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Abstract . The American family farm is threatened by the combination of low, unstable commodity prices and high costs of machine and chemical technology. Overplanting, erosion, excessive taxation, and non-farm development diminish the best cropland. Government and corporate business policy have encouraged overproduction and soil abuse. To survive, the small farmer takes a second job or joins the urban industrial proletariat. No single national organization protects agriculture or equals the effective lobbying of business and unions for their own interests. “Modern” technology often produces less per land unit than traditional labor-intensive cultivation and costs more in terms of energy, capital, and depleted soil and natural resources. Usurious interest, archaic tax laws, and rapid rise of current technological production costs force insolvency of the small farm while facilitating expansion of giant agribusiness corporations, but technological innovation may have reached the point of diminishing returns. Meanwhile disruption of rural society continues, aggravating metropolitan overpopulation, unemployment, and social disorganization.  相似文献   

A bstract . Public policy in the United States toward the energy sector consists of a variety of special legislation. some supportive and some punitive, which tends to work at cross purposes. Thus, some tax policies encourage energy production and promote energy conservatton. Simultaneously, many regulatory activities discourage energy production and promote consumption , as do selective taxes. A more effective policy for the sector's development would be the simultaneous elimination of both the special benefits given to various segments of the industry and the many obstacles that have been placed in its path. Specific recommendations to carry out this approach include repealing the windfall profits tax. eliminating the regulatory functions of the Department of Energy , cutting out the tax breaks for specialized energy projects, reducing obstacles which impede new energy projects, and removing the expenditure subsidies for highly specific energy activities that Congress has chosen to support.  相似文献   

The structural transformation of agriculture in recent decades has raised serious concerns about the future of the family farm. This study examines the economic performance of U.S. farms, to explore the potential of smaller farms to compete with larger entities, and ultimately to survive in this rapidly changing environment. We use deterministic and stochastic frontier methods and survey data to measure and evaluate factors underlying scale economies (SEC) and efficiency (SEF) of corn-belt farms for 1996–2001. Our results suggest that family farms are both scale and technically inefficient. Potential for the exploitation of significant scale and scope economies, and some greater technical efficiency, seem to be driving trends toward increased farm size and dwindling competitiveness of the small family farm.  相似文献   

Previous work on structural change in agriculture has failed to distinguish long-run trends from structural breaks leading to new trends. We measure structural changes as statistically significant breaks in either stochastic or deterministic time trends, and apply these measures to agricultural productivity and research. Productivity has a break in 1925 accompanying agriculture's early experience with the Great Depression. Research trends shifted in 1930 as the Depression and new technology began to strongly influence efficient farm size and capitalization. After modeling lags between research and productivity impacts in a vector autoregression (VAR), we compare our results to earlier work by developing a procedure to estimate the rate of return to research from the impulse response function of the VAR.  相似文献   

Growth in U.S. agriculture is linked to the non-farm economy through domestic terms of trade and factor market adjustments. With almost stable input growth, the relatively large contributions from growth in Total Factor Productivity (TFP) are passed on to intermediate and final consumers in the form of declining real prices for primary farm products. The resulting net growth in the real value of farm output (GDP) is relatively low (0.25% per annum). The decomposition of TFP suggests that public agricultural stock of knowledge and infrastructure are robustly associated with TFP growth, while spill-overs from private agricultural and economy wide research and development (R and D) are positive but, relatively small.  相似文献   

The study demonstrates a method of obtaining consistent estimates of technological change. This was accomplished by extending Theil's differential input demand system into a Multiple Indicator, Multiple Cause (MIMIC) structural equation latent variable model which explicitly accounts for the fact that technological progress is not directly observed and therefore is invariably measured with error. Results obtained for the agricultural sector of the Southeastern states suggest that technological change has been an important determinant of agricultural production and is bias towards the use of capital and against the use of land and labor.This research was partially supported by the McKethan-Matherly Eminent Scholar Chair, graduate school of Business Administration, University of Florida.  相似文献   

University research parks are important as a mechanism for the transfer of academic research findings, as a source of knowledge spillovers, and as a catalyst for national and regional economic growth. We develop a model to describe the growth, or productivity, of research parks, and we test this model using the newly constructed National Science Foundation database on university research parks. We find that parks closer to the university, operated by a private organization, and with a specific technology focus—information technology in particular—grow faster than the average of 8.4% per year.  相似文献   

本文从考察全球财务报告与美国公认会计原则(GAAP)的关系入手,讨论了全球财务报告课程中应涵盖的内容以及业界对财务报告普遍存在的一些误解。探讨了会计理论研究如何发挥对准则制定的指导作用,以及为什么理论研究能对准则制定有重要指导作用,在此基础上,提出了与国际会计准则理事会的技术议程以及与财务报告全球化相关的研究课题。  相似文献   

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