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中国货币替代现象的VEC模型:1994-2005   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着人民币汇率制度改革的进行和资本账户开放进程的加快,中国的货币替代现象理当引起我们更大的关注.本文通过建立货币替代的VEC模型对中国的货币替代程度及其影响因素之间的关系作了动态分析,最后得出人民币名义有效汇率在长期和短期内都是影响中国货币替代的主要因素,名义有效汇率的频繁波动会造成货币替代乃至货币需求的不稳定.因此加快人民币汇率制度改革、降低美元在人民币汇率盯住篮子中的比重就显得尤为重要了.  相似文献   

笔者利用2002年~2008年的月度数据分析了我国汇率与货币替代的关系, Chow检验发现2005年汇改前后货币替代发生了结构变化.含虚拟变量的局部调整模型表明实际有效汇率对货币替代的影响存在非对称性.2005年6月以前,实际有效汇率与货币替代正相关,我国经济增长不会影响货币替代;2005年7月汇改以后,实际有效汇率与货币替代负相关,且经济增长会影响我国的货币替代.  相似文献   

曾燕婷  杨芳 《经济师》2004,(3):242-242,244
文章介绍了有关货币替代的概念及货币替代模型 ,并根据该模型对货币替代汇率与货币的变化关系进行了讨论 ,最后指出货币替代的政治含义及货币替代和汇率理论与国家货币政策的关系  相似文献   

同货币替代一样,反向货币替代也是开放经济下的一种货币性扰动,随着我国经济的高速增长以及人民币强烈的升值预期,中国出现了本币替代外币的反向货币替代现象.考察我国的反向货币替代现象,除了可以从货币替代的变化程度来看以外,还可以从我国企业和家庭的外币存款、央行的外汇占款、银行代客结售汇以及人民币周边化等方面进行分析.反向货币替代现象对中国经济的影响有其有利的一面,同时也有对中国目前的汇率制度和汇率水平带来冲击、妨碍货币政策的独立性并影响货币政策对宏观经济的效用等不利的一面.这就需要我国在推进人民币国际化的进程中,积极利用其促进人民币国际化的积极因素,同时又要防范反向货币替代的负面效应,以最大化人民币国际化的利益.  相似文献   

人民币有效汇率波动对货币替代影响的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文检验了2003年1月~2008年5月人民币有效汇率走势和波动率对人民币货币替代的影响程度。基于VAR模型的方差分解显示,总体上有效汇率因素对货币替代具有一定程度的影响,且NEER比REER影响更大。Johansen协整检验发现,人民币货币替代率与人民币NEER、REER及其波动率之间存在长期稳定的协整关系。VEC模型揭示了有效汇率的短期波动对货币替代率的长期均衡关系有一定冲击,但影响的弹性较小。2003年以来人民币的反替代现象主要是由于在人民币持续升值的现实和预期下,巨额外资输入寻求避险和保值引起的货币供给量持续增加而导致的。本文建议货币政策要与汇率政策进行协同,将名义有效汇率纳入政策考虑因素有助于提高货币政策的执行效率。  相似文献   

货币替代是开放经济下的一种货币性扰动,随着人民币汇率制度改革的进行和资本账户开放进程的加快,存在加剧的可能性。文章基于货币替代的"汇率效应",对中国2002Q1~2008Q3间人民币汇率与货币替代率的关系进行了实证分析,得出结论:我国当前存在货币替代的"汇率效应",但并不明显;汇率的"放大效应"并不存在。  相似文献   

作为国际金融的核心内容之一,汇率理论历来受到经济学家的关注.货币主义理论作为现代汇率理论的基石,在金融学领域具有崇高的地位.货币主义的汇率理论主要分为弹性价格货币模型、粘性价格货币模型和资产组合平衡模型.本文选取2005年7月到2009年6月的人民币汇率等数据对弹性价格货币模型进行实证分析,以检验人民币/美元汇率是否符合弹性价格货币模型,并对影响人民币汇率的因素进行分析.  相似文献   

汇率制度选择的政治经济学分析:文献综述术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汇率制度选择既是一个经济问题,同时又是一个政治问题,因此汇率的选择不仅受到经济因素的影响,还受到国内外政治因素的影响.在国际上,霸权货币、政治强国、国际组织、国际协调以及国际合作都会影响国际货币体系安排;在国内,利益集团、政治制度以及政党制度会影响到汇率制度的选择.本文对汇率制度选择的政治经济学理论进行总结,并作了简要评价.  相似文献   

西方货币国际化理论综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
何国华 《经济评论》2007,(4):156-160
自20世纪60年代以来,随着美元霸权地位的衰落、日元国际化的推进以及欧洲货币一体化的成功进行和欧元作为国际货币的出现,货币国际化问题引起了越来越多西方学者的兴趣。对于什么样的货币能够成为国际货币、货币国际化对本国及其他国家会产生什么样的影响以及影响货币国际地位的因素等问题,西方学者从不同的角度进行了深入探讨。另外,对于国际货币之间的替代现象,学者们也通过模型分析给出了解释。  相似文献   

美元化虽然会给新兴经济体带来失去货币和汇率政策的弹性、减少政府财政收入等弊端 ,然而 ,由于货币替代的客观存在 ,不能过分强调上述弊端的影响。本文从货币替代的财政、货币以及汇率政策的政策效应角度 ,分析美元化的可行性。  相似文献   

