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郊区小城镇的可持续发展是上海大都市可持续发展的重要组成部分,本文通过研究大都市可持续发展背景下上海小城镇面临的挑战和机遇,分析评价大都市可持续发展目标的确立和实施对小城镇的影响,提出小城镇可持续发展的空间模式和职能模式,为上海小城镇和大都市整体可持续发展的政策决策提供理性的可操作的科学依据。  相似文献   

随着中国城市化的迅速推进,大都市和大都市区成为使用频率很高同时又经常被混淆的两个概念,认为厘清这两个概念具有重要的理论意义和现实价值。认为大都市和大都市区都是城市化过程中的产物,存在着某些共性的方面,但二者的内涵、衡量标准和阐述目标都是不同的;二者都是与城市化进程有关的重要概念,是不能相互替代的。  相似文献   

山东沿海港口物流可持续发展战略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
辛玉颉  李学工 《物流技术》2007,26(4):28-30,42
对山东沿海港口物流的发展现状、制约港口物流发展的因素及港口物流发展的定位进行了全面的剖析,并探讨了山东沿海港口物流资源的全方位整合及其可持续发展的战略思路。  相似文献   

依靠政府规制和产权明晰下的市场交易一直被看作是解决旅游业发展过程中引起的旅游资源破坏和生态环境污染等外部性、实现旅游业可持续发展的重要途径。然而,伴随着发达国家近年来日益涌现的越来越多的由旅游企业自发采取的环境保护战略行动使人们看到了依靠产业界自发合作实现旅游业可持续发展的新路径。与制造业企业相比,以主要提供观赏和休闲娱乐等体验型服务产品的旅游企业在面临环境问题的战略行为选择时既有相似性,又有差异性。文章分析了旅游企业采取自愿环保战略的决策动机和影响因素,并提出了相关的激励对策,为寻求解决伴随旅游业快速发展带来的日益严重的环境问题提供更好的治理方式。  相似文献   

本文根据目前我国煤炭行业的发展现状,针对煤炭行业发展中的人口、环境及资源的不平衡、不协调、不可持续的问题,阐述了实施可持续发展战略是中国的必然选择,并提出了煤炭行业的可持续发展战略措施。  相似文献   

杨金凤 《乡镇论坛》2009,(15):40-42
“甜不甜,家乡水,亲不亲,故乡人。”再大的城市也淹没不了那一份浓浓的老乡情……  相似文献   

刁满庆  绳国庆 《数据》2009,(4):59-61
价格指数是反映价格在不同时间或空间下平均变动的相对数,它能够为制定宏观经济政策、监测通货膨胀和进行国民经济核算等提供重要依据,是经济分析中不可或缺的重要指标。服务业价格指数是生产者价格指数的发展和延伸,也是生产者价格指数的一部分。本文提出了构建大都市服务业价格指数体系的范畴,并提出构建大都市服务业价格指数体系的目标、基本原则和基本步骤。  相似文献   

伦敦大都市管理体制研究评述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马祖琦 《城市问题》2006,(8):93-97,100
在明确伦敦大都市区的范围和概况的基础上,对伦敦大都市区的管理体制及其演变历程进行了较为详尽的分析与总结,认为伦敦大都市区划体制和行政组织体制的演变可划分为"雏形、分散、统一、再分散、再统一"五个阶段.随后对伦敦行政管理组织体制的特征进行分析,认为政党冲突、复杂的政府间关系、多层次的管理机构以及区域性合作组织始终贯穿于伦敦的大都市治理进程之中.上述几条主线,是深入理解伦敦大都市区管理体制和治理模式的关键.  相似文献   

看阿尔斯通的可持续发展战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阿尔斯通是全球电力和交通运输基础设施领域的领先企业,总部位于法国巴黎.其集成电厂、超高速列车和高速列车、电力设施服务和环境控制系统业务位居全球第一位,地铁系统、有轨电车和轨道信号系统业务位居全球第二位,业务遍布全球70多个国家和地区.  相似文献   

可持续财务理论是可持续发展和财务学的跨学科结合,跨学科领域研究具有一种近似于生物繁殖的品质,相关学科的遗传、进化和结合诞生了可持续财务理论。因此,可持续财务理论遗传了相关学科的合理内核,并进行进化和整合,其理论基础是多方面的。本文主要进行林业企业财务可持续发展战略研究。  相似文献   

可持续发展战略为长春市的环境保护工作带来了新的生机和活力。“九五”期间 ,长春市的环境保护与整治工作取得了良好的成绩。为此 ,长春市将继续坚持可持续发展战略 ,努力把长春建设成天蓝、水清、地绿的生态环保型大都市。  相似文献   

