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《Statistica Neerlandica》1946,1(4-5):209-216
Summary  (The treatment of field experiments by Knut Vik's method).
Agriculturists and statisticians have studied the problem, how to free the yields in a field experiment from the inequality of the soil. The method of the analysis of variance, due to the English statistician R. A. Fisher has taken an important place in the study of field experiments, so that other methods fell in the background.
The Norwegian agriculturist Knut Vik has suggested a method, which leads to good results without complicated calculations and without the knowledge of a great part of the mathematical statistics.
The mathematical foundation of this method is discussed in this article, which concludes, that the method of Knut Vik is of great importance for agriculturists, who don't want to perform intricate calculations.  相似文献   

Samenvatting  Het artikel geeft een beschrijving van de strategie en de methoden, die worden gebruikt voor het zoeken naar de oorzaak van een kwaliteitsvermindering bij dubbelspiralen voor gloeilampen. Er wordt niet alleen aandacht besteed aan de beschrijving en motivering van de gekozen proefschema's maar ook aan de praktische uitvoering van de experimenten. Het fabricage-proces is nl. dermate gecompliceerd dat niet kon worden volstaan met de instructie de experimenten in aselecte volgorde uit te voeren.
Het gehele onderzoek wordt uitqevoerd aan de hand van een drietal proefschema's. De keuze van het tweede en derde proefschema volgt logisch uit de uitkomsten van de voorafgaande proef. Na vol-tooiing van de derde proef is ondubbelzinnig aangetoond dat de belangrijkste oorzaak van de kwaliteitsvermindering is gevonden.  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1948,2(3):124-126
Summary  (The position of the statistician with regard to general management).
Analysis of the statistical work to be done in a great concern leads to a determination of the position of the statistician in the usual organisation scheme.  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1948,2(5-6):250-252
Summary  (A useful climatological application of regression theory) It is often required to estimate the 24th mean temperature from a few known temperatures, e.g. at 8h, 14h and 19h, when a sample of accurately known 24h means is available. The usual method is to add a constant to the mean of the three temperatures.
It is better however to compute a regression equation of the accurate 24h means on the three temperatures.
An example is given, showing that the efficiency of the regression method is about 6 times as great as that of the usual method.  相似文献   

Summary  (Statistical investigation of the distribution of data for the solids of bread (in loaves analysed in the Food Inspection Laboratory in Amsterdam))
The distributions of the data of the solids of bread as analysed during the years of the war are investigated. The means and the standard deviations are calculated, also χ2, kurtosis and skewness supposing the distributions to be normal. An example of calculation is given in table I. Actual numbers for different years are given in table II and in table III. The distributions were tested on normality because former investigations showed that the distribution of under survey prepared loaves did not deviate significantly from the normal.
It is found that generally the investigated distributions cannot be regarded as normal. Though symmetric they show leptokurtosis and the χ2-test for the goodness of fit of normal equation gives values of P 0,01 (or a little more). Similar distributions were found by Clancey1) in his investigation of numbers of chemical analyses of industrial products (about 10% of the distributions showed this shape, some 10% were truncated leptokurtic curves) and by us for the fat percentage of meals from the governmental eating-houses. The distributions are represented on probability-paper. This way of representing results gives a clear view of the variations of the mean and the standarddeviation in the course of the years (fig. 1). The deviations of the shape of the normal straight line on probability paper by special causes is investigated (fig. 3, fig. 4, fig. 5, fig. 6 to be compared with fig. 2). With this "spectrum" of possibilities of deviations from the normal distribution in mind the special cause for the leptokurtic shape in our special case has been discussed.  相似文献   

Momentarily (fall 196o) the Netherlands Central Bureau of Statistics is revising its price indexnumbers of family living. Some features of this revision are summarized below.
The old series is based on an expenditure pattern of 1951, whereas the new series will be calculated according to an expenditure pattern of 1959/'60. The latter data will be derived from a budget survey held among 250 households of manual and clerical workers consisting of 4 persons and grossing between four and eight thousand guilders a year (para. 6). The period covered was April 1959 till April i960.
The author indicates the way in which the varieties of the budget items to be covered by the monthly price surveys are chosen (para. 7). He discusses the principles and results of determining the number of price quotations (para. 8).
The choice of the municipalities in which price data will be collected is explained. An outline is given of the organisation of the new surveys apparatus (para. 14).  相似文献   

