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探究居民消费扩张的影响因素对于理解“双循环”战略布局具有重要的理论意义和现实紧迫性。文章从供给侧视角出发,分析互联网发展对于居民消费的影响,并分析传统供需体系的中间环节--流通产业的发展水平对于二者关系的调节作用。研究结论表明,互联网对于居民消费具有显著的正向促进作用,其中,以“互联网通过增加商品供应的多样性推动居民消费”的直接效应最为明显,还存在“通过降低价格水平促进消费”的价格间接效应以及“通过增加企业吸引力从而推动当地消费水平提升”的收入间接效应。同时,研究发现本地流通业专业化水平对于互联网的居民消费扩张作用主要表现为负向调节效应,这一定程度上反映出传统产业与新兴产业在双向融合过程中的转型阵痛。研究进一步指出,互联网的发展显著降低了地区之间消费不平等的问题,互联网普及率提高对于中部地区和西部地区的经济拉动最为显著。因此,要重视互联网等现代信息技术因素在推动消费市场扩张中的作用,尤其是欠发达地区要充分把握“新基建”的发展机遇,弥补本地传统流通体系阻塞的劣势。  相似文献   

Despite rising income inequality, social and political instability, Morocco has witnessed an exponential growth in luxury good consumption. Increased political freedom, multiplication of international trade agreements and a somewhat liberalization the audio-visual sector combined with an ever increasing internet penetration have brought Moroccan ‘citizen under the spotlight of globalization. On the other hand, Morocco has remained deeply attached to it religious and traditional roots, with a vast majority of the population considering themselves devout and practicing Muslim. In Islam the consumption of ostentatious goods is clearly proscribed, yet consumption data clearly describe a different reality. Questionnaires were distributed by a trained pollster to potential luxury good consumers in Morocco. A total of 296 surveys were filled. Findings from this research shows a strong positive link between luxury good purchase intention and consumption of western media channels as well as social media. The research also provides an analysis of the demographics and the social and personal motives of the Moroccan luxury good consumer.  相似文献   

The article examines the perceptions of managers, academics and technical staff in relation to the transfer of training resulting from their participation in out‐country training funded by Bhutan's Ministry of Education. Out‐country training refers to in‐service education, training and professional development programs, especially in relation to technical education, higher education and specialization courses undertaken abroad. The objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of out‐country training over a five‐year period to gauge the level of training transfer among three different types of participants. The methodology included surveying 149 Bhutanese out‐country training participants between 1999 and 2003. A representative sampling technique was used to select 58 academics, 46 managers and 45 technical support staff for inclusion in the survey. Semistructured in‐depth interviews were also conducted with 19 of these trainees across the three categories. Results of the study indicate high initial levels of motivation in all trainees, but a change in attitude toward their training once it was underway. On return to the workplace, participants reported even less confidence in their ability to transfer their learning compared to their confidence reported before the program began.  相似文献   

To investigate changes that e‐coupons bring to consumers' coupon usage, the authors of this article developed and estimated models of coupon‐usage intention. The models are based on the theory of reasoned action or the theory of planned behavior. Results show that the theory of planned behavior explains e‐coupon usage intention better than the theory of reasoned action. On the other hand, the intention to use traditional coupons is effectively explained by the theory of reasoned action. Both perceived behavioral control and attitude toward Internet searching have significant effects on the intention to use e‐coupons. Also, heavy users of e‐coupons are different from those of traditional coupons. Light users of traditional coupons have relatively high intention to use e‐coupons if they have more access to e‐coupons. On the other hand, heavy users of traditional coupons have relatively low intention to use e‐coupons if they have less access to them. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of reliable vehicles in facilitating employment, using a new data set, the Iowa Transportation and Employment Survey. The empirical results document significantly higher levels of transportation problems and human capital barriers among low‐income households compared to other households and among low‐income nonworking adults compared to their employed counterparts. The multivariate analysis of low‐income households shows that employment and reliable transportation are related. Respondents without access to a reliable vehicle are less likely to be employed; those employed are more likely to have access to a reliable vehicle. Residence in an area adjacent to a metropolitan area has a positive effect on working.  相似文献   

