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What are the economic effects of an interest rate cut when an economy is in the midst of a financial crisis? Under what conditions will a cut stimulate output and employment, and raise welfare? Under what conditions will a cut have the opposite effects? We answer these questions in a general class of open economy models, where a financial crisis is modelled as a time when collateral constraints are suddenly binding. We find that when there are frictions in adjusting the level of output in the traded good sector and in adjusting the rate at which that output can be used in other parts of the economy, then a cut in the interest rate is most likely to result in a welfare-reducing fall in output and employment. When these frictions are absent, a cut in the interest rate improves asset positions and promotes a welfare-increasing economic expansion.  相似文献   

Summary. In this paper we develop a general equilibrium model with heterogeneous, long-lived firms where financial factors play an important role in their production and investment decisions. When the economy is hit by monetary shocks, the response of small and large firms differs substantially, with small firms responding more than big firms. As a result of the financial decisions of firms, monetary shocks have a persistent impact on output. Another finding of the paper is that monetary shocks lead to considerable volatility in stock market returns.Received: 20 November 2003, Revised: 26 August 2004 JEL Classification Numbers: E5, G3.T.F. Cooley, V. Quadrini: We have received helpful comments on earlier versions of this paper from Jeff Campbell, David Chapman, Thomas Cosimano, Joao Gomes, Boyan Jovanovic, José-Víctor Ríos-Rull, and Harald Uhlig. Correspondence to: V. Quadrini  相似文献   

Monetary policy and price level determinacy in a cash-in-advance economy   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Summary The paper considers the determinacy of the equilibrium price level in the cash-in-advance monetary economy of Lucas and Stokey (1983, 1987), in the case of deterministic fundamentals. The possibilities both of a multiplicity of perfect foresight equilibria and of sunspot equilibria are considered. Two types of monetary policy regimes are considered and compared, one in which the money supply grows at a given exogenous rate (that may be positive or negative), and one in which the nominal interest rate on one-period government debt is pegged at a given non-negative level. In the case of constant money growth rate regimes, it is shown that one can easily have both indeterminacy of perfect foresight equilibrium and existence of sunspot equilibria; indeed, in the case of negative rates of money growth (as called for by Friedman (1969)), both types of indeterminacy necessarily occur. On the other hand, sufficient conditions for uniqueness of equilibrium (and non-existence of equilibria other than a deterministic steady state) are also given, and a class of cases is identified in which a sufficiently high rate of money growth guarantees this. Thus there may be a conflict between the aims of choosing a rate of money growth that results in a high level of welfare in the steady state equilibrium and choosing a rate that makes this steady state the unique equilibrium.) In the case of the interest rate pegging regimes, sufficient conditions are given for uniqueness of equilibrium (and impossibility of sunspot equilibria), and it is shown that these necessarily hold in the case of any low enough nominal interest rate. Thus the nominal interest rate peg allows simultaneous achievement of price level determinacy and a high level of welfare in the unique (steady state) equilibrium.In this paper I consider the consequences of alternative choices of the monetary policy regime for the determinacy of the rational expectations equilibrium value of money, and in particular for the existence or not of sunspot equilibria, i.e., rational expectations equilibria in which fluctuations in the price level occur in response to random events that represent no change in economic fundamentals, simply due to self-fulfilling revisions of people's expectations. I am interested in particular in making the point that a consideration of the complete set of possible equilibria associated with a given policy regime may alter one's evaluation of the relative desirability of alternative policies, relative to the conclusion that one might reach if one considered only a single possible equilibrium associated with each policy regime (perhaps a unique equilibrium involving a minimum set of state variables). In view of this I give particular attention to policy regimes of types that have sometimes been advocated as ways of reducing the inefficiency associated with a rate of return differential between money and other financial assets, and show that policies that might otherwise be desirable (policies that make possible a more desirable equilibrium than would otherwise be possible) can have the unfortunate consequence of rendering equilibrium indeterminate and making possible equilibrium fluctuations in response to sunspot events.Two classes of policy regimes are considered in particular: on the one hand, alternative constant rates of growth or contraction of the money supply, financed through lump sum taxes or transfers, with zero net government assets at all times; and on the other, alternative constant nominal interest rate pegs, to be maintained through open market operations between money and interest-bearing debt, with an exogenously fixed level of net transfer payments. The first class of policies is considered because of Friedman's (1969) well-known proposal that a constant contraction of the money supply of this sort would be welfare improving. I find that while thestationary equilibrium associated with the Friedman regime achieves the maximum possible level of utility for the representative consumer, and while the level of utility associated with stationary equilibrium may be monotonically decreasing in the rate of money growth, lower rates of money growth (in particular, rates near that called for by Friedman) are associated with indeterminacy of equilibrium and the existence of sunspot equilibria, while these problems need not arise in the case of higher rates of money growth.The second class of policies is considered because they represent an obvious alternative approach to the elimination of the same rate of return differential with which Friedman is concerned. Achievement of permanently low nominal interest rates through a simple interest rate peg is not often advocated; one reason is that it is often asserted that such a policy must result in price level indeterminacy. In fact, I find that if the interest rate pegging regime is properly specified, it results in aunique rational expectations equilibrium, regardless of the level at which interest rates are to be pegged. Thus not only does the interest rate peg not result in price level indeterminacy but it allows nominal interest rates to be maintained permanently at a level lower than that which can be obtained through a policy regime of the first sort without creating price level indeterminacy. It would hence appear, at least in the case of the kind of economy modeled here, that interest rate pegging is a more reliable way of trying to reduce the inefficiency associated with consumers being forced to economize on liquidity.This paper represents a revision of Woodford (1988). I would like to thank Leonardo Auernheimer, Buz Brock, Willem Buiter, Peter Howitt, Teh-Ming Huo, David Laidler, David Levine, Bennett McCallum, and an anonymous referee for helpful comments, and the National Science Foundation for research support.  相似文献   

