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This case is designed to integrate two major tax issues—wind‐up of a company versus sale of shares—with business valuations. Thus, it is designed to incorporate key tax and finance CPA competency areas. There are two valuations required in this case. One is the valuation of shares; the other is the valuation of an intangible asset (a patent). Students have to recognize that before they can decide whether a wind‐up or sale of shares is preferred, they first need to determine the fair market value (FMV) of the shares. However, to determine the FMV of the shares, the valuation of a patent must be done first, as its value will impact the FMV of the shares. Thus, this case requires students to sequence their analysis. Residency issues (“departure tax”) upon leaving Canada permanently are also indirectly identified in the case.  相似文献   

This instructional audit case places the student in the role of an audit manager and requires preparation of an audit planning memo that addresses significant risks at SpinalHeal Ltd.—a private Canadian company, with international operations, that develops and distributes medical implants for spinal surgery. This year's audit is particularly challenging. There appear to be significant control deficiencies and potential noncompliance with laws and regulations, as well as several complex accounting issues (revenue recognition, intangible assets, and contingent liabilities) which must be addressed. In addition to drafting the planning memo, the audit manager must resolve how to deal with a partner request and prepare a memo to the client that explains the financial reporting implications of crowdfunding.  相似文献   

Many businesses operate legally while pushing the ethical values of society. This case follows the actions of a manager who uses particular metrics to improve his business at the cost of increasing the community's ethical concerns. The objectives of the case are to have students recognize ethical concerns arising from the metrics, assess how these impact business strategy, propose improvements while understanding the ethically sensitive environment in which the business operates, and devise an effective approach to persuade others to implement proposed changes. This case demonstrates to students the complexity of many ethical issues in business and challenges them to consider the interaction between ethical boundaries and a profitable corporate strategy. It highlights the importance of ensuring that both qualitative—here, ethical—and quantitative considerations are incorporated in any management accounting decision‐making tool.  相似文献   

This two‐part case focuses on indicators or red flags of a possible fraud being committed by a majority shareholder against a minority shareholder. The student assumes the role of an accountant investigating the possible fraud. In Part 1 the student is provided with a whistleblower complaint and examines the draft financial statements that will be used for the purchase price of the sale of shares by the minority shareholder to the majority shareholder. In Part 2 the student is provided with further information on inventory controls and the accounting practices. Drawing on the student's knowledge of control systems and financial statement analysis, the student's task is to identify the possible fraudulent transactions and quantify their effect.  相似文献   

A tax case is developed examining a private Canadian sports company. This case simulates a real‐world start‐up company in the area of Canadian Controlled Private Corporation taxation. The client, Boxing and Martial Arts Co., is a medium‐sized, rapidly growing sports promotion business. It operates in an environment where cash payments are common, especially towards foreign workers. Students must research issues involving tax deductions and revenue recognition. The learning objectives include: reinforcing taxation concepts that most students learn in introductory courses (i.e., revenue recognition, allowable business expenses) as well as improving students’ tax research skills for more complex issues (e.g., international tax treaties).  相似文献   

When writing a case analysis, most students first allocate time to plan the content and structure of their response, and then proceed to write with differing degrees of urgency, the outcomes of which are case responses of differing quality. This study examines the extent to which planning time influences writing urgency and, ultimately, the quality of case responses in a time‐constrained setting. It also investigates whether these behaviors and outcomes depend on students’ frame of mind, by experimentally inducing differing types of pre‐examination self‐talk. Analyses show that planning time was negatively associated with writing urgency; students who spent more time planning subsequently wrote with less urgency. Writing urgency was positively associated with case response quality and, after controlling for differences in writing urgency, planning time was positively associated with response quality. Results indicate that different planning and writing behaviors can be induced by different forms of self‐talk prior to the writing task. Relative to interrogative self‐talk (“Will I …?”), exclamatory self‐talk (“I will …!”) caused higher‐achieving students to spend more time planning, but then write with less urgency and subsequently produce lower‐quality case responses. Conversely, after engaging in exclamatory rather than interrogative self‐talk, lower‐achieving students spent less time planning but then wrote with greater urgency and produced higher‐quality responses. These results indicate that (i) planning significantly affects writing and performance, (ii) students can influence their own planning behavior through pre‐task self‐talk, but (iii) pre‐task self‐talk can be beneficial or detrimental depending on students’ prior achievement.  相似文献   

