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This article analyses how transaction costs and imperfect competition in the land market affect the welfare effects of agricultural subsidies in the new Eastern Member States of the European Union. Benefits of land subsidies end up with landowners in new Eastern Member States also with imperfections in the new Eastern Member States land markets. With unequal access to subsidies, small tenant farmers may even lose out from the subsidies. Decoupling of payments shifts policy rents to farmers, but constrains productivity-enhancing restructuring. Using reserve entitlements to mitigate this effect reduces the intended benefits on distortions and target efficiency.  相似文献   

The importance of dealing properly with spatial effects, such as spatial autocorrelation, in cross‐sectional econometric estimation has become more widely recognised in recent years. Spatial autocorrelation is similar in many ways to serial correlation, but while the latter is ordered on a one‐dimensional time axis, the former is ordered in two dimensions. The multi‐directional nature of spatial dependence means that specialised techniques are needed for diagnostic testing and estimation purposes. This paper uses these specialised diagnostics to test for spatial effects within a hedonic pricing study of the agricultural land market. The tests indicate that spatial autocorrelation (in the form of spatial lag dependence) and spatially distinct sub‐markets (or spatial heterogeneity) are present. Ignoring these effects in the estimation process is likely to lead to biased parameter estimates. Consequently, we re‐specify the hedonic model to allow for these spatial effects. The presence of spatial lag dependence suggests that there is circularity of price setting within the agricultural land market. This means that agricultural land prices are not solely determined by the inherent characteristics of the land, but tend to reflect also the average local price per acre.  相似文献   

土地征用、农地直接入市与土地资源优化配置   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
比较利益是土地资源在农用和非农用之间配置的根本。作为资源配置手段,市场机制和政府决定土地边际净收益,进而决定土地资源配置,同时,作为一种不合意的选择,市场和政府都有可能出现失灵,从而引发土地资源的低效配置。我国土地征用垄断非农建设用地市场导致严重的政府失灵,是我国土地资源配置效率低下的首要原因。农地直接入市调整了市场主体行为,使农地和非农建设用地边际净收益的实现得到改善。但是,与农地直接入市如影相随的市场失灵以及我国目前青黄不接的集体非农建设用地制度体系,都使这种制度改善与社会决策的最优状态仍然存在差距。要切实实现土地资源社会最优配置,就必须在理顺国家经济关系的同时,采取诸如深化集体经济组织改革、完善农地直接入市配套法律法规、改变政府参与方式等措施。  相似文献   

Stop and Go Agricultural Policies with a Land Market   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article studies the design of farm policy in the presence of asymmetric information about farmers' productivity, a government objective to insure farmers a minimum "parity" income, an endogenous land rent, and diminishing returns on alternative (nonprogram crop) land uses. In this setting, acreage set asides are never part of an optimal farm policy, although compensated acreage limits are. When there are new farmer entrants who cannot be excluded from farm programs, optimal policy takes the form of a pure voluntary acreage limitation—or "buyout"—program in which high-cost producers participate and low-cost producers do not.  相似文献   

农地流转是农村土地市场形成的基本条件.增收和分配公平是农地产权流转的基本动力.依据当前国家政策和法律,国家通过征收制度垄断了农地所有权交易,农地产权的自由交易主要限于承包经营权流转.实践证明,这种二元交易机制导致效率和公平双重损失.深化农地市场改革,重在维护农民的土地权益,防止各种形式的利益侵蚀行为.为此一要遵循市场机制进行征收制度改革;二要规范集体建设用地使用权流转,集体建设用地所有权逐步直接入市;三要统一两类农地承包经营权的权能;四要建立完善的交易服务体系;五要健全农地流转的法律程序.  相似文献   

研究目的:研究产能核算基础数据的调查和处理方法。研究方法:区试产量替代法,分层抽样法,年鉴调查法,残差分析法和空间滑动平均法。研究结果:(1)理论产能、可实现产能和实际产能因样本本身特点不同,样本的调查方法也各不相同;(2)通过残差分析法和空间滑动平均法处理之后,数据的整体和局部异常值被剔除或修正,数据质量得以保证。研究结论:本文可为今后其他省份开展工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The EU is a major player in the global wheat market. This paper examines the pricing behaviour of EU wheat exporters using a pricing‐to‐market (PTM) analysis. Wheat is an exemplary product for testing PTM theories as it is widely and frequently traded, and largely unbranded. We estimate the relationship between export unit values and exchange rates using quarterly panel data for 11 EU export destinations for 2000–2013. Results show that there is a meaningful long‐run relationship between export unit values and exchange rates, but there is little evidence of differential mark‐ups between EU export markets. Belarus and Iceland are exceptions where exporters from the EU appear to exercise local currency price stabilisation.  相似文献   

我国农地利用的结构性障碍在于耕地和林地所占比重偏低,而牧草地比重偏高:优质高产地比重偏低且减少较快;林牧用地结构不合理,植被覆盖率低一我们应往农产品供给和生态环境建设相协调的目标导引下.本着以林地为基础,以耕地为中心,以园地为辅助,以草地为依托,以水域为保障的原则进行农地利用优化配置。还必须通过对农业用地空间布局进行优化调整,进一步改善土地景观格局.增加环境容量.实现农业土地利用在产业发展和生态重建方面的双重功效。  相似文献   

