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机器人及人工智能产业是重庆市战略性新兴产业发展的突破口和着力点,本文分析了重庆市机器人及人工智能产业发展基础与现状,明晰发展瓶颈与障碍并从产业结构、科技创新、人才保障、金融环境等方面提出针对性的对策建议。  相似文献   

大数据时代,信息科技的不断进步推动着人工智能在各领域的广泛应用。各行各业纷纷展开了应用人工智能技术提高自身管理能力和服务能力的实践。现代服务业作为第三产业的一种新型业态,其在人工智能环境下的发展既有机遇,也有挑战,如何依托人工智能实现创新发展已经成为社会各界关注的焦点。本文基于大数据环境,从现代服务业的基本概念入手,分析现代服务业应用人工智能过程中存在的问题,并提出针对性解决方案,希望能够为现代服务业的转型和创新发展提供指导。  相似文献   

国际研发合作已经成为我国发达区域进行创新发展的重要途径,江苏在这方面进行了诸多探索,如推进江苏和以色列间的研发合作、设立江苏以色列产业研发专项资金、营造良好的创新国际化政策环境等,并取得了一定成效,但也存在企业国际研发合作积极性不高、以高校和科研机构为主等问题。在新常态下,江苏省还需要进一步扩展合作范围、推进与创新能力强国的深度合作、引进和建设高水平的创新国际化载体、完善建设创新国际化服务体系、加快推进企业创新"走出去"的步伐,从而更好地推动创新型省份建设。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情暴发以来,人工智能技术在疫情监测分析、人员物资管控、医疗救治、药品研发、后勤保障、复工复产等方面充分发挥了作用。近日,中国信通院等单位发起的人工智能产业发展联盟发布了《人工智能助力新冠疫情防控调研报告》。通过梳理基于"人工智能支撑新冠疫情防控信息平台"收集的500余个人工智能抗疫案例.  相似文献   

赵稳 《中国市场》2022,(15):187-189
人工智能是科学技术发展进步的重要产物,在社会各个行业领域得到广泛推广,并取得了良好的应用效果,具有广阔的发展空间和前景。尤其是在企业人力资源管理工作中的充分应用,人工智能体现出了极大的优势,实现了组织结构优化和人力资源管理创新,提高整体工作效率等,但是同时也具有一定的消极影响,如行业门槛提升、人员淘汰等,对社会和谐发展带来一定的负面影响。文章主要对人工智能在企业人力资源管理中的应用影响进行分析,并探究在人工智能时代优化企业人力资源管理质量的策略,旨在进一步提升人工智能的应用效果,为企业人力资源管理提供坚实的技术支持。  相似文献   

石博年 《中国报业》2024,(4):134-135
人工智能技术的高速发展,为图书档案管理搭建了更广阔的平台。为推动图书档案管理创新发展,应针对性构建智慧化管理模式,进一步发挥智慧管理能力,构建健全的图书档案管理系统,全面应用人工智能技术,培养智慧型服务人才,提高图书档案管理的实效性。本文主要对人工智能背景下的图书档案管理创新进行了探究。  相似文献   

各国为促进人工智能产业快速、健康、可持续发展,纷纷出台了人工智能发展的战略或政策。而人工智能人才作为支撑人工智能产业发展的战略资源,不少国家都在相关战略或政策框架中对其培养发展作了专门规定。本文基于我国人工智能人才的发展现状,通过分析总结人工智能人才基础较好的国家在人工智能人才培养方面的政策与实践,提出促进我国人工智能人才培养的政策启示。  相似文献   

当前,人工智能是信息化发展最前沿、最高端的技术.作为财务人员,在享受科技带来工作便利的同时,也要清醒的认识到职业生涯正面临巨大的挑战.本文以人工智能环境为背景,对小微企业财会人员的职业状况加以分析,探析人工智能环境下小微企业财会人员面临的主要问题,并提出财会人员职业创新发展思路.  相似文献   

在"大众创业、万众创新"的大时代背景下,本文主要研究以色列创业型大学对我国创业型大学文化构建的指导意义及启示。以以色列最有代表性的工科学府——以色列理工学院为研究对象,主要从经来源、政府支持、市场接轨三方面来探究其对我国理工科高校创业文化构建的启示。  相似文献   

当前,人工智能技术的蓬勃发展对人们生活产生了巨大影响.人工智能为播音主持行业带来了前所未有的机遇与挑战.本文在阐述播音主持领域人工智能的发展及优劣势的基础上,分析二者融合创新策略,希望对相关研究有所助益.  相似文献   

This article shows that the Israeli economy weathered the Great Recession of 2008 rather well. Macroeconomic data show that Israel, with international trade that is highly dependent upon small, high‐tech multinationals, increased its outgoing foreign direct investment (FDI), outgoing greenfield investments, and exports during 2008 and attained good results compared to the European Union and the United States. The explanation offered is based on the predominance of high‐tech, born global companies and small high‐tech multinationals in Israel. Business strategies based on (1) size and flexibility, (2) focusing and tailoring, and (3) innovativeness and globalization allowed many of Israel's small, high‐tech multinationals to continue growing and attain their goals despite the Great Recession of 2008. Five case studies are presented to exemplify this argument. The continuing success of the high‐tech sector and its contribution to Israel's economy explains, among other things, why Israel was relatively unaffected by the crisis. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

新冠疫情的暴发以及长期防治对中国的公共卫生体系造成深远影响,给我国突发公共卫生事件应急与防控机制带来巨大的考验。在疫情防控的过程中,信息化技术为传统医疗机构带来瞩目的帮助与改变,人工智能、大数据、5G高速网络等新兴高科技的蓬勃发展在直接提升医疗水平方面表现出巨大潜力。本文就人工智能在疫情期间的医疗辅助功能展开讨论,并对未来我国公共卫生体系的建设进行了思考。  相似文献   

