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聚乙烯醇(PVA)是一种用途广泛的水溶性高分子聚合物,其制备方法有乙烯直接合成法、天然气裂解乙炔和电石乙炔法。介绍了聚乙烯醇生产技术的进展情况,分析了中国外聚乙烯醇的生产消费现状及发展前景,提出了中国聚乙烯醇今后的发展建议。  相似文献   

2008年以来国内聚乙烯醇市场价格从高位缓慢下行:从1-2月的19500元左右跌到7月份的19000元(t价,下同)。8月份市场价格一度出现了小幅的反弹行情,但9月份在部分低价产品的影响下,价格很快重新回落至19000元。笔者分析认为,由于下游市场对于聚乙烯醇需求不足,社会库存量大幅增加,在聚乙烯醇价格仍处于高位运行的情况下,聚乙烯醇市场压力逐渐增加,预计9—12月聚乙烯醇价格将会处于一种逐渐回落的态势。主要原因如下:  相似文献   

美国开发低成本聚乙烯醇膜新工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国Polyval公司最近开发的新聚乙烯醇薄膜专利配方和工艺,能大幅降低挤出聚乙烯醇薄膜Enpol成本。  相似文献   

以聚乙烯醇为主要成膜物,交联剂A、交联剂B为改性剂,淀粉为助剂,合成一种改性聚乙烯醇商标胶。当交联剂A用量为1.0%~1.5%,交联剂B用量为0.4%~0.6%,淀粉用量为2.0%~3.0%,反应温度为60℃时,制备的改性聚乙烯醇商标胶具有好的粘贴性能,如初粘力强,干燥速度快,耐水性好等,可以满足高速啤酒生产线贴标需要,可以替代酪素胶使用。  相似文献   

一种聚乙烯醇颗粒栓塞剂的制作工艺;多孔纳米碳-聚乙烯醇水凝胶人工角膜;一种高聚合度的聚乙烯醇及其合成工艺;含药物、壳聚糖的聚乙烯醇水凝胶敷料及其制备方法;具有长寿命M态的化学修饰野生型细菌视紫红质-聚乙烯醇薄膜的制备方法;  相似文献   

聚乙烯醇(PVA)是一种用途广泛的水溶性高分子聚合物,其制备方法有乙烯直接合成法、天然气裂解乙炔和电石乙炔法.分析了聚乙烯醇的生产技术与生产现状、消费结构和进出口状况,对我国聚乙烯醇的发展提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

目的旨在向聚乙烯醇(PVA)中添加氧化石墨烯(GO)制成纳米复合材料,以提高PVA的阻隔性能,首先采用改进的Hummers方法成功制备了GO,然后采用溶液浇涂法分别制备PVA薄膜、镀层结构和均匀分散型PVA/GO复合薄。TEM观测表明GO在PVA中均匀分散。透气性测试结果表明添加填料GO后,PVA的阻隔性能有明显改善,主要是因为GO的增加增大了气体在复合薄膜中的渗透路径。  相似文献   

本文介绍了国内外丁辛醇的供需及消费情况,2005年丁辛醇生产能力达到约380万t/a.  相似文献   

LNG(Liquefied natural gas),即液化天然气的英文缩写.天然气是在气田中自然开采出来的可燃气体,主要成分由甲烷组成.而LNG则是通过在常压下气态的天然气冷却至-162℃,使之凝结成液体.天然气液化后可以大大节约储运空间和成本,而且具有热值大、性能高等特点.  相似文献   

Marketers and economists have followed the consumption patterns of alcoholic beverages for many years. Public officials have studied the negative effects of consuming alcohol and have advocated a variety of measures to curtail consumption. Previous studies have also measured the price elasticity. This comparative study is based on a 40‐year analysis, and compares the consumption patterns for beer, spirits and wine in three Nordic countries. Although the cultural context of Denmark, Norway and Sweden are similar, nevertheless significant differences in the patterns of consumption and prices for alcoholic beverages have been evidenced overtime. A comparison of the per capita drinking patterns and the taxation effectiveness are presented. Even though the elasticities varied, the data indicate relative sensitivity to price changes and a decline in spirits consumption as well as switching effects to lower alcohol‐content beverages.  相似文献   

介绍加入三聚氰胺、聚乙烯醇(PVA)、淀粉后对脲醛树脂胶(uF)的游离甲醛含量、剪切强度、耐水剪切强度等性能的影响,简述了三聚氰胺、聚乙烯醇等改性剂在脲醛树脂胶合成过程中所起的作用,并合成了综合性能良好的新型低毒耐水脲醛树脂胶。  相似文献   

聚偏二氯乙烯(PVDC)具有很好的阻隔性能,尤其可阻湿、阻氧、防潮、保鲜、耐酸碱、耐油浸和耐多种化学溶剂,还具有强韧性、低温热封、热收缩性和良好的化学稳定性,是理想的包装新材料,广泛地用于食品、药品等的保鲜和防潮包装。PVDC树脂的生产和应用前景十分广阔。国外主要由美国、欧洲、日本生产,对助剂进行不断改进,适应各种不同的用途。目前国内已经有几个生产厂家,其中个别企业是采用自己开发的技术,产品的各项性能已达到进口同类产品水平。  相似文献   

Sequential market basket analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Market basket analysis (MBA) is a powerful and common practice in modern retailing that has some limitations stemming from the fact that it infers purchase sequence from joint-purchasing data. However, internet retailers automatically collect purchase-sequence data from their shoppers, and new technology is available for traditional (bricks and mortar) retailers to do the same, making it possible to analyze purchase sequences, rather than inferring them from joint purchases. This study first compares and contrasts traditional market basket analysis with a sequential extension, and then proposes a framework for purchase-sequence analysis, which is illustrated utilizing shopping trip data from one grocery store.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that exposure to sponsorship can influence behavior. However, evidence of the effectiveness of sports advertising and its influence on alcohol consumption is inconclusive. The goal of this research is to examine whether sponsorship by alcohol products receives the same attention as sponsorship by nonalcohol products depending on their congruence and the way they influence the intention to consume. Using sports posters, an experiment was performed to measure attention through eye-tracking. The results show that attention paid to alcohol brands is no greater than the attention paid to incongruent brands and is no different from the attention paid to congruent brands, regardless of gender and sporting discipline. Attention paid to sponsors has no influence on the intention to consume. These results show the need for further research on the effectiveness of sponsorship and its relationship with alcohol consumption.  相似文献   

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