There exists gender bias in resource ownership in many parts of Kenya with women being more disadvantaged. Resource ownership and control within the household has differential impacts on the health and overall well‐being of male and female members. This paper examines intra‐household resource ownership and how it affects nutrition and health status of household members. Data from a household survey containing detailed gender‐disaggregated information on resource ownership as well as food and anthropometry were collected from a rural Kenyan district and used in the analysis. Results showed that male members of the household had more access to education, income and land than the females. Mothers’ education, household income, frequency of illness and nutrient intake were the most important factors that contributed to the nutritional status of children. The education and household’s economic status were important determinants of child morbidity. Malnutrition and poor health of children and women is linked to the existing poverty in the study region, therefore emphasis needs to be put on eradication of discrimination against women in accessing education and accessing land, which will contribute to an increase in household incomes. Government policies need to focus on promotion of nutrition education through adult education programmes and incorporating it in the school curricula. Improvement of health‐care facilities in rural areas is also paramount to improving health and nutrition in these areas.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of changes in the real exchange rate on skill upgrading in the case of Chile. Using plant‐level data from the manufacturing sector, we find that a real depreciation increases the share of skilled workers in the total wage bill in exporters but not in non‐exporters. This result suggests that depreciations or, more generally, increases in export profitability, may induce exporters to adopt more skill‐intensive technologies. This finding gives support to recent models of trade that highlight the possible effect of the real exchange rate on skill upgrading and wage inequality. This paper also finds that real depreciations increase plants’ export intensity, suggesting that skill upgrading for firms that are already exporters is the channel through which real exchange depreciations affect wage inequality.  相似文献   

The article develops a 3-sector general equilibrium model appropriate for economies with female labour oriented export sector to examine the effects of economic liberalisation policies on gender based wage inequality. It is assumed that there exist disparities in efficiencies between male and female labour due to skewed access to education and health, and differences in their spending patterns leading to differential effects of respective wages on their nutrition. The results indicate that tariff cut may reduce gender wage inequality, but may have detrimental effects on welfare; while foreign capital inflow may accentuate the inequality, despite improving the welfare of the economy. However, government policies to increase the provision of education and health have favourable effects on gender wage inequality but may be welfare deteriorating. Thus, the article provides a theoretical explanation to empirical evidences of diverse effects of liberalisation on gender wage inequality and explains the possibility of a trade-off between gender inequality and social welfare.  相似文献   

This study examines how loyalty influences the relationship between customer satisfaction (CS) and repurchase intention (RPI). Considering the effect of time, the study introduces adjusted expectations, which are expectations updated after consumption experience. The present study investigates the role of adjusted expectations in the CS–RPI link. With structural‐equation analysis, the proposed model was tested in the family‐restaurant setting. The results show that adjusted expectations can mediate the effect of CS on RPI. The results also indicate that processes underlying the CS–RPI link are different between low‐loyalty and high‐loyalty customers. Specifically, the transient route, which reflects the indirect path from CS to RPI via adjusted expectations, has a greater impact for nonloyals than for loyals. On the other hand, the chronic route, which represents the direct path from CS to RPI, has a greater impact for loyals than for nonloyals. CS is found to have no direct influence on RPI for low‐loyalty customers. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the effects of the most recent monetary policy behaviour of the Bank of Japan (in particular, zero interest rate policy and negative interest rate policy) and Japanese tax policy on income inequality in this country during the period of 2002Q1 to 2017Q3. The vector error correction model (VECM) that develops in this research shows that increase in money stock (m1) through Quantitative Easing (QE) and Quantitative and Qualitative Easing (QQE) policies of the BOJ significantly increases the income inequality. On the contrary, Japanese tax policy was effective in reducing the income inequality. Variance decomposition results show that increasing of income inequality by monetary policy is larger when comparing to decreasing effects of tax policy on income inequality. Cointegration and VECM results show that monetary policy has both short-run and long-run impacts but for tax policy paper could not find any significant short-run impact on income inequality. In addition, paper found that technological progress only in long-run can reduce the income inequality by increasing the marginal productivity of labour with positive impacts on employment and wages.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationships between distance and the transportation costs of international trade on the location‐specific effects of foreign direct invest‐ment and provincial per capita income in China. Applying the economic geography model proposed by Redding and Venables (2004), it traces the increasing wage inequality among the coastal and inland provinces by focusing on the distance of foreign‐owned firms from access to international markets and to suppliers of intermediate inputs. First, a gravity‐type equation is used to construct the ‘market access’ and ‘supplier access’ variables. Then, the effect of market and supplier access on provincial wage rates is estimated. The results indicate that distance does affect international trade and geography explains roughly one‐third of the wage differential. Greater market access increases the provincial wage gap, while larger supplier access increases the wage difference in trade destined for the foreign market but decreases the wage difference in trade targeted for the domestic market. Similar findings also result from applying the estimations to two local firm types: state‐owned enterprises and collective‐owned enterprises.  相似文献   

