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通过对2011年9月渭河中下游秋淋降雨及洪水过程的分析表明:"11.9"洪水渭河下游呈现出洪水位高、持续时间长、洪峰沿程削减小以及临潼~华县区间洪水演进缓慢等特点,从洪水过程河道冲淤、河势变化及洪水灾害等方面探讨了洪水对渭河下游河道的影响,提出了复核保证流量与提高控导工程标准等防洪减灾建议。  相似文献   

Experimental floods, generated downstream of dams, are used to recover specific bio‐geomorphic functions in regulated rivers. Studies of the effects of experimental floods vary in their objective, location, and the hydrological and bio‐geomorphic variables used to quantify recovery. Measurements of geomorphic change are required to guide future release strategies. The focus of this study was to determine if a large experimental flood in the Snowy River Australia, could promote geomorphic recovery of the river channel downstream of Jindabyne Dam following 35 years of flow regulation. The objectives of the release were to deepen, widen, and increase channel capacity and coarsen the riverbed substratum in the Jindabyne Gorge and Dalgety Uplands sections of the Snowy River. Data from the release were compared with that of a natural flood event that occurred after the experimental flow event. Both events showed channel adjustments and a degree of geomorphic recovery, but this varied between the two river sections. Marked channel adjustments occurred in the Dalgety Uplands reach following both the experimental and natural flood event and in the Jindabyne Gorge section following the natural flood event. Geomorphic changes were related to the hydrological character of each flood event. The number of flood peaks, the sequence of peaks, the flood duration, and the total energy expenditure differed markedly between the two events, and these four flood hydrological characteristics explained the greater geomorphic recovery associated with the natural flood event in the Jindabyne Gorge. No clear hydro‐geomorphic relationship was derived for channel change in the Dalgety Uplands where existing morphological constraints limit flood effectiveness.  相似文献   

Dam releases used to create downstream flows that mimic historic floods in timing, peak magnitude and recession rate are touted as key tools for restoring riparian vegetation on large regulated rivers. We analysed a flood on the 5th‐order Green River below Flaming Gorge Dam, Colorado, in a broad alluvial valley where Fremont cottonwood riparian forests have senesced and little recruitment has occurred since dam completion in 1962. The stable post dam flow regime triggered the development of novel riparian communities with dense herbaceous plant cover. We monitored cottonwood recruitment on landforms inundated by a managed flood equal in magnitude and timing to the average pre‐dam flood. To understand the potential for using managed floods as a riparian restoration tool, we implemented a controlled and replicated experiment to test the effects of artificially modified ground layer vegetation on cottonwood seedling establishment. Treatments to remove herbaceous vegetation and create bare ground included herbicide application (H), ploughing (P), and herbicide plus ploughing (H + P). Treatment improved seedling establishment. Initial seedling densities on treated areas were as much as 1200% higher than on neighbouring control (C) areas, but varied over three orders of magnitude among the five locations where manipulations were replicated. Only two replicates showed the expected seedling density rank of (H + P) > P > H> C. Few seedlings established in control plots and none survived 1 year. Seedling density was strongly affected by seed rain density. Herbivory affected growth and survivorship of recruits, and few survived nine growing seasons. Our results suggest that the novel plant communities are ecologically and geomorphically resistant to change. Managed flooding alone, using flows equal to the pre‐dam mean annual peak flood, is an ineffective riparian restoration tool where such ecosystem states are present and floods cannot create new habitat for seedling establishment. This problem significantly limits long‐term river and riparian management options. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

黄河流域洪水对入海泥沙通量的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用1950~1985年大样本洪水资料,研究了黄河流域洪水过程中三黑小所控制的流域水沙条件与入海泥沙通量和通量系数的关系,分析了泥沙通量与流域水量、沙量和平均流量的关系。在三黑小沙量与入海泥沙通量的关系中,从量上看,黄河下游河道具有“多来多排”的特性;从比例上看,具有“多来多淤”的特性。不同来源区洪水对泥沙通量和通量系数具有不同的影响,平均每场洪水泥沙通量按大小排序依次是:多沙粗沙区、下少沙区、上少沙区和多沙细沙区。通量系数按大小排序依次是:下少沙区、上少沙区、多沙细沙区和多沙粗沙区。  相似文献   

