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为弘扬青藏铁路精神,加强中央企业党的建设,2006年6月16日国资委党委下发了《国资委党委关于表彰中央企业青藏铁路建设先进基层党组织和优秀共产党员优秀党务工作者的决定》(国资党委组织[2006]68号),对在青藏铁路建设中作出突出贡献的中国铁路工程总公司中铁一局集团新运工程公司青藏铁路铺架项目部党工委等10个先进基层党组织、李金城等22名优秀共产党员、张占成等9名优秀党务工作者予以表彰,并分别授予"中央企业青藏铁路建设先进基层党组织"、"中央企业青藏铁路建设优秀共产党员"和"中央企业青藏铁路建设优秀党务工作者"称号(名单见附件)。  相似文献   

科技创新在青藏铁路建设的设计与施工过程中发挥了重要作用.回顾青藏铁路在立项开工建设后,针对多年冻土、高寒缺氧、生态脆弱"三大难题"所做的试验段科学研究工作、取得的主要科研成果及其对设计工作的指导作用.在以后的运营工作中要更紧密地依靠科技创新,管好、用好青藏铁路.  相似文献   

科技创新在青藏铁路建设的设计与施工过程中发挥了重要作用。回顾青藏铁路在立项开工建设后,针对多年冻土、高寒缺氧、生态脆弱“三大难题”所做的试验段科学研究工作、取得的主要科研成果及其对设计工作的指导作用。在以后的运营工作中要更紧密地依靠科技创新,管好、用好青藏铁路。  相似文献   

青藏铁路建设与运营充分体现了科学发展观的要求,为沿线地区实现跨越式发展和建设小康社会提供了基础条件。从造福人民、拉动经济、开发资源、保护生态、巩固边防、对外开放等方面论述了青藏铁路全线建成通车的重大战略意义,着重分析了在沿线地区特殊的社会经济条件下,青藏铁路对构建社会主义和谐社会的示范及指导作用,特别强调了铁路运输对高原经济带的拉动效应和集聚效应。  相似文献   

青藏铁路建设与运营充分体现了科学发展观的要求,为沿线地区实现跨越式发展和建设小康社会提供了基础条件.从造福人民、拉动经济、开发资源、保护生态、巩固边防、对外开放等方面论述了青藏铁路全线建成通车的重大战略意义,着重分析了在沿线地区特殊的社会经济条件下,青藏铁路对构建社会主义和谐社会的示范及指导作用,特别强调了铁路运输对高原经济带的拉动效应和集聚效应.  相似文献   

青藏铁路的修建为沿线地区经济社会的发展带来了巨大的发展机遇,构建青藏铁路沿线经济增长带具有重要的现实意义。区域经济学中的"点轴开发理论"是构建青藏铁路沿线经济增长带的理论依据,而青藏铁路沿线经济增长带的建成对开发西藏资源、优化和调整能源结构、加强民族团结、促进西藏经济发展具有重要作用。提出加快沿线城镇基础设施建设,为人口集聚创造条件;改革现行的户籍制度,引导农牧民向沿线的城镇集中;扩大招商引资力度等促进青藏铁路沿线经济增长带的政策措施。  相似文献   

部属各单位:为表彰并奖励在青藏铁路建设和运营中发挥重要作用的科技成果完成单位和个人,调动广大科技工作者的积极性、创造性,根据国家有关科技成果管理及奖励的规定,铁道部将对青藏铁路科技成果进行专项表彰和奖励,现将《青藏铁路科技成果专项奖励办法》和《青藏铁路科技成果评审和鉴定办法》发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。  相似文献   

@单反女部:记得韩红有酋歌叫天路,是由北京著名曲作家印青和词作家屈塬到青藏铁路施工现场采风,最终创作而成的。其实,人们在歌颂青藏铁路的同时也会提及到青藏公路,青藏公路是为青藏铁路的建设提供线路走向和物资运输的重要渠道,所以如果没有青藏公路,青藏铁路也不能顺利修筑。  相似文献   

为了出色的完成青藏铁路建设任务,确保青藏铁路参建职工的身体健康。由西藏自治区药品监督管理局主办。西藏诺迪康药业股份有限公司和本刊共同承办的“青藏高原工程施工医疗保障研讨会”于2002年12月20日-23日在海南三亚胜利举行。 研讨会就“青藏铁路施工卫生防疫保障经验,高原所致人体各系统慢性改变的对策及9000名青藏铁路工作人员体检结果分析”等课题展开了讨论。铁道部劳动  相似文献   

