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基于创就业导向的高职班主任工作思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
高等职业院校的班主任工作,贯穿着"以就业为导向培养高素质的技能型人才,以创业为目标发展高端技能型人才"的教育理念。他承担着对一个班的学生工作全面负责,组织学生的活动,协调各方面对学生的要求,对一个班集体的发展起主导作用的职责。只有深入细致地分析、探讨、研究班主任工作的方法、手段和规律并付诸实施;只有将高职学生的个体发展、顺利就业、鼓励创业摆在班主任工作的首要位置,高职院校的班主任工作才能真正突显特色与成效。 相似文献
1998年,云南石油省地县三级公司及加油站划转中国石化集团后,云南省石油公司党委经过积极努力,实现了省地县三级企业党组织关系的统一划转和归口管理,2000年正式成立系统党委,现下设12个基层党委、142个党支部,有党员2573名。自上划以来,企业改革力度逐年加大,难点、热点不断出现,对企业党群工作提出了更高的要求,如何发挥政治核心作用,如何做一名称职的党委书记,就成为改革发展新形势下很重要的课题。理论联系实际企业党委书记要带头认真学习和贯彻党的路线方针政策,更要善于理论联系实际,将上级指示和部署… 相似文献
煤矿安全监察体制改革以来,各级煤矿安全监察机构在理顺关系、基础建设、强化监察等方面,做了大量工作,取得了一定的成效。但是,由于煤矿安全工作基础薄弱,全国煤矿重大、特大事故还没有得到有效遏制。事故多发的原因虽然是多方面的,但也反映出煤矿安全监察的行政执法力度不够。规范有序的安全监察机制尚未健全,为加强和规范煤矿安全监察行政执法工作,建立和完善煤矿安全监察执法机制,推动煤矿安全工作,就必须提高认识,强化责任,把工作重心转到煤矿安全监察行政执法工作上来。 相似文献
胥晓龙 《中国电力企业管理》2009,(5Z):13-13
<正>要做一名称职的供电企业安监人员,应重点做好以下几个方面的工作:认真学习并理解相关规章制度。深刻理解、熟悉相关规程、制度,这是安监人员必须具备的基本素养。此外,安监人员还必须具备丰富的生产实践经验。只有这样安监人员才能对安全生产进行正确指导,对于生产中出现的各种问题,才能依法办事,依理服人。 相似文献
余从事党的宣传工作凡三十又六载,几贯从业始终。回首往事,信誓旦旦,自以为:我为宣传而生,宣传为我而业。其间虽屡经波折,然痴心不改,持节至毕。 相似文献
琳达,26岁,大学毕业后,在加拿大政府部门工作,收入稳定,扣除支出外,略有结余,独身生活。不久前,继承姑妈的一笔遗产,扣税以后,还有5万加元。正在她为这笔钱如何保值增值而发愁的时候,朋友史密斯告诉她去找理财师伊森,他会有好的建议。琳达很快跟伊森约好了见面时间,如约来到位于多伦多一个小社区的办公室里。 相似文献
编辑同志:您好!一段时间以来,我频繁接到施工企业的电话,询问本人是否作为某单位或公司的特邀专家,出席施工总承包企业特级资质标准信息化研讨会或培训班。为此,我特别严正声明,本人除作为中国建筑科学研究院、中国施工企业管理协会、住宅城乡建设部建筑业十项新技术的企业管理信息化咨询专家.以及与我单位与我个人事前达成协议的单位外,不代表任何单位作企业管理信息化咨询和培训工作。请有关单位、个人提高警惕,避免上当受骗。 相似文献
企业的思想工作必须与生产管理一道去做乔新一企业的思想政治工作与生产管理工作,是企业最普遍、最经常的两项工作。把思想工作与生产管理相结合,做好经常性的管理教育,是保证职工思想稳定,有序地从事生产活动的基础,是各级领导干部的基本功。小平同志的很多文章都深... 相似文献
奥运圣火,百年流传.人们在奥运会激烈的体育竞技中共同感受和平的美好,分享人类进步的成果.可以说,奥运圣火的每一点光亮都映射着国际社会团结进步的足迹和人类不断探索、进取、超越的努力.作为服装企业,必须与时代同步,与时尚共舞.民营服装企业发展的精神与"更高、更快、更强"的奥林匹克在很多方面是不谋而合的.文化上对奥运精神的认同,行动上对奥运会的热情支持,一方面是对市场机遇的绝好把握,一方面也是"产业报国"企业理念的坚定实践. 相似文献
Gordon Canning 《Industrial Marketing Management》1982,11(2):89-93
A company's customer base can yield valuable data on customers' sales volume, profits, growth trends, and technical strengths. The Customer Value Analysis process provides a means to apply that data to developing a better sales/marketing program. 相似文献
《International Journal of Industrial Organization》1986,4(2):217-229
An n-firm oligopoly model, parametrized by the degree of flexibility of the technology and where firms choose the optimal scale of production (capacity) first and then a competitive stage follows, is presented. It is shown that in (Nash) equilibrium as one moves from non-flexible to flexible technologies the resulting price ranges from the Cournot price to the Bertrand price. Furthermore, if the slope of short run marginal cost is bounded, the order of magnitude of the margin of price over long run unit cost is 1/n2 and the speed of convergence to the efficient outcome as the number of firms grows is, in a finer sense, faster the more flexible is the technology. 相似文献
Ulrike de Brentani 《Journal of Product Innovation Management》1986,3(2):108-119
Organizations have traditionally taken a variety of approaches to screening new product ideas. The use of a formal evaluation process to support screening decisions can reduce the costs and risks associated with product development. Although making good new product choices is vital, many managers have not applied analytical screening models because these models have not been customized to reflect the particular character of their firm and industry. In a study of how managers from different types of companies screen new product proposals, Ulrike de Brentani finds that the essential criteria determining new product selection do not differ radically among firms. This indicates that managers can potentially benefit from applying an existing formal evaluation model that encompasses the critical factors generally applied when making new product evaluation decisions, even if that model has not been customized for their specific application. 相似文献
