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This paper examines a continuous-time intertemporal consumption and portfolio choice problem for an investor with recursive preferences. The investor worries about model misspecification and seeks robust decision rules. The expected excess return of a risky asset follows a mean-reverting process. I find that whether the concern about model misspecification decreases the total demand for equities largely depends on risk aversion and the attitude toward intertemporal substitution. When the elasticity of intertemporal substitution is about 1 and risk aversion is moderate, the aversion to model uncertainty increases the proportion of wealth invested in equities. The calibration analysis based on detection-error probabilities shows that the quantitative effect of robustness is almost negligible.  相似文献   

We analyze the role of risk aversion and intertemporal substitution in a simple dynamic general equilibrium model of investment and savings. Our main finding is that risk aversion cannot by itself explain a negative relationship between aggregate investment and aggregate uncertainty, as the effect of increased uncertainty on investment also depends on the intertemporal elasticity of substitution. In particular, the relationship between aggregate investment and aggregate uncertainty is positive even if agents are very risk averse, as long as the elasticity of intertemporal substitution is low. A negative investment-uncertainty relationship requires that the relative risk aversion and the elasticity of intertemporal substitution are both relatively high or both relatively low. We also show that the implications of our model are consistent with the available empirical evidence.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes time discounting as a function of risk, using reservation prices. Based on experimental data, we compare bidder reservation prices for riskless assets with those for risky assets. The experiments rely on a second price auction with real monetary incentives and real delay in payoffs. We estimate the pure time discount rate for different maturities, considering riskless assets (bonds) and risky assets (delayed lotteries). An innovation in the experimental design allows disentangling pure time from pure risk discounting effects. If subjects bid for assets, we find implied discount rates for risky assets to be uniformly lower than those for riskless assets, across all maturities (the risk moderation effect). However, there is no risk moderation effect if subjects quote ask prices. We argue that delaying a payoff has a stronger effect on the price of bonds than on the price of risky assets since, in the case of bonds, the investor moves from a position of certainty to a position of risk, or uncertainty. Our findings on the risk moderation effect may be used to explain the attractiveness of compensation contracts with options, as commonly used in the financial industry.  相似文献   

Results of the theory of individual optimal consumption-investment choice under uncertainty are extended to a class of intertemporally dependent preferences for consumption streams. These results are then used to show that with intertemporally dependent preferences, which are more realistic than the separable time-additive preference structure, Merton's (1973) multi-beta intertemporal capital asset pricing model is still valid, but it can no longer be collapsed to Breeden's (1979) single consumption-beta model.  相似文献   

Introduction of the Present Value Distribution Model (PVD) offers an alternative method for the valuation of projects yielding intertemporal stochastic rents. A combination of concepts from many areas of the literature yields the given model. The base procedure relies on Monte Carlo Simulation with the application of recently established theories on stochastic rents, path dependent cash flow trajectories, and period dependent discount rates.Among the benefits of the (PVD) are exogenous risk discounting and consistent distribution determination. Risk discounting is applied to the resultant of the distribution model rather than within the model. Furthermore, the present value distributions are independent of analyst's perceptions yielding an objective single period gamble.  相似文献   

基于Hansen面板门槛模型,利用中国1996~2008年间30个省(市、区)的相关数据,进行了房地产财富效应的非线性检验。研究发现,从房价增长率和收入增长率来看,房价上涨对消费的影响存在着显著的单门槛效应,呈现非线性的区制变化,尽管总体上房价上涨不利于促进消费,但是在不同类型的区制,对消费的抑制程度存在着明显的差异。建议针对中国不同类型的区域,平抑房价的方式应有所区别,以减少可能出现的市场风险。  相似文献   

This paper develops a method to estimate jointly the degree of intertemporal consumption smoothing and the degree of “inter‐regional” risk sharing. The empirical results for the U.S. states and OECD and EU countries suggest that: (i) regardless of the assumption on the degree of intertemporal consumption smoothing, the degree of risk sharing within a country is larger than across countries; (ii) the degree of intertemporal consumption smoothing within a country is also larger than across countries; and (iii) the difference between the degree of intertemporal consumption smoothing within U.S. states and across OECD and EU countries is as large as the difference between the degree of risk sharing, contrary to the findings of some past studies.  相似文献   

Asset prices contain information about the probability distribution of future states and the stochastic discounting of those states as used by investors. To better understand the challenge in distinguishing investors' beliefs from risk‐adjusted discounting, we use Perron–Frobenius Theory to isolate a positive martingale component of the stochastic discount factor process. This component recovers a probability measure that absorbs long‐term risk adjustments. When the martingale is not degenerate, surmising that this recovered probability captures investors' beliefs distorts inference about risk‐return tradeoffs. Stochastic discount factors in many structural models of asset prices have empirically relevant martingale components.  相似文献   

