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微软即将推出的Windows 8普遍被认为是操作系统"跨界行动"的开始,然而混血的Win8究竟是创造者,还是过渡者?一切的谜底即将揭开。  相似文献   

三亚旅游资源在中国得天独厚,在世界上也是不可多得的,是中国热带海洋旅游资源最密集之地,也是冬季避寒度假休闲的首选旅游胜地。  相似文献   

The large trade surplus and production safety problems have tarnished China's image around the world recently. As China's first and largest trade partner, the EU has a lot of influence on its international performance, and given the current situation, increased bilateral cooperation is needed. Development of a smooth dialogue channel is a great opportunity for mutual benefit and future cooperation. Mr. Heinz Zourek, the General Director for the Enterprise and Industry of the European Union's Commission to China,  相似文献   

MAN TGL、TGA、LE2000、ME2000和SX系列为市政和公司的消防工作提供具有最广泛适用性的多种车辆。允许的车辆总重在7.5—41吨之间,相应提供的柴油发动机功率在110千瓦/150马力至735千瓦/1,000马力之间。所有柴油发动机均符合欧Ⅲ排放标准。TGA系列可以选择257千瓦/350马力、286千瓦/390马力和316千瓦/430马力的六缸柴油发动机,这些柴油发动机目前已符合欧Ⅳ排放标准。  相似文献   

汽车站以人们难以预料的速度进入中国百姓家庭之时,很多人可以对世界汽车品牌哪数家珍,但是中国的汽车消费者能将富士SUBARU汽车说出个一二三的人恐怕不多。  相似文献   

“5.12”四川汶川大地震是1976年唐山大地震以来中国面临的最大自然灾害,数万人在瞬间失去了生命,成千上万家庭破碎,灾区同胞期盼救援,无数失去父母的孤儿亟待社会救助。“一方有难,八方支援”,全社会立即投入到这场空前浩大的救援行动中来。除了国家层面的救援行动外,志愿者奔赴灾区、社会各界捐款捐物,全国人民和灾区同胞心手相连,谱写了一曲抗震救灾的壮歌。  相似文献   

This study draws on the structural perspective of organization theory to investigate how firms can organize for cross-selling. Specifically, it analyzes how configurations of organizational structures and steering instruments are associated with cross-selling performance. Results show that mechanistic and organic organizational cross-selling structures should be closely aligned with financial and nonfinancial steering instruments: while the interactions between mechanistic cross-selling structures and non-financial steering instruments are likely to result in high levels of cross-selling performance, organic cross-selling structures should be combined with financial steering via cross-selling incentives. Findings also reveal a U-shaped relationship between cross-selling performance and firm EBITDA. These results suggest that to enhance profits, firms should either organize for very high levels of cross-selling performance or refrain entirely from investing in cross-selling structures or steering instruments.  相似文献   

2008年底,金融风暴肆虐汹涌,资本冬天寒意正浓,企业市场一片肃杀景象。如果此刻还有一份可以慰藉的暖意的话,那就当属10.5%这个数字给我们带来的希望。10.5%,这是DCCI给出的2008年中国网络广告投放占整体广告支出的百分比,这是这个数字第一次上升到两位数,这是一个值得欣喜的改变!  相似文献   

For many mountain-climbing enthusiasts,Mount Taishan(泰山tài shān)is a must.Previously called Daishan Mountain,Mount Taishan is also known as the Great Peak,the Great Mountain and the Eastern Mountain.It is a perfect combination of culture and natural landscape,and can also be considered as the symbol of the Chinese nation.  相似文献   

长期以来,我国卡车因偏重其运输功能,一直给人以“傻大汉”的印象。在此背景下,秉承“以人为本”设计理念的春兰卡车,令人耳目一新。从某种意义上说,它的出现提升了国产卡车的档次。  相似文献   

The fifth edition of China Outbound Travel and Tourism Mar- ket was held in Beijing on April 22, 2009. The past twelve months since the last COTTM turned to be a huge challenge for the travel and tourism industry. According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the growth in international tourist arrivals has slowed down considerably due to the volatile and turbulent global economy. The final result for 2008 was an estimated growth of 2%, down from 7% in the previous year, but the forecast for 2009 is that the arrivals will be fiat at best and a few percent down at worst.  相似文献   

For many mountain-climbing enthusiasts,Mount Taishan(泰山 tài shah) is a must.Previously called Daishan Mountain,Mount Taishan is also known as the Great Peak,the Great Mountain and the Eastern Mountain.It is a perfect combination of culture and natural landscape,and can also be considered as the symbol of the Chinese nation.  相似文献   

德国是中国学子向往的国度:自从1997年以来,中国在德国的留学生就达到以前的4倍,2003年为20141人。然而在德国,一份高学历并不一定就能谋得一份好职业。职业培训机构在德国覆盖方方面面,从实习生课程到技师培训、专职人员及经理培训,应有尽有。  相似文献   

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