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随着全球经营活动竞争的日趋激烈,外派管理的有效性逐渐成为国际商业运作成败的关键因素。本文通过对跨国公司外派人员归国适应的影响因素分析,从组织支持的角度提出外派人员归国适应的人力资源管理策略。  相似文献   

越来越多的外派人员回国及回国后的高离职率引发了对于该群体适应问题的关注。由于逆向文化冲击的影响,外派回国人员会遭遇比融入外国文化更困难的再适应问题。而其中,对工作的适应是最重要的,可能也是最困难的。外派回国人员工作适应的影响因素主要包括个体因素、组织因素和非组织因素等三类,对影响因素的分析表明,组织必须在从外派到回国的整个过程提供系统的诊断与支持,来促进外派回国人员的工作适应。  相似文献   

为研究承包商外派人员心理韧性影响因素,本文采用文献综述法,从个人、工作、组织、社会4个方面总结出13个外派人员心理韧性影响因素。首先,通过层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)建立心理韧性影响因素指标体系;其次,通过确定各层次的指标权重值,对承包商外派人员心理韧性影响因素进行重要度分析。本研究旨在为承包企业加强外派人员心理韧性、提高外派成功率提供参考意见。  相似文献   

赵利君 《数据》2022,(10):64-67
为探讨自尊在父母心理控制与大学生社会适应之间的关系,本文通过运用父母心理控制量表、自尊量表和大学生社会适应状况评估问卷对513名陕西省某高校大学生进行随机抽样调查并分析,以此为研究大学生社会适应问题提供科学依据。研究结果表明:父母心理控制与大学生自尊和社会适应之间均存在显著相关,自尊在父母心理控制与大学生社会适应中起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

现在越来越多的客户将其部分或全部的IT运维工作交给外部的专业服务提供商。IT外派人员长期在客户的现场提供服务,这也导致了外派人员对母公司缺乏组织归属感。本文选择了四个涉及IT外派人员的IT运维外包项目进行案例研究,试图探寻影响外派人员对母公司组织归属感的影响因素。本文发现影响外派人员组织归属感的因素主要包括沟通、公平、员工关怀和稳定预期,但是在不同的心理契约情境下影响外派人员组织归属感的因素各不相同。  相似文献   

随着中国经济的快速发展,来华留学的人数越来越多.关注在华留学生的跨文化适应情况已经成为中国留学教育不得不面对的问题.本文主要从社会心理适应,社会文化适应和学术适应三个方面研究德国留学生群体在上海某高校的跨文化适应情况,并对在华留学生的生活满意程度进行调查.在研究社会心理适应时,主要分为思想情绪、 心理健康和情感价值观三个方面;在研究社会文化适应时,主要分为生活适应、 人际交往和融入当地文化三个方面;在研究学术适应时,主要分为学习硬件,学习软件和学术成果和发展三个方面.本文还探讨了个体因素和社会因素对留学生跨文化适应的影响.研究发现,在华留学生的个性,语言能力和出国动机等个体特征以及文化接触的时间,群体间有效接触,留学支持等情景特征都是对跨文化适应有影响的个体因素.然而社会、 政治、 经济和文化等国家间存在差异的社会因素是对留学生跨文化适应造成影响的更为深层和本质的原因.  相似文献   

从社会文化适应、心理适应和教师角色适应3方面,对赴缅甸云华师范学院幼稚园顶岗实习的6名丽江师专学前教育专业实习生进行问卷和访谈调查,分析实习生在缅甸实习期间的跨文化适应状况和影响因素。研究发现,研究对象中除一名实习生外五名实习生能够较好地适应缅甸当地的生活,教师角色经实习一两个月后均逐步适应。人际关系、语言、心理、教学等诸多因素对实习生跨文化适应产生不同程度的影响,其中,人际交往和教学效果对实习生跨文化适应影响最大。据此,对海外实习生和国际交流合作院校双方提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

本研究采用问卷法,以大学生(n=274)为被试,通过对其心理适应能力现状进行分析,从学习适应性和人际适应性两方面探讨了影响大学生适应能力的可能因素。研究发现:男女生在适应性中不存在着显著差异;但是这种适应性存在年级差异。同时,通过回归分析发现大学生适应性的各个因素对总分的回归系数都很高,也就是这些因素对于解释大学生适应性是合理的。  相似文献   