欧盟共同农业政策与多哈回合僵局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从1968年开始,欧盟共同农业政策历经多次改革。农业谈判是多哈回合的核心议题,欧盟2003年的共同农业政策改革有助于谈判,但改革的不彻底也使得多哈谈判陷入僵局。只有解决欧盟的农业补贴和农产品关税问题,多哈回合谈判的僵局才有可能打破。  相似文献   

农业结构调整的风险及其防范   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
农业结构调整要面临市场风险,自然风险,技术风险,决策风险,信用风险和素质风险,农业结构调整不能因风险的存在而不调或不敢调,应通过完善农业保险机制,建立风险保障基金,搞好政府服务,增强农民组织化程度,推进农业产业化经营,提高农民素质来化解和防范风险,保证农业结构调整的实现。  相似文献   

土地细碎化与农用地流转市场   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
土地细碎化导致效率损失,改善土地产权制度安排、完善土地流转市场可以减少乃至消除土地细碎化,这已经被许多入视为常识。但是,长达千年的土地细碎化历史对此常识提出了挑战。本文从中国人多地少的事实出发,提出现阶段农用地仍然具有不可替代性、就业保障功能、难以分割等性质,导致土地交易成本远远超过地块的规模经济,因而,在农民内部难以通过市场调整合并地块。只有农户大幅度减少并实现永久性向城市移民,才能逐步改变土地的上述性质,使农业用地的市场化调整具备必要条件。  相似文献   

The economics of geographical indications (GIs) is assessed within a vertical product differentiation framework that is consistent with the competitive structure of agriculture. It is assumed that certification costs are needed for GIs to serve as (collective) credible quality certification devices, and production of high-quality product is endogenously determined. We find that GIs can support a competitive provision of quality and lead to clear welfare gains, although they fall short of delivering the (constrained) first best. The main beneficiaries are consumers. Producers may also accrue some benefit if production of the high-quality products draws on scarce factors that they own.  相似文献   

已有文献普遍认为,中国农地流转市场中存在大量熟人交易,且该类交易的市场化程度偏低。然而,鲜有研究从价格视角和解决流转对象内生性方面做出努力。本研究以市场交易的营利性特征为出发点,采用农地租金衡量市场化程度,并利用2015年中国家庭金融调查数据的1478户农地转入户样本分析了农地流转对象与农地租金的关系。统计显示,在熟人交易中,有52.5%的转入户是出于营利性动机转入的农地,且该类交易的平均租金达到了每亩320.165元。实证结果表明,考虑内生性问题后,熟人之间交易与非熟人之间交易在农地租金上不存在显著差异。本研究还发现,营利性动机会显著提高农地租金。此外,多项稳健性检验均表明估计结果的稳健性。本研究旨在说明,熟人间的农地流转已经呈现明显的市场化特征。  相似文献   

创造农业产业结构优化的良好宏观环境   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农业产业结构优化是生产力发展的客观要求 ,一个科学的农业产业结构是农民脱贫致富的前提和保障。目前 ,农村和农业发展正处在一个新阶段 ,供求关系的变化 ,带来了农产品卖难、价格持续下跌、农民增收缓慢等一系列新的矛盾和问题 ,严重制约着我国农村经济的发展。因此 ,如何合理调整和优化我国农业产业结构 ,是当前一个重大的现实问题。然而 ,农业产业结构优化是一个系统工程 ,涉及到农业内部结构的调整、农业金融结构和科技结构的优化、小城镇建设、乡镇企业发展、农业劳动力的非农业化、农地制度改革等广泛的内容 ,必须要以一系列配套改革…  相似文献   

一、美国的农业保护美国的农业保护始于上世纪20年代末期,1929年颁布的《农业销售法》是其开始的标志。以后经过修订和完善,现已形成一套完整的农业保护政策体系。这个体系大致可分为两类:一类是农业生产保护政策,另一类是农业贸易保护政策。(一)农业生产保护政策体系农业生产保护的根本目的,是使农业生产者能够摆脱因农业的弱质性和风险性对其基本利益所造成的威胁,保证农业生产者能够获得社会平均利润率,从而保护农业生产者的积极性。主要包括以下几方面内容:1.农业信贷优惠主要形式是“无追索权贷款”,也就是参与该计划的农场主获得的由…  相似文献   

This article explores the redistributive effects of classical horizontal inequities induced by agricultural policy. Within-farm type horizontal inequity is associated with differences in the level of support received by farms of a given type and level of pre-support income. Between-farm type horizontal inequity arises from systematic differences in support levels between commodity regimes. The overall redistributive effect of such inequities in Scottish agriculture is shown to be substantial, though systematic discrimination between farm types is not the major cause. The imperfect targeting of support revealed by the empirical findings has implications for the design of policy.  相似文献   

基于能值理论的农用地估价方法与实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:运用能值理论进行农用地估价。研究方法:能值分析方法。研究结果:(1)农用地价值可以由产品或服务的自然环境系统的无偿能值投入量表征;(2)江苏省丹阳市吕城镇运河片区每年净增能值量合计为4.98×1018sej/a,农用地价值为42.73元/m2,与其他方法结果较一致。研究结论:基于能值理论的农用地估价方法可行。  相似文献   

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