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This paper demonstrates, in the context of a two-sector OLG neoclassical growth model, conditions under which international trade in consumption goods alone may be sufficient for the equalization of real returns to physical capital across countries; that is, under which commodity arbitrage is sufficient for real interest rate parity (RIRP). This role for repeated commodity arbitrage is established via a dynamic extension of the factor price equalization (FPE) theorem which is valid at all dates comprising the equilibrium path as well as its steady state. The results are at odds with the conventional view regarding RIRP which arises from open one-sector growth models, in which case steady state trade balance and RIRP are irreconcilable, and are also a contradiction to frequent assertions of lon-run specialization in two-sector frameworks. An equilibrium path for an integrated world economy yields an endogenous, time-variant cone of diversification which implies sufficient conditions for the dynamic paths of a cross-section of economies to exhibit FPE, and hence RIRP with trade balance, at all points in time. These conditions require that the savings rates and initial capital-labor ratios of individual countries do not deviate too significantly from world averages, and that both sectors absorb capital easily. The first of these requirements is sufficient to establish steady state FPE and RIRP in the general specification. The first two requirements are sufficient for the entire equilibrium path to be characterized by FPE and RIRP in a log-linear example. Received: September 22, 1998; revised version: February 10, 2000  相似文献   

A test of the permanent income hypothesis in panel data is formulated taking into account both the time-series and cross-section variation in the rate of return. The over-identifying restrictions of the theory rejected.  相似文献   

A test of the permanent income hypothesis that allows a variable and uncertain real interest rate is derived. Using quarterly post-war U.S. data, the permanent income hypothesis is rejected.  相似文献   

This article studies the real interest rate parity (RIP) for several Asian countries. This is done by examining the stationarity in the real interest rate differentials (rids) with respect to the US using the quantile unit root test. Our results show that rids exhibits unit-root behaviours in the lower quantile levels, and mean reversion in the upper quantile levels. Furthermore, large positive shocks tend to induce strong mean reversion and the adjustment towards the long-run equilibrium level is faster as rids gets larger, with shorter half-lives in the extreme quantile levels.  相似文献   

Robert Sollis   《Economics Letters》2011,112(1):19-22
This paper investigates the finite-sample power of STAR-based unit root tests when the data generation process is a globally stationary three-regime TAR model. Unit root tests are proposed derived from STAR models that nest TAR models.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether inflation-targeting influences real interest rate parity (RIP) by a bias correction approach under cross-sectional dependence. The recursive mean adjustment (RMA) method proposed by So and Shin (1999) and Shin and So (2001) is employed to correct the downward bias in the panel unit root tests and in the half-life estimates of real interest rate differentials for traded and non-traded goods. The empirical findings differ depending on whether we apply the RMA. More importantly, the empirical results show that as more homogeneous economies become involved in terms of inflation-targeting regime, stronger mean reversion and much a tighter confidence interval are present. Thus, inflation-targeting plays an important role in providing favorable evidence for long-run RIP.  相似文献   

The Fisher effect states that inflation expectations should be reflected in nominal interest rates in a one-for-one manner to compensate for changes in the purchasing power of money. Despite its wide acceptance in theory, much of the empirical work fails to find favorable evidence. This paper examines the Fisher effect in a panel of 21 OECD countries over the period 1983–2010. Using the Panel Analysis of Non-stationarity in Idiosyncratic and Common Components (PANIC), a non-stationary common factor is detected in the real interest rate. This may reflect permanent common shifts in e.g. time preferences, risk aversion and the steady-state growth rate of technological change. We therefore control for an unobserved non-stationary common factor in estimating the Fisher equation using both the Common Correlated Effects Pooled (CCEP) and the Continuously Updated (Cup) estimation approach. The impact of inflation on the nominal interest rate is found to be insignificantly different from 1, providing support of the Fisher effect.  相似文献   

I find that real US GDP is better characterized as a trend stationary Markov-switching process than as having a (regime-dependent) unit root. I examine the effects of both assumptions on the analysis of business cycle features and their implications for the persistence of the dynamic response of output to a random disturbance.  相似文献   

In a recent study, Westerlund (Empir Econ 37:517–531, 2009) shows that the performance of the popular LLC (Levin et al., J Econ 108:1–24, 2002) panel unit root test depends critically on the choice of lag truncation used when correcting for serial correlation, and that it is only when this parameter is set as a function of time that the power raises above size. The purpose of the current paper is to propose a modified test that does not suffer from this drawback. The new test is not only simpler to compute but also superior in terms of small-sample performance, which is illustrated using an example purchasing power parity for less developed countries.  相似文献   

