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面对全球经济衰退和地方可持续发展的严峻挑战,英国政府自2010年以来,为解决规划体系存在的层级过多、官僚、效率低下等弊端,通过重构空间规划体系,调整规划和发展之间的关系,实现经济的复苏.英国空间规划体系改革废止2004年《规划和强制收购法》所设立的法定"区域空间战略",区域协调出现问题.区域间的协作长期以来就是空间规划的一个难题,解决这个难题有两种模式,一个是政府行政的模式,另一个是市场和经济的模式.由于英国 自身具有自由裁量权特征的规划体系,区域间各方的合作十分重要,但以什么机制开展协作一直未能解决.这次的改革废除了区域规划和区域机构,希望以市场的手段进行协调、平衡区域间各方的利益在理论上具有操作性,但至今为止的实际运作并不理想.  相似文献   

一、科技权力的理论基础 国家权力是一个完整的权力体系,在不同的领域发挥作用的方式具有不同的特点,其核心就是国家权力的干预作用.凯恩斯主义认为市场远非完美无缺,市场中充满了利己主义和狭隘的个人,因而政府必须采取行动以纠正市场的无效.科技领域同样存在国家的权力干预,科技权力就是国家权力在科技领域的具体体现.以阿布拉莫维兹、索洛和阿罗为代表的技术创新理论,秉承政府干预的"市场失败"假定,并以其作为分析技术创新理论和政策问题的基本前提,形成了科技权力存在并介入技术创新的理论依据.  相似文献   

文中讨论的工程总承包项目特指石油化工、煤化工等领域;工程项目物流管理不同于制造业、销售业、交通运输业等大众社会市场经济性的物流管理,其管理过程具有相对的复杂性、专业性、唯一性;由于工程建设项目具有个异性、时间性和一次性的特点,因此为工程建设项目提供的物流服务也具有特殊性,如服务量的不稳定、服务地点的变动性、服务方式的灵活性等;大型工程建设项目受影响因素较多,特别是受经济环境因素的影响难以预料;下文将与大家一同讨论现有工程总承包项目供应物流的几种典型模式及特点,并展望未来工程总承包项目物流管理的发展趋势和方向。  相似文献   

总体设计的主要内容区域经济开发涉及两类问题:一类是研究整个区域经济系统应该朝什么方向发展以及产业结构应该如何调整,通常称之为发展战略研究;另一类是研究某一具体项目该不该上,如何上,通常称之为项目可行性研究。两者不可偏废,但发展战略研究是基础,更为重要。县级社会、经济、科技开发模型体系是研究县级系统发展战略的工具,它能为决策者制订发展规划提供依据。  相似文献   

文章分析了开发区控制性详细规划的特点,指出开发区控制性详细规划的关键在于保持一定的灵活性,为此必须处理好两个问题,即规划的兼容性、控制指标的刚性和弹性。  相似文献   

"子承父业"是目前我国家族企业权力交接中的主流模式。本文借助家族企业双系统理论,深入分析该种模式在家族企业权力交接中的优势与劣势。在此基础上,结合兰斯贝格的企业家庭发展理论,提出"子承父业"不仅仅是简单的职务更替,更是家族企业发展的一项长期规划。与企业家庭发展四阶段相对应,"子承父业"权力交接过程也包括四个阶段。因此,还值得进一步深入探讨该模式中家族企业权力交接的流程及各阶段对应的问题,以期帮助家族企业顺利实现权力交接。  相似文献   

目前,我国高校腐败现象引起了社会的强烈关注。其主要特点有三个方面:基建、采购和招生,成为三大"腐败病灶"。任何腐败都是权力的被滥用,高校腐败的背后,实质也是"权力腐败"。高校权力腐败现象的成因是极其复杂的,但最关键的因素可以归结为两点:一是权力缺乏  相似文献   

当今,"量化分析"越来越成为城市规划界时髦的"口头禅",这也说明城市规划行业出现一些新的特点与发展要求。现结合几个实际规划项目,将"量化分析"的一些思路、方法等进行梳理,尤其主要对城市规划中"容积率"与"地价"等经济层面的测算进行条理化探索,以期在城市规划工作中具有一定的指导与借鉴意义。  相似文献   

自1995年世界第一家网上银行诞生,网上银行进入了爆发式的"量子跃迁"时代。网络银行与传统银行相比,具有效率高、灵活性等特点,能够更加满足社会的需求。我国虽然已经初步建立起网络监管体系,但由于发展时间短,法律规制不完善,问题层出不穷。加强对网络银行的监管,对我国互联网金融的跨越发展具有重大意义。  相似文献   

