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Tonle Sap Lake is the largest freshwater lake in South East Asia, being situated at the heart of the Mekong River Basin. Governance of the lake over the recent past has been weak and overly complex, and the basin governance structure has changed over time in terms of its fisheries management framework. The governance framework initially focused on the commercial exploitation of fish resources, but has more recently switched to a community‐based fisheries management, biodiversity conservation and open access model. This study discusses how the water flows occurring between the Mekong River and Tonle Sap Lake complicate the governance of the lake, and particularly its fisheries, biodiversity, land and water management activities. The establishment of the Tonle Sap Authority (TSA) in 2007 sought to address the governance challenges facing the lake. The current study concludes, however, that the TSA alone is not sufficient and that global, regional and national stakeholders must make an effort to ensure the water flows between the lake and the Mekong River are themselves considered a core governance issue for the Tonle Sap.  相似文献   

Tonle Sap Great Lake, in the lower Mekong River basin, contributes 60% of Cambodia's inland fisheries catch. There are four types of fisheries, including the middle-scale fishery. The major species comprising the middle-scale fishery are Henicorhynchus spp. (16%), a small-bodied fish caught mainly with small-mesh nets, and Cyclocheilichthys enoplos (13%), and Channa micropeltes (7%) which are caught with a variety of gear. Here we apply the Schaefer surplus production model to the middle-scale fisheries using monitoring data collected between 1995 and 1999. Model simulations determined that the maximum sustainable yield (FMSY) for Henicorhynchus spp., was obtained with the use of 47,206 gillnets (mesh size < 50 mm) and 4269 and 1605 fishing boats for C. enoplos and C. microplestes, respectively. Over 1995–1999, there was a strong trend of increase in fishing effort and decrease of catch-per-unit-effort in the waters of Pursat, Siem Riep and Kampong Chnnang provinces. These provinces have large population centres located close to the fishing grounds; fishing in these areas should be more strictly regulated.  相似文献   

This study examined the current governance system for Lake Buhi, Philippines. It describes stakeholder patterns of decision‐making, their roles in the decision‐making process based on their legal mandates, the manner of interactions, the sources of conflict and how these various issues are currently resolved. Stakeholders represent diverse interests, including irrigation, hydropower generation, fishery management and navigation. This study uses data generated from ten key informant interviews of the different stakeholders, information from five round table discussions, and secondary data and reports of various agencies. The results indicate that Lake Buhi and its watershed present classic man‐in‐nature governance challenges. The interplay of internal and external uncertainties regarding multiple uses results in a complex system that is difficult to effectively manage. Climate‐related hazards aggravate the pressures from activities within the lake watershed, complicating water allocation issues. The institutional arrangements that have emerged to address these challenges, however, appear to be fraught with overlaps, fragmentation and a lack of communication. It is thought these deficiencies could be addressed by establishing a lake basin council with representation from all the involved organizations, as well as any stakeholder groups not represented by organizations. The system of governance over the lake must address issues concerning water uses and access to the resource. The capacity of the organizations to participate in such an arrangement is weak, however, and capacity building is needed. The availability and sharing of data and information among stakeholders are also weak and must be strengthened if the work of the lake basin council is to be based on the best available information.  相似文献   

Water temperature is a physical property influencing abiotic and biotic parameters in an aquatic ecosystem. In different Central European rivers and lakes, a general trend of water temperatures in the range of +0.05 to +0.8 °C per decade was identified. Our case study analyses whether similar patterns apply to the headwaters of the Volga River, in the East European plain. Based on a dataset of water temperatures for 2008–2015, we investigated the spatial and temporal distribution of water temperature along the Tudovka River and estimated backward as well as predicted future changes from development scenarios throughout the 21st century. Stochastic models were applied to track trends and variations in water temperature. Furthermore, the correlation between water temperature and air temperatures was used to model historical water temperatures and to predict possible changes in the future, under the effects of climate change. Based on climate change scenarios, an increase of the mean water temperatures as well as changes regarding the ice cover can be expected until the end of this century. The conditions described for the headwaters of the Volga River system represent a valuable dataset for medium and large rivers in the East European plain and serve as a basis for future management.  相似文献   

The Upper Mississippi River (UMR) has been developed and subsequently managed for commercial navigation by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). The navigation pools created by a series of lock and dams initially provided a complex of aquatic habitats that supported a variety of fish and wildlife. However, biological productivity declined as the pools aged. The River Resources Forum, an advisory body to the St. Paul District of the USACE, established a multiagency Water Level Management Task Force (WLMTF) to evaluate the potential of water level management to improve ecological function and restore the distribution and abundance of fish and wildlife habitat. The WLMTF identified several water level management options and concluded that summer growing season drawdowns at the pool scale offered the greatest potential to provide habitat benefits over a large area. Here we summarize the process followed to plan and implement pool‐wide drawdowns on the UMR, including involvement of stakeholders in decision making, addressing requirements to modify reservoir operating plans, development and evaluation of drawdown alternatives, pool selection, establishment of a monitoring plan, interagency coordination, and a public information campaign. Three pool‐wide drawdowns were implemented within the St. Paul District and deemed successful in providing ecological benefits without adversely affecting commercial navigation and recreational use of the pools. Insights are provided based on more than 17 years of experience in planning and implementing drawdowns on the UMR. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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