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This article investigates the issue of predation by a regulated firm. Since it has private information, a regulated firm obtains higher rents in case of successful predation: the fewer the competitors, the higher the marginal social value of the regulated firm's effort and the higher the informational rents. Both principals (the investor of a "target" firm and the regulator) have to provide some incentives to prevent predation: the investor has to reduce the sensitivity of refinancing to predation; the regulator has to lower the gain of successful predation. It is shown that there is a trade-off between the power of the regulatory incentive scheme and the regulated firm's incentives to prey. In addition, as deterring predation is costly, the investor and the regulator compete when offering contracts: each wants to free-ride on the other. Hence, predation may occur in equilibrium although it makes both principals worse off.  相似文献   

This paper uses a unique US panel dataset of firms and workers toinvestigate the relationship between the firm's lifecycle and the reallocation of labour. We distinguish labour reallocation associated with job reallocation, and reallocation of workers over a fixed configuration of jobs. We find that firms at the beginning and end of their lifecycles contribute disproportionately to labour market lows, with sorting between firms particularly important among young firms, whereas sorting within firms is moreimportant among mature firms. We also find that high churning lows are associated with a lower probability of a young firm surviving.  相似文献   

文章以系族控股上市公司为研究样本,考察企业集团内部成员企业在投资效率上的同群效应。研究发现,企业集团内部存在投资效率同群效应,这一效应既包括成员企业投资效率恶化的负面影响对其他成员企业的传染效应,也包括投资效率改善的积极传递效应;将低效投资行为区分为过度投资和投资不足后发现,过度投资行为的加剧在集团内部成员间的传染更为明显。进一步研究发现,内部资本市场行为是上述同群效应形成的机制之一,而集团内部执行董事交叉任职形成的董事网络会强化集团内部投资效率的同群效应。  相似文献   

文章结合案例,在阐述问题背景的基础上,以分析问题产生的原因和提出解决问题的系统方法为主线,详细解析如何以规范化管理手段达到突破家族企业发展瓶颈的目标,并期望以此为鉴与读者共勉.  相似文献   

文章结合案例,在阐述问题背景的基础上,以分析问题产生的原因和提出解决问题的系统方法为主线,详细解析如何以规范化管理手段达到突破家族企业发展瓶颈的目标,并期望以此为鉴与读者共勉。  相似文献   

The issue of accountants' role in decision-making has been the center of attention of lots of studies in the last decade but never did it get the adequate coverage in Lebanon. This paper studies to what extent accountants are involved in the managerial decision-making in Lebanon. Two hundred experienced accountants from all over the country were randomly selected for a questionnaire survey. This survey provides evidence as to what factors contribute to the variance of influence accountants have in managerial decision-making. The results from the questionnaires varied, but we conclude that accountants' involvement in new product development (NPD), the skills that accountants have, their role in the financial analysis of the firm, and how much the finn they work for encourages them to advice on business decisions affect the degree of contribution an accountant has to decision-making. The findings of this research could be used as a reference to help in understanding the role of accounting in Lebanon by various finns and organizations.  相似文献   

文章结合案例,在阐述问题背景的基础上,以分析问题产生的原因和提出解决问题的系统方法为主线,详细解析如何以规范化管理手段达到突破家族企业发展瓶颈的目标,并期望以此为鉴与读者共勉。  相似文献   

The Penrose Hypothesis that managerial resources will grow at a rate somewhat faster than that of firm size is tested along with the alternative steady‐state hypothesis that both grow at the same rate. A dynamic firm model is used to motivate the study. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics' Occupational Employment Statistics are used to measure managerial resources. Firm size is in terms of employment, or real value added, or real value of shipments. The data cover the period 2003–2006 and are used with a Cobb‐Douglas type log‐form growth function. The statistical results are quite strongly in favor of the Penrose Hypothesis, suggesting a managerial limit to the rate of growth of the firm. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

近年来,物流金融在国内发展迅速,成为物流企业与金融行业共同关注的焦点领域。文中从第三方物流企业的角度对目前国内的物流金融现状、金融机构发展、物流金融业务所遇到的瓶颈以及第三方物流企业的金融服务内容等方面进行了相应分析,进而引发出对中国第三方物流企业物流服务创新的思考。  相似文献   