生态住区评价体系是衡量社区综合生态状况和环境性能并控制其规划建设的工具.通过对美国《能源与环境设计先导》居住版本、英国建筑物环境评估体系的社区版以及《中国生态住区技术评估手册》进行对比研究,分析其制定背景、本国生态住区建设特点、核心理念以及对生态住区内涵理解的异同,得出三个指标体系的特点和各自优势,借鉴国外两个评价体系...  相似文献   

控制性详细规划是我国城市土地开发控制的直接法定依据.然而,由于社会经济发展过程中各种不确定性因素的影响,控规在我国城市建设中并没有起到预期的作用.基于一个规划选址案例的分析,进一步探讨了控制性详细规划所面临的“刚性”与“弹性”的根本矛盾,并从控规编制内容和方法、控规编制和实施体制等方面提出了相应的对策建议,其中,特殊发...  相似文献   

关于规划决策审批,《城乡规划法》在依法审批、规划修改、公众参与、法律责任等方面提出了新要求,特点鲜明,对规划决策审批制度改革具有重要指导意义。基于《城乡规划法》,本文辩析了城市政府、规划主管部门、城市规划委员会在决策审批中的关系,在完善市政府审批决策、改革规划部门内部决策制度、转变规划委员会职能、强化专家委员会及决策公众参与等方面提出了制度创新的意见。  相似文献   

Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) increase the efficiency of operations by improving cost, quality, and lead time while decision support and expert systems (DSS&ES) improve the effectiveness of manufacturing by assisting the decision maker in coordinating all the elements and increasing the overall utilization of the factory, particularly in managing a complex system of flexible manufacturing. This article surveys a number of available decision support and expert systems applications in flexible manufacturing after reviewing the features of each one and then proposes additional potential applications.It appears that what is holding back the widespread use of FMS is not the technology, but is some management issues. Application of DSS&ES enables a manager to obtain a full flexibility of equipment in terms of machine flexibility, product flexibility, process flexibility, operation flexibility, routing flexibility, volume flexibility, expansion flexibility, and production flexibility. Many decisions are made in planning and operating FMS that can be categorized into three classes of strategic, tactical, and operational decisions. Each class can be further categorized into structured, semistructured, and unstructured decisions. The article provides examples of FMS decision in each of nine groups and show that use of DSS&ES can be productive.Illustrative cases are categorized into (1) DSS in FMS, (2) DSS in related manufacturing operations, (3) ES in FMS, and (4) ES in related manufacturing operations. The cases described include ICAM, REACT, KEE, PADMS, IMS, FADES, GARI, TOM, ISIS, and GENPLAN.The article finally provides hints for successful DSS and ES implementation. Subjects include getting management involved, choosing a key application, manage vendor involvement, paying attention to maintenance, assigning qualified personnel, paying attention to training, and always reviewing the results.FMS is basically a computer-based system and so are DSS and ES. There is an increased trend of integrating independent computer-based systems to take advantage of the possible synergy of such integration. At present, there is only a little evidence of DSS and/or ES applications in FMS. However, there is increasing evidence of applications in related manufacturing areas. Furthermore, the planning and operations of FMS require considerable expertise; DSS and ES techniques are aimed at supporting or even replacing such expertise. Therefore, it seems that there is a considerable potential for further application of DSS and ES in FMS.  相似文献   

