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A credit valuation adjustment (CVA) is an adjustment applied to the value of a derivative contract or a portfolio of derivatives to account for counterparty credit risk. Measuring CVA requires combining models of market and credit risk to estimate a counterparty's risk of default together with the market value of exposure to the counterparty at default. Wrong‐way risk refers to the possibility that a counterparty's likelihood of default increases with the market value of the exposure. We develop a method for bounding wrong‐way risk, holding fixed marginal models for market and credit risk and varying the dependence between them. Given simulated paths of the two models, a linear program computes the worst‐case CVA. We analyze properties of the solution and prove convergence of the estimated bound as the number of paths increases. The worst case can be overly pessimistic, so we extend the procedure by constraining the deviation of the joint model from a baseline reference model. Measuring the deviation through relative entropy leads to a tractable convex optimization problem that can be solved through the iterative proportional fitting procedure. Here, too, we prove convergence of the resulting estimate of the penalized worst‐case CVA and the joint distribution that attains it. We consider extensions with additional constraints and illustrate the method with examples.  相似文献   

We present a utility‐based methodology for the valuation and the risk management of mortgage‐backed securities subject to totally unpredictable prepayment risk. Incompleteness stems from its embedded prepayment option which affects the security's cash flow pattern. The prepayment time is constructed via deterministic or stochastic hazard rate. The relevant indifference price consists of a linear term, corresponding to the remaining outstanding balance, and a nonlinear one that incorporates the investor's risk aversion and the interest payments generated by the mortgage contract. The indifference valuation approach is also extended to the case of homogeneous mortgage pools.  相似文献   

This and the follow‐up paper deal with the valuation and hedging of bilateral counterparty risk on over‐the‐counter derivatives. Our study is done in a multiple‐curve setup reflecting the various funding constraints (or costs) involved, allowing one to investigate the question of interaction between bilateral counterparty risk and funding. The first task is to define a suitable notion of no arbitrage price in the presence of various funding costs. This is the object of this paper, where we develop an “additive, multiple curve” extension of the classical “multiplicative (discounted), one curve” risk‐neutral pricing approach. We derive the dynamic hedging interpretation of such an “additive risk‐neutral” price, starting by consistency with pricing by replication in the case of a complete market. This is illustrated by a completely solved example building over previous work by Burgard and Kjaer.  相似文献   

We propose an approach to the valuation of payoffs in general semimartingale models of financial markets where prices are nonnegative. Each asset price can hit 0; we only exclude that this ever happens simultaneously for all assets. We start from two simple, economically motivated axioms, namely, absence of arbitrage (in the sense of NUPBR) and absence of relative arbitrage among all buy‐and‐hold strategies (called static efficiency). A valuation process for a payoff is then called semi‐efficient consistent if the financial market enlarged by that process still satisfies this combination of properties. It turns out that this approach lies in the middle between the extremes of valuing by risk‐neutral expectation and valuing by absence of arbitrage alone. We show that this always yields put‐call parity, although put and call values themselves can be nonunique, even for complete markets. We provide general formulas for put and call values in complete markets and show that these are symmetric and that both contain three terms in general. We also show that our approach recovers all the put‐call parity respecting valuation formulas in the classic theory as special cases, and we explain when and how the different terms in the put and call valuation formulas disappear or simplify. Along the way, we also define and characterize completeness for general semimartingale financial markets and connect this to the classic theory.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider modeling of credit risk within the Libor market models. We extend the classical definition of the default‐free forward Libor rate and develop the rating based Libor market model to cover defaultable bonds with credit ratings. As driving processes for the dynamics of the default‐free and the predefault term structure of Libor rates, time‐inhomogeneous Lévy processes are used. Credit migration is modeled by a conditional Markov chain, whose properties are preserved under different forward Libor measures. Conditions for absence of arbitrage in the model are derived and valuation formulae for some common credit derivatives in this setup are presented.  相似文献   

We study convex risk measures describing the upper and lower bounds of a good deal bound, which is a subinterval of a no‐arbitrage pricing bound. We call such a convex risk measure a good deal valuation and give a set of equivalent conditions for its existence in terms of market. A good deal valuation is characterized by several equivalent properties and in particular, we see that a convex risk measure is a good deal valuation only if it is given as a risk indifference price. An application to shortfall risk measure is given. In addition, we show that the no‐free‐lunch (NFL) condition is equivalent to the existence of a relevant convex risk measure, which is a good deal valuation. The relevance turns out to be a condition for a good deal valuation to be reasonable. Further, we investigate conditions under which any good deal valuation is relevant.  相似文献   

