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反洗钱风险监管理论及应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文首先分析了当前反洗钱监管面临的问题,指出金融机构履行反洗钱义务的结果不是合作博弈均衡,要提高反洗钱监管效率,必须开展反洗钱风险临管.构造被监管者履行反洗钱义务的竞争机制.在此基础上,对风险监管的条件和机理进行了解析,并对反洗钱风险监管的方法进行了探讨.最后,提出了推动合规监管向风险监管转变的政策建议.  相似文献   

加强反洗钱工作,预防和打击洗钱犯罪已成为国际社会的共识。洗钱活动与金融业务的高度相关性,使金融机构成为了反洗钱义务主体。随着犯罪分子洗钱方式的不断变化,反洗钱标准也将越来越高.从而对金融机构反洗钱工作的要求也越来越多。金融机构如何在开展业务的同时履行反洗钱义务,人民银行如何履行反洗钱监管职责,  相似文献   

<正>风险为本反洗钱监管是国家反洗钱机制有效运作的关键一环,监管部门通过实施风险为本监管,督促被监管机构有效履行反洗钱义务,发挥预防洗钱与恐怖融资的重要作用。目前,我国反洗钱监管正处于从规则为本向风险为本转型的关键阶段,准确判断我国风险为本反洗钱监管面临的挑战,借鉴国际标准要求和其他国家、地区经验构建我国风险为本反洗钱监管体系,对于有效应对洗钱和恐怖融资新形势、新变化,提高我国反洗钱工作质效具有重要意义。  相似文献   

反洗钱活动是目前国际社会普遍关注的焦点和热点问题,而商业银行已成为洗钱的主要通道,因此,如何促使商业银行有效地进行反洗钱是监管机构工作的重点。本文运用博弈论对洗钱者与商业银行在洗钱与反洗钱中的策略与行动选择进行分析,在上述分析的基础上,提出监管机构必须采取"强化约束,适度激励,约束与激励搭配实施"的政策选择。在进一步强化约束机制的基础上,对于积极履行反洗钱义务的商业银行采取相应的激励措施,从整体上提高和完善我国反洗钱工作。  相似文献   

郭承静 《云南金融》2011,(9Z):84-85
反洗钱活动是目前国际社会普遍关注的焦点和热点问题,而商业银行已成为洗钱的主要通道,因此,如何促使商业银行有效地进行反洗钱是监管机构工作的重点。本文运用博弈论对洗钱者与商业银行在洗钱与反洗钱中的策略与行动选择进行分析,在上述分析的基础上,提出监管机构必须采取"强化约束,适度激励,约束与激励搭配实施"的政策选择。在进一步强化约束机制的基础上,对于积极履行反洗钱义务的商业银行采取相应的激励措施,从整体上提高和完善我国反洗钱工作。  相似文献   

近年来,我国数字人民币试点积极推进,试点人数、覆盖区域已居于全球央行数字货币之首;但同时,数字人民币相关的洗钱风险也开始显现。如何系统地分析数字人民币的潜在洗钱风险和相应监管机制,已成为数字人民币发展的重大现实问题。本文基于数字人民币的底层技术和交易结构,综合分析了数字人民币的潜在洗钱风险与规制障碍,进而从制度建设、义务履行、技术赋能三个层面,提出了完善数字人民币反洗钱监管的框架和路径:制度建设层面,从顶层设计明确数字人民币反洗钱的法律支撑,以风险为本评估并细化对不同主体的监管要求;义务履行层面,强化运营机构的客户尽职调查和交易报告义务,厘清数字人民币合作机构反洗钱义务履行的边界;技术赋能层面,提升数字人民币反洗钱数据合规管理,并强化对智能合约的嵌入式监管。上述监管框架与数字人民币的运行模式和现有的金融监管机制具有较强的适应性,为健全数字人民币反洗钱体系提供了政策参考。  相似文献   

金融行动特别工作组(FATF)对律师行业反洗钱义务进行了明确规定。本文研究了德国、日本在律师行业反洗钱方面的监管经验,结合我国当前面临的问题和困境,分析潜在的洗钱风险,提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