The governing bodies of the Chartered Accountant (CA) profession and business schools go to great lengths to ensure accounting professionals are equipped with a skill set that meets technical, professional, ethical, and other general requirements. In spite of a strict code of ethics, violations of the professional conduct rules leading to disciplinary action are a reality. Using the total CA membership (= 36,465) of Ontario, Canada, this study makes a 27‐year retrospective assessment of the frequency of disciplinary cases, the characteristics of offenders, the disciplinary process, and the sanctions imposed. Results indicate that: (i) approximately 1.38 percent of the members have been charged with violations of the Rules of Professional Conduct by the Institute of Chartered Accountants over that period; (ii) most were sole proprietors engaged in public accounting; (iii) on average, men make up 76 percent of the CA membership, outnumbering women by three to one (3:1); yet, men were 16 times more likely than women to be charged; (iv) the majority of the offences occurred while members with public accounting licenses were conducting external audits; and (v) sanctions ranged from a “rap on the knuckles” admonishment to expulsion from the CA profession. This study is exploring the CA disciplinary process as observed through disciplinary notices and suggests improvements to the system.  相似文献   

This two‐part case focuses on red flags of attempted earnings management for a St. Lucian company that is moving from 100 percent family‐owned to selling 50 percent of the family's shares to an equity fund. In order to increase the earnings growth rate in the three years leading up to the proposed sale to an equity fund in 2021, the earnings for the most recent three years (2016–2018) have been artificially depressed. The resulting byproduct of the earnings management is the underprovision of income taxes for the past three years, which is detected by the tax authorities in St. Lucia. The student assumes the role of a tax auditor for the tax authority in St. Lucia assigned to audit Castries Merchandising Inc. (CMI), a merchandiser of building products, hardware, and automobile parts. In Part 1 the student is provided excerpts of the financial statements of CMI with some anomalies that have been detected by a software program. In Part 2 the student is provided with further information of excerpts from the trial balance and an interview with the CFO, who is a member of the family ownership group of CMI and also a Canadian CPA registered in Ontario. Drawing on the student's knowledge of auditing, accounting principles, and financial statement analysis, the student's task is to both reassess the income taxes for the years 2016 to 2018 and contemplate how management may be manipulating the financial statements in order to benefit from the planned future sale of CMI's shares to an equity fund.  相似文献   

This two‐part case allows for maximum student engagement through preparation, in‐class discussion, and through a Part B case that is part of the Teaching Note. Through this case, students work to identify possible fraud schemes, plan an investigation, and perform horizontal analysis calculations. Students will learn about the concept of ethical hacking, red flag identification, internal control weaknesses, and investigation considerations for fraud schemes. Further, in‐class planning for next steps and investigation can occur, providing an opportunity for group work and in‐depth learning. This case offers flexibility for instructors in that it can be covered over one class or multiple classes, or can be assigned as an independent or group assignment. This teaching note provides an overview of the case along with guidance for teaching this case.  相似文献   

This study examines how management accounting practices (MAPs) have been adopted and diffused by publicly listed firms in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. The results of our survey show that the adoption rates for MAPs in the area of cost management and strategy are low while those in the area of performance measurement are moderate. Overall, the respondents favorably perceived their success in implementing MAPs. Power and politics, not economic (or cost–benefit) reasons, were considered to be the most influential reasons for nonadoption of MAPs. The results provide partial support to the view that there is a global convergence of management accounting system designs and ideas and also indicate that the role of cultural differences is diminishing over time.  相似文献   

Most analyses of academic misconduct focus on students’ integrity and what is taught at the universities. Surprisingly little attention is paid to the role of faculty members. This article presents an unusual case of academic misconduct that provides an opportunity to examine the actions and rationalizations of the students and faculty members involved in the event as well as the broader university context. The case is unusual in that the instructor initiated and facilitated the academic misconduct. The analysis of the misconduct and the subsequent events suggest that self‐interest rules and concerns for wider interests are all but silent. While the case presents a somewhat dismal view of the integrity of some accounting faculty members and future accountants, it provides interesting insight into self‐interest, rationalization, social context, and both students’ and faculty members’ integrity. The analysis discusses the mechanisms used to prevent and manage faculty member misconduct, along with limitations of self‐regulation and student reports as forms of control. The article also considers how accounting educators can encourage future accountants to act with integrity and concludes that in order to achieve that goal, accounting educators must serve as role models who act honestly.  相似文献   

This instructional case connects whistleblowing incentives and ethical issues in different reporting environments. It provides three different whistleblowing scenarios that allow students to identify and grapple with multiple whistleblowing incentives, issues and resultant ethical dilemmas present in both the academic and financial reporting environments. The purpose of the case is threefold. First, the case makes students aware of the whistleblowing incentives and ethical issues present in different environments. Second, by linking academic and financial whistleblowing issues across scenarios, students see the relevance of whistleblowing ethics in their current lives and are motivated to develop ethical habits now. Third, the case forces students to practice making decisions in situations with conflicting incentives, uncertainty and ambiguous guidance. Strong conflicting incentives can cloud and challenge whistleblowing intentions.  相似文献   

