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2011年1月31日,山东烟台万华控股股东万华实业集团成功收购匈牙利最大化工公司BorsodChem(以下简称“BC”)集团96%股权,收购耗资达12.63亿欧元,成为中国企业目前在中东欧地区最大的投资项目。被《International Financing Review》评选为“年度欧洲、中东、非洲地区最佳重组交易”。  相似文献   

供给侧改革满足经济新常态的发展需要,是在宏观经济政策上做出的重大调整,对于我国未来经济的发展将产生极为深远的影响.供给侧改革对于医院的管理发展也产生一定的影响,更好的指导医院的管理工作,促进医院实现科学的发展.本文主要提出供给侧改革对于医院管理改革的几点启示,从而更好地从医院实际发展情况出发,积极落实供给侧改革,加快医院发展进步,为医院提供有效的医疗服务,让医院结合自身的实际需要准确定位自身,强化医院的自身实力,促使医院实现长久、持续的发展.  相似文献   

中国需要构建和发展以改革为核心的新供给经济学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国经济高速增长三十多年之后,增速将规律性地向成熟经济体的水平逐步收敛,但较长时间内仍有重大发展机遇,关键是充分释放制度供给潜力进一步激发活力,促进全要素生产率稳步而持续地提升。本文以梳理和考察西方传统供给学派、凯恩斯主义与非凯恩斯主义的学术进展和政策主张的得失为基础,力求把已有的理论经济学认识与原被理解为分支的制度经济学、发展经济学等的贡献融汇和打通,并面对中国的国情与实践,提出可以洞悉规律和适合中国现代化客观需要的"新供给经济学"理论认识框架,强调以推动机制创新为切入点,以结构优化为侧重点,着力从供给端入手推动中国新一轮改革,有效化解"滞胀"、"中等收入陷阱"等潜在风险,实现中国弥合"二元经济"、趋向现代化的新一轮经济可持续健康发展与质量提升。作为中国之必然选择的"三步走"赶超战略,需要科学的理论和政策设计予以决策支撑。在"新供给经济学"框架下,作者于现阶段的基本政策主张,是"双创、双化、双减、双扩、双进、双到位",在文中作了具体阐述。  相似文献   

供给侧改革是一种结构性的改革,它是以"供给"优化"需求"或实现"供给"与"需求"有机融合的发展战略.围绕管理会计的供给侧改革,就是要在价值增值目标的基础上,完善管理会计的管理控制系统和信息支持系统.供给侧改革的管理会计创新离不开"价值增值"、"管理控制"与"信息支持"这三个价值创造的端口.供给侧改革促进了管理会计创新,管理会计的创新发展为供给侧改革提供了微观层面的实践支撑.  相似文献   

资管的重复嵌套模糊了金融与实体经济的映射关系,本文从最简通道的视角测算了嵌套关系的冗余构成,分析了监管分类的峭壁效应,提出了平滑底层资产分类的纾解方案。  相似文献   

供给侧改革对我国经济发展和产业发展意义重大,也给管理会计体系建设提出更高要求,管理会计工作立足我国微观经济实际,不断改革创新,推动成本会计和管理控制的优化和整合,服务企业决策和战略转型.  相似文献   

随着现代企业制度的建立与不断完善,人们对于"投入-产出"的研究愈加关注。成本在企业竞争中仍然占据重要位置,成本管理对于企业管理来说是一个长久不变的主题。如何在我国当前的供给侧改革这一政策背景下,提高我国钢铁行业的成本管理水平,使我国与发达国家在成本管理方面的差距得到有效的缩小是当前的首要任务。本文分析了我国钢铁行业的成本管理现状,并结合当前供给侧改革这一热点问题,对我国钢铁行业的成本管理问题进行进一步的探索,最后通过沙钢集团在供给侧背景下的成本管理的改进案例,分析我国供给侧改革下钢铁行业的成本管理问题。  相似文献   

自2012年以来,我国经济增长开始降速,虽然我国经济长期向好的基本面没有改变,但经济下行压力依然较大,经济形势依然严峻,中央将这种形势概括为经济新常态,也开始借此契机实现经济转型升级,力求改变过去凭借低劳动成本和破坏生态环境的粗放式经济增长,转而寻求通过创新驱动提高生产率,带动经济增长,在此背景下,供给侧结构性改革呼之欲出。本文首先对供给侧结构性改革提出的背景进行分析,然后探讨了供给侧结构性改革的内涵及影响供给侧结构性改革存在的问题,在此基础上分析了推动我国供给侧结构性改革的路径,最后对供给侧结构性改革推动我国经济转型发展作出展望。  相似文献   

赵赟莉 《财会学习》2016,(16):143-143
成本管理是核心的管理方向,也是企业经营发展的永恒主题。经济新常态下,企业需要转变传统思维,着力推动结构性改革,构建全面、全员、全过程的成本管理体系,以构筑企业的核心竞争力。为此,本文介绍了我国供给侧改革的背景,以贸易型企业为例,分析了企业成本管理的现实问题,并指出供给侧改革背景下企业成本管理的突破路径。  相似文献   

刘丽莹 《中国外资》2013,(16):345-345
美国南方文学是美国文学的一朵高岭之花,南方文学的作品很多,也取得了巨大的成功,影响巨大,但是,有一点值得我们深思,为什么南方文学多以女性作为主角?本文将围绕此问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