肖正午 《河北金融》2013,(12):55-56
2007年,《中华人民共和国反洗钱法》的实施,赋予了中国人民银行监督管理反洗钱的工作职责.本文通过两则地下钱庄典型洗钱案例,结合反洗钱监管实践,总结和分析了地下钱庄从事洗钱犯罪活动的基本特征,并据此有针对性地指出人民银行在履行反洗钱监管中容易产生疏漏和执法风险的环节.提出了构建跨部门反洗钱协作网络机制、建立科学的反洗钱分析监测体系、实现反洗钱电子化预警等有效预防行政执法中可能遇到的风险,以此促进和提高人民银行反洗钱执法水平.  相似文献   

人身保险保全业务因其自身业务特点,容易成为洗钱分子利用的对象,其潜在的洗钱风险大,洗钱手法多样。目前我国保险业反洗钱工作已取得了一定成果,但监管制度仍不够完善,对人身保险保全业务的监管缺乏针对性。应建立明确的监管原则,以完善我国对保全业务的反洗钱监管。本文首先介绍了保全业务的概念及特点,其次分析了保全业务的洗钱风险及手法,提出了保全业务反洗钱的监管原则,最后对加强保全业务反洗钱监管措施提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

基于风险的反洗钱分类监管框架设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于风险的反洗钱分类监管是国际反洗钱组织极力推介的监管方式。本文对我国的反洗钱监管模式进行了探索和研究,设计了我国基于风险的反洗钱分类监管的基本框架,并运用层次分析法建立了一套完整的洗钱风险评估模型。  相似文献   

金融业反洗钱监管方式的国际比较与启示   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
近年来,发达国家金融业反洗钱监管出现了由“规则为本”反洗钱方式向“风险为本”反洗钱方式的转变。该文回顾了近年来我国金融业反洗钱工作取得的成绩,在对两种反洗钱监管方式进行分析和比较的基础上,提出我国应从战略角度推动风险为本方法的实施,制定指引以明确风险为本的反洗钱监管要求,加强对洗钱风险可能性模型及计量方式的研究,并重点开展对反洗钱内控措施有效性的评价。  相似文献   

近年来,受政治、经济、军事多重因素影响,反洗钱覆盖领域逐渐扩大,政治化倾向明显,美国反洗钱的严厉监管对国际金融业产生了深远影响。按照风险为本的思路,提高反洗钱的有效性成为国际共识。不断变化的国际反洗钱形势对我国的反洗钱工作提出了新的挑战,我们要以维护国家利益为核心,准确定位反洗钱工作,加强国际合作,争取更多的话语权,借助国际反洗钱体系,维护我国国家安全,进一步完善反洗钱工作机制,增强洗钱风险防范能力。  相似文献   

证券业金融机构被纳入反洗钱监管体系后,如何根据其行业结构和资金交易特点有效地实施反洗钱监管成为当前我国反洗钱工作的一项重要任务。本文在分析我国证券行业架构和交易特点的基础上,对现行证券业反洗钱制度展开剖析,揭示出其中的制度缺陷,并根据国际反洗钱监管经验和我国反洗钱监管实践,提出证券业反洗钱监管制度的政策建议。  相似文献   

Risk-based capital standards, deposit insurance, and procyclicality   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
This article shows that risk-based deposit insurance premiums generate smaller procyclical effects than do risk-based capital requirements. Thus, Basel II's procyclical impact can be reduced by integrating risk-based deposit insurance. If deposit insurance is structured as a moving average of contracts, its procyclical effects can be decreased further. Empirical illustrations of this are presented for 42 banks over the period 1987 to 1996. The results confirm that lengthening the contracts' maturities intertemporally smooths premiums but raises the average premium level needed to compensate the insurer for greater systematic risk. The distribution of risk-based premiums across banks is skewed.  相似文献   