Corporate governance is a set of rules and processes that help ensure that firms are effectively run for the benefit of their stakeholders. Good corporate governance is predicated on having directors fulfill their fiduciary duties while acting as stewards of the corporation. The fact that good corporate governance is essential to a well‐functioning and prosperous society is reflected in CPA Canada's Strategy and Governance competency. Unfortunately, there are few in‐class Canadian corporate governance cases that instructors can use to help accounting students improve their understanding of these three fundamental governance concepts: director duty of care, director duty of loyalty, and the business judgment rule. This Canadian corporate governance case is based on the actual events regarding the approval of Steven Hill's employment contract as the Chair of Paper Enterprises Inc. The case is presented using PowerPoint slides, rather than in a traditional narrative format, as it intended to be used as an in‐class case that does not require advance student preparation.  相似文献   

This paper proposes four new models to forecast one‐year‐ahead return on equity (ROE) and change in ROE based on prior research in the DuPont analysis and earnings persistence, and also examines whether the persistence of ROE has improved upon mandatory IFRS adoption in Canada. Using the Granger causality test to establish the usefulness of additional explanatory variables in forecasting future earnings, I show that the DuPont components are useful in predicting one‐year‐ahead ROE, and that the persistence of ROE has decreased since Canadian firms adopted IFRS in 2011. This paper contributes to accounting research in two ways. First, it introduces a new approach to forecasting one‐year‐ahead ROE. Second, it sheds some light on the impact of IFRS adoption on reporting quality in Canada.  相似文献   

This instructional case deals with compensation schemes in service industries, specifically with managerial intervention in tipping schemes in a restaurant. The case provides an opportunity to explore the interaction of direct client feedback and management control systems in controlling service encounters and to develop an understanding of management control systems in a team production environment. While the case focuses on compensation issues and requires some quantitative analysis, it also provides an opportunity to introduce the concept of “management controls as a package” and an assessment of the linkage between organizational strategy and the overall package of management controls. Case guidance is provided for alternative approaches to using the case.  相似文献   

This article explores the extent that the long‐run returns following initial public offerings (IPOs) can explain the asserted decrease in IPOs in Canada. The causes of such a decrease remain controversial, in part because of our limited knowledge of this market. We first describe in detail the evolution of Canadian IPOs on the senior and the venture stock exchanges over three decades (1986–2016). This evolution differs considerably between natural resource and non‐natural resource firms. Second, using other junior markets as a benchmark, we show that the Canadian IPO market is very particular, mainly because it lists very small firms at an early development stage. Third, using 2,145 Canadian IPOs, we provide evidence that these IPOs generate three‐year negative average abnormal returns, and more than 70 percent report negative abnormal returns. Large issuers reporting profits constitute the only subsample that provides fair returns, but they account for less than 5 percent of IPOs. Such a market probably survived for many decades because of investors' preference for skewness and the characteristics of the returns' distribution. We observe a high level of skewness of abnormal returns, consistent with the behavioral finance proposition that investors are often unduly optimistic when valuing lottery stocks.  相似文献   

Maple Leaf Consulting is the disguised name for an actual medium‐sized international engineering and environmental consulting firm. In its 35 years of operations, the firm has grown from a single 10‐person office in Canada to more than 3,000 employees worldwide. Despite the growth from providing only specialized geotechnical engineering to many related technical specializations, the firm retained its nonbureaucratic orientation. Now, while emphasizing innovative world‐class technical knowledge, the fictional firm must resolve a series of organizational transition issues, which the actual firm did through the use of the balanced scorecard. The purpose of this case is for students to develop a preliminary balanced scorecard with appropriate measures.  相似文献   

Drawing on equity and expectancy theories, we hypothesize that the perception of accountants about their ability to contribute relative to a peer (operationalized as the better‐than‐average [BTA] bias) negatively influences their satisfaction with the outcomes of the performance evaluation process (operationalized as performance outcome satisfaction [POS]). We hypothesize further that this negative influence is mitigated by the amount of relative performance pay. We test these hypotheses using data collected from a survey of and an experiment involving 164 entry‐level accountants. We found that in general our participants rated themselves better than the average audit professional and their immediate work associate; that is, they displayed a BTA bias. Moreover, we found that both the BTA bias and performance pay individually influenced POS; we also found a moderately significant interaction effect. In their entirety, the results indicate that the greater an entry‐level accountant believes that she or he is better than average the more likely her or his performance outcome satisfaction will fall.  相似文献   

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