This study employs questionnaire survey and financial accounting data to extend earlier empirical work on the foreign exchange (FX) exposure management practices of Finnish industrial firms. The paper concentrates on: (i) the form that FX corporate hedging policy takes; (ii) the control of FX procedures and trading; and, (iii) our respondents' perceptions about their ability to predict FX rate changes for hedging decisions. Our results indicate that the extent to which firms hedge FX exposure depends on the type of exposure and the form that FX hedging policy takes. Also, a significant number of the firms pursue FX hedging strategies on the expectation of attaining trading profits and this strategy appears to be accommodated within their FX policies. This feature is not explicitly demonstrated in previous studies. Finnish firms hedge a much higher proportion of both transaction and translation exposures compared to economic exposure. We partly attribute this emphasis to the requirements of the Finnish Accounting Act, which came into effect in 1993. The organisational, historical and financial settings of the firms also have significant impacts on exposure management practices. The overall implication of those results is that firms respond to changes in the financial, economic and regulatory environments in which they operate.  相似文献   

企业建立政治联系的现象在全世界普遍存在。现有文献发现企业政治联系会影响企业的融资、投资、会计、审计行为、会计信息质量以及企业价值。但是企业建立政治联系究竟是为了寻租还是市场机制的替代,目前研究并没有达成一致结论。这一方面源于现有多数文献中企业政治联系存在计量缺陷,另一方面在于研究设计中存在内生性与因果倒置问题。未来研究可从深化企业政治联系性质、改进政治联系计量、完善研究设计等方面展开。  相似文献   

本文通过对注册会计师服务市场现状和问题的分析,以服务营销理论为理论工具,结合注册会计师行业的特点,提出了会计师事务所的一般营销策略,包括市场定位策略、产品策略、价格策略、促销策略、人员策略、服务过程策略及有形展示策略等。  相似文献   

There is a growing concern over predatory hiring practices that are aimed at eliminating competitors. Using a duopoly model in which firm's profits depend on the quality of the worker–employer match, this paper studies the conditions under which predatory equilibrium exists. I find that predatory hiring can occur when the match between the worker and the new employer is relatively poor, and the old employer has a shallow pool of replacement candidates. Post‐employment lawsuits do not affect the range of predatory equilibrium if the parties take into account expected damages payment. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stakeholders have been found to be an important driver of organizations' sustainable development. In particular, customers, governments and non‐governmental organizations push firms towards sustainability. But to what extent is sustainability really and deeply embedded within an organization's structures and processes? And what is the role of an important, but frequently neglected, stakeholder group for successful sustainability implementation: employees? The objective of this research is to better understand the impact that organizational change for sustainability has on firm performance. Also, this study seeks to understand how the consideration of employees into the process of organizational change for sustainability moderates the organizational change and performance relationship. Using data from 92 German companies from the manufacturing and services sector, the study finds that the structural implementation of sustainability is positively related to firm performance and that employee integration moderates this relationship to some extent. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

This study presents a theory of corporate structure selection. It outlines when economic units should be structured as stand-alone firms versus an integrated firm (conglomerate). The theory suggests that an integrated firm better controls agency problems through yardstick competition between managers for project acceptance. However, this structure reduces the ability to receive division-specific project information from the market. Based on this trade-off, we show that divisions within a conglomerate have different characteristics and, thus, different valuations than "similar" stand-alone firms. Our theory also explains differences in the required rate of return between stand-alone firms and conglomerates and how they relate to relative valuations of conglomerates and "similar" stand-alone firm. It also predicts when stock price reaction to divestiture and merger announcements will be positive or negative.  相似文献   

会计师事务所作为中介服务机构,能否在审计工作中保持独立性,不仅关系到注册会计师行业能否发展壮大,更关系到社会经济能否健康运行。影响注册会计师审计独立性的因素很多,本文从会计师事务所的业务范围角度考察,认为业务领域过于狭窄是造成目前我国会计师事务所难以保持审计独立性的重要原因。建议通过拓展事务所的业务范围来增强注册会计师的独立性,并对业务拓展中会出现的问题及相应的对策作了探讨。  相似文献   

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