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池塘养殖水质的好坏,直接影响着水产品的质量和养殖产量.本文根据合阳黄河滩池塘养殖水质调控试验研究,总结提出了养殖过程水质调控技术措施.  相似文献   

水是水生动物(鱼虾蟹等)赖以生存的环境,水环境质量的好坏直接影响其养殖产量和经济效益.在水产养殖中,水质控制和管理极为重要,它对养殖生产安全和养殖产品质量起着至关重要的作用.池塘养鱼是我市渔业的主要组成部分,亦是关系渔业经济好坏和渔民致富的关键.水质管理的好坏直接影响渔业产量和水产品质量.调水增肥是水质管理的重要环节.  相似文献   

为了进一步依靠科学技术,促进我省中低产区池塘养鱼大面积增产增收,1989年我省在渭南、汉中、咸阳、宝鸡4个地市的12个县区进行大面积推广中低产区池塘养鱼高产技术试验14000亩,其中渭南地区7000亩,汉中地区5000亩,咸阳、宝鸡市各1000多亩,计划平均亩产350公斤。(一)基本情况渭南地区、汉中地区、宝鸡市、咸阳市共有养殖水面18.5万亩,占全省总养殖水面的43%,1988年水产品产量为10113.9吨,占全省总水产品产量的66.4%。  相似文献   

杨春娟 《山西水利》2011,27(10):24-25
根据养殖水体环境的物质循环理论,对精养鱼池的水质调控处理进行试验,介绍了试验材料和试验方法,对试验结果进行了比较分析,探讨了底泥、氨氮、亚硝酸态氨及溶解氧对水质及鱼类的影响,为全省精养鱼池水质调控技术的进一步发展提供了理论与实践经验。  相似文献   

陈泰峰 《山西水利科技》2015,(1):120-121,128
池塘网箱养殖是利用网箱在池塘养殖水产经济动物的一种养殖方式。目前,随着绿色生态养殖理念的日益增强,加之网箱养殖技术的不断完善,清洁健康养鱼技术与其相结合的趋势方兴未艾。文中就池塘网箱清洁健康养鱼技术在晋北高寒区的应用进行了阐述,并对该养殖模式的方法、效果和需注意的问题作了简要讨论,对类似网箱养殖有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

针对太子河观音阁水库坝前至参窝水库入库区段下游水质超标、水环境污染严重的现状,采用MIKE11软件建立了水质水量调控模型,开展了以特征污染物氨氮浓度达标为目标的水库闸坝联合调度方案研究。研究表明,河道闸坝工程的水量调控作用有限,增大水库枯水期下泄流量和控制入河排污量是改善河流水质的关键。  相似文献   

利用商品鱼养殖池塘培育锦鲤,具有产量高、投资小、经济效益高的特点.文章对于锦鲤养殖过程中的品种选育、人工繁殖、饲养管理、病害防治等养殖技术进行了研究.  相似文献   

利用商品鱼养殖池塘培育锦鲤,具有产量高、投资小、经济效益高的特点.文章对于锦鲤养殖过程中的品种选育、人工繁殖、饲养管理、病害防治等养殖技术进行了研究.  相似文献   

随着多元化养殖模式的迅猛发展,内陆养殖的增产技术也急需得到更进一步的发展.本文分析了健康环保池塘养殖技术的优点,探讨了进行增产养殖的基本方法和一般模式,这对总结其他养殖行业的优势,深化养殖增产技术具有积极的意义.  相似文献   

水环境承载能力调控与水质信息系统模式的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水环境承载能力是可持续发展理论的重要体现,它具有很强的动态、空间时空、水量水质兼顾、补偿等特性。建立水质信息系统基础平台,科学地利用和调控水环境承载能力,实现水环境保护的目标。本就水环境承载能力调控与水质信息系统模式的建立进行了研究分析,并结合中国实情提出了建模总体框架。  相似文献   

试论水土资源整治复式技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈莉 《人民黄河》2002,24(3):18-20
从发展角度来看,水土保持的持续目标是不断趋向“利”与“害”动态平衡的环境目标、满足“环境消费”的经济目标和实现生态经济社会发展的优良化过程。把水土整治土地类型划分为“开发地整治、保护地整治和贮备地整治”三大系统,彻底摒弃了过去“农、林、水、牧……”专业化产业分割的“工程、生物-种草、造林……”专业技术分割,提出复式治理和持续产业化思想。  相似文献   

为了及时判断检测结果的真实与可信度,有效提高检测质量与分析手段,作者提出将现代质量管理中的质量控制技术应用于水质检测工作中,并给出了选样精密度、准确度的分析方法。  相似文献   