In this article we analyse empirically currency substitution and exchange rate pass-through in the Turkish Economy, where their ongoing presence could undermine the implementation of a successful monetary policy, especially in a flexible exchange rate regime. Even though a considerable time has passed after the implementation of a flexible exchange rate regime in Turkey, by using Vector Error Correction model for the period from 1987 to 2004, we find that the currency substitution and exchange rate pass-through still have importance in the Turkish Economy and the monetary policy stance has been considerably strong, possibly, as a response of ongoing presence of them. If this is the case, to avoid the undesired consequences of this strong monetary policy, Turkey should consider some policy measures to reduce the degree of pass-through and currency substitution.  相似文献   

Using monthly data for Ireland we test the hypothesis that the combined effects of currency substitution and capital mobility renders the demand for money function subject to instability over time. The empirical evidence supports the view that both “the” expected exchange rate change, giving rise to currency substitution, and the latter as a component, along with “the” foreign interest rate, of the gross yield on foreign currency-denominated assets, giving rise to capital mobility, are important determinants of the domestic demand for money. Their inclusion as arguments yields a money demand function which is more stable than if they are (incorrectly) excluded.  相似文献   

货币替代是开放经济中所特有的一种货币性扰动,它会对一国的经济金融形势产生严重影响,如货币政策的独立性和有效性受到影响、政府的财政税基遭到削弱、汇率波动频繁、国际收支失衡、减缓甚至阻碍该国货币的自由兑换进程等。随着中国经济高速增长以及人民币的强烈升值预期,我国出现了人民币正在逐步替代外币美元的反向货币替代现象,同样对我国经济造成了一系列的冲击。本文首先从货币替代的定义、形成机制、经济影响、防范风险的对策等方面对国外文献进行了理论综述;然后,分析了国内学者对货币替代理论的研究,特别研究了我国在目前背景下出现的反向货币替代现象;最后在对国内外货币替代理论文献综述的基础上,对将来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

A number of writers have argued in recent years that massive international currency substitution has been a major cause of exchange rate volatility and monetary instability in the United States and other major countries. Such analysis is frequently coupled with recommendations for a return to pegged exchange rates. This paper critically examines the evidence presented for this currency substitution view. It argues that the weight of latest research suggests that direct international currency substitution has not been of major quantitative importance for the U.S. However, empirical evidence supports traditional views that international capital mobility can generate substantial short-run monetary interdependence even under flexible exchange rates. Thus, even though international currency substitution is of little importance to U.S. monetary conditions, a broader range of international considerations may be of considerable importance for the U.S. economy.  相似文献   

Economic and political uncertainty, high inflation and liberalization of foreign exchange restrictions have encouraged substantial currency substitution in the economies in transition. This paper presents empirical evidence on currency substitution in four Eastern European countries in transition: Poland, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. It is shown how currency substitution affects money demand and by that seignorage revenues. The empirical estimates of the money demand functions are used to calculate the seignorage maximizing rate of inflation in the economies in transition.  相似文献   

In order to account for currency substitution, the exchange rate is included in the demand for money. More recent studies have demonstrated that exchange rate changes could have asymmetric effects on the demand for money or domestic currency. In this paper, we consider the experiences of 18 African countries and show that in most countries, indeed exchange rate changes have short-run asymmetric effects on the demand for money. However, short-run effects translate to long-run asymmetric effects only in a limited number of African countries.  相似文献   

Abstract .  We extend the Thomas (1985) dynamic optimizing model of money demand and currency substitution to the case in which the individual has restricted or no access to foreign currency denominated bonds. In this case currency substitution decisions and asset substitution decisions are not separable. The results obtained suggest that the significance of an expected exchange rate depreciation term in the demand for domestic money provides a valid test for the presence of currency substitution. Applying this approach to six Latin-American countries, we find evidence of currency substitution in Colombia, Dominican Republic, and Venezuela, but not in Brazil and Chile.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the choice of a nominal anchor in disinflation programs in chronic inflation countries. Both theory and evidence suggest several conclusions. (i) The recessionary effects associated with disinflation appear in the early stages of money-based programs but only in the late stages of exchange rate-based programs. (ii) Lack of credibility is more disruptive under fixed exchange rates than under floating exchange rates. (iii) Attempting to pursue a disinflationary policy while maintaining a given level of the real exchange rate is likely to be self-defeating. (iv) A high degree of currency substitution favors the exchange rate as the nominal anchor.  相似文献   


Based on the three functions of currency internationalization, including exchange medium, pricing currency and foreign reserve, this paper explores how the degree of currency internationalization affects the impact of the exchange rate and the asset price on valuation effects. Using samples of 161 countries or regions from 2001 to 2016 and the threshold regression method, we find that, firstly, there is a threshold effect of the exchange rate on valuation effects due to currency internationalization. The higher the comprehensive level of currency internationalization is, the greater the positive impact of the exchange rate on valuation effects will be. Secondly, the threshold effect of the asset price on valuation effects due to currency internationalization is not significant because of the high stickiness of asset price. Besides, compared with developed countries, currency internationalization is more important to increase valuation effects through exchange rate channel and asset price channel in developing countries or regions. Finally, there are some differences in the three types of currency internationalization functions. The promotion of exchange medium function will lead to a greater positive impact of the exchange rate on valuation effects, as well as pricing currency function. However, the foreign reserve function has no such effect.  相似文献   

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