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近日在纽约举行的国际酒店业营销协会数字营销策略发布会上,著名的行业领导者组成小组,讨论当前关于响应网站设计的两个"流派":●响应式网页设计(RWD):以"过时的"方式使相同的网页适应不同大小的屏幕。●自适应网页设计又名服务器端响应设计(RESS):从相同的内容管理系统中,为不同的设备提供相对应的网页。  相似文献   

在某些教学软件中,经常会出现一些介绍一步步屏幕操作的演示课件,想必大家一定会对这些教学演示感到神奇吧,其实要制作这样的屏幕录制影像并不难,它不需要使用特殊的设备,只要使用WinCAM 2000就可以实现这样的功能。作为一款结合了屏幕动态录制与影像编辑功能的多功能软件,WinCAM2000在屏幕录制功能中可以抓取屏幕上的任何活动,其中包括鼠标移动、程序处理和按键操作等等。WinCAM 2000是由WinCAM Recorder、WinCAMProducer、WincAM player三个工具  相似文献   

多屏互动和屏幕镜像技术开始逐渐广泛运用于智能终端等消费类电子产品,它可以通过WiFi使多媒体文件、终端屏幕画面和声音在不同设备间相互分享,这两种技术正逐渐改变着人们的日常生活。  相似文献   

1、双屏幕:两个LCD液晶显示屏将会给游戏带来更大的乐趣。想象一下,在一款赛车游戏中,玩家不仅能在屏幕上以驾驶室视角观看游戏视野,还能在另一个屏幕上观看角色扮演游戏中,一个示打斗情节的时候,另一个屏幕上却显示玩家当前的道具等信息。在将来的游戏中,还会支持一个屏幕能使玩家进行游戏,另一个屏幕用来和其他DS玩家聊天。两个3英寸屏幕都支持真三维图形显示以及背景光源系统来更好地适应光线较暗的环境。  相似文献   

本综述以多设备之间的交互行为为中心话题。因多屏交互较之传统交互在用户、设备、交互行为上都有变化,故亦探讨了柔性界面的实现方法。文中概述了一些实现了多设备、多屏幕之间交互的实例,以及对柔性界面构建的探索。此综述意在为多屏协作设备的构想提供参考。  相似文献   

所谓"跨屏",并不是像字面看起来的那样仅仅是简单把图像从一个屏幕转移到另一个屏幕上,而是更大的一个概念:内容转移,其中包括图像、资料、习惯使用的软件等等,在很多特定情况下甚至不局限于单纯的数据迁移层面,而是类似设备间无缝转接的"同步"效果。  相似文献   

营销者说多屏时代的王道是什么?——更有品质的内容。只有真正了解用户的需求,制作他们喜欢的、关注的、想看到的内容,才能实现空间和时间的双向占领。我们身处在一个多屏的时代,现在的屏幕遍布各处:电梯间、机场、移动设备——智能手机和平板电脑等等,生活中的不同屏幕占领了我们生活中的空间和时间,时间被严重碎片化。如何让眼  相似文献   

本文阐述了一种防止触摸屏移动设备误操作的方法及装置,涉及移动通信领域,详细描述了当所述误操作区域被触发时,移动设备在预设时间内检测后续触发事件;若移动设备在预设时间内检测到后续触发事件,则移动设备根据所述后续触发事件进行相应处理等等方面技术细节。大尺寸触摸屏的移动设备在趋于窄边设计的同时,本文的设计可以有效避免用户手指或手掌在屏幕边沿部分的误操作,提高了移动设备的易用性,具有良好的用户体验。  相似文献   

计算机已经成为了人们学习办公不可或缺的工具,鼠标是计算机的一项重要外设设备,可替代键盘繁琐指令,实现计算机屏幕光标的移动,简化操作。本文主要介绍了一种新型的MEMS无线3D鼠标的设计。  相似文献   

