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鞍山市社会力量投资开发农业情况透视张素凤农业经济·1998/7农业投入近年来,伴随国民经济加速结构调整和体制转型,鞍山市出现了社会力量投资开发农业的新趋势,农业开发已成为社会投资的热点。本文对鞍山市社会力量开发农业情况做以透视分析,意在促进农业投资主... 相似文献
应用股份合作制加快土地复垦开发步伐王立新,朱云生溧阳市地处江苏省西南部,与苏渐皖七县(市)毗邻。全市36个乡镇80万人口,总面积1536平方公里。其中丘陵山区占57.3%,平原圩区占有42.7%。据1992年土地利用现状补充调查,全市现有耕地面积10... 相似文献
本文对县级土地开发整理复垦规划的概念、程序、主要内容和方法作了初步探讨。并明确了县级土地开发整理复垦规划应在土地利用总体规划的指导和控制下,分4个阶段完成;主要内容包括土地资源调查、土地适宜性评价、开发整理复垦方向和规划方案。 相似文献
<正>记者2013年12月24日从国家卫生计生委获悉,为加强食品安全风险监测体系建设,32家省级疾控中心将成为国家食品安全风险监测省级中心,北京市疾控中心等6家省级疾控中心将成为国家食品安全风险监测参比实验室。(2013年12月25日《广州日报》)食品安全问题事关千家万户,但凡有相关报道,总会成为新闻热点、引发舆论关注。笔者认为,保障国人食品安全,必须依靠一套 相似文献
下村时,常听到村干部这样的感叹:现在农村工作不好做,村干部不好当。作为村干部,既要促经济、抓生产,又要落实宣传党的政策,组织科技推广,还要协调各方面关系,解决纠纷等诸多鸡毛蒜皮的小事。涉及财务、合同、土地、人力、资金等许多方面,而且各种工作又存在着千变万化的矛盾,这不能不说是对村干部的挑战。我在一个村审计时,发现这样一件事,村支书为了争取支农资金,用公款给有关领导送礼,在村账务上报销,这位支书还振振有词:“不送礼,人家凭什么给你拨款?况且区区两千元,争得几万元的资金,这钱花得值。我是为集体办事,… 相似文献
矿区土地复垦组织模式研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
分析了当前土地复垦中存在的问题,在分析问题的基础上结合国外土地成功复垦模式的经验。提出了可行性的土地复垦组织模式。并对其可行性和特点及其运行职能和基础进行了探讨。 相似文献
从外来移民垦荒的角度,运用历史分析方法,在掌握不同时期垦殖情况的基础上,分析了建国前东北垦殖在耕地规模扩大、耕作方式、种子改良和农作物新品种培育等方面对黑龙江垦区经济发展的影响。 相似文献
Coastal land reclamation is one of the major human interventions in the coastal areas, it is a process undergo in many parts of the world. Land reclamation supplies land for development with urgent needs for coastal cities, and creates the opportunity for rapid urbanization, however, it also influences the integrity of the coastal ecosystem and results in a decline in biodiversity and ecosystem services. Over-exploitation and unreasonable use of coastal land has been a major issue and became a threat to ecological security in China. This paper analyzed the coastal land expansion and utilization process from 1980 to 2015 in Shanghai through remote sensing image processing and field investigations. The process of land reclamation in Shanghai and the effect of land use transformation on natural wetlands and the quality of the natural habitat are explored by analyzing land use and land cover change and modeling ecosystem services change by Integrated valuation of ecosystem services and tradeoffs (InVEST) model. The results show that the urban ‘ocean sprawl’ in Shanghai has increased by ∼10 % from 1980 to 2015 which transformed natural wetlands into construction land significantly. Despite strict control over the quality of reclamation projects and appropriate compensation with artificial wetlands, the natural habitat damage caused by reclamation increases exponentially in the past few decades. Recently the policies have changed from encouraging human reclamation to prohibit all kinds of land reclamation programs from national to local scales. It has major policy implications for future coastal habitat conservation. This paper gives an overview of the land reclamation in Shanghai and its impact on natural habitat that can foster the related policies to promote healthier and more reasonable urbanization during the economic transformation. 相似文献
我国土地供给是有限的,现有耕地又因各种占用锐减,因此迫切需要增加耕地,保证"占补平衡"。沿海滩涂是得天独厚的土地资源,围垦是江苏省增加耕地的有效途径,对缓解江苏用地日益紧缺的矛盾,推动沿海经济发展具有重要作用。用模糊理论对条子泥围垦项目进行社会效益分析,从养殖收益、农业生态收益等方面分析该项目的社会总效益。量化分析各因素对条子泥项目的影响,并从理论方面分析条子泥建设对东台市的巨大影响,从而得出条子泥围垦项目的建设社会效益巨大的结论。 相似文献
Estimating the environmental effects and recreational benefits of cultivated flower land for environmental quality improvement in Taiwan 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Chin‐Huang Huang 《Agricultural Economics》2017,48(1):29-39