While empirical evidence alludes to the intertemporal nature of corporate voluntary disclosures, most of the existing theory analyzes firms' voluntary disclosure decisions within single‐period settings. Introducing a repeated, multiperiod, disclosure setting, we study the extent to which firms' strategic disclosure behavior in the past affects their prosperity to provide voluntary disclosures in the future. Our analysis demonstrates that by voluntarily disclosing private information firms make an implicit commitment to provide similar disclosures in the future, and therefore are less willing to voluntarily disclose information in the first place. This effect is expected to be of larger magnitude for firms (1) with a long history of absence of voluntary disclosures and an impressive past operating performance, or (2) that operate in a relatively stable and predictable business and information environment, or (3) whose managers have a long time horizon and a high degree of risk aversion.  相似文献   

Most discussions of capital budgeting take for granted that discounted cash flow (DCF) and real options valuation (ROV) are very different methods that are meant to be applied in different circumstances. Such discussions also typically assume that DCF is “easy” and ROV is “hard”—or at least dauntingly unfamiliar—and that, mainly for this reason, managers often use DCF and rarely ROV. This paper argues that all three assumptions are wrong or at least seriously misleading. DCF and ROV both assign a present value to risky future cash flows. DCF entails discounting expected future cash flows at the expected return on an asset of comparable risk. ROV uses “risk‐neutral” valuation, which means computing expected cash flows based on “risk‐neutral” probabilities and discounting these flows at the risk‐free rate. Using a series of single‐period examples, the author demonstrates that both methods, when done correctly, should provide the same answer. Moreover, in most ROV applications—those where there is no forward price or “replicating portfolio” of traded assets—a “preliminary” DCF valuation is required to perform the risk‐neutral valuation. So why use ROV at all? In cases where project risk and the discount rates are expected to change over time, the risk‐neutral ROV approach will be easier to implement than DCF (since adjusting cash flow probabilities is more straightforward than adjusting discount rates). The author uses multi‐period examples to illustrate further both the simplicity of ROV and the strong assumptions required for a typical DCF valuation. But the simplicity that results from discounting with risk‐free rates is not the only benefit of using ROV instead of—or together with—traditional DCF. The use of formal ROV techniques may also encourage managers to think more broadly about the flexibility that is (or can be) built into future business decisions, and thus to choose from a different set of possible investments. To the extent that managers who use ROV have effectively adopted a different business model, there is a real and important difference between the two valuation techniques. Consistent with this possibility, much of the evidence from both surveys and academic studies of managerial behavior and market pricing suggests that managers and investors implicitly take account of real options when making investment decisions.  相似文献   

Discounting cash flows requires an equilibrium model to determine the cost of capital. The CAPM of Sharpe and the intertemporal asset pricing model of Merton (1973) offer a theoretical justification for discounting at a constant risk adjusted rate. Two problems arise with this application. First, for mean reverting cash flows the risk adjustment is unknown, and second, if the present value is compounded forward then the distribution of future wealth is likely right skewed. I develop equilibrium discount rates for cash flows whose level or growth rate is mean reverting. Serial correlation also largely eliminates the skewness problem.  相似文献   

An interesting phenomenon, which we dub the ‘pseudo‐immediacy effect’, was detected in intertemporal choices. The majority of our participants preferred the smaller but sooner (SS) outcome to the larger but later (LL) outcome when a pseudo‐immediacy reward was framed, but a higher proportion of participants preferred the LL outcome to the SS outcome when the pseudo‐immediate format was removed. Such a shift violated the invariance principle which requires that the preference order between options does not depend on the manner in which they are described. With reference to the pseudo‐certainty effect reported by Kahneman and Tversky in 1984 Kahneman, D. and Tversky, A. 1984. Choice, values, and frames. American Psychologist, 39: 34150. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], our findings typically support the notion that risk and delay are psychologically equivalent and that the same psychological process underlies risk and intertemporal choice.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of firm-level political risk on debt choices and find: (i) firms with higher political risk display a preference for private debt over public debt; (ii) the magnitude of this preference varies with the aggregate policy uncertainty; (iii) politically risky firms indeed receive less favorable terms in the bond market. To explain such findings, we show that private lenders have several advantages in serving politically risky borrowers. First, to the extent that lenders cannot perfectly foresee the adoption of new government policies, private lenders' expertise in implementing the reorganization process is important to limit their potential loss. Second, politically risky borrowers must undertake significant operation adjustments facing rising policy uncertainty. Private lenders can gather accurate information and closely monitor these adjustments. Last, as the severity of political risk varies with aggregate policy uncertainty, there exists an implicit contract between a borrower and its relationship bank, whereby a borrower accepts less favorable terms during normal times in exchange for the bank's support during difficult times. Taken together, this study advances our understanding of how cross-sectionally heterogeneous political risk influences corporate debt choice.  相似文献   