瑞士电信酒店服务公司和LG电子共同开发直观式界面,让住客可以直接从屏幕上菜单访问一系列应用程序。首先是屏幕镜像和流媒体。简单地称为"共享",这项技术使得顾客可以在酒店电视上观看自身设备上的文本、图像、音频、视频、游戏、office应用程序等,播放完全无障碍,而且无需额外Wi-Fi网络或其他网络。  相似文献   

Smart devices such as smartphones and tablets are used extensively in public spaces for the transmission and reception of content in the form of text, photos and streaming videos. Since the bandwidth provided for wireless access is limited in public areas, it becomes an issue for users to gain access to the bandwidth they need at the right times. While an omniscient controller could assign bandwidth to each device on the basis of their needs and overall availability, imperfect information about the instantaneous state of the wifi access patterns and needs of users make for a very inefficient allocation of such bandwidth. This paper provides a solution for bandwidth allocation by creating a market among users of smart devices so that they can bid for extra bandwidth when they need it and sell it when they don’t. They do so by using a virtual currency that is conserved so that each device owner maximizes his own utility. This utility function is composed of both the benefit accrued from accessing bandwidth and the loss of the currency incurred in bidding for such bandwidth. Extensive simulations show that this market-based method outperforms an omniscient model when demand is uncertain, while minimizing bandwidth consumption.  相似文献   

随着机器学习、图像识别等技术的发展,国家越来越重视人工智能技术在各领域的应用推广。在国家整体发展战略部署政策的引导以及支持下,智慧管网、智慧城市、智慧工业以及智能电网等概念逐渐被提出。文章首先对智慧管网的发展以及政策进行了梳理分析;然后对智慧管网方面的国内外发展现状进行了梳理,随后对物联网技术架构进行了分析;在此基础上,引入物联网操作系统平台的概念,提出一种基于物联网操作系统平台构建智慧管网的思路;最后对智慧管网建设进行了总结与展望。  相似文献   

智能电网是当今世界电力系统发展变革的新方向,被认为是21世纪电力系统的重大科技创新和发展趋势。本文从当前智能电网的现状入手,介绍了智能电网在实际应用中解决的核心问题,并着重分析了未来发展智能电网的重大意义。  相似文献   


A smart speaker is a wireless device with artificial intelligence that can be activated through voice command. The artificial intelligence interacts in the form of a virtual personal assistant, such as Amazon’s “Alexa”. Companies are currently creating voice applications for smart speakers that allow consumers to use the personal assistant to perform tasks, such as acquiring information and ordering products. This is the dawn of a new type of interaction between brands and consumers, a new touchpoint. Brands need to catch the vision and create content for this new technology, content that is useful in the buying process. The purpose of this study is to determine what types of marketing messages people find acceptable on smart speakers. Based on the findings, a cognitive message strategy is effective with smart speakers. The paper presents three types of executional frameworks that are best suited for the design of a cognitive message: authoritative, testimonial, and slice-of-life. The overriding requirement for marketing on smart speakers is that the message must provide value to the listener.  相似文献   

Smartphones, as an integral part of human life, can now assist researchers in forecasting human behaviour patterns. Recently, the spread of COVID-19 increased people's reliance on their smartphones, and the resulting lockdown revealed them engaging in a variety of pro-social or virtue-based behaviours. Using the extended self-theory, previous research examined the effects of objects on the human mind and cognitive behaviour in order to identify behavioural segments in smartphone markets. Subsequently, scholars examined smartphone-based (iPhone vs. Android) virtue traits such as honesty and humility. However, other virtues such as compassion and altruism have received little attention in this regard. Thus, this study aims to bridge this gap by analysing the predictability of consumers' compassion and altruism in relation to their smartphone type (iPhone vs Android) and usage. A total of 509 completed questionnaires were received from participants in the United States, Europe, and Asia. According to the findings, iPhone users are more compassionate and altruistic than Android users. This study offers implications for marketers, retailers, and brands in developing strategies based on smartphone user behaviour.  相似文献   

