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本文主要阐述了商用数据仓库系统和数据挖掘系统的概念,分析了基于合成数据挖掘系统的商用数据仓库系统对商业活动的影响,并对商用数据仓库的优缺点进行了概括。 相似文献
以中部地区84个城市为研究对象,从空间角度对区域创新力量与知识产出之间的关系进行地理加权回归(GWR)分析。结果表明,中部大部分城市区域创新力量对知识产出具有正向影响,但在进行分变量、分城市分析时所表现的影响程度存在一定的差异性。此外,通过对主要自变量的GWR分析结果与绝对发展水平进行比较可以看出,区域创新相关变量绝对发展水平与区域知识产出之间的关系不大。这一结果表明,只有政府、企业和大学等创新主体在建立区域创新体系并对其进行合理运作的前提下,区域创新力量对知识产出才能发挥重要作用。最后,对区域创新体系下层结构因素进行了分析。 相似文献
本文在掌握ERP系统特性和将ERP系统与传统模式进行对比分析的基础上,系统阐述了ERP系统在企业财务管理中的运用,并且深入全面的分析了ERP系统对企业财务管理活动的各方面的影响. 相似文献
张伟 《生态经济(学术版)》2008,(2)
Deposit/Refund系统作为一种市场工具,在国外被广泛地应用于保护资源环境的行动中。本文对Deposit/Refund系统在提高资源和原材料的生产率水平,降低经济发展的环境成本方面进行理论分析,并考察国外运用Deposit/Refund系统的实例。在此基础上,提出我国运用Deposit/Refund系统的政策建议。 相似文献
区域现代化指标体系的构建 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
本文以区域现代化的理论涵义和对我国目前不同区域现代化进程阶段的测度模型为依据 ,构建了针对我国现阶段不同区域现代化进程的指标评价体系。该指标体系主要分为经济发展、科技教育和国民素质、社会发展、生活质量四个大类及所包括的 1 6项指标、相应的标准值和权重。 相似文献
道路运输业与区域经济发展是双向发展和进步的,是相辅相成、相互制约的.道路运输业增加了地区间交流的机会.频繁的区域间贸易可以极大地促进区域经济发展,而区域间道路建设就是高速道路的发展.运输业的发展促进了地方经济的发展,地方经济的发展极大地促进了货运业的发展.经济发展也将继续增加对运输的需求,并为交通运输业提供更多的运输服... 相似文献
In this paper the author adds some further empirical tests of his theory of income distribution. This theory (cf. this Review , Series 16, Number 3, September 1970, p. 221 ff) sees income distribution as the distribution of prices of production factors, especially labour, of different quality and prices as the effect of demand and supply factors. The quality of labour is represented only by the number of years of schooling. Its supply is described by the actual numbers of people having each of the possible years of schooling; this frequency distribution can be characterized by its average and by some measure of its dispersion or by one of its deciles (in particular the highest) expressed in terms of its median. The demand for the various qualities of labour can be supposed to be reflected by (i) total demand for commodities, but (ii) more accurately by the percentage of third-level educated people used in and weighted by the size of the four main sectors of production: agriculture, manufacturing, trade and transport, and other services. Extensive material collected and reworked by Professors B. R. Chiswick for the U.S.A. and Canada and T. P. Schultz and L. S. Burns with H. E. Frech III for the Netherlands is used in cross-section tests to explain variations in income distribution in the states of the U.S.A. and the provinces of Canada and the Netherlands. The results can be found in the tables. While further increase and smaller dispersion in years of schooling, according to some of the findings presented, would only moderately reduce the degree of inequality in the U.S.A. and Canada, more result seems to be possible according to other findings, including those for the Netherlands. In the latter category the second demand index mentioned above has been used. This paper is one of several devoted in various ways to the testing of the same theory. 相似文献
在开放经济条件下研究汇率制度调整所引致的汇率水平及其波动性的变化对产业结构变动的复杂影响及其经济结构效应,符合我国推进新一轮改革开放的战略需求和当前世界经济全球化的发展趋势。有鉴于此,本文试图探讨在汇率制度调整和范式改变的条件下汇率变动的改变对我国工业部门产业结构调整的影响。基于2003-2012年的时间序列数据,本研究建立了汇率水平及波动率与工业产业结构的向量自回归模型,通过协整检验和脉冲响应函数考察了各变量间的长期均衡关系和短期冲击影响。实证结果表明,汇率升值并没有促进工业部门内的产业结构升级,但是汇率弹性的增加有利于工业部门内的产业结构向有益的方向发生改变。 相似文献
In an earlier paper, we presented estimates of capital gains for a number of categories of assets owned by Belgian households. The purpose of the present paper is to see how the distribution of disposable income between socio-economic groups is modified when one adopts a "broadened" definition of income which includes capital gains corrected for losses of purchasing power.
