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随着社会经济和技术的不断发展,转基因食品逐渐进入公众的生活。转基因作物的大规模生产给社会带来非常可观的经济效益,然而,转基因食品本质上是人为创造出来的非自然存在的物种,对于转基因食品的安全性尚未能确保。本文就转基因食品的安全问题进行阐述。  相似文献   

公众对于转基因有着片面的认识,使转基因在我国生物科技发展过程中存在一定的隐忧。如转基因对自然环境、人类健康造成的影响。我们应公平地看待转基因,它是发展中国家农业发展的重要战略之一。文章分析了转基因生物安全隐忧及风险交流机制。  相似文献   

随着基因工程技术的发展,各国对转基因食品的研发日益加快,转基因食品数量增加的同时也伴随着食品安全问题。关于转基因食品的安全性尚无定论,我国《食品安全法》中明确要求企业必须对转基因产品进行标识,由人们自主选择转基因食品,这也造成了转基因食品分析检测技术面临着严峻的挑战。本文根据转基因食品的概念对其存在的问题进行详细分析,介绍了转基因食品分析检测技术的内容和类型,再此基础上提出转基因食品分析检测技术的研究方向。  相似文献   

转基因产品标识管理制度及实施情况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自上世纪80年代以来,转基因技术和转基因产品发展迅速。中国已经成为全球转基因作物的主要种植国和转基因产品的主要进口国之一。然而科学界与之相伴的有关转基因产品安全性的讨论愈演愈烈。在对这一问题未有科学定论之前,各国针对转基因技术及转基因产品的安全管理就显得尤为重要。本文以此为背景,通过对各主要国家和我国的标识管理制度的介绍、对比,结合我国转基因表示制度的实施情况,归结了出现这些情况的原因。  相似文献   

公众防灾教育在灾害风险管理中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高速发展的现代社会,面临着各种重大灾害风险的威胁,加强公众防灾教育,是有效应对灾害风险的重要手段,而我国公众的防灾意识相当薄弱.应以灾害风险管理为切入点,系统地分析我国公众防灾教育的现状、问题和原因,并借鉴国外的经验,就可以对我国公众防灾教育在灾害风险管理中作用的高效发挥,提出合理化的建议.  相似文献   

潘丽丽 《商》2012,(19):115-115
目前来说,我国商业银行的风险管理水平的提升和改变,将有助于我国商业银行的发展方式的转变和我国经济实现可持续增长。本文对我国商业银行的风险管理水平的现状和问题进行了分析,在此基础上,对于我国商业银行风险管理水平的提升和改变提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

转基因食品产业是21世纪的新产物,其研究并未成熟,其安全性尚不明确。借转基因食品安全不确定性的争议,引出并分析了我国转基因食品的应用和监管现状,认为我国转基因食品存在立法层次不高、监管标准与程序不规范、责任不到位等问题。提出构建更为全面、严格,科技发展与生态安全、消费者健康与社会利益相平衡的有效安全监管体系。  相似文献   

操作风险管理对于商业银行的经营和发展具有非常重要的意义和价值,随着我国社会经济的快速发展,以及经济全球化趋势的不断深入,我国商业银行所面临的经营风险不断增加,操作风险管理成为商业银行经营管理工作的重中之重。虽然操作风险是商业银行经营风险的重要组成,但在实际风险管理过程中,多数商业银行往往重视信用风险的管理和控制,而容易忽视操作风险的管理,也缺乏一套完善的操作风险识别评估的手段和方法,导致近几年重大操作风险案件或事件屡屡出现,这对于我国商业银行的持续稳定发展极为不利。本文就商业银行如何开展操作风险识别评估进行分析和论述,希望对于我国商业银行在识别评估并针对性地缓释操作风险能够起到一定的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

白虹霞  万伟 《商业观察》2023,(32):29-32
在风险管理方面,金融机构运用大数据思维和技术来完善风险管理体系是经营发展的必然选择。大数据信用评估方式必然会对小微企业的经营发展产生重要影响。文章在分析企业信用评级现状的基础上,分析传统信用评估模式下小微企业的融资困境,以及大数据信用评估模式对小微企业融资的影响,进而对未来的发展提出相应对策建议。  相似文献   