STEPHEN H. PENMAN 《Abacus》2010,46(2):211-228
Valuation involves forecasting payoffs and discounting expected payoffs for risk. Forecasting is often seen as the province of the statistician, risk determination the province of asset pricing. This paper elaborates on the idea that financial forecasting, risk determination and valuation are a matter of accounting. Accounting not only provides information to forecast payoffs but also specifies the payoffs to be forecasted. Further, accounting determines the transition from the present to the future and thus implicitly the evolutionary parameters that a statistician might estimate for forecasting. Accounting also bears on risk determination in the way it handles uncertainty. Accordingly, accounting is involved in both the numerator and the denominator of a valuation model. Indeed, a valuation model is a model of accounting for the future, and the effectiveness of a valuation model rides on the accounting principles employed.  相似文献   

以广东省集体林区农户为研究对象,以前景理论为基础,采用经济学实验测度农户风险偏好,并用Heckman模型对样本农户风险偏好对其经营意愿与投入强度等决策的影响关系进行分析。结果表明:样本农户大多呈现风险厌恶的特征;农户的风险厌恶程度、损失厌恶程度以及对事件判断的主观概率均会对其投入决策产生不同程度的影响;其经营决策并非遵循理性经济人的收益最大化,而是遵循“安全第一”的法则,面对风险等级较高的林业项目投入意愿较弱,投入强度较低。  相似文献   

Although the academic literature has long argued that discounted cash flow methods are superior to other capital budgeting rules, these methods have only fairly recently come into widespread use. This article points out that there are both costs and benefits to using discounting rules such as net present value. Therefore, they may often not work better in practice than nondiscounting methods. Empirically, the use of discounting methods is positively correlated with market interest rates and the dissemination of information about these tools and negatively correlated with the degree of uncertainty in the economy, which is consistent with our hypotheses.  相似文献   

If asset returns are i.i.d. over time, the preference parameter in the time additive von Neumann-Morgenstern expected utility is the risk aversion coefficient in the Epstein-Zin nonexpected utility. By distinguishing between risk aversion and intertemporal substitution, this article provides an explanation about the observed discrepancy in the empirical estimates of the risk aversion coefficient.  相似文献   

We study the intertemporal risk‐return tradeoff relations based on returns from 18 international markets. We find striking new empirical evidence that the inclusion of U.S. market returns significantly changes the estimated risk‐return tradeoff relations in international markets from mostly negative to predominantly positive. Our results are consistent with the lead‐lag effect between U.S. and international markets in the sense of Rapach, Strauss and Zhou.  相似文献   

Literature on dynamic portfolio choice has been finding that volatility risk has low impact on portfolio choice. For example, using long-run US data, Chacko and Viceira [2005. “Dynamic Consumption and Portfolio Choice with Stochastic Volatility in Incomplete Markets.” The Review of Financial Studies 18 (4): 1369–1402] found that intertemporal hedging demand (required by investors for protection against adverse changes in volatility) is empirically small even for highly risk-averse investors. We want to assess if this continues to be true in the presence of ambiguity. Adopting robust control and perturbation theory techniques, we study the problem of a long-horizon investor with recursive preferences that faces ambiguity about the stochastic processes that generate the investment opportunity set. We find that ambiguity impacts portfolio choice, with the relevant channel being the return process. Ambiguity about the volatility process is only relevant if, through a specific correlation structure, it also induces ambiguity about the return process. Using the same long-run US data, we find that ambiguity about the return process may be empirically relevant, much more than ambiguity about the volatility process. Anyway, intertemporal hedging demand is still very low: investors are essentially focused on the short-term risk–return characteristics of the risky asset.  相似文献   

A growing number of empirical researchers are finding evidence of hyperbolic discounting in their investigations on the nature of preferences for distributing consumption over time. This article contributes to the literature by exposing a large class of models in which hyperbolic and exponential discounting are observationally equivalent. The results of the modeling approach simultaneously resolve serious concerns raised by other models in the literature that have been used to explain the empirical findings and answer other questions raised by the phenomenon that are unexplained by earlier contributions. By analyzing an intertemporal general equilibrium model with incomplete insurance markets, this article demonstrates that for sufficiently short time horizons, values implied by a hyperbolic discount function fall within incomplete market valuation bounds.  相似文献   

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