We develop a framework for computing the total valuation adjustment (XVA) of a European claim accounting for funding costs, counterparty credit risk, and collateralization. Based on no‐arbitrage arguments, we derive backward stochastic differential equations associated with the replicating portfolios of long and short positions in the claim. This leads to the definition of buyer's and seller's XVA, which in turn identify a no‐arbitrage interval. In the case that borrowing and lending rates coincide, we provide a fully explicit expression for the unique XVA, expressed as a percentage of the price of the traded claim, and for the corresponding replication strategies. In the general case of asymmetric funding, repo, and collateral rates, we study the semilinear partial differential equations characterizing buyer's and seller's XVA and show the existence of a unique classical solution to it. To illustrate our results, we conduct a numerical study demonstrating how funding costs, repo rates, and counterparty risk contribute to determine the total valuation adjustment.  相似文献   

Robust XVA     
We introduce an arbitrage‐free framework for robust valuation adjustments. An investor trades a credit default swap portfolio with a risky counterparty, and hedges credit risk by taking a position in defaultable bonds. The investor does not know the exact return rate of her counterparty's bond, but she knows it lies within an uncertainty interval. We derive both upper and lower bounds for the XVA process of the portfolio, and show that these bounds may be recovered as solutions of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. The presence of collateralization and closeout payoffs leads to important differences with respect to classical credit risk valuation. The value of the super‐replicating portfolio cannot be directly obtained by plugging one of the extremes of the uncertainty interval in the valuation equation, but rather depends on the relation between the XVA replicating portfolio and the closeout value throughout the life of the transaction. Our comparative statics analysis indicates that credit contagion has a nonlinear effect on the replication strategies and on the XVA.  相似文献   

Motivated by the European sovereign debt crisis, we propose a hybrid sovereign default model that combines an accessible part taking into account the evolution of the sovereign solvency and the impact of critical political events, and a totally inaccessible part for the idiosyncratic credit risk. We obtain closed‐form formulas for the probability that the default occurs at critical political dates in a Markovian setting. Moreover, we introduce a generalized density framework for the hybrid default time and deduce the compensator process of default. Finally, we apply the hybrid model and the generalized density to the valuation of sovereign bonds and explain the significant jumps in long‐term government bond yields during the sovereign crisis.  相似文献   

This study proposes a hybrid information approach to predict corporate credit risk. In contrast to the previous literature that debates which credit risk model is the best, we pool information from a diverse set of structural and reduced‐form models to produce a model combination based on credit risk prediction. Compared with each single model, the pooled strategies yield consistently lower average risk prediction errors over time. We also find that while the reduced‐form models contribute more in the pooled strategies for speculative‐grade names and longer maturities, the structural models have higher weights for shorter maturities and investment grade names.  相似文献   

We generalize Merton’s asset valuation approach to systems of multiple financial firms where cross‐ownership of equities and liabilities is present. The liabilities, which may include debts and derivatives, can be of differing seniority. We derive equations for the prices of equities and recovery claims under no‐arbitrage. An existence result and a uniqueness result are proven. Examples and an algorithm for the simultaneous calculation of all no‐arbitrage prices are provided. A result on capital structure irrelevance for groups of firms regarding externally held claims is discussed, as well as financial leverage and systemic risk caused by cross‐ownership.  相似文献   

This paper develops a novel, general derivative pricing model which introduces a liquidity risk factor. The model variants we outline offer a sufficient degree of flexibility so as to enable the valuation of various types of derivative classes including futures, American options, and mortgage backed security options, whereas existing derivative models can only price liquidity risk in European derivatives. We validate the model with oil and gold futures data and compare it to a classical benchmark model void of any liquidity risk. We find that our model is significantly more accurate than the classical model for pricing both oil and gold contracts.  相似文献   

A new approach to modeling credit risk, to valuation of defaultable debt and to pricing of credit derivatives is developed. Our approach, based on the Heath, Jarrow, and Morton (1992) methodology, uses the available information about the credit spreads combined with the available information about the recovery rates to model the intensities of credit migrations between various credit ratings classes. This results in a conditionally Markovian model of credit risk. We then combine our model of credit risk with a model of interest rate risk in order to derive an arbitrage‐free model of defaultable bonds. As expected, the market price processes of interest rate risk and credit risk provide a natural connection between the actual and the martingale probabilities.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of risk sharing, where a coalition of homogeneous agents, each bearing a random cost, aggregates their costs, and shares the value‐at‐risk of such a risky position. Due to limited distributional information in practice, the joint distribution of agents' random costs is difficult to acquire. The coalition, being aware of the distributional ambiguity, thus evaluates the worst‐case value‐at‐risk within a commonly agreed ambiguity set of the possible joint distributions. Through the lens of cooperative game theory, we show that this coalitional worst‐case value‐at‐risk is subadditive for the popular ambiguity sets in the distributionally robust optimization literature that are based on (i) convex moments or (ii) Wasserstein distance to some reference distributions. In addition, we propose easy‐to‐compute core allocation schemes to share the worst‐case value‐at‐risk. Our results can be readily extended to sharing the worst‐case conditional value‐at‐risk under distributional ambiguity.  相似文献   