浅论建筑业的可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新是行业发展的灵魂,人类环保意识的增强要求建筑业必须树立可持续发展的创新理念,以生态平衡原则实施可持续建筑创新战略。文章阐述了企业可持续性发展概念的来源与内涵,分析了我国建筑业企业面临的挑战,并提出应对措施。  相似文献   

可持续发展价值观本质上是一种创新发展观,生存发展危机本质上是价值观异化的危机.随着社会的发展,城市已经成为人类最主要的栖息地,也是社会变迁的决定因素,城市化促使社会各个系统进行调整与转变,致使其传统的价值观失去原有的合理性.城市生态化是人类可持续发展的必然选择.  相似文献   

Sustainable intellectual capital is a promising starting‐point for the incorporation of environmental aspects into the general management system of a firm. This paper examines how sustainable intellectual capital helps to overcome the shortcomings of conventional approaches to environmental management systems. It does this by extending the concept of sustainability from relational capital to the three pillars of intellectual capital: human, structural and relational intellectual capital. A multiple case study was carried out with Spanish firms characterized by their high level of environmental leadership. The findings indicated that sustainable human intellectual capital, environmental training, information and awareness sessions help in the accumulation and utilization of knowledge. As for sustainable structural intellectual capital, the environmental technology portfolio is improved and new environmental departments are created. Regarding sustainable relational intellectual capital, the firm–environment link is very important. In the primary and secondary sectors suppliers become involved to a greater extent in the environmental management process, whereas in the service sector it is the customer who becomes more involved. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

This study examines whether and how business strategies affect firms' sustainable development from the view of green innovation. We show that firms following prospector strategy engage in less sustainable development behaviors than those following defender strategies. The negative relation between business strategy and green innovation continues to hold when addressing robustness with alternatives of business strategy and green innovation and addressing potential endogeneity with instrumental variable. We further find that political connection strengthens whereas environmental regulation weakens the negative relation between business strategy and green innovation. Finally, we explore the economic consequences of green innovation caused by strategic differences. Regrettably, the win–win situation of environment and development does not come true.  相似文献   

Sustainable development is becoming increasingly crucial for the green aviation industry. To promote the sustainable development of the green aviation industry, researchers all over the world have attempted to explore and experiment with new initiatives. This study investigates green aviation industry development trends by a bibliometric-based data analysis system. Cluster, timezone, and timeline visualizations are employed to identify the current development trends of the green aviation industry within three topics: noise, environmental impacts, and green image. In response to environmental challenges, an integrated green aviation industry support system that involves stakeholder engagement should be established, including business strategies, innovative technologies, environmental policies, and public support. In this study, the innovation and sustainability potential of the green aviation industry is evaluated. Then, the roles of strategy improvement, technology integration, policy support, and public participation in forming the integrated support system are examined. The outline of this system may prove helpful for the sustainable development of the green aviation industry.  相似文献   

公交主导发展战略和可持续发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
面对城市化、机动化、市场化的多重挑战,城市交通已经成为关系到城市可持续发展的重要问题。通过回顾"新城市主义"代表——TOD理论的发展过程,研究TOD模式与可持续发展的特点,并总结其实践经验;分析TOD模式与城市交通、可持续发展与城市交通之间的关系;提出实施"中国特色"TOD战略引导城市可持续发展应注意的问题。  相似文献   

Although flexibility has been considered critical in responding to uncertainty in a business environment, few studies have explored firms' flexibility in sustainable development. To understand the nature of firms that can respond better to uncertainty in their sustainable development practices, this study defines sustainable development flexibility and investigates the mechanism underlying its formation. The study proposes a conceptual framework on the interactions of managers' environmental attitude and cognitive style, as well as firms' information integration on sustainable development flexibility. A questionnaire survey was developed to test the corresponding hypotheses, and 241 valid responses were received from middle- and top-level managers in Chinese firms. The results show that (a) the higher the manager's environmental attitude, the higher the firm's information integration and greater sustainable supply chain flexibility, and (b) the more intuitive the manager's cognitive style, the greater the impact of environmental attitude on sustainable development flexibility.  相似文献   

可持续发展管理会计是现代管理会计的一个新领域。基于企业角色的转换,本文系统阐述了企业生态环境责任目标的内涵和外延,提出了可持续发展管理会计的三层次目标体系,并认为可持续发展管理会计目标与企业的生态环境责任目标是协调一致的,旨在认定和解除企业的生态环境责任。  相似文献   

本文首先分析了我国矿产资源业的现状,并从理论与实践的结合上探讨了我国矿产资源业的发展规律和可持续发展问题,最后从发展战略、法制建设、加快企业改革步伐、开展科技攻关、落实走出去战略、加强科学发展观教育等六个方面,提出了矿产资源业可持续发展的政策选择.  相似文献   

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