通过对某水库泄洪排沙系统的水力模型进行试验研究,发现陡槽明渠末端扩散过渡段水流流态不稳,主流贴岸冲刷严重,为了保证泄流系统的正常运行与堤防安全,必须协调好扩散过渡段前后的水流衔接。基于急流控导理论,提出了边岸导流、水下潜没控制两个控导方案。模型试验研究表明在扩散段加设管桩坝,可以将扩散段主流导向扩散段中央,边岸流速有所减小;采用创新性的组合潜没三角翼在均衡水流和抑制边界层分离都有很好的效果,实现了主流居中稳定、大大减轻了扩散段末端护坦冲刷和右边岸堤防冲刷,研究成果对解决同类型工程问题有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

以河床演变学理论为基础,结合黄河下游河道输沙特点,对河槽的排洪输沙作用进行了量化表述,界定了黄河下游河槽排洪输沙基本功能.提出了黄河下游排洪输沙基本功能的判别指标体系;利用实体模型试验研究和实测资料分析.建立了水沙过程与河槽冲淤及断面形态调整之间的响应关系,提出了近期基本满足黄河下游河槽排洪输沙基本功能的概化水沙过程及相应的水量。并形成了水沙调控指标体系;初步提出了维持黄河下游河槽排洪输沙基本功能的中游水库群水沙联合调度方案。研究成果可为黄河小浪底水库水沙调控提供科学依据.对黄河下游的防洪减灾及水资源可持续利用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

River regulation can alter the frequency and magnitude of subdaily flow variations causing major impacts on ecological structure and function. We developed an approach to quantify subdaily flow variation for multiple sites across a large watershed to assess the potential impacts of different dam operations (flood control, run‐of‐river hydropower and peaking hydropower) on natural communities. We used hourly flow data over a 9‐year period from 30 stream gages throughout the Connecticut River basin to calculate four metrics of subdaily flow variation and to compare sites downstream of dams with unregulated sites. Our objectives were to (1) determine the temporal scale of data needed to characterize subdaily variability; (2) compare the frequency of days with high subdaily flow variation downstream of dams and unregulated sites; (3) analyse the magnitude of subdaily variation at all sites and (4) identify individual sites that had subdaily variation significantly higher than unregulated locations. We found that estimates of flow variability based on daily mean flow data were not sufficient to characterize subdaily flow patterns. Alteration of subdaily flows was evident in the number of days natural ranges of variability were exceeded, rather than in the magnitude of subdaily variation, suggesting that all rivers may exhibit highly variable subdaily flows, but altered rivers exhibit this variability more frequently. Peaking hydropower facilities had the most highly altered subdaily flows; however, we observed significantly altered ranges of subdaily variability downstream of some flood‐control and run‐of‐river hydropower dams. Our analysis can be used to identify situations where dam operating procedures could be modified to reduce the level of hydrologic alteration. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Mississippi and Missouri Rivers experienced flooding in 1993 that fell outside the annual predictable flood period of spring and early summer. Flooding began in late June, peaked in late July (25 232 m3/s on the upper Mississippi and 21 240 m3/s on the Missouri) and remained at or near flood stage into October 1993. This study was performed to determine if disturbance by an unpredicted flood event would alter trophic dynamics of river–floodplain systems by creating shifts in the composition of organic matter available to consumers. The Ohio River, which did not flood during the same period, was examined for comparison. Stable isotopic ratios of carbon and nitrogen from samples collected in 1993 and 1994 were used to characterize potential food sources and determine linkages between food sources and invertebrate and fish consumers. Pairwise contrasts, performed separately for each river, indicated there were few interannual differences in δ13C and δ15N of organic matter sources and consumers. Between sample period (flood year versus normal water year) trends in both flooded rivers were similar to between‐year trends observed for the Ohio River. Trophic structure of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers was similar in both years, with fine and ultra‐fine transported organic matter and dissolved organic matter representing the major sources of organic matter. Overlapping isotopic signatures in the Missouri River made tracking of sources through the consumers difficult, but similarities in δ13C and δ15N between years indicated trophic structure did not change in response to the flood. The results suggest that consumers continued to rely on sources of organic matter that would be used in the absence of the unpredicted 1993 flood. It is proposed that trophic structure did not change in response to flooding in the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers because both rivers exhibited the same trends observed in the Ohio River. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Small hydropower projects (SHPs) are promoted as low-impact alternatives for large hydropower. SHPs are generally commissioned on small- to medium-sized mountainous rivers, often in biodiverse regions, with backing in the form of subsidies, facultative policies and exemption from impact assessments as they are considered ‘green’. However, the ecological impacts of SHPs are understudied especially in highly seasonal tropical streams of Western Ghats of India, a global biodiversity hotspot and a distinct freshwater fish eco-region. We compared SHP-affected segments of a dammed and an undammed river in the Western Ghats of Karnataka, to assess how altered flow regime affects seasonal variability in habitat and water quality, and influences fish assemblage structure. We found that flow alteration by the SHP varied between different segments of the dammed river and with season. Furthermore, the nature of flow alteration influenced habitat variability, water quality and fish assemblage response in the dammed river. We observed that the dewatered segment of the dammed river experienced a lotic to lentic shift in habitat and water quality, which favoured fish species with eurytopic affinities. Fluctuating flows in the downstream segment subdued natural variability in flow regime and created novel habitats and water-quality conditions, affecting fish assemblages. The upstream segment of the dammed river retained natural variability in habitat and water quality, but did not mimic the undammed river in terms of fish composition. We also observed potential constraints on recruitment for migratory species of fish in the dammed river. Based on our results, we suggest how the placement of dewatered segment, and timing the closure of SHP operation in dry season based on ecological thresholds are potential solutions to mitigate the impacts of the SHPs. Furthermore, we recommend effective impact assessments, and adaptive management with active interventions to maintain genetic and ecological connectivity, as key to enhance the sustainability of the SHPs.  相似文献   