This paper conductsan experiment to investigate the economic effect of public disclosureswithin a multi-move adaptation of the Prisoner's Dilemma game.The game, which has multiple equilibria, is characterized by:(1) a stochastic endpoint, (2) random, repeated pairings withanonymous partners, and (3) public disclosures concerning thecurrent partner's previous strategies. In the experiment, cooperationis improved by the disclosures. In addition, subjects cooperatemore frequently when encountering a player who has tended tocooperate in the past, and less frequently when encounteringa player who has tended to defect in the past. Delayed disclosureleads to levels of cooperation only slightly less than thoseobtained with timely disclosure.  相似文献   

We develop a multistage model of the loan granting process to understand the contradictory findings of the existing literature on bank‐borrower relationships, credit availability, and loan rates. Upon estimating our model with the 1993, 1998, and 2003 versions of the Survey of Small Business Finances data set, we find that relationships matter in a borrower's decision whether to apply for a loan and in the loan approval/rejection decision by the financial institution. However, the effect of relationships on loan rates depends on the prevailing economic climate. While firms with preexisting relationships obtain credit at lower rates during periods of economic expansion, loan rates are not negatively correlated with preexisting relationships during periods of economic recession.  相似文献   

We present economic data to demonstrate that the (random) out-of-pocket health-related expenses of seniors who face medical problems are significant and increasing over time. This remains the case even when we take into account the availability of supplemental health insurance. We propose to apply a modest part of Social Security benefits, without increasing the total expenses of this system, to provide mandatory supplemental health insurance for all recipients. Using a theoretical framework we demonstrate that introducing such additional role for Social Security makes individuals (ex ante) better off and hence results in a Pareto dominating new regime for Social Security.  相似文献   

从行为角度研究投资决策正成为金融学领域的主流,本文选取参照点这一行为研究的基本原理视角,综述了投资行为中参照点的选取和更新,参照点对投资行为的影响路径,以及参照点对个体投资决策和群体投资决策的影响,展望了未来投资行为中参照点效应的研究方向。  相似文献   

本次金融危机之后,各国对金融监管体制进行了深刻的反思,也提出了许多改革方案,特别是越来越多人希望巴塞尔II以及其他监管体系能够较少地顺周期。世界银行经济学家杰勒德·卡普里奥分析了反周期监管的内在原理。反周期的拔备(或资本)要求是获得顺周期的一个重要途径,西班牙和哥伦比亚是实施反周期拨备的为数不多的国家,虽然实施时间太短而不能完全说明问题,但有限的实践结果显示与预期有差距。作者进一步分析了反周期的拨备和资本要求在实际运用中需考虑的具体问题,并为发展中国家降低金融风险提出了建议。  相似文献   

Firms that have successfully reorganized under Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy laws of the United States frequently award shares of common stock in the reorganized firm to pre‐bankruptcy shareholders, even though pre‐bankruptcy creditors' claims are not fully satisfied. Using a sample of large publicly traded firms, these deviations from absolute priority (DAPR) are found to be positively related to the severity of agency costs within a financially distressed firm. US bankruptcy laws may exacerbate these agency costs by granting exclusivity to management during the reorganization period. Firms in which outside shareholders are more concentrated have a lower occurrence of DAPR indicating that blockholders provide an effective monitoring mechanism for controlling managerial behavior during reorganization. On the other hand, firms without this monitoring mechanism have a higher probability of DAPR indicating that creditors attempt to control managerial behavior by providing them with some sort of financial compensation via their equity holding in the firm. Finally, the evidence indicates that DAPR can be used to mitigate the hold‐up problem resulting from voting rights granted to both junior and senior claimants of the firm by US bankruptcy laws.  相似文献   

周红玉 《新理财》2010,(2):64-65
胶带、报事贴、百洁布、电脑光学防窥片、绝缘材料、听诊器……这些看似毫不相关的事物其实都有一个共同点,就是他们都有一个名字“3M”。  相似文献   

于翔天 《新理财》2013,(1):62-62
当前CFO的角色被赋予更多内涵:他们在承担监管职责的同时.还要确保报告与本土监管合规,处理好投资者关系,履行“顾问”及“合伙人”的职责。  相似文献   

While the hedonic property value model and recently developed computable general equilibrium urban models assume the housing market is in equilibrium, recent years have witnessed extreme circumstances such as large changes in housing prices, high levels of mortgage default, and high levels of foreclosure that bring into question this assumption. This highlights the need for a better understanding of the dynamics of the housing market and the mechanisms that drive and sustain periods of disequilibrium. In this analysis, I develop a dynamic model of the housing market where vacancies naturally arise as the error correction mechanism. I estimate this model using annual U.S. panel data at the MSA level for 1990–2011. The results show that when there is excess demand, prices rise when vacancies fall but prices do not fall when there is excess supply and vacancies rise. This is consistent with the belief that prices are sticky downwards and hence prolong housing downturns. On the other hand, when there is excess supply, there is a relatively stronger decline in new housing in response to a rise in vacancies and much less of a new housing reaction when there is excess demand and vacancies fall. Furthermore, when I allow for a structural shift in the housing market brought on by the Great Recession (2006–2011), I find that the housing market became more responsive on both sides – excess supply and demand – during this period.  相似文献   

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