Summary For the sake of efficiency, the use of simplified formulae in item analysis is recommended. For adequate use of such formulae the systematic error must be known. For two important formulae this error is estimated: the KUDER-RICHARD-SON-21 (instead of 20) and a formula for the correction of the spurious part-whole correlation. As for the KR, if itemscores are 1 andO, the KR20 is given in (I) and the KR21 in (2). The difference dr between them, given in (5), is directly proportional to the variance of the itemdifficulties. This variance turns out to be rarely greater than 0,05. If the distribution of itemdifficulties is unimodal, a value greater than 0,05 is indeed improbable in four-choice tests. The KR21, which does not need an item analysis, can be used as a substitute of the KR20. The KR21 coefficient itself is an lower limit, the KR21 plus dr - estimated by (6) - a probable upper limit of the KR20 coefficient. The part-whole correlation of tests is spurious. If one wants to correct for this spuriousness it is theoretically preferable to estimate the part-parallel test correlation instead ofthe part rest correlation. This is done here with the assumptions of classical test theory. The part-parallel test correlation is given in (12), the easily computed first approximation, called A, in (13) and the second approximation in (75), in which last formula the corrected correlation is expressed as a function of A, the standard deviations of part and whole, and the reliability of the test. One can compute with this formula a maximum A, below which the first approximation is sufficiently precise.  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1955,9(1-2):79-83
A manager's view on the application of statistics in the concern.
To be able to judge of the correct dosing of statistical methods in his concern a manager should discriminate between incidental research and systemetical application of statistics. A sound job limitation and good information are indispensable to the success of a statistical check system.
The cost of the introduction of statistical check methods into a concern with a variated manufacturing programme in the field of electrical engineering (350 people) was estimated to be Djls 18,000 in one year. In the next year more than this amount will be earned back through the savings and the improvements obtained.  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1948,2(5-6):235-241
Summary  (Some remarks on the possibility of applying mathematical-statistical methods to time-study problems and in particular to the Bedaux system.)
Time and motion study are based on observations of the workman's movements and an estimation of his efficiency.
The time spent on a certain action in mass-production is not constant but shows a considerable variation, due to various causes. The time-study-man who investigates this action and expresses it in a rate, causes still more variations by certain inaccuracies in using the stopwatch and calculating the rate itself. Considered from a statistical point of view, these cumulating variations result in a standard-error in the calculated rate; this gives rise to some interesting phenomena.
A more statistical approach tot the whole problem is shown in this article to be possible.
In the discussion, the application of the Beaux-system is assumed, but the conclusions hold good for all time study systems.  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1948,2(4):138-154
Summary  (Possibilities and Difficulties in Applying Sequential Sampling)
The application of sequential sampling schemes may be much simplified by chasing H and b ( in Barnard's notation ) in such a way that H/(b+ 1) = integer and (b + 1) = integer. A decision to accept can now be taken only after each (b + 1) items and samples of (b + 1) items may therefore be chosen from the batch.
A handicap of H/(b + 1) points is now allowed to the batch. One point is added to the score whenever no defectives are found in the sample; 0, 1, 2, points are subtracted whenever respectively 1, 2, 3. … defectives are found in a sample. The acceptance boundary is 2H/(b + 1) points; the rejection boundary is 0 points.
For given 1 in 20 producer's and consumer's risk points ( p 1% and p 2%), values of H and b are given in table 1 and fig. 3.  相似文献   

The author gives a review of the origin and use of the statistical material used in the medical corps of the Dutch army. He points out the value of employing the data in a statistical manner for planning the medical care of the troops.  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1955,9(1-2):43-46
Adress of the Director of the Foundation Industrial Quality Service.
The increasing of productivity also has an important qualitative aspect, To promote the qualitative increase of productivity the "Kwaliteitsdienst voor de Industrie" (Industrial Quality Service) wants to organize courses through which the statistical quality control methods can for each separate branch of industry be made available to those who are able to apply these methods, but who cannot spare the time and the energy required to take fully note of the mathematical and statistical backgrounds.  相似文献   

The influence of the choice of the weights on the value of an indexnumber.
Price and quantity indexnumbers are weighted averages of groups of price and quantity ratios and they are convenient instruments to indicate the general tendency of such groups, especially if the number of basic ratios is considerable. The frequent use of indexnumbers is due to the fact that they can often be applied to problems for which, strictly speaking, an indexnumber had to be used derived from the same group of ratios but based on a different set of weights.
Two typical examples of such problems are given.
The use of a set of weights differing from the appropriate one is only justified, however, when the indexnumber is rather insensitive to changes in the set of weights. A simple formula is derived showing that the relative change of an index-number due to a change in the set of weights is equal to the product of the (weighted) coefficient of variation of the basic ratios, the (weighted) standard deviation of the relative changes of the weights and the (weighted) coefficient of correlation of the ratios and of the relative changes. The system of weights used in the calculation of these three factors is the same and is equal to the set of true weights belonging to the problem under consideration.
The practical use of the formula is demonstrated at the problem of index-numbers of costs frequently encountered in the practice of cost accounting.  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1955,9(1-2):47-69
The normal or jigsaw-puzzle method of planning cannot be applied to the production of an engine factory. One has to fall back upon a kind of statistical automatism, like in the planning of road traffic as opposed to the planning of railway traffic.
In order to do this kind of planning efficiently, it is necessary to know the statistical relationships between the degree of occupation (number of working hours divided by number of available hours) of the machines, the waiting time and the velocity of flow through the factory.
The statistical analysis of some of these quantities in an Amsterdam plant, manufacturing medium size diesel engines, showed that Erlang's formulas of waiting time in telephone traffic (with exponential distribution of holding times) are applicable.
These formulas are used to prove that the highest degree of occupation is not the best one from an economic point of view. Formulas and graphs are given for finding the optimum degree of occupation in engine factories and other works where the same conditions apply.  相似文献   

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