An endogenous financial market segmentation model is constructed to explore the role of costly credit as a medium of exchange in the monetary policy elasticity of financial market activity. Against inflation risk, credit is an alternative insurance device to a cash transfer from the financial market. In equilibrium, credit reduces the financial market activity rate. Monetary policy has redistributive effects across economic individuals. Inflation may not tax financial market non-participants. However, it may tax financial market participants by increasing the financial market activity rate. Welfare may increase and the optimal money growth rate can be positive.  相似文献   

We study a New-Keynesian DSGE model subject to limited asset market participation (LAMP) and assess whether monetary policy should respond to stock prices for what concerns the determinacy and the learnability (E-stability) of the Rational Expectations Equilibrium (REE). We find that interest rate rules granting a positive response to stock prices facilitate both the determinacy and the E-stability of the fundamental REE when the degree of LAMP is sufficiently large to generate an inverted aggregate demand channel of monetary policy transmission. Moreover, according to our analysis, policy rules responding to stock prices appear to perform better than more standard rules responding to output with respect to both equilibrium determinacy and aggregate welfare.  相似文献   

Using a monetary framework with stock markets, this paper investigates dynamic behaviors of a small open economy with various adjustments in the manufacturing prices. For an instantaneous adjustment of the manufacturing prices, stock values and exchange rates may appear to misjump or misadjust at the instant of the monetary policy announcement. When the manufacturing prices adjust sluggishly, exchange rates may overshoot but stock values can exhibit various dynamic patterns, including overshooting or undershooting.  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2022,76(4):308-324
The question of the implication of the macroeconomic policy environment for welfare may be an empirical one, and the answer may well differ amongst economies. In this paper, we evaluate the role of monetary policy toward inclusive growth. The evidence from a large sample of countries shows that in both the short and long terms, low inflation and stable economic growth are associated with lower income inequality, improved well-being of the poor and greater inclusion. Both short-term and long-run effects are statistically significant and show that monetary policy that aims at low inflation and stable economic growth is most likely to improve permanently growth inclusiveness and the conditions of the poor. However, in advanced economies where inflation rates are considerably lower, disinflation hurts the poor and equity, ignites greater unemployment cost, and worsens growth inclusiveness. In any case, price and output stability is necessary for greater growth inclusiveness. Thus, the twin objectives of macroeconomic stability and inclusive growth offer no trade-offs.  相似文献   

