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This article focuses specifically on how and why managers might go about using stakeholder identification and analysis techniques in order to help their organizations meet their mandates, fulfill their missions and create public value. A range of stakeholder identification and analysis techniques is reviewed. The techniques cover: organizing participation; creating ideas for strategic interventions, including problem formulation and solution search; building a winning coalition around proposal development, review and adoption; and implementing, monitoring and evaluating strategic interventions. The article argues that wise use of stakeholder analyses can help frame issues that are solvable in ways that are technically feasible and politically acceptable and that advance the common good. The article concludes with a number of recommendations for management research, education and practice.  相似文献   

Measurement Bias in the HICP: What do we know and What do we need to know?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) is the primary measure of inflation in the euro area, and plays a central role in the policy deliberations of the European Central Bank (ECB). The ECB defines its Treaty mandate of price stability as '… a year‐on‐year increase in the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) for the euro area of below 2%[…] to be maintained over the medium term.' Among the rationales given for defining price stability as prevailing at some positive measured inflation rate is the possibility that the HICP as published incorporates measurement errors of one sort or another that may cause it to systematically overstate the true rate of inflation in the euro area. This paper reviews what currently is known about the scope of measurement error in the HICP. We conclude that given the vague conceptual framework of the HICP, the scant research on price measurement issues in the EU and the ongoing improvements in the HICP, there is very little scientific basis at this time for a point (or even an interval) estimate of a positive bias in the HICP.  相似文献   

经营大师松下先生说过:“经营,其实就是一种常识。就像雨天撑伞,晴天收伞”。他说的是经商也有规律。但这个规律不是一成不变的,正如兵无常势,水无常形。如何恰到好处地做到雨来张伞,鱼来撒网,须得运筹帷幄,多谋善断,方能中原逐鹿,手到擒来。 迂回经营。委内瑞拉有一个名叫图德拉的工程师,想做石油生意,虽然一无关  相似文献   

某县农资公司于1997年将其所有的仓库房产作抵押,向捉行莱支行借款,双方签订了<房屋抵押(借款)合同>,该抵押在该县房产管理所办理了登记.2002年,农资公司将仓库及其空地的使用权租给刘某使用,双方签订了<仓库租赁协议书>.另该县国土资源局通过复函的方式确认仓库所占用的土地为划拨用地,农资公司拥有该地块的国有土地使用权.2006年,农资公司将仓库房地产变卖偿还农行某支行贷款,韦某在竞买中竞得,并办理房地产过户手续.现韦某要求终止<仓库租赁协议书>.……  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to explain the commitment behaviour of highly skilled professionals in Canadian business-to-business (B2B) technology services companies that do not have a formal and explicit managerial commitment strategy and to emphasize the need to take the organizational context into consideration when developing a theory that seeks to account for differences in employee's organizational commitment. Our contribution is to reappraise the relevance of the traditional organizational commitment definition in this organizational context, a new organizational form. We demonstrate that in the companies which are different from the traditional bureaucratic organizational forms and which employ highly qualified professionals, the employment relationship is based on a psychological contract that is not accounted for in the strategic HRM theory.

Indeed, the basic principles of strategic HRM dictate that an organization's most valuable asset is its employees; it is therefore incumbent on management to do whatever is necessary to retain its workforce, readily described as a key resource, and to use human resources management (HRM) practices as tools to elicit commitment. In a study of highly skilled workers in Canadian business-to-business (B2B) technology services companies belonging to the so-called ‘new economy’, we observed that although the competitive advantage enjoyed by these companies depends to a large degree on the creativity and innovativeness of their workforce, these companies barely have any official HRM policies, and the HR department plays a very unobtrusive role. Yet, no one could say that the employees in these firms are not committed – on the contrary! This situation has several implications in terms of career for these professionals, in terms of HR practices for the employers.

Nevertheless, until now, existing theoretical models of organizational commitment have shown little interest in highly skilled workers in general and even less in new economy professionals.  相似文献   

In this article the author argues that while it is desirable to seek an early return to economic expansion and to control the rate of inflation these should not be seen as solutions to the unemployment problem. He advocates an approach which he describes as ‘long term, low cost, group specific, net job creation’.  相似文献   

年逾六句的他.勇于转型——从一个研究者转变为管理者.并且从中焕发出个人职业生涯的“第二春”  相似文献   

What Corporate Boards have to do with Strategy: A Cognitive Perspective   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Traditional research on corporate governance has viewed the contribution of corporate directors to strategy making as limited by their lack of independence or firm-specific knowledge. To the degree that directors contribute to strategy, most previous research has viewed their role primarily as dealing with the conflict resulting from divergent preferences of agents and principles. The cognitive perspective this paper proposes suggests that directors contribute to dealing with the complexity and uncertainty associated with strategic decisions. It argues that directors possess valuable problem-solving expertise, which they can apply to a variety of contexts. Directors make their cognitive contributions to strategic decision making by performing along with a firm's managers a set of cognitive tasks: scanning, interpretation and choice.  相似文献   