Online consumer reviews (OCRs) are of immense value to businesses and consumers. With the rapid development of mobile Internet, smartphones have become an important device for consumers to publish OCRs. Information input is more difficult on smartphones than on PCs because of the screen size, the convenience of using keyboard and the interference of use situation. Based on cognitive cost theory, this study compares the differences of the statistical characteristics of OCRs (study 1) and the narrative content of OCRs (study 2) submitted via smartphones and PCs about material purchases in B2C websites. In study 1, an analysis of 24,933 OCRs across six products shows that OCRs submitted via smartphones have fewer words, more images, higher star rating, and shorter time interval than via PCs. In study 2, by coding and analyzing 1001 OCRs, the results show that OCRs submitted via smartphones are less likely to mention price, product functionality, product quality, product aesthetics, service quality, logistics quality, and attitudinal loyalty than via PCs, whereas no significant difference is observed in the dimensions of seller trustworthiness, cognitive attitude, emotional attitude, and recommendation expression. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种利用可控硅相控整流技术调节电压的方法及实用装置。对组成调压装置的主要电路的设计思想和工作原理作了简要分析。并结合该装置的实际应用介绍了一些优点并提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to examine the traditional ‘contain–protect–communicate–facilitate convenience’ model of the main packaging functions, to revise each component of it in relation to packaging strategies and smart packaging applications, and to establish a new model of the main packaging functionalities concerning the analysed data. The scientific approach of this paper is twofold: it is based on an extensive literature review focused on articles related to packaging science and on a set of empirical observations from industrial cases of enhanced packaging with a higher emphasis on interactive packaging. The key findings of this paper are the two principal purposes of smart interactive packaging: (1) to enhance the product’s functionality or experience in order to serve its primary initial purpose more effectively and (2) to improve consumers’ experiences through engagement and entertainment in both the retail and the usage environment. This paper proves its originality by considering shifts in technological opportunities in packaging to assure a broader range of design options in packaging and engagement, thereby leaving packaging as static item. Also, bridging the general consumer experience between digital marketing and physical shopping using packaging is a novelty in retailing and brand management. This research is in its early stages and limitations are given from the modest proliferation of smart and interactive packaging into empirical contexts. New technologies of packaging and the design decisions are expected to have significant practical implications for brand and retail managers as well as consumers.  相似文献   

With the rapid diffusion of smart technologies, a new retail mode, the smart shop, has received increasing attention from both academia and practitioners in the 5G era. However, previous studies on smart shops have largely focused on the effects of smart technologies on technology adoption rather than customer shopping behaviors. To fill this gap, this study applies the hedonic information systems acceptance model (HISAM) to identify the utilitarian and hedonic motivations affecting consumer shopping intention. In addition, we characterize a second-order formative construct, technology readiness, as a technology-related personality to test its moderating role in the research model in the marketing context when consumer behaviors may differ due to individual characteristics. Using structural equation modeling (SEM), we applied SmartPLS 3.2.8 to analyze 298 valid samples. The results show that perceived ease of use significantly affects perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment, in turn, these three factors directly influence shopping intention. Additionally, perceived ease of use will have a stronger impact on perceived usefulness and shopping intention when the customer has a high level of technology readiness. Finally, theoretical and practical suggestions and future research directions are also discussed.  相似文献   

We examine the Morton and Pliska (1993) model for the optimal management of a portfolio when there are transaction costs proportional to a fixed fraction of the portfolio value. We analyze this model in the realistic case of small transaction costs by conducting a perturbation analysis about the no-transaction-cost solution. Although the full problem is a free-boundary diffusion problem in as many dimensions as there are assets in the portfolio, we find explicit solutions for the optimal trading policy in this limit. This makes the solution for a realistically large number of assets a practical possibility.  相似文献   

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