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Magnificent history In China,the private banking sec- tor is relatively new,even though it has a 100-year history in the U.S.and Europe. After originating in Geneva,Switzer- land,private banks have undergone leg- endary growth.  相似文献   

China‘s entry of WTO signifies its connection with the world market.More and more Business opportunities will be found in China with the development of its market economy. The great potentials of China‘s market arc especially attractive to foreign manufacturers and firms. It is ncccssary for foreign companies to adopt new strategy to adapt to China‘s local conditions if they hope to enter China‘s market.Only with effectivc localization strategy can they obtain a space for themselves on China‘s Market.  相似文献   

According to the sample survey among 38,000 small and micro industrial businesses by the National Bureau of Statistics of China (NBSC),only 15.5% of these enterprises have access to bank loans.As banks and financial institutions have raised the benchmark  相似文献   

A good friend of China,who from ASEAN countries,once said that"The biggest difference of China between her past and present is that China is rich now with large foreign exchange reserves in the bags"Yes,the Chinese government is encouraging his enterprises to go abroad by various means.Facilitating Chinese en- terprises to invest globally is in accordance with China's present Go Global Strategy exactly.And The 2nd Chinese Enterprises Outbound Investment Conference (CEOIC), co-hosted by China Council for the Promo- tion of International Trade (CCPIT) and Ministry of Commerce of China is a good example to that.  相似文献   

Prelude of Copenhagen In the first round of China-US Strategic & Economic Dialogue, America's most senior climate-change officials were meeting their Chinese counterparts. The two countries are by far the world's biggest emitters of greenhouse gases. They will determine whether a worthwhile global treaty to limit emissions can be concluded as planned in Copenhagen in December.  相似文献   

我国民营书业企业竞争力优劣势分析与战略模式选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
民营书业是促进我国经济和文化发展的一支重要力量。在出版物分销市场竞争日益激烈的今天,民营书业企业的发展呈现出新的特征。他们有着自己的优势,产权明确、经营灵活、服务周到;但同时也存在着不少的弱点,如信用危机、资金短缺、规模不大、素质不高等问题。在市场竞争态势发生剧变的新形势下,我国民营书业企业只有改变竞争战略模式才能适应新的环境,才能顺利的生存和发展。  相似文献   

Chief Representative-China of AST&L, Mr. Chung Tam, CTL, was born in Hongkong, had education in Canada, worked in U.S., and right now is working and living in Beijing. He is totally international free man, helping Chinese logistics step into international market with global level. We met at the bar in a lovely summer afternoon. He drunk his coca, and asked us, "Do you know how does this cup of coca come here?" We all laughed, yes, by logistics. From Mr. Tam's young and handsome face, we could see the optimistic and promising tomorrow of Chinese logistics.[第一段]  相似文献   

袁建军 《新财富》2003,(4):136-137
历史上,行业的高度保护和本身的认同度低,使得民营资本在零售业无法有所作为。现在,外资的迅速进入又为刚刚获得“国民待遇”的民营企业抬高了进入壁垒。  相似文献   

At 2008's NPC and CPPCC sessions, the nation's housing program has become one of the top concerns; some deputies from academic institutions and the real estate industry have submitted their own proposals on how to deal with the issue.  相似文献   

You can feel the vibration in the air, wheneverybody is watching with tension how thesmall Chinese woman starts to climb up a swinqinq board on a desk while she is balancing a pyramid of four tablets with filled glasses ana candlesticks on her forehead. She manages this task with ease  相似文献   

经过20多年的发展,民营书业已经成为我国民族书业中一支不可忽视力量,它在传播先进文化、促进经济发展、提高综合国力做出了积极贡献。但随着我国书报刊市场正式向外资全面放开,民营书业在竞争日益加剧的市场上,必须不断壮大完善自身,才能获得的发展机遇。本文分析民营书业发展存在的问题,提出民营书业做精做强的对策。  相似文献   

高峰 《现代商业》2013,(17):23-24
快递行业在我国已经发展了超过50年,民营快递企业在这期间从无到有,从小到大逐步成长成为我国快递行业的骨干力量。但是在飞速发展的同时,民营快递企业也暴露出了一些问题,这些问题拖缓了企业继续壮大走向世界舞台的脚步;与此同时,随着国外快递巨头开始在中国市场发力,快递行业的竞争愈发激烈。民营快递企业想要开疆扩土亟需改善顽疾,进一步提升自身的竞争力。  相似文献   

目前我国的民营企业,有一个不可忽视的特征,即企业核心管理成员往往是同一家族的成员.有时候即使不是亲属,也起码是私交甚密的同学、朋友、故交之类.也就是说,这些企业核心管理成员的关系往往是以中国社会最基本的人伦关系为基础的,企业家一般不会轻易招来那些尽管很有才干、但毫无私交背景的人介入高层管理.企业核心管理的这种家族化;理论上来说与现代企业发展的大趋势应该说是背道而驰的.但是,我国民营企业家却为什么要纷纷选择这种模式呢?  相似文献   

Global economic crisis shrinks the world wealth,as well as the enterprises value.Many companies in foreign lands are facing a tough time China,with the world No.1 foreign exchange reserve, US$1953.74 billion up to March,2009,according to State Administration of Foreign Exchange of China,is claimed to possess strong outbound investment capacity in the crisis.  相似文献   

TBT is being consideredas one of the most important means of tradeprotection by more and morecountries, especially modernones. As internationaleconomy advances, the per-centage of TBT used in tradeprotection is rising continu-ously. Through the efforts ofWTO members, a series of ef-fective methods and rules forcontrolling has been got tolimit tariff and traditional non-tariff barriers. As to TBT, al-  相似文献   

The lack of attractiveness of the Chinese stock market has become a hot topic of debate. Looking at the K line chart of Shenzhen and Shanghai Stock Exchange, the administration and supervision authorities should be aware that the Chinese stock market is facing another confidence crisis. Although there is no abrupt slump or excessive objection and dissension, the secondary market has ended the transitory partial bull market at the beginning of this year.  相似文献   

发展中的民营科技企业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王治国 《中国工商》2000,(11):140-141

Three Features could be read from the pertbrmance of China's costume listing companies in 2007.  相似文献   

Most of the foreign-funded enterprises in China are in fact funded by overseas Chinese. They have made indelible contributions to China's remarkable economic achievement. Their pioneering spirit has already been written into the glorious annals of China's economic development!  相似文献   

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