农民冬天做什么? 一些不了解农民的城里人可能会认为,那还能做什么?春天、夏天、秋天都忙过去了,那就只剩下冬闲了.闲来无事.冰天雪地.可以打牌、晒太阳、聊天、过年,东北人叫"猫冬".  相似文献   

八十回顾 一得之愚   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20 0 2年 4月 19— 2 0日 ,中国城市科学研究会与上海城市发展信息研究中心联合在北京就吴良镛学术思想、人居环境与城市景观问题召开专题论坛。会议回顾了从传统建筑学到广义建筑学 ,从城市科学到人居环境科学的发展历程 ,并以此祝贺吴良镛先生八十寿辰。会议分两个阶段进行。首先是报告会。中国城市科学研究会副理事长陈为邦致开幕辞。建设部外事司司长李先逵教授、北京林业大学孟兆祯院士、上海城市科学研究会常务副理事长张绍梁研究员、中国城市科学研究会副理事长张启成研究员、中国外国专家局建筑规划专家饶及人、中国城市科学研究会学术委员袁采堂分别作了学术报告。第二个阶段是大会发言。建设部部长汪光焘 ,两院院士中国城科会理事长周干峙 ,全国人大环资委副主任叶如棠 ,建设部原副部长、中国城市科学研究会副理事长赵宝江 ,上海城市发展信息研究中心主任江绵康讲了话。清华大学教授左川 ,中国城市科学研究会秘书长、研究员顾文选 ,中国城市规划设计研究院邹德慈教授以及来自各地的市长、市委书记、建设厅厅长、建委主任、规划局长、地方城科会负责人等先后发了言。吴良镛院士最后发了言。本刊现刊出吴良镛和周干峙两院士的发言稿 ,以飨读者 ,其他相关文章将用多种形式发表。  相似文献   

The time has come to make a comprehensive, critical assessment of the increasingly popular EAPs. To date, with very few exceptions, only glowing reports in the literature are available. This EAP literature is reinterpreted and methodological flaws are identified in analyzing usage patterns, legal issues, success rates, and cost-benefit calculations. The real and potential weaknesses and limitations need to be recognized in order to make EAPs more effective for the 1990s.  相似文献   

If you find yourself out of a job, do not despair. It has happened to the best and the brightest; you are not alone. If you have never lost a job consider yourself fortunate, but do not become complacent. It very well could happen to you sometime soon. Be prepared. Watch for the signs. And if it happens, remain the professional you have always been. There is always another, and probably better, job awaiting you.  相似文献   

Prior studies have had limited success explaining the negative market reaction to common stock announcements using firm and offer specific variables. We employ apiecewise linear model to test the relationship between announcement returns and firm and offer specific variables by specific offer reason as stated by management. We find evidence that managers are signalling the quality of the new investment when issuing equity for the offer-motive capital expenditures; this is support for the announcement of the equity issue being a signal of wasteful investment. We also find that the announcement of equity issues signals overvaluation when the equity offer is for general purposes.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of 13 million price records underlying the computation of the French consumer price index, we provide a detailed assessment of consumer price rigidity. Our main results are as follows. The average duration of prices is around 8 months. Price durations and the patterns of price‐setting strongly differ across sectors. Price cuts are almost as frequent as increases, suggesting no specific downward nominal rigidity. Price changes typically have large absolute sizes. Time variation in the frequency of price changes and in their size both contribute to inflation fluctuations. Overall there is evidence of both time‐ and state‐dependent price‐setting.  相似文献   

The transition towards a circular economy puts pressure on organizations to purchase in a circular manner. The aim of this research is to investigate the role, behaviors, and characteristics of purchasers in the circular purchasing process, and the contextual factors that influence circular purchasing. To address this aim, we interviewed purchasers, supervisors and policy makers of seven Dutch organizations. The results of the comparative case-study show that the main roles of the purchaser are those of coordinator, facilitator and advisor, and that the successful circular purchaser can best be described as intrapreneurial, sustainability-minded and knowledgeable about the circular economy. Purchasers are successful in implementing circular purchasing when they share responsibility with budget holders and when they are part of organizations that have processes in place to ensure the inclusion of circularity in their purchasing projects. The drivers that influence the success of circular purchasing can be described as creating a sense of direction and grasping the complexity of the circular economy. Furthermore, the market, organizational, legal, conceptual and cultural constraints that limit the success of circular purchasing were identified.  相似文献   

In a Bayesian game players play an unknown game. Before the game starts some players may receive a signal regarding the specific game actually played. Typically, information structures that determine different signals, induce different equilibrium payoffs. In two-person zero-sum games the equilibrium payoff measures the value of the particular information structure which induces it. We pose a question as to what restrictions Bayesian games impose on the value of information. We provide answers for two kinds of information structures: symmetric, where both players are equally informed, and one-sided, where only one player is informed.  相似文献   

百事可乐:潜能与品质.与单纯的学历相比,百事更注重员工的潜能与品质,团队协作和发展.百事在面试、招聘员工时,特别注重三大方面--专业能力、管理能力和个人品质.他们强调:一个优秀的百事员工,应具有在既有能力基础上培养发展的可塑性(潜能).  相似文献   

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