This article investigates the structure of trust in China and compares it with the U.S., using the 2000 and 2005 waves of the World Value Survey (WVS). We analyze two dimensions of trust – trust in people and trust in major companies. It is found that the level of trust has remained stable in China within the 5-year period. On the other hand, trust in major companies has declined dramatically in U.S. while trust in people has increased slightly. The structure of trust in companies is different from trust in people. For both countries, individuals with higher education tend to have a higher level of trust. Individuals who are divorced tend to have lower trust in people. Individuals who think that other people are fair are more likely to trust in people. Preference for competition has a positive effect on trust in major companies. On the other hand, some differences between the two countries are observed. Perception of fairness does not affect trust in major companies in China, while it has a positive effect in U.S. in year 2006. Preference for equality has a negative effect on trust in major companies in U.S. but no significant effect in China. The pattern of trust and its changes over time may reflect differences in market conditions in the two economies.  相似文献   

The present study uses data from the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals 1994–1996, 1998 in order to analyse milk consumption by type, specifically high‐fat milk vs. low‐fat milk. Whereas trend analysis displays an overall increase in low‐fat milk consumption over the last few decades in the United States, a number of individuals still consume high‐fat milk varieties, and overall dietary intakes have yet to achieve recommended levels. In light of recent research regarding fat intakes, it is important to understand what factors might cause consumers to purchase high‐fat options given the number of low‐fat options available in the market. Through the use of Logistic regression, key socio‐economic and demographic variables are analysed in order to determine their impacts on the probability of consuming low‐fat milk vs. high‐fat milk. The results indicate that a number of factors do influence probability of low‐fat milk consumption as compared with high‐fat milk consumption. Most notably, probability of low‐fat milk consumption appears to be positively related to age, education level, and income level. African Americans and other minorities had a lower probability of consuming low‐fat milk when compared with White people in the sample population. Also, those respondents designated as low income or living in the South were less likely to consume low‐fat milk.  相似文献   