当前,世界各国纷纷立足科技创新,以科技外交为触手参与国际竞争和规则重构。日本综合科技创新会议(CSTI)是日本最高科技政策咨询决策部门,其重要职能之一便是促进日本科技外交发展。本文基于中国学者张冀燕对科技外交工具的分类,以CSTI的发展、产出成果中展现的工具性为切入点,分析日本科技外交发展特点,为我国发展科技外交提供策略建议。  相似文献   

科技人才对于一国的科技创新发展至关重要,科学合理地评价科研人员的学术影响力,对于科技人才遴选、引进、管理具有重要意义,同时,也可以营造公平、公正的学术氛围,推动科技发展。本研究针对新兴科技领域知识迭代更新快的特点,提出了新兴科技领域科研人员学术影响力综合评价体系和模型,并以人工智能高影响力科研人员为例进行了分析。结果发现,成果引用情况对学术影响力影响最大,其次是学术研究能力和学术活跃程度。本研究提供了一种指标客观赋值的方法,对于科研人员学术影响力的客观评价提供支撑。  相似文献   

In this article we sought to develop a methodology for estimating the level and composition of potential trade between Israel and its Arab neighbors. The need for such a methodology derives from the fact that the existing trade of these countries with the rest of the world constitutes an insufficient basis for predicting bilateral trade patterns between them. Trade based on input sharing can be an important source of ''new trade'' that is, trade that is not necessarily related to goods and services currently traded by the countries in question. New trade based on input sharing pertains to the imports by Arab countries of inputs in which Israel has a proven comparative advantage, and to imports by Israel of inputs produced in Arab countries in which the latter have a proven comparative advantage. It stands to reason that branches characterized by comparative advantage in the exporting country can improve the competitive position of the import ing country, when incorporated in the latter's final products. The analysis confirms that in agricultural produce, food products, and certain sub-branches of the textiles and clothing industry, Jordan, Syria, and Egypt all appear to be potential suppliers to Israel. Inter alia, the results show that the Israeli import potential of inputs from Jordan appears to be both larger and more evenly distributed among the different branches than the import potential from Syria and even from Egypt. This finding does not accord with expectations in view of the fact that Jordan has a smaller population and a lower gross domestic product than either Egypt or Syria. Jordan stands out in that its construction industry, including ceramic products, nonmetallic minerals, and structural metals, are also potential suppliers. The methodology developed in this article specifically concerns potential trade between Israel and its Arab neighbors. It can be usefully employed in other situations where trade between pairs of countries is either nonexistent or severely distorted by political or other factors. Examples which come to mind include trade between countries which in the past belonged to the Soviet bloc, or trade between these countries and the rest of the world. In such cases it is improper to base one's trade predictions on the countries' existing trading patterns. New trade, which can be very substantial, and which may have a very different composition from current trade of the parties concerned, must be added to the equation. The methodology demonstrated in this article can be easily adapted for this purpose.  相似文献   

本文就日本利用本国多用途民用遥感卫星和借助别国力量获取卫星图像信息为其军事服务,直至建立日本独立的军事侦察卫星系统这一发展天基情报侦察系统的策略进行了评述。同时,对日本天基情报侦察系统装备情况及其可能达到的水平也作了简略的阐述。  相似文献   

本文对入世后上海出口战略重新选择的原因、构想及其立论基础作了探索,并对入世后上海实施新出口战略从出口贸易形式、出口市场、出口销售、出口组织和政府职能等方面提出了对策。  相似文献   

A voice assistant (VA), a type of voice-enabled artificial intelligence, is no longer just a character in science fiction movies. Currently, voice is embedded in a variety of products such as smartphones (mobile applications) and smart speakers in consumers' homes. Furthermore, voice assistants are becoming integral to our daily lives. While human personalities shape the way we interact with the world, voice assistant personalities can also impact everyday interactions with our environment. This study identifies seven voice assistant personality traits (VAP) of three commonly used mobile applications: Microsoft's Cortana, Google's Assistant, and Amazon's Alexa. To examine the effect of VAP on consumer experience, this study applies and extends flow theory to uncover why VAP has the effects it has and what facets of VAP drive the voice interaction flow experience that can influence consumers' attitudes and behavioral intentions. Our study shows that voice interaction with a VA that incorporates functional intelligence, sincerity, and creativity empowers consumers to take control of their voice interactions with the VA, focus on their voice interaction, and engage in exploratory behavior. Consumers' exploratory behavior leads to consumer satisfaction and consumers' willingness to continue using voice assistant.  相似文献   

量子科学技术在物联网、人工智能、健康医疗、自动驾驶等方面应用广泛,对保障国家安全、促进高质量发展具有重要作用。本文论述了日本量子科技的研究现状,通过分析日本科技政策研究所科技预测中心KIDSASHI平台1定期发布的报告,概述了各国量子科技战略和政策文件,并根据日本第十一次技术预见德尔菲调查结果,从各个主题的重要程度、国际竞争力、科技实现前景、社会实现前景和政策措施等五个方面对日本量子科技的未来发展趋势、应用前景进行了分析。德尔菲调查结果的数据表明,本次调查的702个主题的平均实现时间是2032年,量子科技的22个主题均在2032-2040年之间实现社会目标;日本将在2035年建成国家首台门控量子计算机;单自旋元件、量子传感器和量子中继技术的重要程度和国际竞争力较高。  相似文献   

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