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一、机构投资者投资行为的理性、非理性与有限理性 (一)机构投资者的理性、非理性与有限理性 传统经济学一个最基本的假设是:"人是理性的."相对于个人投资者,机构投资者由于拥有优越的信息资源,专业的研究人员和管理人,从逻辑上而言,机构投资者是理性投资者.有研究表明,国外机构投资者具有谨慎动机.  相似文献   

期货市场引入机构投资者的理论思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
优化期货市场结构,引入机构投资者是必由之路.本文就如何对机构投资者进行界定、期货市场引入机构投资者的目的等基础性问题进行了分析,并就期货市场机构投资者的发展路径提出相关建议.  相似文献   

一、机构投资者的法律特征 机构投资者是由单个投资者转化而来,通过发行受益凭证或通过契约(合约)而募集资金进行金融投资.其一方面具有投资者的特征,另一方面又涉及信托、代理等问题.每一类机构投资者基本上都按以下原则或特性运作.  相似文献   

相比发达国家而言,我国股市中机构投资者占比较低,股市投资者结构仍需进一步改善.从国际上来看,影响股市个人投资者选择直接投资还是委托机构投资的主要因素有政府税收因素、市场机构发展因素、市场参与成本因素以及社会与个人因素.在不影响个人投资者资金进入股市积极性的前提下,为了推动我国股市投资者结构进一步改善,本文建议从以下四个方面完善相关政策:一是多部门统筹协调,完善补充养老保险制度;二是发展并鼓励机构投资者积极参与金融衍生品市场,提高机构投资者的风险管理和产品创新能力;三是在畅通个人投资补充养老保险渠道的前提下,加强个人财产性收入税收征管,完善部分个人财产性收入的纳税体制;四是加强投资者教育和投资者适当性管理.  相似文献   

机构投资者、信息披露与盈余管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以反映公司治理效率的信息披露与盈余管理作为关注要点,深入研究了机构投资者持股的治理效果问题.本文研究表明,机构投资者持股公司的盈余管理程度显著低于无机构投资者持股公司,并且盈余管理程度随着机构投资者持股的增加而显著降低.本文还检验了机构投资者持股能否有效提高公司信息披露的质量,发现机构投资者持股公司的信息披露质量显著高于无机构投资者持股公司,而且信息披露质量随着机构投资者持股的增加而提高.本文还发现,机构投资者持股公司信息披露对于盈余管理的监控作用更为显著,并且随着机构投资者持股的增加促进作用更为明显.以上发现意味着目前我国机构投资者已经参与到公司治理中,并在一定程度上发挥了积极的治理作用.  相似文献   

大力发展机构投资者是中国股市走向成熟的标志.从海外经验看,机构投资者包括各种证券中介机构、证券投资基金、养老基金、社会保险基金、保险公司,还包括各种私人捐款基金会、社会慈善机构等.中国机构投资者20年来获得了长足发展,下面听听来自机构专家的声音  相似文献   

实证研究机构投资者对企业业绩的影响,发现机构投资者持股比例与企业业绩正相关,机构投资者持股越多,对于企业的监督管理作用就越明显,企业业绩越好.而对不同类别机构投资者的研究发现,基金类机构投资者发挥了最主要的作用,其他类机构投资者作用不明显.机构投资者持股比例制衡度与企业业绩没有显著的相关关系.为了推动我国资本市场的良性发展,应加快发展机构投资者,改善市场结构,让机构投资者能够更积极地参与到公司治理当中.同时,应在根本上解决“一股独大”的问题,使机构投资者从“价值的发现者”转变为“价值的创造者”,成为企业业绩提升的重要力量.  相似文献   