A Fortran-based simulation model was written to predict water movement into and out of Flathead Lake. Since tributaries, the lake proper and downstream flows were either freeflowing or regulated by hydroelectric dams, it was necessary for the model to adjust simulated, regulated flows to account for predicted natural flows. Empirical input to the model consisted of daily discharge data or statistical summaries of data sets for an 80+ year period of record for gauging sites on major tributaries, the lake and its outlet river. The model produces graphical output of empirical observations or simulates lake levels and riverine flows on the basis of any selected period of the record. The model was successfully used to evaluate the feasibility of various water management scenarios to enhance or protect fish and wildlife and also permit various hydropower production quotas.  相似文献   

The construction of upstream dams regulates flood magnitudes, reduces the inundation frequency of the riparian zones and curtails the discharge of sediments to the downstream. Adaptation of a Phragmites japonica colony growing at a rarely flooded sandbar (1.4 × 0.25 km) was investigated. Above‐ and belowground biomass was sampled, together with litters on the ground surface of a quadrat and soil in the rhizosphere. Five sampling locations were selected with three locations located in sandy and two in stony areas. The results showed the total biomass and the ratio of above‐ to belowground biomasses were larger at the sandy sites than the stony sites. However, the fraction of root biomass (i.e. root to rhizome ratio) in the belowground biomass at the stony sites was higher than that at the sandy sites. Higher aboveground and total plant biomass in the sandy areas was because the plants had better access to water and nutrients than plants growing in stony beds. A higher proportion of root biomass, at the expense of rhizome biomass, in the belowground biomass of plant growing in stony sites was due to the difficulty in accessing water and inorganic nutrients. The ratios of nitrogen (N) to phosphorus (P) in the plant tissues were mostly between 5 and 10, indicating that plant growth was N limited. Low ratios of total N (TN) to total P (TP) were also recorded in soil samples, where TN was 300–700 mg/kg and TP was 300–350 mg/kg. A wide phenotypic plasticity observed in P. japonica was an importance factor to maximize the plant survival and fitness in frequently disturbed habitats, and this plasticity was the result of both true adjustment and ontogenetic drift. A mitigation effort, aimed to prevent coarsening of the riverbed by supplying sand to the downstream, can actually advance the development of P. japonica colonies. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The spawning migration and local homing of adult brown trout was analysed using radio telemetry in a regulated river in central Norway. Twenty‐eight large (37–64 cm) brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) were tracked before, during and after spawning in the River Nea, a watercourse with several obstructions, including an outlet tunnel from a power station and a regulated stretch (26 km) with 45 weirs. Two major patterns of spawning migration were found: (1) about half (n = 16; 57%) of the trout moved very little and remained in the deeper pools of the river from June until November; (2) about half (n = 12; 43%) of the trout migrated relatively long distances (12.5–28 km) up the river prior to the spawning period where they stayed in the outlets of small tributaries, or in rapids on the main river during the spawning period. We assume that these trout belong to a population of lake‐run migratory trout using the River Nea for spawning. There was no significant difference in body length of migratory and stationary brown trout and no significant difference in total distance moved by migratory males (30.5 km, n = 6) and females (20.5 km, n = 6, p > 0.05). Among migratory trout, we found no correlation between body length and migrated distance. Of the 12 migratory trout, nine undertook fast upward migration in periods of high water flow (> 100 m3/s). They passed the outlet tunnel from the power station and negotiated two to 35 weirs before reaching their main reproduction areas. Three trout crossed several weirs when the discharge was low (10–40 m3/s). When there was low discharge, fish remained at the outlet tunnel for up to four weeks and showed a high level of activity. Postspawning downstream migration started between 25 September and 25 October. Most migratory trout (n = 9) wintered in pools on the lower part of the river or in weir basins; only two trout descended to the lake (Selbusjøen) in late autumn. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Large woody debris (LWD) is an important component of ecosystem structure and function in large floodplain rivers. We examined associations between LWD distribution and riparian land use, bank stabilization (e.g. riprap revetment), local channel geomorphology, and distance downriver from the dam in the Garrison Reach, a regulated reach of the upper Missouri River in North Dakota, USA. We conducted a survey of shoreline‐associated LWD in the reach during typical summer flow conditions. Reach‐wide LWD density was 21.3 pieces km?1 of shoreline, of which most pieces (39% ) were ‘beached’ between the waterline and the bankfull level, 31% of pieces had evidence of originating at their current location (anchored), 18% of pieces were in deep water (>1 m), and 13% were in shallow water. LWD density along unstabilized alluvial (sand/silt) shorelines (27.3 pieces km?1) was much higher than along stabilized shorelines (7.2 pieces km?1). LWD density along forested shorelines (40.1 pieces km?1) was higher than along open (e.g. rangeland, crop land; 9.2 pieces km?1) or developed (e.g. residential, industrial; 7.8 pieces km?1) shorelines. LWD density was highest overall along unstabilized, forested shorelines (45 pieces km?1) and lowest along open or developed shorelines stabilized with a blanket‐rock revetment (5.5 pieces km?1). Bank stabilization nearly eliminated the positive effect of riparian forest on LWD density. A predicted longitudinal increase in LWD density with distance from the dam was detected only for deep LWD (including snags) along unstabilized alluvial shorelines. Partial resurvey in the summer following the initial survey revealed a reduction in total LWD density in the reach that we attribute to an increase in summer flow between years. Changes in riparian management and land use could slow the loss of LWD‐related ecosystem services. However, restoration of a natural LWD regime in the Missouri River would require naturalization of the hydrograph and modification of existing bank stabilization and channel engineering structures. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Widespread hydrologic alterations have simplified in-stream habitats in rivers globally, driving population declines and extirpations of many native fishes. Here, we examine how rapid geomorphic change in a historically degraded desert river has influenced habitat diversification and ecosystem persistence. In 2010, a large reach of the degraded and simplified lower San Rafael River (SRR), Utah, was impacted by the formation of a valley plug and began to shift from a homogenous, single-thread channel to a complex, multi-threaded riverscape. We combined field measurements and drone-collected imagery to document changes in fish habitat due to the valley plug. Our results demonstrate that in 2021, the affected reach was more diverse than any other stream reach along the SRR, containing 641% more diverse habitat (e.g., pools, riffles, and backwaters) than what was measured in 2015. The plug reach also retained water for periods beyond what was expected during seasonal drying, with the total extent of inundation within the riverscape increasing by over 2800%. Since the formation of the valley plug, riparian habitat has increased by 230% and channel networks have expanded to more than 50 distinct channels throughout the zone of influence. Our results provide evidence of successful self-restoration in a formerly highly degraded reach of desert river, and encourage new methods of desert river restoration. We aim to inform the use of large-scale, disruptive restoration actions like intentional channel occlusions, with the goal of mitigating the impacts of simplification and increasing habitat persistence in the face of exacerbated aridity in the desert Southwest.  相似文献   