本文选取泰国七所学校的126名汉语国际教育外派教师为研究对象,结合职业适应性特征进行量表开发,对其职业适应性进行调查,研究发现汉语国际教育外派教师职业适应性包括职业认知,职业能力,人际关系,职业环境,国家政策及个人态度六个维度。外派教师的职业适应程度有待提升,职业适应在职业认知、个人态度和职业环境方面存在显著差异,而职业能力、人际关系及国家政策方面则无显著差异。学历高、教龄短的外派教师比学历低、教龄长的外派教师职业适应方面的差异更显著;男性教师比女性教师在职业能力、职业认知和国家政策方面适应的差异更显著;女性教师则在人际关系、职业环境和个人态度方面的差异更显著。因此,可以通过加大汉语国际教育外派意义的宣传,提升外派教师认知,改进外派教师工作环境,根据实际情况拟定外派教师的选派标准,突破传统唯学历、唯教龄的单一选派标准,进而提升外派教师的职业适应水平。  相似文献   

随着全球经济和知识经济的迅速发展,外派回任人员知识转移作为跨国公司知识获取的主要途径日益受到重视.通过对主要理论文献和最新实证研究的回顾和梳理,总结和回顾了外派回任人员知识转移的定义、所转移的知识分类、影响因素以及结果变量,形成包括社会层次、组织层次、工作单元层次、个体层次、工作单元和个体交互层次以及知识特征六个方面的影响因素系统框架,在此基础之上分析过去外派回任人员知识转移研究中存在的不足并为今后研究的发展提出建议.  相似文献   

This study applied social network theory to investigate the factors influencing expatriate social networks and the consequences of expatriate social networks in China. Based on analysis of 171 Taiwanese expatriates in China, this study found that core self-evaluations and extraversion are significant for expatriates in developing expressive and instrumental ties with host country nationals. Moreover, job autonomy assists expatriates in developing instrumental ties with host country nationals. The expressive and instrumental ties of expatriates with host country nationals are significant for overseas adaptation. Finally, instrumental ties with host country nationals are significant for expatriate job performance.  相似文献   

Expatriate assignments are becoming increasingly unattractive to potential candidates making the unwieldy myriad of proposed selection criteria of decreasing practical value to internationally assigning firms. When the issue is more to find anyone willing to do the job rather than selecting the best candidate from a large pool of applicants, maybe basic personal characteristics can better guide corporations in their search for suitable expatriate candidates. To examine this proposition, a large sample of Western business expatriates in Hong Kong responded to a mail survey about their sociocultural and psychological adjustment. The results of the hierarchical regression analysis indicated that age had a positive association with general, interaction and work adjustment of the expatriates as well as with psychological adjustment. Gender was not associated with any kind of adjustment whereas being married had a positive relation with work adjustment. The implications for international firms of these results are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Host-country nationals' (HCNs') attitudes and behaviors toward expatriates are critical for expatriate success. Thus, this study systematically reviews the existing literature on the antecedents and consequences of HCNs' attitudes and behaviors toward expatriates. It is revealed that HCN personality, the perceived compensation gap between expatriates and HCNs, social categorization, HCNs' previous contact with expatriates, expatriate justice, task cohesiveness, interpersonal affect, and interpersonal relationships (guanxi) directly or indirectly predict HCNs' attitudes and behaviors toward expatriates. The attitudes and behaviors of HCNs toward expatriates are significantly related to expatriate adjustment and performance. This review indicates that the extant research on HCNs' attitudes and behaviors toward expatriates is limited, and the findings of past studies are often contradictory. Theoretical and practical implications as well as future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

While the literature on expatriate adjustment has focused on the importance of back-home mentors and their instrumentality for future career advancement, this research explores the importance of on-site mentors for the effective socialization of expatriates into their current overseas assignments. Using a sample of 179 expatriates located in nineteen countries, this paper presents a structural equation model illustrating the relationships among mentoring received, expatriate socialization and socialization outcomes. Amount of mentoring received positively impacts on expatriate socialization, which in turn positively influences job attitudes, intention to finish the expatriate assignment and expatriate understanding of global business issues. Using Hofstede's typology of national cultures, this research also suggests that the international context of the overseas assignment affects how much on-site mentoring expatriates receive. Specifically, expatriates are more likely to receive mentoring in small power distance, weak uncertainty avoidance and individualistic cultures.  相似文献   