以2007-2018年中国上市公司发行的上市公司债为研究样本,本文考察了机构投资者持股对债券限制性条款设计的影响.研究发现:(1)机构投资者持股可以显著减少债券限制性条款的使用,机构投资者持股比例越高,债券限制性条款的使用越少;(2)机构投资者通过改善公司治理和信息环境,缓解了债券发行人与债券投资者之间的代理冲突,从而减少了债券限制性条款的使用;(3)当机构投资者非独立、持股稳定性较强、机构数量较少以及债券发行人为国有企业时,机构投资者对债券限制性条款的抑制作用更强.本文发现了机构投资者对债券市场的积极稳定作用,为债券限制性条款设计提供了理论依据,同时也肯定了中国背景下推动机构投资者发展的积极意义.  相似文献   

以2007-2018年中国上市公司发行的上市公司债为研究样本,本文考察了机构投资者持股对债券限制性条款设计的影响.研究发现:(1)机构投资者持股可以显著减少债券限制性条款的使用,机构投资者持股比例越高,债券限制性条款的使用越少;(2)机构投资者通过改善公司治理和信息环境,缓解了债券发行人与债券投资者之间的代理冲突,从而减少了债券限制性条款的使用;(3)当机构投资者非独立、持股稳定性较强、机构数量较少以及债券发行人为国有企业时,机构投资者对债券限制性条款的抑制作用更强.本文发现了机构投资者对债券市场的积极稳定作用,为债券限制性条款设计提供了理论依据,同时也肯定了中国背景下推动机构投资者发展的积极意义.  相似文献   

机构投资者持股影响企业履行社会责任究竟是"兼济天下"还是"独善其身"?利用2009—2019年中国A股上市公司数据,实证检验了机构投资者持股对企业社会责任绩效的影响及其作用机制.研究发现:机构投资者出于"独善其身"的行为动机最终实现了"兼济天下"的效果.第一,机构投资者持股总体上可以促进企业更好地履行社会责任以"兼济天下";第二,迎合社会需求和获取类保险效应以"独善其身"是机构投资者促进企业履行社会责任的主要内在机制.进一步研究发现,机构投资者在促进企业履行不同维度的社会责任方面存在非均衡性;同时,相比于交易型机构投资者持股,稳定型机构投资者持股对企业社会责任绩效的促进作用更为显著,且这一正向关系在国有企业中更为明显.  相似文献   

The aims of this paper are to detect evidence of institutional investor herding behaviour and examine the role that investor sentiment plays in institutional investor herding behaviour. The herding behaviour is investigated by examining the dispersion of time varying beta of UK open-end and closed-end funds. The study finds evidence of fund managers' herding behaviour, which suggests they are likely to herd on market portfolio, size, and value factors. UK market-wide investor sentiment index is used for investigating the effects of investor sentiment on institutional herding behaviour. We find a unidirectional investor sentiment effect on the herding of UK mutual fund managers. We also reveal that the sentiment factors affecting UK open-end and closed-end fund managers herding behaviour are different due to the differences in fund structure.  相似文献   

股指期货市场的健康发展与机构投资者队伍的不断壮大是相辅相成、密不可分的。目前,机构投资者参与股指期货交易的步伐正在加快。本文结合国内证券期货市场的实际状况,全面定义和分析了机构投资者参与股指期货交易面临的七大风险,并给出了相应的风险控制对策,以期能够为机构投资者的股指期货交易风险控制提供有益的参考,进而促进国内股指期货市场功能的发挥和机构投资者队伍的壮大。  相似文献   