Ten years after the 2008-09 global financial crisis, most advanced economies have recovered and global economic growth has taken hold. However, partly due to accommodative financial conditions, financial risks are on the rise while inflation remains subdued. This revives the debate on the role of monetary policy in containing financial risks. This paper provides a framework to investigate trade-offs between macroeconomic and financial stability when the central bank has a financial stability objective. Relying on a New Keynesian model with an endogenous financial bubble, our simulations suggest that a central bank attempting to “lean against the wind” may face trade-offs between inflation/output stability and financial stability. We therefore argue that the interest rate should be used for achieving traditional macroeconomic goals, and a second, macroprudential instrument should complement the policy rate to tackle financial risk accumulation.  相似文献   

We develop a monetary model that incorporates over‐the‐counter (OTC) asset trade. After agents have made their money holding decisions, they receive an idiosyncratic shock that affects their valuation for consumption and, hence, for the unique liquid asset, namely money. Subsequently, agents can choose whether they want to enter the OTC market in order to sell assets and thus boost their liquidity or to buy assets and thus provide liquidity to other agents. In our model, inflation affects not only the money holding decisions of agents, as is standard in monetary theory, but also the entry decision of these agents in the financial market. We use our framework to study the effect of inflation on welfare, asset prices and OTC trade volume. In contrast to most monetary models, which predict a negative relationship between inflation and welfare, we find that inflation can be welfare improving within a certain range, because it mitigates a search externality that agents impose on one another when they make their OTC market entry decision. Also, an increase in the holding cost of money will lead to a decrease in asset prices, a regularity that is well documented in the data and often considered anomalous.  相似文献   

Disinflation, especially if coupled with financial market liberalisation, has implications for public finances because it lowers the revenue from the inflation tax. There might thus be a trade-off between the criteria on inflation convergence and public finances that were set at Maastricht. This paper measures the effects of lower inflation and financial market integration on the revenue from seigniorage for the EC member countries that have in the past relied most heavily on this source of revenues. The main result is that disinflation alone will reduce the revenue from seigniorage by over 2% of GDP in Greece, but much less than 1% of GDP in the other countries considered here. The overall impact of EMU (i.e. disinflation plus financial market integration) is a loss of seigniorage revenues of 2.9% of GDP in Greece and a little over 1% of GDP in Portugal and Spain. Two different measures of seigniorage yield similar results regarding the overall change, but differ regarding the transitional period and the level.  相似文献   

This paper studies the implications for monetary policy of heterogeneous expectations in a New Keynesian model. The assumption of rational expectations is replaced with parsimonious forecasting models where agents select between predictors that are underparameterized. In a Misspecification Equilibrium agents only select the best-performing statistical models. We demonstrate that, even when monetary policy rules satisfy the Taylor principle by adjusting nominal interest rates more than one for one with inflation, there may exist equilibria with Intrinsic Heterogeneity. Under certain conditions, there may exist multiple misspecification equilibria. We show that these findings have important implications for business cycle dynamics and for the design of monetary policy.  相似文献   