引江济太水量水质联合调度存在问题及对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2002~2003年太湖流域实施了引江济太水量水质联合调度试验,经过两年的调水试验,望虞河沿线及太湖水体水质得到明显的改善。但是,在试验过程中也暴露出了一些问题,如何在保证调水效率和水体水质的前提下,解决望虞河沿线的排污问题,如何结合流域自身的特点,提出一套能够综合评价水体水质的指标体系和评价方法,如何量化调水效益,在各区域合理分配调水,使调水效益达到最大,进一步指导工程调水,本文在调水试验的基础之上,提出了一些解决的办法。  相似文献   

Comparison of Record-Extension Techniques for Water Quality Variables   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The extension of records at monthly, weekly or daily time steps at a short-record gauge from another continuously measured gauge is termed ??record extension??. Ordinary least squares regression (OLS) of the flows, or any hydrological or water quality variable, is a traditional and still common record-extension technique. However, its purpose is to generate optimal estimates of each daily (or monthly) record, rather than the population characteristics, for which the OLS tends to underestimate the variance. The line of organic correlation (LOC) was developed to correct this bias. On the other hand, the Kendall-Theil robust line (KTRL) method has been proposed as an analogue of OLS, its advantage being its robustness in the presence of extreme values. In this study, four record-extension techniques are described, and their properties are explored. These techniques are OLS, LOC, KTRL and a new technique (KTRL2), which includes the advantage of LOC in reducing the bias in estimating the variance and the advantage of KTRL in being robust in the presence of extreme values. A Monte-Carlo study is conducted to examine these four techniques for bias, standard error of moment estimates and full range of percentiles. An empirical examination is made of the preservation of historic water quality concentration characteristics using records from the Nile Delta water quality monitoring network in Egypt. The Monte-Carlo study showed that the OLS and KTRL techniques are shown to have serious deficiencies as record-extension techniques, while the LOC and KTRL2 techniques show results that are nearly similar. Using real water quality records, the KTRL2 is shown to lead to better results than the other techniques.  相似文献   

根据《广东省东江流域水资源分配方案》水量调度要求,针对东江干流梯级较多的特点,利用一维水动力学演进模型和一维对流扩散水质模型构建东江流域水质控制模型,模拟计算现状三大水库调度下有无梯级电站组合情况下的电站附近断面污染物浓度分布,提出在现状三大水库按照防洪供水兼顾发电原则进行调度情况下,各梯级电站"来多少放多少"的水量调度原则和水量水质监控系统中应重点监控梯级电站的坝前水位。  相似文献   

大中型水闸电气控制新技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在总结大中型水闸电气控制的内容及要求的基础上,介绍大中型水闸电气控制中用以取代老式纯机械主令控制器的二合一精密电子机械行程有关;介绍用以取代模拟输出开度传感器和计数式开度传感器的光电式直接编码开度传感器及对应的开度显示控制仪、上下游水位仪和过闸流量仪等,并对这些技术进行比较。  相似文献   


At the beginning of the 21st century, there has been recent development, in human historical terms, of substances that can cause serious harm to human health, and also development of remarkable new analytical technologies capable of detecting substances at the atomic level. Despite this, Australia, though an advanced country, has not implemented any mandatory water quality standards or developed a program similar to well established U.S. or European programs. Presented in this paper is an analysis of the statutory regulatory methods for domestic water in mainland Australia. First, the paper briefly reviews the need for mandatory regulations as opposed to voluntary guidelines. Second, the development of guidelines for drinking water by the National Health and Medical Research Council is reviewed, followed by the legislative requirements in each of the five mainland States of Australia. Drinking water guidelines have been used to assist planning and management and were not construed to be legally enforceable mandatory standards. Health Acts in each State remain the primary statutory defenders of water quality, and the variability between Acts is considerable. Third, other legislation that states the necessity of a high quality of water but does not guarantee its deliverance for all uses is referenced as miscellaneous provisions supporting the need for a comprehensive risk reduction water quality program. The main organizations that supply water in Australia are listed along with the nature of their obligations to supply a quality product. Each State has specific water sanctions that attempt to safeguard water quality, but the legal rights of customers have not advanced substantially. The major administrative scheme in Australia that can enforce quality is licensing, and is this limited to the urban regions of Victoria, New South Wales, and Western Australia.  相似文献   

从流域概况、治理任务、投资、治理效益几方面介绍了滹沱河河道治理工程的基本情况及取得的成效,并在此基础上从科学规划、设计、建立健全组织机构、精心施工、加大监督质检力度等几方面介绍了工程实施中具体的保证质量措施。  相似文献   

目前,我国的水利工程建设取得了迅猛发展,但在施工质量及评价方法方面还存在许多问题,因此,水利工程施工质量控制非常重要。本文分析了水利工程施工质量管理的主要内容,并介绍了提高水利工程施工质量的措施。  相似文献   

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