本文基于深交所推行的投资者实地调研制度及相关信息的披露,研究机构投资者实地调研活动对上市公司财务信息质量的作用,以及在该作用中调研便利性所发挥的影响.结果 表明:机构投资者的实地调研能改进上市公司当年及后一年的财务信息质量;较高的调研便利性会强化机构投资者实地调研提升财务信息质量的作用.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of rational risk factors on investor sentiments. We find that institutional investor sentiments are more rational than individual investor sentiments. There are significant positive effects of, market return and dividend yield and negative effect of inflation on both types of sentiments. These risk factors have stronger effects on institutional than individual investor sentiments. Also, there are significant effects of term spread and HML on the institutional investor sentiments. The evidence suggests that linkages between sentiments and stock return stems from a combination of rational outlook and noise i.e. expectations that are not fully justified by information.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore the implications of institutional investor distraction for earnings management. Our identification approach relies on a firm-level measure of institutional investor distraction that exploits exogenous attention-grabbing shocks to unrelated parts of institutional investors' portfolios. We find that firms with distracted institutional shareholders engage more in both accrual-based and real earnings management. Further analyses show that the association between investor distraction and earnings management is stronger in firms with low analyst coverage and weak board monitoring, as well as in firms where managing earnings upward allows meeting or just beating their earnings target. Collectively, our results suggest that managers exploit the loosening in monitoring intensity resulting from investor distraction by engaging in earnings management. Even in the presence of institutional investors with superior monitoring abilities, limited attention may induce insufficient monitoring of earnings management practices.  相似文献   

This paper explores the time-varying institutional investor preference for lottery-like stocks. On average, institutional investor holdings reflect an aversion to lottery-like stocks. However, I find that an institutions’ aversion to lottery-like stocks is reduced when investor sentiment is low. Moreover, I find that during low sentiment periods, institutional investors have abnormally high trading profits in more positively skewed stocks. These results suggest that institutions reduce their aversion toward lottery-like stocks during low sentiment periods to profitably trade in lottery-like stocks.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of institutional investor networks on firm innovation in China. Employing the unexpected departure of mutual fund managers and the inclusion of the Shanghai-Shenzhen 300 index as identifications, we find that institutional investor networks have a positive impact on firm innovation. Specifically, firms that are hold by well-connected institutional investors are motivated to make R&D investments and receive greater patents than their counterparts. This positive influence is more pronounced for non-SOEs and for firms located in less-developed regions, indicating that institutional investor networks act as information flow facilitator and a value certifier to encourage innovation activities.  相似文献   

This paper classifies institutional investors into transient or long-term by their investment horizons to examine the association between institutional investor type and firms’ discretionary earnings management strategies in two mutually exclusive settings – firms that (do not) use accruals to meet/beat earnings targets. The results support the view that long-term institutional investors constrain accruals management among firms that manage earnings to meet/beat earnings benchmarks. This suggests long-term institutional investors can mitigate aggressive earnings management among these firms. Transient institutional ownership is not systematically associated with aggressive earnings management and is evident only among firms that manage earnings to meet/beat their earnings benchmarks. This indicates transient institution-associated managerial myopia may not be as prevalent as posited by critics. This study highlights the importance of explicitly considering the type of institutional investor and the specific setting when investigating the association between institutional ownership and corporate earnings management.  相似文献   

REIT characteristics pose unique risks and benefits to investors who seek liquid diversification and hedging vehicles to complement their portfolios. This paper tests for the asymmetric effect of individual and institutional investor sentiment on REIT industry returns and conditional volatility. We simultaneously model the impact of two markedly different groups of investors on the return generating process of the REIT industry. Our findings suggest that noise trading imposes significant systemic risk on the realization of REIT industry returns. Interestingly, corrections in institutional investor expectations have a larger effect on REIT industry returns and volatility than changes in individual investor expectations. More specifically, bearish shifts in institutional investor expectations of future market conditions have a significantly larger impact on returns and volatility than bullish shifts. Results align with the overreaction to negative information and loss aversion hypotheses.  相似文献   

Using an international data set that quantifies corporate environmental costs, we analyze the influence of institutional investor ownership, particularly investment horizon and investor origin, on the monetized environmental impact generated by their investee firms. Institutional investor ownership is negatively related to corporate environmental costs. This effect is driven by long-term foreign institutional investors, especially investors from advanced economies. Corporate environmental costs are negatively correlated with firm valuation and positively correlated with the cost of equity. Since corporate environmental costs are not reflected in environmental, social and governance ratings, our results shed new light on the role of institutional investors in shaping corporate environmental impact.  相似文献   

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