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汽车产业全球化趋势及其对中国汽车产业发展的影响   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
在汽车产业全球化加速的背景下,在一个国家框架内,已经越来越难以建立起完整的有竞争力的汽车产业体系,这个结论对发达国家,对包括中国在内的发展中国家,都是适用的。  相似文献   

中国汽车工业的发展趋势及对策   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
2002年中国汽车工业面对加入WTO后的冲击,发展迅速。但是,中国汽车工业从整体上看,仍然是一个国际竞争力较弱的产业。在加入W凹后更加开放的市场环境中,中国汽车工业逐步从制造、研究开发、销售服务、汽车信贷等方面全面融入世界汽车工业体系。通过使自身全面融入世界汽车工业体系,中国汽车工业将获得更加迅速的发展,并且逐步成为世界汽车工业的主要制造基地之一。就长远来看,中国汽车工业也必将获得自主开发的能力,并且逐步提高其在世界汽车工业体系中的地位。  相似文献   

模块化时代的汽车产业变革   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
当前汽车产业成为继信息技术产业之后受到模块化深刻影响的产业部门,本文从三个层面界定了汽车产业模块化的内涵,分析了汽车产品模块的种类,以此为基础,研究得出模块化推动汽车生产组织方式变革的根本表现是促使零部件企业分层.而且模块集成供应商作为与组装企业进行直接交易的少数零部件企业,面临整合生产、系统开发模块产品、控制零部件企业及开拓市场等能力要求,并将由此改变汽车零部件产业的市场结构与竞争状态。汽车产业的模块化发展没有产生绝对的受益者或受损者,本文围绕三个主体从六个方面探讨了模块化的实施效果。  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a questionnaire survey sent to a sample of automobile manufacturers in the United States and Japan (including Japanese-managed plants in the United States) during the spring of 1990. The data support observations that Japanese and U.S. practices tend to differ in key areas and Japanese suppliers perform better in dimensions such as quality (defects) and prices (meeting targets, reducing prices over time); and that Japanese-managed auto plants established in the United States have, in general, adopted Japanese practices and receive extremely high levels of quality from Japanese as well as U.S. suppliers. These findings provide evidence that Japanese practices and performance levels are transferable outside Japan and suggest that considerable improvements are possible for U.S. suppliers supplying U.S. auto plants. In addition, the survey indicates that U.S. firms have adopted at least some practices traditionally associated with Japanese firms, apparently reflecting some convergence toward Japanese practices and higher performance levels in supplier management.  相似文献   

Do laterally diversifying firms outlast new startups? Or does organizational inertia give the advantage to startups? We explore these questions here using the experiences of American automobile manufacturers from 1885 through 1981. We advance and test an integrative model that allows the organizational effects of entry mode to vary across the firm's life cycle. We also compare the life chances of laterally diversifying firms by industry of origin, including especially bicycle, carriage and engine manufacturers. Findings show the potentially integrative value of an evolutionary approach to strategy.  相似文献   

中国汽车产业市场结构与市场绩效研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文利用中国汽车工业1998—2008年的数据,通过多元回归分析方法,对中国汽车产业市场结构和市场绩效进行实证研究。实证表明,中国汽车产业市场已从竞争型转向了中下集中寡占型,市场集中度对汽车产业的市场绩效为正效应,但对内资企业、外商投资企业、港澳台投资企业的影响程度不同。本文剖析了中国汽车企业通过市场集中度提高提升市场绩效的主要影响因素及市场集中度对内外资企业市场绩效影响程度差异的原因,并探讨相关政策建议,以期对中国汽车产业发展提供有益的思路。  相似文献   

基于网络的企业学习与治理机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济全球化和市场竞争加剧,战略联盟、虚拟企业等形态的网络组织大量出现。在这种背景下,解决企业网络中知识资源治理的问题成为关键。交易成本经济学把企业网络视为一个交易平台,提出了基于“专用性投资”的解决方案。本文认为.企业网络具有知识性质,网络学习是解决企业网络中知识资源“公地悲剧”现象和提升网络价值的关键。成员企业的网络学习的效率不仅取决于其知识学习能力积累和网络的知识学习能力积累,而且还取决于网络知识共享平台。网络知识共享平台是提高成员企业知识吸收、结合和创新能力的重要机制.  相似文献   