Conclusions In the last section it was argued that the government should regularly prepare a medium-term plan of the development of the whole economy. This plan should, in its outward aspect, bear considerable resemblance to the National Plan: it should be both comprehensive and detailed. Such a plan would serve as a framework for coordinating all government policy decisions having a medium-term impact — that is not only public expenditure, investment (and pricing) in the nationalised industries, but also taxation and transfer payments. This would meet four criticisms of the present planning procedures: firstly, that the formal procedures for assessing tax and transfer policies are virtually confined to the short-term issues, so that the longer-term implications tend to be neglected; secondly, that public expenditure decisions are taken in the context of arbitrary and unrealistic assumptions about future tax rates; thirdly, that micro-economic considerations are considered only in a partial equilibrium framework; fourthly, that the forecasting activities of the nationalised industries and other public bodies are insufficiently coordinated.This would be planning by the government, for the government, an extension of present procedures. The final plan would embody public sector decisions and incorporate forecasts of private sector behaviour. The private sector would not however be directly involved.It was further argued that as a general rule, these plans (which would at the same time be forecasts) should be published. The information contained is not only necessary for public participation in policy choice, but useful for decision-making in the private sector. Moreover, since information is a collective good, there is a strong case for extending this forecasting service somewhat beyond those items justified solely by their importance in public sector decision-making.If this type of planning is adopted, then, apart from the impact of these published forecasts, influence on the private sector is confined to traditional controls, mostly fiscal and monetary. In Section II we considered the possibility of involving the private sector more directly in the planning process, as indeed was done in drawing up the ill-fated National Plan. We found the role of a cooperative medium-term plan (drawn up by government and industry in partnership) to be distinctly limited.Firstly, among those decisions which are relevant to the focus year, only those that are just about to be taken are of strategic importance, and these are small in number; the tâtonnement process should be confined to these decisions — this at least represents a considerable simplification. There are, besides these, two groups of decision: Those aleady taken (these should be even smaller in number and relatively simple to ascertain) and those not to be taken for some time. As far as this last group is concerned, and the bulk of decisions will be in this group, there is little to be gained from an approach to decision-makers; plans do not exist and forecasts may be obtained from experts whose advice is at once informed and disinterested. Such forecasts may be expected to be conditional on the decisions evolved in the tâtonnement process; thus provision must be made for the mutual interaction of decisions and forecasts.Secondly, there is the problem, to which we have frequently referred, of conflicting objectives. Can those enterprises which are to be involved in the tâtonnement process be persuaded to pursue the national interest or at least to obey some minimal rules of the game? It is important in this context to notice that the firms involved will be ones with long gestation lags, and these will be, almost exclusively, large corporations. It is precisely these firms that may most easily be persuaded to pursue the national interest.The character of such firms should also be borne in mind in considering the impact of planning on competition. The kind of competition characteristic of large firms operating in oligopolistic industries is certainly very different from competition in more fragmented industries. It manifests itself not in prices (as of course traditional theory assumes) but in escalating sales campaigns, which might well be condemned as wasteful or worse, and product differentiation. Some might think this kind of competition not worth preserving. But those who think this might well go one step further and suggest that such enterprises should be nationalised on the grounds that it is only thus that the full advantages of cooperation can be secured.It would seem indeed that cooperative planning is an uneasy half-way house, a curiously British compromise (strange that it should have originated in France!). Such a compromise might have been valuable in as far as cooperative planning did not generate the same emotional hostility as nationalisation. Indeed the planning movement united both the major parties. But whatever advantages cooperative planning may once have had in this respect have been dissipated by the mishandling of the National Plan. It would, however, be much more tragic if this unfortunate episode were to inhibit the development of the kind of mechanism for government planning discussed in the second half of this paper.  相似文献   

International land-use concepts are transformed to suit local circumstances. What is truly common after local adaptation becomes arguable. This paper examines application of a British land-use planning concept, green belt, in the ex-colonial city of Hong Kong. Through examining its local history and planning decisions for village housing development within such zones, this study reveals the ambiguity and flexibility of this land-use concept in conserving the natural landscape and open countryside. It highlights the conflicts and compromises of green belt planning policy in connection with countryside protection, local politics and development pressures. The conclusion is that the green belt zone coincides with its overseas counterpart in name only; its substance and implementation are drastically diverse across cities.  相似文献   

随着经济社会的不断发展,机关事业单位编制供需在总量和结构上的矛盾凸显,由此出现了大量的“超编”、无编制财政支付和编外人员增多的现象,编制改革的紧迫性增加,必须对机关事业单位分类施策,机关主要在总量控制范围内,通过统筹协调使用和调整编制结构,事业单位可通过统筹协调、实行编制周转池、编制备案制等来解决。  相似文献   

文章旨在介绍加拿大城市开发的管理思路和模式,探求一些在不列颠哥伦比亚省政府规划控制指导下的土地使用与开发的管理方法;详细讨论了温哥华市的区域性规划,即温哥华市的可居住性区域战略规划.因其目的意在努力协调自然环境保护和城市迅速发展之间的关系,所以加拿大人把它看作是一个富于创新意识的规划.此外,这一规划理念将有益于中国的各城市,中国的规划师们去尝试解决相类似的问题,如城市化与自然环境保护的平衡问题.  相似文献   

李小萍 《企业经济》2012,(5):164-167
核电站建设周期长、投资大、风险大,政府政策对其发展起着决定性的影响。我国核电产业存在着发展慢、差距大、技术多样的挑战,这与核电政策的决策、运行和监督机制有关。因此,要实现我国政府提出的"统一路线、积极发展"战略,核电规划就应符合国情、具有可操作性,并逐步改革核电管理体制。  相似文献   

系统惯例通过二元学习机制影响反向知识溢出。然而,系统惯例影响反向知识溢出的机理、模式以及效应尚未明晰。研究基于社会网络理论划分"核心-非核心"企业后,根据知识转移及组织惯例等理论阐述系统惯例对反向知识溢出的影响过程,构建系统动力学模型并进行仿真模拟。结果显示:系统惯例对反向知识溢出呈倒"U"型影响;适度的系统惯例有利于保持企业间技术临近性。因此,为促进反向知识溢出,需强化"核心—非核心"共生的协同创新网络,并将系统惯例调整在适中水平。研究结论及建议为企业发展和政府政策规划提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

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