The main result of the study is that at current prices, the adoption of a broadened definition of income strongly increases disparities between socio-economic groups. However, when one takes into account losses in purchasing power, conclusions differ according to the period analyzed. For the years 1953–68, it appears that the distribution of broadened disposable income is more unequal than the distribution of disposable income. For the years 1969–77 when inflation was high, the adoption of a broadened definition of income has reduced disparities, with the important exception of old age pensioners. 相似文献
The main result of the study is that at current prices, the adoption of a broadened definition of income strongly increases disparities between socio-economic groups. However, when one takes into account losses in purchasing power, conclusions differ according to the period analyzed. For the years 1953–68, it appears that the distribution of broadened disposable income is more unequal than the distribution of disposable income. For the years 1969–77 when inflation was high, the adoption of a broadened definition of income has reduced disparities, with the important exception of old age pensioners. 相似文献
张雨潇 《经济理论与经济管理》2016,36(11):67
本文使用1998-2007年中国工业企业数据库与省级腐败数据,通过一个简单的模型,证明了在腐败的制度环境下,国有股权可以帮助民营企业避免政府侵害,因此腐败越严重、民营企业越倾向于国有化;并且,盈利能力强的企业更容易受到腐败的侵害。本文发现无论是狭义国有化还是广义国有化都与企业所在地区的腐败率以及企业资产回报率显著正相关;此外,资产回报率越高的企业因腐败而国有化的概率越高。因此,“国有化”可能是中国民营企业面对政府侵害的应对措施。这对我们理解转型国家中民营企业的生存环境与政企关系具有重要意义。 相似文献
ROBERTA. LEONE 《Contemporary economic policy》1982,1(1):1-8
This paper examines the impact of higher natural gas prices on the Northeast regional economy. While there is a common belief that higher gas prices will further disadvantage the already high-energy-cost Northeast, recent analysis suggests the opposite conclusion. Simply stated, by virtue of using relatively little natural gas, industry in the Northeast will likely experience an improvement in its competitiveness as gas prices rise; at the same time, the region could contribute relatively little to the higher revenues for gas producers. In contrast, by virtue of high population, high income, political strength, and improved competitiveness, the region will likely receive at least its proportionate share of these revenues as they are recycled throughout the national economy 相似文献
新疆交通发展战略的完善与区域开发方略的调整 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文分析了新疆交通发展建设面临的地理环境及交通发展现状特征,提出了交通运输超前发展的战略思路;阐述了新疆区域开发的调整思路,指出区域经济增长将出现从“单轴———双轴———双环圈”的空间格局发展,提出了“一白二黑三游为先导,三次产业各选主择重”的经济发展战略。 相似文献
FDI外溢效应对我国工业行业技术进步的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
我国工业行业存在明显的FDI外溢效应的人力资本"门槛效应",要想充分利用FDI的外溢效应,必须跨越人力资本门槛,提高人力资本水平、技术装备水平、研究开发能力和消化吸收能力。 相似文献
长春市产业结构环境影响的系统动力学优化模拟研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
产业结构是指产业总体中各产业的比重及这些产业之间的相互关系。产业结构处于资源结构、分配结构和需求结构相互作用之中,受到社会发展、技术进步、市场需求变化以及产业调控手段等影响,经常处于运动变化之中,因而对其的环境影响研究存在着许多复杂的非线性问题。文章尝试采用系统动力学方法对长春市产业结构环境影响进行仿真模拟研究,从人口、资本、环境三个方面对长春市产业结构环境影响进行系统集成,模拟其动态变化趋势,为决策者提供决策支持。 相似文献