汽车产业是一个传统行业。以互联网为代表的信息技术产业的发展,以及谷歌、苹果等科技巨头开始对汽车产业的涉足,为汽车产业的发展提供了全新的机会,这使得信息技术产业与汽车产业呈现了耦合的态势。尽管在制造、售后等环节我国汽车制造企业与国外汽车制造企业的差距正在逐年缩小,但是在产品开发、智能制造等环节,依然是目前我国汽车企业最为薄弱的环节。按照产业耦合理论,我们将两个产业的耦合程度,按照由弱到强的关系,分为无耦合、低度耦合、中度耦合、高度耦合四个阶段,本文将通过信息技术产业与汽车产业的数据,对二者的耦合程度、可持续发展性进行全面研究,以便达到为我国汽车产业与信息技术产业的耦合找到可行路径的目标。  相似文献   

本文在分析汽车产业技术创新能力影响因素的基础上,构建汽车产业技术创新能力影响因素的系统动力学模型并进行模拟仿真,对影响汽车产业技术创新能力的各因素及其关系进行系统分析。仿真结果表明:增加要素的投入,尤其是增加企业家因素、产学研合作强度及外商投资力度对自主品牌汽车销量具有显著的正向影响;增加企业R&D和人力资源的投入不能给新产品销量带来显著影响;政府的支持有时会增加企业的创新成本。研究结果可为汽车产业进行技术创新提供决策依据。  相似文献   

资源短缺已成为人类社会可持续发展的瓶颈环节。逆向物流通过对资源的再利用,有效的避免了资源浪费,加强了对环境的管理,实现资源的循环再生,而汽车逆向物流是逆向物流领域的重要分支。通过运用SWOT分析方法,对我国汽车行业逆向物流决策和实施的战略选择进行了分析,旨在为我国汽车制造企业是否实施逆向物流,以及怎样进行逆向物流的战略选择提供参考意见。  相似文献   

This paper contends that the distinguishing feature of the subcontracting system for the manufacture and distribution of auto-parts in the Japanese automobile manufacturing industry can be explained by the opportunism hypothesis of transaction cost theory. Opportunism may arise when the parts-supplier uses its information advantage to obtain more favorable contract terms with the manufacturer. It is argued that in response to this kind of informational opportunism, the automobile manufacturer institutes a special form of vertical arrangement, called the kigyo keiretsu group. The kigyo keiretsu group consist of an association of vertically related parts-makers held together by a high degree of sales and technological interdependence, by partial stock ownership, by interlocking boards of directors and by long-term contract. This study raises the possibility of mitigating opportunism among the kigyo keiretsu group firms throughout the core automaker's shareholdings of its parts-supplier.  相似文献   

国内外理论界对劳动力流动和产业组织变化的研究,长期以来主要是沿单一线路推进——要么主要研究劳动力流动问题、要么主要研究产业组织变化问题。而很少有学者对两者之间的互动关系进行深入研究。本文以中国汽车产业为分析对象.运用实证方法对劳动力流动与产业组织变化的互动关系进行了研究.分析了两者之间的互相影响效应.提炼、归纳出了一些具有规律性的新结论。论文最后从新的角度分析了中国汽车产业组织结构欠优化、劳动力配置不合理的成因.并提出了解决问题的对策建议。  相似文献   

In many respects, development of highly innovative products such as fighter aircraft comes down to a quest for technological superiority. If such products lack best-in-class technologies, they face almost certain defeat at the hands of the competition (or, in the case of fighter aircraft, the enemy). In addition to the latest and greatest technologies, however, this type of development effort must draw on the past. Takashi Nakayama explores the role that keisho—or inheritance—of development technology plays in the Japanese aircraft industry. He illustrates the concept of keisho through examples ranging from the projects that culminated in development of the famed Zero fighter aircraft during the 1930s to those that produced the FSX (recently renamed the F-2) support fighter during the 1990s. Drawing on these historical perspectives, he addresses three key questions regarding keisho. First, why do Japanese manufacturers insist on keisho of development technology, even in the development of the latest aircraft? Second, what does the term development technology mean? And finally, how is keisho of development technology to be carried out? He then presents two models to show how keisho of development technology is carried out under different circumstances. The term development technology refers to the tacit knowledge that each member of the organization brings to a development effort. In other words, development technology comprises fieldwork knowledge, which consists of intuition, experience, and analogy. In essence, development technology represents the insight necessary for understanding the overall circumstances of a project and actively reframing or integrating various technologies to fit the needs of that project. During a development effort, each member of the organization internalizes this tacit knowledge (that is, development technology). By retaining and assigning these people to subsequent developments, an organization carries out the keisho of development technology. In this straight inheritance (optimal) model of keisho, engineers move from a completed project to another large-scale, next-generation project, continually using, refining, and enhancing the tacit knowledge shared by all members of the organization. The result is successive generations of new, excellent products. In intermediary inheritance (the minimal requisite keisho model), the core of development technology is inherited through various medium-scale intermediate projects, rather than directly from one large-scale project to the next.  相似文献   

