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随着全球化时代的来临,国家形象问题日益成为国际传播和国际关系领域里的研究热点.成为政府官员、专家学者和普通民众普遍关切的一个极富理论和实践意义的课题。本文首先介绍了韩国主流媒体对中国广州亚运会报道的整体情况,分析了韩国主流媒体报道中的中国国家形象,指出韩国媒体对中国和广州各个方面的报道比较全面、相对客观.只是在涉及到民主、人权、日本、朝鲜等问题时,才表现出负面。本文强调需要不断提升对外传播能力,通过提升国家公民的素质、建设和谐媒体.实施中国媒体“走出去”战略等手段重新塑造国家形象。  相似文献   

为人民服务的政府:民主治理中公共行政角色的转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪不仅是经济、贸易、投资的全球化时代,也是技术、社会经济互动的全球化时代.世界各国政府正在进行创新实践以求更有效地服务于民.本文从公共部门创新以及如何提高公共机构能力等诸多方面考察了公共行政和民主治理角色的转变,分析了政府如何通过职能创新来帮助其公民和企业更有效地参与全球化,分享全球化带来的利益.  相似文献   

本文试图通过两个个案,爱德基金会与上海基督教青年会对当代中国基督教社会服务组织的现状作一描述,对该类组织对中国公民社会发展的影响进行分析和探讨。作者首先对公民社会的概念在中西方语境下的讨论作一简要梳理。而后结合作者从田野调查获得的个案资料进行分析。在此基础上得出的结论是通过此类具有信仰基础的社会服务组织提供的社会服务,产生了积极的社会效应,满足了巨大的社会需求,在推动公民社会的发育过程中扮演了一个重要的角色。并让我们对民间组织和公民社会在转型期的中国社会的运作模式有了不同于西方国家的新的界定和认识:即一种“非抗争性的合作模式”(或称“伙伴关系模式”)。  相似文献   

传播科技的创新与发明,为人类文明揭开了新的一页。网络形成一个空前多元的社会结构,为人类的传播交往带来了根本性的结构变迁,生活在网络时代的公民,可以借助网络就公共问题直接向政府发表意见或投票表决,因而网络时代将以"半直接民主"或"直接民主"代替工业时代的代议制"间接民主"。随着网络舆论愈来愈显示其影响力,尤其在经历了一系列的舆论事件后,网络民主意义凸现无疑,网络媒介已经成为社会的导航媒体。而这都与一个理论相联系,即"公共领域"。国内学者对网络能否构成理想公共领域都有过探讨,结果大多倾向于乐观一面。选取网易论坛的新闻论坛作为个案来考察网络媒介在当下中国能否建构理想的公共领域。  相似文献   

陈翕  刘琳 《当代经济》2021,(10):124-128
建设社区治理共同体是建设社会治理共同体的基础.数字时代赋予了社区居民数字公民的身份,拓宽了其参与社区治理、与其他主体协同协商的方式.本文通过将数字公民模型(DCM)和社区治理共同体模型(CGC)相结合,得到一个对数字时代下的社区共同体更富有解释力的理论模型.根据调查所获得的374份有效问卷,采用结构方程模型(SEM)对假设加以检验.结果 发现,数字公民意识对于社区共同体建设具有显著的促进作用,这为解释居民的社区共同体建设提供了新的理论视角和实践路径.  相似文献   

王正绪  游宇 《开放时代》2012,(6):98-115
西方政治学界对当代民主化的比较研究,多年来主要形成了两个研究路径:“转型学”与“结构主义”研究.政治文化的变迁或者公民价值观念在民主化和民主政治中的重要作用是结构主义研究的一个前沿.这一视角认为,经济和社会的现代化会促使一个国家或社会的公民形成一组亲民主的价值观念.经过长期的积累和增长,一国公民这种较强的要求民主政治和支持民主运作的价值观或政治文化会带来一国专制政体向民主政体的转型,或者提高一国民主制度和民主政治的质量.本文以这一理论框架为前提,探讨中国公民政治文化或价值观念中几个重要维度在本世纪初叶的变化情况以及其政治影响.我们将借助“世界价值观调查”的数据,分析中国大陆的公民在文献中确定的“自我表达价值观”的各个维度上的变化情况及其政治意义,并和其他几个东亚社会加以比较.  相似文献   