With rapid globalization, multinational firms are sending a growing number of employees on foreign assignments. A growing body of research attests to the interest in the stress experienced by these expatriates. The current study focused on a subject rarely addressed in expatriate stress research, namely burnout. Its goals were to demonstrate: (1) the relevance of burnout to expatriates; (2) the difference between stress and burnout; (3) the role played by the perceived importance of expatriates' work; (4) the relevance of existential theory as a theoretical backdrop. The study included 233 Israeli expatriates who responded to a questionnaire. Findings revealed high level of stress, low level of burnout and very high perceived work importance. Hierarchical regression showed that importance moderated the effect of stress on burnout. There were differences between the correlates of stress and burnout, especially work importance, which was negatively correlated with burnout and positively correlated with stress.  相似文献   

Using equity, stress and buffer theories, we investigate the role played by organizational inequities (organizational justice and provision of benefits) and assignment stressors (work adjustment and role novelty) in predicting expatriate pay satisfaction. We also assess the role of perceived assignment value as an important buffer that moderates the above relationships. With a sample of 78 expatriates from nine nationalities working in Hong Kong, we find that organizational justice and work adjustment are both positively related to expatriate pay satisfaction. We also find that perceived assignment value strengthens the provision of benefits–pay satisfaction and work adjustment–pay satisfaction relationships. Limitations and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between personality traits of expatriates and their adjustment to international assignments. We focused in particular on the Big Five personality traits: extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness to experience. We sampled eighty-three US expatriates in Taiwan and found statistically significant relationships between expatriate adjustment and three personality traits in theoretically reasonable directions. Specifically, our results showed that a US expatriate's general living adjustment in Taiwan is positively related to his or her degree of extroversion and openness to experience. We found that extroversion and agreeableness are both positively related to interaction adjustment (i.e. relationships with local people). Furthermore, a US expatriate's work adjustment is positively related to his or her openness to experience. Unlike prior research on expatriate adjustment, we have examined multiple traits rooted in personality theory, and we have derived hypotheses that are specific to a Chinese context.  相似文献   


Despite the strong evidence for the beneficial influence of resilience for employee stress resistance in domestic settings, the construct has not received much attention in the expatriation literature, where stress is considered a major factor for expatriates’ poor cross-cultural adjustment and turnover. Drawing upon conservation of resources theory, the present study examines resilience as an antecedent of expatriate work adjustment and turnover intentions. Furthermore, this study investigates the moderating role of perceived organizational inclusion climate as a resource-protecting organizational factor. Results from a survey of 175 expatriates in South Korea indicate that resilience is positively related to expatriate work adjustment and that these positive effects are more pronounced when expatriates perceive their organizational climate to be highly inclusive. Furthermore, findings suggest that work adjustment mediates the effects of resilience on turnover intentions and that this mediation is moderated by a perceived organizational inclusion climate. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

A conceptual model is proposed that identifies critical antecedents of expatriate adjustment. Adjustment is conceptualized as the degree of fit between the expatriate manager and the environment, both work and socio-cultural. Adjustment is marked by both reduced conflict and increased effectiveness. As a multidimensional phenomenon, expatriate adjustment can be identified in psychological, socio-cultural and work domains. The model predicts that psychological and socio-cultural adjustment are the most immediate predictors of work adjustment. In this paper, it is asserted that the success of the expatriation process depends not only on the expatriate manager's competencies and skills, but also on organizational (both parent-company and local-unit) support and assistance prior to and during the assignment. Various international human resource management models are utilized to examine the organizational level antecedents of expatriate adjustment. Managerial resourcefulness, acculturation attitudes, personality dimensions and coping strategies are discussed in relation to individual predictors, whereas MNCs' international structure, value orientation, organizational life-cycle, diversity training, strategic planning and socialization are proposed as organizational predictors of expatriate adjustment.  相似文献   

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