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The traditional seven steps of selling is perhaps the oldest paradigm in the sales discipline. The seven steps model has served as a basic framework in sales training, personal selling textbooks, and teaching personal selling classes. Very little has changed in this framework since the turn of the 20th century. This article reviews the traditional seven steps of selling, examines transformative factors that have led to changes in each step, and presents an evolved seven steps process. While the traditional seven steps reflected a selling orientation on the part of a firm, the evolved selling process reflects more of a customer orientation in that the focus is on relationship selling—that is, securing, building, and maintaining long-term relationships with profitable customers.  相似文献   

2005年12月,安捷伦半导体事业群从安捷伦科技独立出来,正式成为Avago(安华高)科技公司,詹文寅就此成为Avago首任亚太区总经理.  相似文献   

Telecommunications plays a central role in fundamentally altering our relation to information and the manner in which we place value upon it. This article looks ahead to the state of telecommunications in the year 2000 and describes how technological advances are becoming obsolete with increasing speed. It discusses current technological advances which are nevertheless forming the backbone of planning ISDN, and comments on how ISDN is never likely to meet the objectives towards which it is directed unless basic planning assumptions are rethought in the light of the advances moving forward at unexpectedly rapid rates.  相似文献   

This article, partly in response to Fred Sanderson's article (pp 363–73), challenges the narrow approach of forecasting the future food situation by extrapolating current trends, and the view that little can be done to improve the predicament of the ‘poorest of the poor’. This article argues that we must look for ways of breaking out of the vicious circle of low income, low economic demand, low productivity and low levels of resource utilization.  相似文献   

今年春节前夕,我国南方地区遇上了罕见的低温天气。但这样的天气丝毫没有影响春节期间玩具市场的火爆。走到各地的玩具专营店、批发市场,虽比不上金猪年猪娃娃满地的疯狂,但鼠年玩具的火爆同样是给中国玩具在新的一年开了一个好头。奥运福娃、米奇老鼠、外星狗,再加上情人节又适逢在春节,玩具商个个趁着新春卖个金银满囤。  相似文献   

How much of the world's potential food production is realised depends on how effectively agriculture is organised. The authors evaluate the effects of alternative agricultural systems on food production, consumption and trade growth rates in the food-deficit, developing countries. The effects of these alternative agricultural systems on production and trade in the rest of the world are also discussed. They conclude with a review of the specific characteristics of the alternative systems and examine the role each is likely to play in organising agriculture in the year 2000.  相似文献   

孟杨  何焱 《中国纺织》2003,(1):6-20
历史往往可以通过两种角度去记录,一种是气势恢宏的、划时代的那种"改变了世界某某天"的标志性事件,像是2001年那个让我们记忆犹新的中国入世;另一种却是沉积在一些看似平平淡淡、普普通通的日子里,但是浓缩并且折射了这个时代最丰富的符号和表情,像是中国入世后纺织行业的365日.  相似文献   

2005年,当安捷伦公司考虑怎样才能最合算地出售其拥有40年历史的半导体部门时面临着诸多选择.有一些芯片公司对此感兴趣,不过他们只希望收购这一部门的部分产品线而不是全部.安捷伦也曾经考虑对半导体部门实行IPO(首次公开募股),然而前景却不容乐观,因为近年来,投资者并不十分青睐技术IPO.作为一家试图剥离非核心业务的测试和测量公司,安捷伦最终选择将其绝大部分芯片业务以26.6亿美元现金的价格出售给私人投资公司Kohlberg Kravis Roberts(KKR)和Silver Lake Partners.  相似文献   

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