空间、新浪微博、微信三类社交媒体中,微信拥有的受众资源最广,能在更大程度上满足受众需求,但微信的强势发展并不会对新浪微博产生竞争排斥;新浪微博和QQ空间由于资源相近,两者间的竞争较激烈;三类社交媒体都拥有自己的优势资源。在激烈的市场竞争环境下,拓宽生态位,资源的差异化使用,不断满足用户新的需求,将是未来社交媒体发展的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

随着各种社交媒体平台的蓬勃发展,其市场格局也不断变化,各社交媒体间的竞争也变得激烈。借助于整合生态位理论范式和"使用与满足"理论,通过问卷调查采集经验数据,揭示当前国内社交媒体竞争图景。研究发现:在QQ空间、新浪微博、微信三类社交媒体中,微信拥有的受众资源最广,能在更大程度上满足受众需求,但微信的强势发展并不会对新浪微博产生竞争排斥;新浪微博和QQ空间由于资源相近,两者间的竞争较激烈;三类社交媒体都拥有自己的优势资源。在激烈的市场竞争环境下,拓宽生态位,资源的差异化使用,不断满足用户新的需求,将是未来社交媒体发展的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

由于社交媒体的出现,社交互动发生了巨大变化。越来越多的组织使用社交媒体,但理论界对此却关注不足,国内相关研究尤为匮乏。社交媒体被概念化为一种基于互联网的允许用户从用户生成的内容获得价值,能够与他人进行交互,实时地或异步地实现机会性交互和选择性自我呈现的渠道。在系统梳理社交媒体的内涵、相关变量研究、进入的途径与特征、面临的机遇与风险以及使用的对策建议五个方面内容的基础上,本文通过评述已有的社交媒体相关研究,据此构建了工作场所中社交媒体研究的理论框架。该框架关注社交媒体的驱动机制、过程机制和效应机制三个环节,预测未来相关理论基础、分析方法和研究内容的趋势。  相似文献   

社交媒体的网络空间属性和大学生的心理特殊性,使得社交媒体给大学生人际关系带来很多的负面影响,社交媒体带来的网络暴力由虚拟平台向现实生活蔓延,社交媒体给大学生人际关系带来更多压力,社交媒体增加大学生人际关系中的不确定因素。结合负面影响产生的原因,本文从法律层面、教育层面和学生管理层面分析解决这一问题的对策。  相似文献   

目前,社交媒体在教学中运用越来越广泛,总结探索社交媒体在高职教学中运用的规律和影响,有利于我们积极利用信息技术和媒体技术的发展来促进现代教育技术发展,有利于充分发挥社交媒体的教育功能,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

互联网的快速发展,带来大数据的蓬勃发展,使传统招聘模式发生了深刻变革,为企业招聘带来新的机遇,与此同时对企业人力资源招聘实践提出了新的要求。社交媒体凭借低成本、高效率等优势,为解决招聘问题提供了新思路,因此越来越受到企业的关注。文章分析了大数据时代社交媒体招聘相关概念及发展现状,探析社交媒体招聘的机遇与挑战,并对其发展给出建设性意见,以期能够更好地为企业利用社交媒体解决招聘问题提供借鉴。  相似文献   

自媒体的出现改变了人们的生活方式和社交方式,并以其方便、自由、快捷等优势深受大学生欢迎,他们正在利用网络和手机打造着属于自己的自媒体生活。但是由于自媒体时代信息发布较为自由,不良信息、虚假信息混杂其中,严重影响了大学生的价值观念,这就给"形势与政策"教育带来了现实的挑战,如何积极应对,拓展大学生思想政治教育的新平台成为"形势与政策"教育的新课题。  相似文献   