<正>日前,国家工商部门加强了对非转基因产品广告的监督管理,中央电视台率先发布《关于"非转基因产品"广告的审查要求通知》,禁止在广告中宣称非转基因产品更健康、更安全。农业部总经济师、新闻发言人毕美家日前回应,此举对于规范市场行为、正确引导消费、塑造公平竞争环境都将产生积极的示范效应。毕美家表示,有的企业把"非转基因"作为卖点加以炒作的做法实质是商业包装,违反了广告法等相关法规,导致行业竞争的无序,加剧公众对于转基因技术的恐慌情  相似文献   


Risk assessment and risk management techniques are being developed in many fields as an aid to safety investment decision making. Already these techniques are having impacts upon aspects of consumer safety which overlap with other sectors where safety is important and where these methods are being applied. Recent examples where this has happened range from public transportation to the safety of children's playgrounds. This paper reports on progress in risk management in some of these sectors. Key elements include the notion of ‘acceptabl’ and ‘tolerabl’ risk, the optimisation of safety according to principles known as ALARP (as low as reasonably practicable) or ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable), and the use of quantitative methods such as cost-benefit analysis as an aid to decision making. Attention is drawn to a number of factors which consumer safety practitioners may wish to consider should it be decided to follow the trend towards a risk-based approach to the management of consumer safety.  相似文献   

Intelligent and active packaging could allow consumers to control cognitive reactions linked to the risk of consuming food products contaminated by microbiological pathogens and thus mitigating negative consequences of food safety incidents. However, despite advances in technology, consumers' reactions and willingness to pay for active and intelligent packaging in the absence and presence of food safety incidents remain somewhat unexplored. To fill such a gap this study incorporates protection motivation theory (PMT) within a contingent valuation survey conducted in the UK to explore consumers' behavioural responses to risk communication in the absence and presence of a food safety incident. These responses were moderated by the possibility of buying hypothetical meat products marketed with biosensors informing consumers of the presence of bacteria post-purchase. A singular approach was developed to identify the following four behavioural responses of the PMT's cognitive mediating process: no response, fear, low response and danger control. Results indicate that the theoretical components of PMT play a different role in the absence and presence of food safety incidents. Respondents who receive risk information are willing to pay more than other participants to adopt precautionary behaviour and that purchasing behaviour varied across these four cognitive-behavioural responses. Governmental institutions, the food industry and retailers should consider working together to reassure consumers by investing in technology that may help consumers to mitigate fear during a food safety incident, but also to develop appropriate risk communication strategies that should focus more on the cognitive-behavioural outcomes analysed in this study.  相似文献   

设计了基于B/S模式的电力安全性评价系统.系统从电力安全性评价的实际需求出发,针对安全性评价数据分布式特点,采用了基于Web的Browser/Server三层结构,运用WWW(World Wide Web)浏览器的JavaScript和JSP技术,实现了通过浏览器操作就可完成安全性评价的全部功能.系统采用双因子认证技术,提供了安全可控制的访问机制.系统的成功开发为电力部门提供了一个功能强大的安全性评价的信息化管理平台,极大地提高了安全性评价的效率.  相似文献   