蒋峰 《海南金融》2011,(5):9-13
近年来,人民银行特别重视内审工作的转型与发展,在转型的切入点以及方式、方法上都进行了有益的探索.目前,将风险导向审计模式运用到人民银行内部审计中已成为一种共识.但是风险导向模式运用理论研讨居多,如何在实践中具体指导审计工作的研究却寥寥无几.本文以风险导向为切入点,结合目前信息技术审计面临的新情况、新挑战,分析了人民银行...  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the risk-management practices of a vulnerable credit insurer by studying the effects of time-varying correlations, asset risks and loan maturities on the risk-based capital that backs credit insurance portfolios. Since asset correlations may change over a business cycle, we have analyzed these effects by means of a one-factor Gaussian stochastic model as part of an extended contingent claims analysis. Our results show the need to account for cyclical changes to correlations in the pricing of credit insurance. When compared with the reserve of risk-based capital recommended by the Basel II Internal Ratings-Based (IRB) approach, our model provides a better capital buffer against extreme credit losses, especially in times of recession and/or in a risky business environment. Using a risk-adjusted performance metric (RAPM), we find insurers perform better when insuring relatively short-term loans. We also make several policy recommendations on creating a reserve of risk-based capital to protect against possible loan losses.  相似文献   

非居民企业所得税跨国税源监控的国际借鉴与完善措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非居民企业所得税监控是跨国税源监控的一项重要内容。但我国对非居民企业所得税跨国税源的监控还处于起步阶段,在政策、监控手段、纳税服务等方面还存在不足。本文分析我国非居民企业所得税跨国税源监控存在的问题,并借鉴国际先进经验,提出完善非居民企业所得税跨国税源监控的对策及措施。  相似文献   

This article investigates the abilities of four key summary risk measures to predict property-liability insurer insolvencies. The four summary risk measures studied are the NAIC's risk-based capital ratios, the NAIC's financial analysis solvency tools (FAST) scores, A.M. Best's Capital Adequacy Relativity ratios, and A.M. Best's ratings. The empirical tests find that the risk measures produced by the private sector are superior in predictive ability to the measures produced by regulators, perhaps because of the qualitative adjustments made by private sector analysts. The results also demonstrate that overall measures of risk are substantially better than risk-based capital measures in predicting insolvencies. Another finding is that the predictive ability of the NAIC's RBC ratios can be improved substantially if ranks are used rather than the ratios themselves.  相似文献   

We examine the implications of optimal credit risk transfer (CRT) for bank-loan monitoring, and the incentives for banks to engage in optimal CRT. In our model, properly designed CRT instruments allow banks to insure themselves against loan losses precisely in those states that signal monitoring. We find that optimal CRT enhances loan monitoring and expands financial intermediation, in contrast to the findings of the previous literature. Optimal CRT instruments are based on loan portfolios rather than individual loans and have credit-enhancement guarantees, pretty much as banks do in practice. But the extent of credit enhancement needs to be precisely delimited. Above that exact level, monitoring incentives are undermined (loan quality deteriorates) and wealth is transferred from the bank's financiers to the bank. Properly designed risk-based capital requirements are shown to prevent such a wealth transfer and to provide banks with the incentive to engage in optimal CRT.  相似文献   

Risk-based allocation strategies, also known as Smart Beta allocations, define the weights of assets in portfolios as functions of the individual and common asset risk. In this paper we focus on the Minimum Variance (MV), Maximum Diversification (MD), Equal Risk Contribution (ERC) and Equal-Weight (EW) risk-based allocation strategies. The popularity of risk-based strategy is commonly justified by their good record of out-performing the cap-weighted (CW) allocation strategy. Because of the low-volatility profile of risk-based allocations this is especially true when crises occur. From March 15, 2002 to May 1, 2012 we investigate how using a socially responsible investment universe impacts performance of risk-based allocation strategies. We use different measures of performance, included risk-adjusted one (multi-factor models), and we propose to disentangle the effect of using a SRI universe from the effect of using risk-based allocations. SRI universe only contains firms that have good environmental, social and governance performance. This kind of filtering is increasingly popular among institutional investors. On the estimation period, using European stocks, we find that the use of the SRI universe has a positive contribution to risk-adjusted performance of risk-based allocations. However this contribution is not uniform among all the risk-based allocation strategies and, can represent only a small part of the total alpha that is observed.  相似文献   

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