刘丹 《现代企业》2020,(1):88-89
随着互联网时代的发展,社交媒体已经成为主流媒体之一,并且形成了庞大的社交关系网。越来越多的企业开始重视社交媒体营销。社交媒体营销与传统营销方式存在着较大的区别,尤其是在传播方式、传播内容等多个方面,社交媒体的传播更加便捷,为企业的营销带来了较大的便利。针对社交媒体的营销策略进行分析,找出社交媒体营销的优势、劣势、机会以及当前面临的问题,再结合新时期企业营销的现状,企业自身的状况以及社交媒体的发展,创新发展社交媒体的营销策略。  相似文献   

2012年的慈善界似乎过于平静,倘若没有年底的儿慈会"小数点事件",几乎波澜不惊.自从有了社交媒体,公益和慈善真正成了人人力所能及的事情——在过去,捐了钱以后很少还会有人关注其去向,倘若有谁需要求助,也只有引起传统媒体注意这一条路. 微博,或者说社交媒体的兴起,显然是把双刃剑.一方面更便捷地将爱心人士集结,比如微博打拐、免费午餐、大爱清尘、老兵回家、爱心衣橱等项目的发起和运作,都由善用媒体的媒体入主导;拒绝熊胆、拒绝鱼翅、拒绝皮革等议题则让动物保护者迅 速找到成本低廉的倡议平台.另一方面,传统慈善的操作模式受到了极大的挑战,发端于微博的"郭美美事件"迅速从线上蔓延至线下,其影响是2012年的社会捐赠总量,不过101亿元(截至10月),较2011年的854亿元下降明显.  相似文献   

李玉宝 《价值工程》2014,(4):207-209
双边市场理论是近年来产业组织领域研究的最新热点和前沿理论。社交网站行业具有典型的双边市场特征,平台的定价和盈利模式一直是平台企业关注的焦点。本文构建基于垄断平台的定价模型,分析社交网站媒体平台和软件平台的定价模式。结果显示,在社交网站媒体平台,平台企业向广告商定价总是高于其提供的服务成本;在社交网站软件平台,平台企业可能出现同时向两边用户进行补贴的情况。  相似文献   

Social media platforms constitute a new frontline for brands to build relationships with their customers. Nevertheless, the literature on social media engagement behavior is unidimensional, as it focuses on customer engagement while neglecting the customer's influence on managerial decisions. The current paper goes a step further by applying the theory of the marketing firm (TMF). We investigated consumer-firm bilateral contingencies through three studies. The first study captures up to 60% of the variance in consumer responses given on Icelandair's Facebook page. The second study shows how customers engage with Icelandair's social media platforms. The third study illustrates the firm's social media strategy from a managerial perspective.  相似文献   

社会化媒体是信息传播的新形式,相关人员要深入调动社会化媒体中的各类资源,进一步推动公共管理的细化和发展。公共管理在发展的过程中面临很大的挑战,但同时面临很大的发展机遇,能够促进其更好地发展。在社会化媒体时代,公共管理部门要积极推进开放创新,特别是资源整合和宣传方面的发展,这对公共管理的开放式创新具有积极意义。  相似文献   


This paper examined online sentiment, key themes and patterns evident in social media activity about digital entrepreneurship. It provides a snapshot-in-time, visual-first perspective on social media user-generated-content (UGC) to better understand the topic of digital entrepreneurship. Global data consisting of 31,017 publicly available UGC which used the #digitalentrepreneurship (hashtag) and the keywords ‘digital entrepreneurship’ were collected. A computer assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS), Leximancer, was used for an automated text-mining analysis. There is positive online sentiment surrounding digital entrepreneurship technology, ecosystem and industry, and one which promotes women transformation of digital entrepreneurship globally. Negative sentiment pointed out that future development and support of youth in digital entrepreneurship is needed. Digital entrepreneurs were identified as needing to focus on strategy, leadership, management, and social media platforms. A comprehensive perspective on the state of digital entrepreneurship in online UGC is provided. Insights into the challenges, issues, changes, success stories and key topics in digital entrepreneurship are highlighted. Future research is encouraged to adopt longitudinal and quantitative approaches, to provide further insights into the evolution of digital entrepreneurship. The paper contributes to the entrepreneurship literature by applying the Social Exchange Theory and the Social Media User Engagement Framework to better understand social media activity around digital entrepreneurship. The findings show that there are real challenges and issues to overcome but there are also changes occurring in digital entrepreneurship and social media users are keen to share and learn from digital entrepreneurship success stories.


