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没想到,前不久浙江嘉兴中院关于“闯黄灯违法”的一纸判决,能在全社会引起那么大反响:人们更多地跳出判决本身,深入探讨黄灯的法律意义,法律规定是否包含“禁止通行”的含义,以及闯黄灯到底该不该被罚,而且公众关注已经引起公安部重视,正拟对“闯黄灯”制定执法标准。(《新京报》2012年4月17日)  相似文献   

朱延珊 《铜陵学院学报》2006,5(4):88-89,102
今年是中国主持人诞生25周年,本文对中国电视节目主持人的历史进行了简要梳理,对“中国式主持”在培养体制、选拔机制、用人机制、工作机制、管理机制等方面存在的问题进行了盘点,提出了“中国式主持:渴望变脸”的观点,并对“中国式主持”如何“变脸”提出了自己的思路。本文还从传播学角度,借用“意见领袖”理论和“沉默的螺旋”理论对“中国式主持变脸重要性”进行了深层次的理论分析。  相似文献   

1994大手笔:金融宏观调控高青云1993年,我国经济在“快车”道上高速运行,一季度就在1992年两位数的增长强力推动下驶进“红灯区”,二季度继续攀升到增长25.1%,虽八、九月速度放慢,但“黄灯”刚刚闪过,前面又亮出了“红灯”。到11月份,以银行货...  相似文献   

"三个代表":唯物史观的创新理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江泽民同志“三个代表”重要思想是唯物史观的创新理论。“先进生产力”的新提法。是对邓小平“第一生产力”理论的完善,是对马克思“生产力”理论的发展;“先进文化”是体现社会生产力发展要求。代表社会成员最根本利益,反映时代“前进方向”的文化;“代表最广大人民群众的根本利益”把“人民利益”提到一个新的高度。符合新世纪人的全面发展观点。“三个代表”是历史唯物论与唯物辩证法的精妙结合。  相似文献   

本文首先通过杨献珍对“单一经济基础论”逻辑矛盾的揭露和对“综合经济基础论”的论证,揭示了两者观点的根本对立,说明了“综合经济基础论”的方法论意义。继而分析了从“综合经济基础论”中经“补充论”再到“共同发展论”传承超越的异同关系,从而显示了这一理论对发展马克思主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论的意义。  相似文献   

近年来,出现了将我国公有制形式与公有制实现形式混同的情况,这在理论和实践上都站不住脚。股份制“姓公”或“姓资”关键要看控股权掌握在谁手里。对于理论界和媒体对马克思著作和中央有关理论指导的误解,需要引起重视,有必要澄清理论是非,以避免理论误导可能产生的多种混乱和消极后果。  相似文献   

国家统计局目前公布最近12个月的宏观经济景气指数预警信号图,其中居民消费价格指数连续7个月亮起了“黄灯”。  相似文献   

介绍了上汽集团运用具有本土特色的“一体化管理”方法提升企业管理水平的新探索,对“一体化管理”的理论背景进行了阐述,指出上汽经验实质是国外先进管理理论的本土化,并认为这种本土化的管理理论对国企改革和提升我国企业管理水平有很强的指导作用。  相似文献   

在现代市场经济条件下,社会上流传一种所谓“理论联系实惠,密切联系领导,表扬与自我表扬”新思维“三大作风”,悄悄地替代了传统的“三大作风”,这种被扭曲的怪胎成为新时尚,岂非咄咄怪事?但且看:其一,理论联系实惠。所谓实惠,说白了就是得到实实在在的好处。有人认  相似文献   

《资本论》功能的"二重性"与社会主义理论经济学的重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统社会主义政治经济学体系不适应社会主义市场经济发展的需要,而现有“发展”了的社会主义政治经济学体系既充满无法解决的矛盾,又不能提供短期的分析理论和可操作的政策工具,因此.应该对社会主义理论经济学进行重构,建立含有社会主义制度经济理论、马克思主义宏微观经济理论和经济增长理论的新体系,重构的方向是在坚持马克思经济学基本方法前提下借鉴现代经济学分析方法,对《资本论》的理论体系进行“创造性转化”和“具体化”。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is twofold: firstly to discuss the foundations of Grid-Group “Cultural Theory” and highlight the compatibility with Austrian economics, and secondly to apply this framework to the context of organisational culture. My claim is that “Corporate Cultural Theory” provides a rigorous and grounded social anthropological framework to take Austrian economics beyond its traditional uses and improve upon competing explanations of corporate culture.  相似文献   

In a recent article published in this journal Steven Sheffrin presented the results of two tests on the so called “Rational Partisan Theory”. Sheffrin concluded that the evidence provides “little support for a strict interpretation of the theory”. This note argues that, although interesting in itself, the tests performed by Sheffrin are not particularly informative about the empirical relevance of the Rational Partisan Theory. Also, this note reconciles Sheffrin's results on OECD economies with the literature, which, in general, has found rather supportive evidence for the Rational Partisan Theory.  相似文献   

This article introduces Buchanan's comment on Tiebout's “A Pure Theory of Local Public Expenditures”. It helps us to understand the nature of the relationship between Buchanan and Tiebout. Usually, it is claimed that Buchanan modelled Tiebout's insights, that there exists a Buchanan-Tiebout hypothesis, and that Buchanan in 1965 complemented what Tiebout had written in 1956. We show that Buchanan could not have written “An Economic Theory of Clubs” as a complement of “A Pure Theory of Local Public Expenditures”. He disagreed with Tiebout's ideas on mobility because he saw mobility as a cause of inefficiencies and not a cause of homogeneity in groups. This is what we show by putting Buchanan's comment on Tiebout into historical perspective. It appears that Buchanan interpreted Tiebout 1956 from the perspective of his works on fiscal federalism from the early 1950s. We show that there is a continuity between Buchanan's work from the early 1950s and his works in the early 1970s; and Buchanan's way of reading Tiebout is part of it. Hence, when he wrote “An Economic Theory of Clubs”, Buchanan was convinced that Tiebout was wrong and that he was offering an alternative framework for public economics.  相似文献   