Michael Schneider Jörn Grahl David Francas Daniele Vigo 《International Journal of Production Economics》2013,141(1):56-65
Many present markets for goods and services have highly volatile demand due to short life cycles and strong competition in saturated environments. Determination of capacity levels is difficult because capacities often need to be set long before demand realizes. In order to avoid capacity-demand mismatches, operations managers employ mix-flexible resources which allow them to shift excess demands to unused capacities. The Flexibility Design Problem (FDP) models the decision on the optimal configuration of a flexible (manufacturing) network. FDP is a difficult stochastic optimization problem, for which traditional exact approaches are not able to solve but the smallest instances in reasonable time. We develop a Flexibility Design Genetic Algorithm (FGA) that exploits qualitative insights into the structure of good solutions, such as the well-established chaining principle, to enhance its performance. FGA is compared to a commercial solver, a simple GA, and a Simulated Annealing local search on instances of up to 15 demand types and resources. Experimental evidence shows that the proposed approach outperforms the competing methods with respect to both computing time and solution quality. 相似文献
Dimitrina Dimitrova 《New Technology, Work and Employment》2003,18(3):181-195
This article revisits the issue of control and autonomy in telework using interviews with professional, managerial and sales teleworkers in a large Canadian telecommunications company. It finds that the changes in control and autonomy are limited to restructuring of the work schedules and the differences across teleworkers are reproduced. 相似文献
What Do Unions Do to Productivity? A Meta‐Analysis 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The impact of unions on productivity is explored using meta-analysis and meta-regression analysis. It is shown that most of the variation in published results is due to specification differences between studies. After controlling for differences between studies, a negative association between unions and productivity is established for the United Kingdom, whereas a positive association is established for the United States in general and for U.S. manufacturing. 相似文献
This research focuses on the degree of work autonomy which IT self-employed workers enjoy. It relies on quantitative and qualitative data. We found that strategic autonomy (ability to choose one's work objectives) is linked to individual characteristics: education and expertise, whereas operational autonomy (ability to choose the adequate methods) is correlated to contextual factors such as the type of clients and the kind of contracts. 相似文献
This paper examines the association between the stock returns and accounting earnings of firms that have different levels of operational flexibility. Operational flexibility is a firm’s ability to respond profitably to environmental fluctuations by shifting factors of production within a multinational network of subsidiaries. The geographic breadth and depth of a firm’s multinational network are used as indicators of operational flexibility. We find a significantly greater coefficient relating stock returns and accounting earnings for multinational firms that operate in many countries, but limit their concentration in any one foreign country, than for other multinational firms or domestic firms. This coefficient is significantly smaller for multinational firms whose foreign subsidiaries are highly concentrated in a few countries. When all multinational firms are pooled together, we find their earnings‐returns association does not differ from that of domestic firms. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献