Web 2.0 has brought innovations in digital government, namely, government 2.0. Social media, as one part of Web 2.0, could potentially support fuller participation and public interaction. Social media enjoys a very high level of acceptance by individual users and government agencies around the world. Web 2.0 and social media usage in the public sector still needs to be tested from the perspective of not only the government but also the community as the recipient of services. Therefore, this study aims to answer the following research questions: How effective has government 2.0 implementation been in Indonesia? Is there a correlation between e-government management and government 2.0 implementation? We adopted the sophistication index (SI) by Bonson et al. (2012) [1] to answer the first research questions. The SI examined the presence of Web 2.0 features and social media applications on these government institutions’ websites. As to answer the second research question, we conducted parametric statistical tests to assess how e-government implementation, based on the Indonesian E-Government Rating (PEGI) score, has influenced the effectiveness of government 2.0 use by government institutions in Indonesia. We observed the websites and social media accounts of 116 Indonesian government institutions. According to the evaluation of Web 2.0 and social media use, the average SI score is 42%. These results indicate that, in general, government institutions in Indonesia have used Web 2.0 and social media features, although the adoption rate has not been equal. The correlations between the PEGI scores and SI values also suggest a positive relationship between the effectiveness of e-government implementation and the effectiveness of government institutions. Therefore, government institutions that have been effective in implementing e-government have also been effective in implementing government 2.0.  相似文献   

社会现代化是一个不可逆转的趋势,而美国社会学家英克尔斯认为社会现代化的核心是人的现代化。人的现代化要求具备很高的综合素养,而在媒介不断发展并对人们的生活学习产生日趋重要影响的时代,媒介素养的高低对人的现代化也起到了非常重要的作用。通过提升媒介素养来促进人的现代化,不失为有效之举。文章针对传媒从业人员和受众分别提出了媒介素养教育的内容与方法。  相似文献   

Social media are becoming widely adopted by organisations to encourage collaboration and communication. We seek to understand how social media can enhance employee voice and employees' willingness to engage in constructive dialogue with both colleagues and managers. By drawing on literature on employee voice, signalling theory and personal control to analyse qualitative data from research into three strategic business units in a major global telecommunications corporation, we find that (a) employee perceptions of personal control and autonomy influence whether and how employees' exercise voice through social media, and (b) these perceptions vary according to different organisational/field‐level contexts evident in the corporation.  相似文献   

社会现代化是一个不可逆转的趋势,而美国社会学家英克尔斯认为社会现代化的核心是人的现代化。人的现代化要求具备很高的综合素养,而在媒介不断发展并对人们的生活学习产生日趋重要影响的时代,媒介素养的高低对人的现代化也起到了非常重要的作用。通过提升媒介素养来促进人的现代化,不失为有效之举。文章针对传媒从业人员和受众分别提出了媒介素养教育的内容与方法。  相似文献   

The current article examines social media applications as a tool for positive social change. The number of users on applications from Facebook to Twitter and Instagram continues to increase in all demographics. These tools are being integrated into our daily activities and challenging boundaries, roles, and even possibilities globally. Currently, there exists a gap in developing competent leaders capable of leading change using social media. Education leaders and leadership education programs can adapt the values of the Social Change Model to reflect and apply digital competencies to their practice. Digital leadership requires reflection on online self‐awareness and congruence, grappling with the controversy that comes with cyber civility and how to be a digital citizen prepared to inspire positive social change.  相似文献   

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