Many academics and practitioners have reiterated the importance of online customer retention to ensure long‐term profitability. Consequently, a number of studies have identified various means of customer retention. These studies lay significant emphasis on creating customer loyalty. However, retaining customers, especially in the context of Internet shopping, is very difficult because of the low costs in comparison and switching. Most of the loyalty programs have also shown disappointing results. This study suggests that by tapping on an individual customer's inclination to resist changes in a transaction relationship, an Internet vendor can achieve customer retention. Using status quo bias theory, this study examines customer resistance to change (CRC) as a means of retaining customers in a transaction relationship with the Internet vendor. The empirical study of an Internet bookstore reveals that trust, relative attractiveness, and switching costs together influence CRC. The empirical results also show that CRC and switching costs have positive effects on willingness to pay more. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The growing interest in humanitarian logistics is witnessed by an increasing focus of researchers and practitioners on that topic. Transportation in particular is emphasized as key to disaster relief. Despite its relevance, it suffers from a number of drawbacks, creating inefficiencies and limited effectiveness of aid. This article describes a paradigm change for fleet management in humanitarian organizations based on access‐based consumption. It further evaluates a case study among small‐scale producers in rural India, showing their acceptance for sharing vehicles. The newly created business opportunities will increase income and contribute to poverty alleviation. Taking part in the proposed vehicle‐sharing system can release them from ownership responsibilities and increase vehicle utilization, as well as improve vehicle availability, increasing the speed of aid from the perspective of humanitarian organizations. This article highlights the applicability of business models relying on the idea of access‐based consumption to not‐yet‐considered research fields, especially the transfer to rural areas of developing countries. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Since the 2008 financial crisis, there has been renewed interest in providing financial education to improve consumer financial decision making, especially among youth. Using a randomized controlled trial, we estimate the causal effects of a financial coaching program for young adults from linked individual‐level administrative credit reports and self‐reported survey responses. Within six months, the treatment group was 10 percentage points more likely to have access to credit compared to the control group. After 18 months, the average credit score was 26 points higher for the treatment group versus the control group, raising the likelihood of achieving a “good” credit rating by 8 percentage points. Consequently, the treatment group was less likely to rely on alternative financial services and paid lower interest rates on car loans. These impacts are largely driven by improvements in self‐efficacy, offering important insights for policymakers seeking to incorporate financial education into youth workforce development programs.  相似文献   

Although credit card overspending behavior has become a critical societal concern with severe negative impacts on consumer welfare and economic stability, research on credit card overspending behavior remains fragmented and understudied. This study investigates new types of antecedents of credit card overspending behavior that are overlooked in the prior literature—the acquisition mode of credit card companies. Based on data set from a large commercial bank in China, this study measures credit card overspending behavior using consumption amount, cash withdrawal amount and overdueness, and suggests that gift acquisition has a positive effect on cash withdrawal amount and overdue probability as well as a negative effect on consumption amount. Furthermore, we find that this relationship could be weakened for female customers and for customers with higher education levels. This study provides theoretical implications for both the credit card overspending literature and customer acquisition literature. It also has important implications for consumer welfare and public policymaking.  相似文献   

It is clear from extant theory that fashion consumption is intrinsically bound to self‐concept and social identity. As such, many individuals over consume in pursuit of ideal identities, particularly in periods of heightened awareness of identity development, such as their youth. This study thus takes one group of fashion over‐consumers, young females, and seeks to identify core motivations towards and barriers for collaborative consumption of clothing and fashion products, though the lens of self‐identity and social interaction. The study adopts a theory of planned behaviour approach, using in‐depth interviews to examine norms of behaviour in fashion consumption and develops a conceptual model for understanding of how these individuals construct a fashion identity within the social contexts of four alternative forms of consumption (renting, borrowing, swapping and purchasing second‐hand). Furthermore, the study examines perceived barriers to participation in these four alternative fashion consumption forms. The study finds that social and ethical implications of sustainable consumption behaviour are the least likely motivators towards engagement with collaborative fashion consumption models within this group, and that opportunities for individual identity expression are the most sought after benefits of such engagement. This research contributes to the literature regarding sustainability issues generally, in the context of fashion consumption, and deepens one’s understanding of young female consumers’ willingness to participate in sustainable consumption actions.  相似文献   

This study examines the synergistic effects of advertising spending and new product preannouncements (NPPAs) on stock market responses. The empirical results indicate that returns of preannouncing firms over both the short- and long-term could be improved by an increase in advertising expenditure. Additionally, the results also show that the positive impacts of earnings and revenues can be enhanced, while the negative influence of trading costs can be reduced, for preannouncing firms with higher advertising expenditures. The holding returns of institutional investors can also increase with greater spending on advertising. Therefore, marketing communication strategies that aim to reduce information asymmetry within NPPAs, coupled with greater advertising expenditures, would yield more favorable investor responses.  相似文献   

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