The effects of river damming on geomorphic processes and riparian vegetation were evaluated through field studies along the regulated Green River and the free‐flowing Yampa River in northwestern Colorado, USA. GIS analysis of historical photographs, hydrologic and sediment records, and measurement of channel planform indicate that fluvial processes and riparian vegetation of the two meandering stream reaches examined were similar prior to regulation which began in 1962. Riparian plant species composition and canopy coverage were measured during 1994 in 36, 0.01 ha plots along each the Green River in Browns Park and the Yampa River in Deerlodge Park. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) of the vegetation data indicates distinctive vegetation differences between Browns Park and Deerlodge Park. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicates that plant community composition is controlled largely by fluvial processes at Deerlodge Park, but that soil chemical rather than flow related factors play a more important role in structuring plant communities in Browns Park. Vegetation patterns reflect a dichotomy in moisture conditions across the floodplain on the Green River in Browns Park: marshes with anaerobic soils supporting wetland species (Salix exigua, Eleocharis palustris, Schoenoplectus pungens, and Juncus nodosus) and terraces having xeric soil conditions and supporting communities dominated by desert species (Seriphidium tridentatum, Sarcobatus vermiculatus, and Sporobolus airoides). In contrast, vegetation along the Yampa River is characterized by a continuum of species distributed along a gradual environmental gradient from the active channel (ruderal species such as Xanthium struminarium and early successional species such as S. exigua, Populus deltoides subsp. wislizenii, and Tamarix ramossissima) to high floodplain surfaces characterized by Populus forests and meadow communities. GIS analyses indicate that the channel form at Browns Park has undergone a complex series of morphologic changes since regulation began, while the channel at Deerlodge Park has remained in a state of relative quasi‐equilibrium with discharge and sediment regimes. The Green River has undergone three stages of channel change which have involved the transformation of the historically deep, meandering Green River to a shallow, braided channel over the 37 years since construction of Flaming Gorge Dam. The probable long‐term effects of channel and hydrologic changes at Browns Park include the eventual replacement of Populus‐dominated riparian forest by drought tolerant desert shrublands, and the enlargement of in‐channel fluvial marshes. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Kokanee (Oncorhynchus nerka) provided an important recreational fishery in the Flathead River-Lake system (Columbia River Basin, U.S.A.-Canada) until the late 1970s when populations declined dramatically. The declines coincided with peaking river discharge from Hungry Horse Dam during the autumn spawning period and an increase in the duration of lake drawdown caused by the operation of Kerr Dam on the outlet of Flathead Lake. Redds of both river and lakeshore spawners were, therefore, dewatered in winter, causing high freezing and desiccation mortality of eggs during the incubation period. It appeared that growth rates of kokanee were density dependent. Female kokanee from strong year classes (i.e., those produced during years of favourable water levels and flow conditions during the incubation period) were smaller than those from weak year classes when unfavourable conditions for incubation prevailed. A highly significant relationship (r2 = 0.929, p < 0.001) was demonstrated between female kokanee spawner length, river gauge heights, and lake levels during years which produced each year class. The close fit of the relationship was further validated by the strong correlation (r = 0.964) between actual kokanee lengths and predicted lengths. Other factors which could have influenced kokanee year class strength include hatchery plants of kokanee fry, harvest of kokanee by anglers, variations in the carrying capacity of Flathead Lake, and natural fluctuations in egg and fry mortality.  相似文献   

The Sanaga River is one of Sub‐Saharan Africa's largest and greatly regulated rivers. Available flow data for this hydrosystem largely cover the pre‐ and post‐regulation periods. From comparisons between unregulated (hypothetical) and observed scenarios, it has been possible to separate and to quantify hydro‐climatic (groundwater + rainfall) change effects from anthropogenic impacts (especially dam‐related alterations). To appreciate shifts in the river regime, discontinuity detection tests and the IHA model were applied to discharge data series reflecting average and extreme flow conditions, respectively. Results obtained principally from the Hubert segmentation method reveal that a major discontinuity occurred in 1970–1971 separating a surplus phase between 1945–1946 and 1969–1970, and a deficient and much contrasted one, from 1971/1972. This implies that the Sanaga catchment is dominantly affected by hydro‐climatic changes. However, wide land cover/land use changes experienced here since 1988 have resulted in an increase in surface runoff. Additional quickflows linked to these changes may have partly compensated for the substantial decline in the dry season rainfall and groundwater inputs observed from this date. Although at the monthly scale, dam‐related impacts on average flows increase with stage of regulation, the seasonal variability of the river regime remains generally unaffected. A comparison of the IHA statistics, calculated from unregulated and observed streamflow data, show that hydrologic shifts occurring in maximum and minimum discharges are mostly significant from 1971/1972 and are mainly due to the action of dams. Minimum flows appear, however, widely impacted, thus reflecting the prime objective assigned to the existing reservoirs, constructed to supplement flows for hydroelectricity production during the dry season. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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