协商民主和协商治理:建构一个理性且成熟的公民社会   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目前中国民主发展的战略选择应注重发展和完善协商民主,注重协商治理机制、过程、形式和程序。本文通过实验研究来讨论协商民主能否有利于解决“出嫁女”上访问题,是否有助于建设一种协商治理制度。实验表明,一年前,大多数村民通过村民代表会议否定“出嫁女”的任何分配权利,现在大多数人已认可一次性补偿方案。协商民主确实有助于减少或解决上访问题,是一种有效的协商治理制度。公民通过社会协商和审议来对公共事务作出决策,使社会管理向民主化方向发展,这是中国民主发展的战略基础。一旦公民具备了政治妥协、理性对话、自我管理、提高社会治理水平的能力,那么在这种条件下,大规模的直选就会减少社会振荡和成本,就会发展出一种良性的政治竞争。通过协商民主来发展协商治理,来建构一个理性、成熟的公民社会是中国民主发展的基础和途径。  相似文献   

传播政治经济学是西方马克思主义传播批判理论70年代以来最重要的流派之一。在数字资本主义背景下,传播在资本主义社会中的重要性不断提升,形成了以基于网络2.0技术的社交媒体广泛应用为主要特征的数字时代传播体系。传播政治经济学高度关注网络2.0时代传播体系的即时性、参与性、分布式等新特征,从网络中心主义批判、数字劳动研究、产消者分析、互联网民主潜能异化、数字媒介物质性等方面对当代资本主义进行了深入和系统的分析。系统梳理网络2.0时代的传播政治经济学批判理论,对于从一个独特的学术视角窥探当代资本主义的新变化和数字化危机趋势,具有较大的理论价值;同时将为我国现阶段引导互联网和数字经济有序发展、提升社会综合治理能力提供借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

赵晖 《江南论坛》2012,(6):35-36
适应当代经济和社会生活秩序的变迁,构建能有效提高治理成效,体现社会利益和文化价值的多元化趋势的治理模式,是一个世界性的课题。20世纪90年代以来,治理理论和协商民主理论就是颇具代表性的两种。其所提出的“善治”、“多中心理论”“公共权力”等观点和理论,同中国目前在稳定既有的政治制度框架的前提下,为探索中国特色的民主政治发展道路及相应的地方治理结构提供了有益的启示.  相似文献   

“第四权”是西方政治和法律界关于媒体和社会舆论行使监督权的新提法。在中国的司法活动受到越来越多的媒体和社会舆论关注的时候,是否体现出了“第四权”挑战司法的意味?如何实现“第四权”和司法权力的良性互动,并促使其成为公民社会的坚强基石?  相似文献   

The positions of lobbying and the lobbyist, well established in developed democratic societies, are far less clear in transitional countries. The aim of this paper is to present the current status of lobbying in Croatia through a discussion of its reputation in the media, citizens’ attitudes and the perceptions of business sector representatives. For that purpose, three groups of research results are presented. (1) In order to characterize the reputation of lobbying in the media, the results of a quantitative content analysis of information published in daily and weekly newspapers, magazines and on Internet portals are given. (2) To understand the attitudes of citizens to lobbying, the views of the young are considered. (3) Finally, to define perceptions of lobbying in the public sector and business, the results of a survey conducted among 50 employees in government institutions and 50 in the enterprise sector are presented and analyzed.  相似文献   

A review of present research suggests that significant alterations in democratic forms of government are possible in coming decades due to new communications technologies. Increasing citizen participation in planning is considered desirable due to the growth of planning in a democratic society, the need to restore a psychological balance between available information and decision making opportunities the need for common forums in a society fractionated by multiple communication channels, and the potential for improving the responsiveness of government to the public at large. The advocates of citizen feedback hold a position distinct from the views of establishment social scientists, technocratic planners and radical community activities.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,跨国公司以其先进的发展战略和管理理念,在中国的经济发展中发挥了重要作用,但近年来,部分跨国公司社会责任的缺失也引起了社会的广泛关注。以跨国公司在中国社会责任的缺失为研究对象,利用利益相关者理论,从跨国公司股东、中国政府,消费者和媒体及社会有关组织四个方面,对这一现象产生的原因进行了分析,并对规制跨国公司如何履行社会责任提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper places Commons and his friend, Edward Alsworth Ross, in the context of the attack by Richard T. Ely and Lester Frank Ward on a conception of history that attributed all progress in human welfare to natural processes — Darwinian natural selection and market mechanisms. According to this conception, interference with these natural processes would be counterproductive. Ward, a confirmed Darwinian, coined the term "artificial selection" when he proposed an alternate conception that attributed most progress to the disciplined application of human intelligence. Ross adapted Ward's artificial-natural distinction to the problem of social order, arguing that random variation and survival of the fittest can generate social controls that preserve order in small communities, but that only artificial social controls can keep order in complex societies. Ross's distinction made its way into the Legal Foundations of Capitalism and Institutional Economics where Commons focused on the evolution of what Ross labeled artificial social controls — laws governing the wage bargain and the behavior of corporations. In the process Commons confronted the problem of deliberation, the problem of obtaining intelligent actions and decisions from passionate, biased humans organized in democratic societies.  相似文献   