The main purpose of this study is to measure environmental effects and recreational benefits under different hypothetical scenarios program, involving quality improvement in Tien‐Wei Highway Garden, which is the biggest cultivated flower land in Taiwan. The contingent behavior model was adopted. The data combined actual number of trips under current quality of environment combined and the intended number of trips for expected scenarios of environmental quality improvement and congestion mitigation. For the empirical model, on‐site Poisson model was performed to correct truncated and endogenous stratification issues from on‐site surveys. The results show that the estimated average consumer surplus is greater in contingent behavior method than the one in the traditional travel cost model. Also, the estimated recreational benefits in contingent behavior method are more precise than those in the traditional travel cost method. The environment benefits to consumers are communicated with the programs that changes in environment quality. Meanwhile, the incremental economic benefits comprise the gain associated with the improvement of environmental quality. 相似文献
This article develops a method for using input–output data to calculate a farm share estimate for all food rather than the typical approach of estimating a price spread for an individual product. The farm share of the food dollar is approximately 14% in the United States and 17% in Canada. The farm share increased somewhat during the commodity price boom but has generally fallen steadily by approximately 20% since 1997. While the farm share of expenditures on food for home consumption is approximately 22% across both countries, it is 4% in the United States and 7% in Canada for meals consumed away from home. The empirical framework can be extended to other countries given the extensive use of System of National Account data making international and temporal comparisons possible across farm and food marketing systems. 相似文献
David J. Pannell 《Agricultural Economics》2009,40(1):95-102
A previous study developed a framework for choosing among groups of policy mechanisms for encouraging environmentally beneficial land-use change. The framework highlights that these choices should depend on the relative levels of private (or internal) net benefits, and public (or external) net benefits. Incentive-based mechanisms (polluter-pays and/or beneficiary-pays) and extension need to be targeted carefully to appropriate projects—where private net benefits are close to zero, and/or public net benefits are more extremely positive or negative. This article focuses on policy mechanisms that alter the net benefits of changing land management, including R&D to develop new technologies, and training to improve the skill of landholders at using existing technologies. These policy options are now treated more comprehensively within the public benefits: private benefits framework. Benefits of technology-change projects can include reductions in the opportunity cost of compliance with environmental programs, increases in the public benefits of a particular type of land-use change, or improvements in private net benefits, resulting in public benefits through greater or more rapid adoption by private landholders. From an environmental management perspective, technology development is most relevant where public net benefits of land use change are positive and private net benefits are negative, but not highly negative. There is a set of projects for which technology change is the only viable alternative to no action, highlighting the importance of technology change in these cases. 相似文献
以玉溪市为研究区域,构建了土地利用社会经济效益和生态环境效益耦合协调度的指标体系,利用耦合协调度模型对2004-2009年玉溪市土地利用效益进行了实证研究,结果表明,玉溪市土地利用社会经济效益与生态环境效益的耦合度由2004年轻度失调状态(0.366)发展2009年的优质协调(0.913),但在2005年其耦合协调度有所减少,2006至2008年耦合协调度稳步上升。但相对来讲,玉溪市土地利用的社会经济效益水平高于生态环境效益水平。因此,玉溪市应在发展经济的同时,提高土地利用的生态环境效益,促使玉溪市土地利用效益的稳步上升并保持优质协调度。 相似文献