This paper puts to scrutiny the way monetary policy propagates its effects and the way it should be conducted, focusing on the behavior of consumers. Specifically, it considers a price elasticity of demand that increases with the level of consumption as is observed in the data. A realistic demand structure has remarkable implications for monetary policy. Three main results stand out. First, it can amplify the real effects of monetary and technology shocks. Second, it can weaken the ability of a simple Taylor rule to stabilize the economy. Third, it can attenuate the trade-off in the stabilization of output and inflation. These findings provide support to the notion of a dual mandate for the central bank. They are based on a novel mechanism of intertemporal substitution, whereby consumers have a weak incentive to smooth out the effects of income fluctuations. The mechanism lends itself to addressing questions of stabilization policy and business cycle analysis.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is study the effect of monetary policy on asset prices. We study the properties of a monetary model in which a real asset is valued for its rate of return and for its liquidity. We show that money is essential if and only if real assets are scarce, in the precise sense that their supply is not sufficient to satisfy the demand for liquidity. Our model generates a clear connection between asset prices and monetary policy. When money grows at a higher rate, inflation is higher and the return on money decreases. In equilibrium, no arbitrage amounts to equating the real return of both objects. Therefore, the price of the asset increases in order to lower its real return. This negative relationship between inflation and asset returns is in the spirit of research in finance initiated in the early 1980s.  相似文献   

This article develops an econometric model in order to study country risk behaviour for six emerging economies (Argentina, Mexico, Russia, Thailand, Korea and Indonesia), by expanding the country beta risk model of Harvey and Zhou (1993 Harvey, CR and Zhou, G. 1993. International asset pricing with alternative distributional specifications. Journal of Empirical Finance, 1: 10731. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]), Erb et al . (1996a, b) and Gangemi et al . (2000). Towards this end, we have analysed the impact of macroeconomic variables, especially monetary policy, upon country risk, by way of a time-varying parameter approach. The results indicate an unstable effect of monetary policy upon country risk in periods of crisis. However, this effect is stable in other periods, and the Favero–Giavazzi effect is not verified for all economies, with an opposite effect being observed in many cases.  相似文献   

The paper assesses the impact of monetary policy shocks on credit reallocation and evaluates the importance of theoretical monetary policy transmission mechanisms. Compustat data covering 1974 through 2017 is used to compute quarterly measures of credit flows of borrowing firms. I find that expansionary monetary policy is associated with positive long-term credit creation and credit destruction (i.e. credit reallocation). This impact is larger for financially constrained firms and those that are perceived as relatively risky to the lender. This is predicted by the balance sheet channel of monetary policy and mechanisms that reduce lenders’ risk perceptions and increase the tendency to search for yield.  相似文献   

Young-Han Kim 《Applied economics》2013,45(10):1123-1132
Based on the understanding of financial crisis as the self-fulfilling crisis of speculators belief system, this paper examines the feasibility of introducing the Tobin tax system to reduce financial volatility in the Asian foreign exchange markets. The model analysis in this paper provides the following policy implications. To reduce the motivation to deviate from the policy coordination, it is required to allow all tax revenues to collecting countries, especially to Singapore and Hong Kong. Even without the participation of the major western countries, the start of the tax policy coordination in the Asian region can have significant signalling effects to reduce speculative motivation.  相似文献   

This paper considers the issue of rule versus discretion when the central bank and the government share private information but have different preferences over inflation and output. We demonstrate that if the monetary policy is rule-based, Intuitive Criterion selects the unique separating equilibrium in which the central bank signals a low supply shock by a low interest rate. Interestingly, discretion may be better than the rule for the central bank, contrary to the case of complete information. Also, we examine the effect of information asymmetry on the monetary and fiscal policy mix. We show that cross signal jamming whereby the monetary authority and the fiscal authority successfully jams an unfavorable signal of each other does not occur in equilibrium.  相似文献   

The definition of price stability adopted by the ECB has recently been criticized in the literature, particularly for being unable to fully anchor inflation expectations and creating a deflation risk. In the paper empirical evidence is provided against these claims. Despite the unfavourable macroeconomic conditions for the euro area since 2001, monetary policy management has lead to the setting of the policy rate at levels compatible with trend inflation (the long-run inflation forecast) in the range 1–3%, and therefore without affecting negatively the inflation outlook.  相似文献   

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