In this study, we re-examine the PPP hypothesis in the light of the new developments in the unit root testing literature. The recent theoretical findings have pointed out that the real exchange rate series exhibit asymmetric nonlinear behavior. A unit root test applied to analyze the PPP hypothesis therefore, should also take into account this asymmetry inherent in the real exchange rate. Different unit root tests that consider the presence of these data features have been developed in the time series literature. However, a true attempt to test the PPP hypothesis should take a panel data approach. To this end, we propose a nonlinear heterogeneous panel unit root test where the alternative hypothesis allows for symmetric or asymmetric exponential smooth transition autoregressive nonlinearity and provide its finite sample properties. We apply our test to the real exchange rates of the 15 European Union countries against the US dollar. While the results of the linear and symmetric nonlinear heterogeneous panel unit root tests are against the PPP hypothesis, the asymmetric nonlinear heterogeneous panel test that we propose gives support for the PPP hypothesis as expected. Therefore, the conclusions drawn from the linear panel unit root tests or the nonlinear panel unit root tests that do not take asymmetry into account might be misleading.  相似文献   

Donggyu Sul   《Economics Letters》2009,105(1):123-126
Utilizing recursive mean adjustment (RMA) we provide two unit root tests: the covariate RMA unit root test and the panel feasible generalized RMA unit root test. The proposed panel unit root tests are precise and powerful, especially when N.  相似文献   

We suggest a Monte Carlo simulation-based unit root test of the purchasing power parity theory for Latin American countries. Under the null hypothesis, we use a Markov regime-switching (MS) model with unit root in the conditional location and MS volatility dynamics. Under the alternative hypothesis, the proposed test incorporates Markov regime-switching autoregressive moving average (MS-ARMA) plus MS volatility dynamics. Under both the null and alternative hypotheses, one of the volatility models estimated is Beta-t-EGARCH, which is a recent dynamic conditional score volatility model. We use data on real effective exchange rate time series for 14 Latin American countries. For each country, we estimate by Monte Carlo simulation the critical values of the unit root test. We provide an economic discussion of the unit root test results and also study the robustness of MS-ARMA plus MS volatility with respect to smooth transition autoregressive models with Fourier function.  相似文献   

This paper considers a Lagrange multiplier (LM) based panel unit root test that allows for heterogeneous structural breaks in both the intercepts and slopes of a series. We note that many popular time series variables are likely to exhibit changing means and/or trends over time. Given that the usual tests will depend on the nuisance parameters indicating the locations of the trend breaks, we adopt a transformation procedure that makes our new panel unit root tests invariant to the nuisance parameters. To illustrate the importance of the power gain provided by our test, we examine the convergence hypothesis using relative ratios of per capita health care expenditures in 20 OECD countries. Our results provide evidence that the convergence hypothesis is supported.  相似文献   

The interest parity theory postulates that a one percentage point increase in the interest differential favoring a currency will be accompanied by an increase in the discount on that currency in the forward market of one percentage point as well. Using Canadian data we find that the forward rate responds to the interest differential with a lag. Moreover, a unit increase in the differential favoring the U.S. was accompanied in the long run by a rise in the discount on the forward U. S. dollar which was not significantly different from unity.  相似文献   

In this article, we employ the methods initiated by Hansen (1995) to develop new quantile nonlinear unit root tests with covariates. The limiting distributions of our proposed tests are derived, which are dependent on nuisance parameter reflecting the correlation between the equation error and the covariates. To deal with this inferential difficulty, two alternative procedures based on either consistent estimate of the nuisance parameter or bootstrap implementation of the test are proposed. Monte Carlo simulations show that the proposed tests perform very well in finite samples and large power gains can be achieved by including correlated covariates in the testing equation. The proposed tests are applied to the PPP hypothesis. The empirical results indicate that the real exchange rates are not constant unit root processes.  相似文献   

The most frequently applied test statistics for a unit root are the Dickey–Fuller tests, which are built into many econometric packages along with MacKinnon's empirical response functions. This article provides empirical response functions for some easy to compute alternative test statistics that are generally much more powerful than the Dickey–Fuller tests; specifically, these are the Dickey–Fuller tests and the weighted symmetric versions of the and tests. The empirical response functions presented here take into account adjustments for lag length in the maintained regression, and also extend the design of the simulation experiments compared to previous work. A second aspect of this study concerns the widespread practice in applied econometrics of using more than one test for the same feature without an assessment of the implications for the cumulative significance level and probability of test conflict. Tests for a unit root being are a leading example of this practice. Using the extended set of unit root tests considered here, the extent of test dependence is simulated and overall type one error calculated. Two empirical applications illustrate the key principles.  相似文献   

Critics of the standard Dickey–Fuller and augmented Dickey–Fuller tests for unit roots argue that when there have been significant structural breaks during the sample period, these tests are often biased toward acceptance. Allowing for a one-time change in the slope of the trend function often leads to rejection of the unit-root hypothesis which implies that business cycles are temporary fluctuations around a stable but possibly shifting trend path. The validity of the unit root hypothesis in connection with the two oil crises in the seventies is re-examined using quarterly time-series data for a set of UK macroeconomic series. The empirical evidence presented supports the view that only those shocks associated with the oil price crises had a persistent effect on the UK economy.  相似文献   

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