We study shortfall risk minimization for American options with path‐dependent payoffs under proportional transaction costs in the Black–Scholes (BS) model. We show that for this case the shortfall risk is a limit of similar terms in an appropriate sequence of binomial models. We also prove that in the continuous time BS model, for a given initial capital, there exists a portfolio strategy which minimizes the shortfall risk. In the absence of transactions costs (complete markets) similar limit theorems were obtained by Dolinsky and Kifer for game options. In the presence of transaction costs the markets are no longer complete and additional machinery is required. Shortfall risk minimization for American options under transaction costs was not studied before.  相似文献   

This article studies the optimal portfolio selection of expected utility‐maximizing investors who must also manage their market‐risk exposures. The risk is measured by a so‐called weighted value‐at‐risk (WVaR) risk measure, which is a generalization of both value‐at‐risk (VaR) and expected shortfall (ES). The feasibility, well‐posedness, and existence of the optimal solution are examined. We obtain the optimal solution (when it exists) and show how risk measures change asset allocation patterns. In particular, we characterize three classes of risk measures: the first class will lead to models that do not admit an optimal solution, the second class can give rise to endogenous portfolio insurance, and the third class, which includes VaR and ES, two popular regulatory risk measures, will allow economic agents to engage in “regulatory capital arbitrage,” incurring larger losses when losses occur.  相似文献   

It is well known that purely structural models of default cannot explain short‐term credit spreads, while purely intensity‐based models lead to completely unpredictable default events. Here we introduce a hybrid model of default, in which a firm enters a “distressed” state once its nontradable credit worthiness index hits a critical level. The distressed firm then defaults upon the next arrival of a Poisson process. To value defaultable bonds and credit default swaps (CDSs), we introduce the concept of robust indifference pricing. This paradigm incorporates both risk aversion and model uncertainty. In robust indifference pricing, the optimization problem is modified to include optimizing over a set of candidate measures, in addition to optimizing over trading strategies, subject to a measure dependent penalty. Using our model and valuation framework, we derive analytical solutions for bond yields and CDS spreads, and find that while ambiguity aversion plays a similar role to risk aversion, it also has distinct effects. In particular, ambiguity aversion allows for significant short‐term spreads.  相似文献   

We develop a new model for solvency contagion that can be used to quantify systemic risk in stress tests of financial networks. In contrast to many existing models, it allows for the spread of contagion already before the point of default and hence can account for contagion due to distress and mark‐to‐market losses. We derive general ordering results for outcome measures of stress tests that enable us to compare different contagion mechanisms. We use these results to study the sensitivity of the new contagion mechanism with respect to its model parameters and to compare it to existing models in the literature. When applying the new model to data from the European Banking Authority, we find that the risk from distress contagion is strongly dependent on the anticipated recovery rate. For low recovery rates, the high additional losses caused by bankruptcy dominate the overall stress test results. For high recovery rates, however, we observe a strong sensitivity of the stress test outcomes with respect to the model parameters determining the magnitude of distress contagion.  相似文献   

The alpha‐maxmin model is a prominent example of preferences under Knightian uncertainty as it allows to distinguish ambiguity and ambiguity attitude. These preferences are dynamically inconsistent for nontrivial versions of alpha. In this paper, we derive a recursive, dynamically consistent version of the alpha‐maxmin model. In the continuous‐time limit, the resulting dynamic utility function can be represented as a convex mixture between worst and best case, but now at the local, infinitesimal level. We study the properties of the utility function and provide an Arrow–Pratt approximation of the static and dynamic certainty equivalent. We then derive a consumption‐based capital asset pricing formula and study the implications for derivative valuation under indifference pricing.  相似文献   

We study risk‐minimizing hedging‐strategies for derivatives in a model where the asset price follows a marked point process with stochastic jump‐intensity, which depends on some unobservable state‐variable process. This model reflects stylized facts that are typical for high frequency data. We assume that agents in our model are restricted to observing past asset prices. This poses some problems for the computation of risk‐minimizing hedging strategies as the current value of the state variable is unobservable for our agents. We overcome this difficulty by a two‐step procedure, which is based on a projection result of Schweizer and show that in our context the computation of risk‐minimizing strategies leads to a filtering problem that has received some attention in the nonlinear filtering literature.  相似文献   

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