This note presents updated estimates of the reduced forms of the “Modern Theory of the Forward Foreign Exchange Rate” and of the “Interest Parity Theory” for Canada for the period 1962–1977. The evidence does not support the Modern Theory's hypothesis of a significant effect of speculation on the forward rate, and supports the hypothesis of effective interest arbitrage only for the most recent period 1976–1977.  相似文献   

“80年代”是怎样被“重构”的?—若干相关论作简评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为一段被符号化了的特殊时期,“80年代”正在陷入一场多方合谋的书写竞赛,事关“80年代”本来面目的许多重要问题正在被肆意改写和重构,其肇因皆在于对这一思想史上特殊时段的思想主线有意无意的背离。“80年代”的中心问题是“如何避免‘文革’的重演?”而中心论题则是“反封建”。整个“80年代”文化思潮的演变环节依次是“反‘文革’”,“反封建”,“反传统”,再往后才是所谓“文化热”,而贯穿各个环节的中心线索是对“文革”的反思。“启蒙”是整个“80年代”的基本属性,从“反‘文革’”到“反封建”到“反传统”,全都是在“启蒙”:因此,整个“80年代”都属于“新启蒙”时代。  相似文献   


The 1920s and 1930s were years of intensive debate about economic dynamics and stabilisation policies. There was a large variety of explanations of cycles and depressions, and Keynes’ General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (1936) was pitched against them. In 1937, followed three different attempts to provide synthetic expositions of macroeconomic theory that would deal with the Keynesian challenge: Hicks’ Mr. Keynes and the “Classics”, Haberler's Prosperity and Depression, and Lundberg's Studies in the Theory of Economic Expansion. This paper compares those 1937 syntheses and contrasts them with the “Neoclassical Synthesis” and the current “New Neoclassical Synthesis”.  相似文献   

中小企业:如何实现"代工生产"到"自主创新"的战略转变   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王永年 《技术经济》2006,25(9):75-78
从“代工”和“代工生产”概念出发,认为我国中小企业合理选择“代工生产”战略只是获得自身发展的初始阶段,现实的经济背景使企业向“自主创新”战略转变具有必要性和紧迫性;然而,现今我国中小企业推进战略转变仍面,临来自国际和国内、以及企业自身存在的困难和障碍,企业需精心打造实现战略转变的条件,并采取正确的步骤,政府机构也应予以全力支持和保障。  相似文献   

资本市场改革能否有效促进实体经济发展是当前中国经济发展面临的重大挑战。基于企业创新研究视角,以沪深港通交易制度作为外生事件,采用多时点双重差分模型(DID)系统考察了我国资本市场开放对公司创新的影响及内在作用机理。研究发现,沪深港通交易制度实施显著提升了标的公司创新绩效,表现为专利产出增加,且该现象在管理层持股比例高、融资约束强的样本中较为显著,表明沪深港通制度通过提升管理层创新意愿与提高企业创新能力两大途径提升创新绩效。进一步分析发现,资本市场开放对企业创新的正向影响在信息透明度低、沪深港通交易活跃股以及法制环境不完善样本中更显著。上述结论不仅拓展了企业创新影响因素研究,也为实施沪深港通交易制度带来的经济影响提供了来自微观公司层面的经验证据,亦为后续完善该项制度提供了参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

针对黄河流域科技创新发展中无序竞争、缺乏合作、强弱不均等现状,构建面向高质量发展的黄河流域科技创新集中度与极化度模型,分析其科技创新极化效应演化过程,并识别省际间“虹吸”效应与“涓滴”效应。结果表明,从流域整体层面看,黄河流域科技创新处于极低极化水平并呈持续下降趋势,强科技创新省区对弱科技创新省区形成弱“涓滴”效应;从上、中、下游分区域层面看,各区域科技创新均处于极低极化水平,并分别呈现持续上升、先升后降、持续下降趋势,强科技创新省区对弱科技创新省区依次表现为弱“虹吸”效应、先“虹吸”后“涓滴”、弱“涓滴”效应。最后,从提升科技创新资源配置质量、优化科技创新空间布局两方面提出政策建议。  相似文献   

The term “sustainable consumption” is subject to many interpretations, from Agenda 21's hopeful assertion that governments should encourage less materialistic lifestyles based on new definitions of “wealth” and “prosperity”, to the view prevalent in international policy discourse that green and ethical consumerism will be sufficient to transform markets to produce continual and “clean” economic growth. These different perspectives are examined using a conceptual framework derived from Cultural Theory, to illustrate their fundamentally competing beliefs about the nature of the environment and society, and the meanings attached to consumption. Cultural Theory argues that societies should develop pluralistic policies to include all perspectives. Using this framework, the paper examines the UK strategy for sustainable consumption, and identifies a number of failings in current policy. These are that the UK strategy is strongly biased towards individualistic, market-based and neo-liberal policies, so it can only respond to a small part of the problem of unsustainable consumption. Policy recommendations include measures to strengthen the input from competing cultures, to realize the potential for more collective, egalitarian and significantly less materialistic consumption patterns.  相似文献   

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