The music recording industry is a highly-concentratedfive firm oligopoly. Much of the dominance achievedby larger firms in the industry results from control over the distribution and promotion of theproducts of the industry. Alexander (1994b), predictedthat new compression routines would facilitate the efficient transfer of digital music across the internet.MP3 compression routines have made such transfersrelatively simple and efficient. While smaller new entrants have not yet been able to exploit this newtechnology in terms of market share, an element ofuncertainty exists regarding the sustainability of the prevailing structure, due to large scale non-sanctionedfile sharing. Despite the industry's legal efforts tosuppress non-sanctioned file distribution, peer-to-peer networks may render these efforts futile. However,peer-to-peer networks must overcome structural andinstitutional problems, in particular, free-riding.  相似文献   

This study examines the roles played by the environment and realized strategies on firm-level performance in the Japanese machine tool industry. We examine the effect of environment and strategy on performance using longitudinal data on a sample of 25 Japanese machine tool firms over the period 1979-92. Our results indicate that both firm strategies and the environment play significant roles in influencing profitability and growth. More specifically, whereas both strategy and environmental variables are significantly related to firm profitability, only environmental variables are associated with firm growth. Additionally, in contrast to U.S. based studies, we find that capital expenditures and technological change are not negatively associated with profitability. Rather technological change has a positive impact on firm growth. We discuss the implications of these results for strategic management and provide suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

网络状产业链的价值创新协同与平台领导   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在网络状产业链中,创新由分散的模块生产商和互补品生产商独立进行,传统的一体化组织模式不再适用,需要新的创新组织形式。平台领导者通过一系列的策略,协调网络状产业链各参与主体的价值创新行为。本文将防降价均衡(UPE)用于网络状产业链价值创新的动态博弈过程中,揭示平台领导者实现模块标准升级的相关策略与模块和网络等技术参数的匹配关系。平台领导企业通过模块规则的知识产权策略、互补品创新的横向兼容决策、标准升级的纵向兼容决策等,形成封闭策略组合和开放策略组合,协同模块生产商、互补品生产商的行为,实现价值创新协同,通过最终顾客价值的创造,吸引消费者购买新产品,实现标准的升级。  相似文献   

This paper studies the effects of aggregate, industry-, and firm-specific factors on the exit hazard rates in the market for daily newspapers in the Netherlands from 1950 to 1996. We present a brief overview of the exit literature. On the basis of the existing empirical evidence, we decided to specify and estimate exponential and piecewise constant hazard rate models. We find that exit hazard rates of daily newspapers depend on the circulation size, ownership, and number of incumbents. Moreover, the effects are time-dependent. We do not find any significant effect of macroeconomic factors.  相似文献   

This paper documents the adoption of the Japanese model of manufacturing in the U.K. motor industry. Internal developments by the vehicle assemblers and their suppliers are examined. It is argued that the Japanese model involves very high intra- and interorganizational dependencies. Although this does not cause problems in Japan due to the structure of the Japanese motor industry, the structure of the UK vehicle industry presents severe obstacles to the successful use of Japanese methods. Pursuit of the pure Japanese model within the existing industry structure appears to be fraught with problems. Moreover, such an exercise risks sweeping away potential strengths of the existing structure.  相似文献   

We propose a conceptual and analytical framework for assessing metric equivalence in cross‐national strategy research. We illustrate this framework by testing the equivalence of measurement models for a set of strategy constructs across the United States and Japan. Results of a two‐group LISREL analysis conducted on a data set of 447 interorganizational relationships reveal that some constructs have strong cross‐national equivalence, while others need content respecification or reconceptualization. We discuss implications and offer suggestions about how to conduct empirical strategy research in cross‐national settings. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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