The objective of the current study is to explain noncompliance to social distancing rules in Western societies in the absence of a stringent law enforcement mechanism and vaccines. In the first part of the analysis, an evolutionary game theory mechanism of two players is developed. The theoretical model assumes the existence of the prisoner's dilemma due to personal inconveniences associated with mask wearing, hand washing, and lockdowns. The model demonstrates that in the absence of sufficient law enforcement mechanism, and regardless of the initial strategy undertaken, one of the three potential equilibria solutions is the convergence of the system to defection of both players. In the second part of the analysis, based on the freedom-house measures, we provide empirical evidence supporting the notion that law enforcement efficiency is higher in autocratic countries. We show the perseverance of higher projected infection rates per 100,000 persons in democratic countries even 8 months after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the well-known inclination to cooperate more often than expected by game theory, this real-life outcome of noncompliance is remarkable. Moreover, the recent protests against lockdowns in China might reflect a shift from one equilibrium point (cooperation) to another (noncompliance).  相似文献   

Some developed countries have sought to counteract what they see as unfair competition faced by their domestic industries arising from the employment of child labor in the production of consumer goods in developing countries by including a "social clause" in the World Trade Organization (WTO) charter. Many people and civil society organizations in developed countries are also genuinely concerned with child labor employment purely on humanitarian grounds. In this paper we have argued that a more appropriate approach to tackle the child labor problem would be to facilitate acceleration of growth in developing countries through greater, not less, integration of these countries into the world trading system. We have also argued that directing development assistance for improving institutions and social infrastructure would be more effective than trade sanctions.  相似文献   

On the basis of a categorisation of ways in which the generated knowledge is transmitted, this paper explores the impact of the different forms of the globalisation of technology on developing countries. Through travelling, media, scientific and technical workshops, Internet and many other communication channels, globalisation allows the transmission of knowledge at a much greater pace than in the past. However, this does not automatically imply that developing countries succeed to benefit from technological advances. On the contrary, this will strongly rely on the nature of the technology and of the policies implemented in both advanced and developing countries.  相似文献   

Even if the 'social economy' has traditionally been marginalized and a subordinated form of production within capitalist societies, the economic, social, territorial and environmental problems of the present times have tended to make it a strategic instrument. This is not only because of its qualities as an economic and management instrument, but also because it is an expression of a dynamic and creative civil society. The aim of this paper is to show the potential of the social economy, the way it has been encapsulated during the postwar period and the conditions that now favour its full development. In the face of new challenges, the efficiency criterion, hitherto used to assess alternative forms of production, is shown to be insufficient. Some complementary criteria are proposed that fit in better with the new path society must follow if fundamental values have to be satisfied. Starting from these criteria and relating them to management in fields of growing social importance, a new insight into the advantages of the social economy over the market and public sectors can be obtained. Stimulated by such challenges, and connected to the new social movements, a new social economy is emerging with significant potential and a strategic role in managing society. But this development is not without serious problems, and objective and subjective conditions need first to be fulfilled.  相似文献   

Testing the neocon agenda: Democracy in resource-rich societies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Resource-rich countries have tended to be autocratic and also have tended to use their resource wealth badly. The neoconservative agenda of promoting democratization in resource-rich countries thus offers the hopeful prospect of a better use of their economic opportunities. This paper examines whether the effect of democracy on economic performance is distinctive in resource-rich societies. We show that a priori the sign of the effect is ambiguous: Resource rents could either enhance or undermine the economic consequences of democracy. We therefore investigate the issue empirically. We first build a new dataset on country-specific resource rents, annually for the period 1970-2001. Using a global panel dataset, we find that in developing countries the combination of high natural resource rents and open democratic systems has been growth-reducing. Checks and balances offset this adverse effect. Thus, resource-rich economies need a distinctive form of democracy with particularly strong checks and balances. Unfortunately, this is rare: Checks and balances are public goods and so are liable to be undersupplied in new democracies. Over time they are eroded by resource rents.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper considers issues of governance in democratic member‐based organisations (DMOs), such as co‐operatives and mutual societies. It examines the processes whereby members' interests are mediated through the democratic process, and the board; and it explores some of the factors influencing the power of managers. It goes on to argue that the system of governance in DMOs in their institutional context runs the risks of managers becoming powerful and entrenched in poorly performing social economy organisations, unless countervailing measures are adopted.  相似文献   

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