Scientists have asserted that genetically modified (GM) food offers financial, environmental, health, and quality benefits to society, but the realization of such benefits depends on consumer acceptance of this new technology. Consumer concerns about GM food raise questions about what consumers know about GM food and to what extent this knowledge translates into their evaluations of GM products. The present research empirically examines the effect of both objective and subjective knowledge on perceived risk and, in turn, key consumer behaviors associated with GM food. The results reveal that objective knowledge about GM food significantly reduces performance and psychological risks, whereas subjective knowledge influences only physical risk, and the valence of that impact depends on the level of the consumer's objective knowledge. Furthermore, different risk types enhance consumers' information search and reduce their propensity to buy GM food. The overall findings thus suggest the need for cooperation among government, scientific institutions, and the food industry to foster effective communication strategies that increase consumers' objective knowledge, reduce their risk perceptions, and encourage consumer adoptions of GM technology. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Mitigating supply chain risk is a critical component of a company's overall risk management strategy. Drawing upon Contingency Theory, we posit that the appropriateness and effectiveness of risk mitigation strategies are contingent on the internal and external environments and that there is no one‐size‐fits‐all strategy. While literature on risk management has proposed a variety of tools and techniques for effectively evaluating and managing supply chain risks, comprehensive assessment of the efficiencies of alternative risk mitigation strategies has not been addressed in the literature. Such an assessment will help managers select the appropriate mitigation strategy for a given decision‐making environment. To this end, this study is first of its kind in evaluating and proposing efficient supply chain risk mitigation strategies in the presence of a variety of risk categories, risk sources, and supply chain configurations. We combine an empirically grounded simulation methodology with data envelopment analysis and nonparametric statistical methods to analyze and rank alternative mitigation strategies. We find that the more efficient strategies focus on flexibility rather than on redundancy for supply chain failures. Our research presents several interesting and useful managerial insights for deciding what strategies are most capable of mitigating risks in a variety of contexts.  相似文献   

This study analyses whether the perceived risk of purchasing technological products is less influential on the process of technological adoption when this effect is moderated by the product's multifunctional category (hedonic vs. utilitarian product characteristics). Four experiments were developed according to scenarios related to the multifunctional content (level of complexity according to the product category) of the technology and the number of functionalities in the products. The perception of risk has less effect on adoption when the product characteristics are manipulated to be more utilitarian or heighten the consumer's social value. This study contributes to the theoretical understanding of which categories are less influenced by the perceived multifunctional risk of purchasing and adopting a new technology, as well as of when individual values overlap with consumers' risk perceptions. It also contributes managerially by identifying the profile of individuals who are more likely to consume innovations characterized by high complexity and functionality, and by providing guidance for the development of innovative products that prioritize utilitarian, rather than hedonic, characteristics.  相似文献   

秦立公 《中国市场》2008,(41):38-39,63
风险管理技术是现代项目管理中不可或缺的技术,物流项目的风险管理贯穿于项目整个生命周期,风险分析的风险辨识、风险排序、风险评估三个过程在项目的生命周期各阶段循环进行。本文基于物流项目的生命周期(LC)的启动、计划、实施、控制、收尾不同阶段的风险特征研究了相应的风险管理策略。  相似文献   

There has been much research into the role of technology in promoting student engagement and learning activity in third-level education. This article documents an innovative application of technology in a large, undergraduate business class in risk management. The students' learning outcomes are reinforced by activity in a custom-designed prediction market. The content of lectures are closely aligned to the student objectives within the prediction market, thus allowing the application of risk management practice while building knowledge through traditional delivery methods.  相似文献   

物流企业风险评估关系到企业管理水平的改进和企业持续健康成长,建立良好的风险评价体系和评估改进制度有利于提高企业应对内外环境风险的能力。本文通过四元集成(DHGF)综合评价模型对物流企业的风险进行评估,以确定企业所面临风险的大小,并通过采用经熵技术修正前后的两个指标权重,分别得出企业的风险评价值,然后与企业实际情况相比较,说明了经熵技术处理后的指标权重更有效,从而为物流企业风险水平的确定提供更科学合理的评价方法,并为企业经营管理的改进及横向比较提供依据。  相似文献   

风险投资是把资金投入到存在较大风险领域获取高收益的商业投资行为,而风险投资评价从某种意义上往往决定着投资的成败。在进行投资项目的选择过程中,不同的投资公司有着不同的选择标准。构成投资风险的因素主要包括环境风险、管理风险、技术风险、市场风险、资金风险。由于风险投资中因素较多,变数较大,企业大多数情况下需要对投资对象的信息进行转化、加工生成决策方案,从而实现风险控制。  相似文献   

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