2005年10月12日,青藏铁路格尔木—拉萨段全线铺通。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席胡锦涛致信铁道部,青海省、西藏自治区党委和人民政府,青藏铁路全体参建干部职工,祝贺青藏铁路全线铺通。10月15日,中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理黄菊亲临拉萨火车站出席全线铺通庆祝大会,并发表重要讲话。当天,青藏铁路公司、青藏铁路建设总指挥部立即认真传达学习胡锦涛总书记贺信和黄菊副总理重要讲话精神,对下一阶段工作作出部署,要求青藏铁路全体建设者以胡锦涛总书记贺信和黄菊副总理重要讲话精神为动力,再接再厉,抓紧进行运营准备工作,确…  相似文献   

具有相同工艺特点的几个工程项目 ,施工时的顺序是不容忽视的。本文主要想就这个问题提请读者注意 ,并从简单的模型入手 ,利用递推法导出排序原则 ,以消除人们因没有严密、简捷的理论证明而产生的种种疑虑  相似文献   

There is a lack of tools to identify and measure community severance caused by large roads and motorised traffic, despite the evidence of its negative impacts on local communities. This paper reports the development of a suite of tools to measure and value community severance, undertaken as a part of the Street Mobility and Network Accessibility research project. The tools include participatory mapping, spatial analysis, a video survey, street audits, a health and neighbourhood mobility survey, and a valuation tool based on a stated preference survey. They were tested in the area around Finchley Road, a busy arterial road in North London. The study found that Finchley Road is an unpleasant place for pedestrians due to high traffic levels, air and noise pollution, and the lack and poor quality of pedestrian crossing facilities. This has a negative impact on the mobility and accessibility of local residents and, to some extent, on their health and wellbeing. The analysis showed coherence between the findings from the different measurement tools applied individually, but also revealed interconnections between factors which contribute to severance, demonstrating that overall the suite is reliable for assessing community severance in urban areas. Overall, the paper provides a multidisciplinary approach to developing standardised methods to measure a negative impact of transport that is still relatively unknown.  相似文献   

安徽省交通集团宣城汽运有限公司位于与江苏、浙江两省相邻的安徽省东部,公司现有在岗员工533人,下属基层单位10个(其中有客运车站2个),营运车辆146台,客运线路57条,日发班车567班次,旅客日流量高峰时期达1.46万·人次,是一家中小型交通企业。在这个企业的  相似文献   

We introduce a methodology to develop a geo-typology (geotype) that categorizes each location in the United States in terms of their main drivers of transportation demand and supply. We develop the first comprehensive set of geotypes for both urban and rural areas across the entire United States. This typology is designed to facilitate national level modeling of multi-modal transportation system's response to alternative investment strategies differentiated across different types of locations. We develop a two-stage clustering procedure to systematically and quantitatively characterize the ways in which locations across the nation are similar or different with respect to their potential response to investment strategies of interest. First, we cluster all 73,057 census tracts, using factor analysis and the CLARA clustering algorithm into “microtypes” based on their street network and economic characteristics. Then we cluster regions (core-basic statistical areas and counties) into “geotypes” using PAM clustering according to their commute configurations, polycentricity and density. The resulting set captures both local and regional variation. These microtypes and geotypes are comparable across all locations, enabling a national level perspective, while maintaining sufficient heterogeneity to support a variety of transportation analyses capturing critical geographic variation.  相似文献   

In Paris, an old bus line on the Maréchaux Boulevards has been replaced by a modern tramway. Simultaneously, the road-space has been narrowed by about a third. A survey of 1000 users of the tramway shows that the tramway hardly generated any shift from private cars towards public transit mode. However, it did generate important intra-mode transfers: from bus and subway towards tramway, and from Maréchaux boulevards towards the Périphérique (the Paris ring road) for cars. The various benefits and costs of these changes are evaluated. The welfare gains made by public transport users are more than compensated by the time losses of the motorists, and in particular, by the additional cost of road congestion on the Périphérique. The same conclusion applies with regard to CO2 emissions: the reductions caused by the replacement of buses and the elimination of a few cars trips are less important than the increased pollution caused by the lengthening of the automobile trips and increased congestion on the ring road. Even if one ignores the initial investment of 350 M€, the social impact of the project, as measured by its net present value is negative. This is especially true for suburbanites. The inhabitants (and electors) of Paris pocket the main part of the benefits while supporting a fraction of the costs.  相似文献   

This multiphase and empirical study explores the best communication style for reaching different international tourism markets and provides an understanding of how purchase decisions could be better influenced in travel brochures. A pre-test experiment evaluated the perceived emotionality and rationality of communication elements in a fictional travel brochure designed for a typical beach holiday but managed according to sustainability principles. In phase two, a choice experiment was conducted to test how Swiss, German, British and US travellers could be influenced by varying visual and textual communication elements in the fictional brochure (based on Mexico for US respondents and Menorca for all others). The choice experiment produced 3006 responses from an online survey in the four countries. Results confirm a general preference for emotionally laden communication styles for sustainable tourism products, while respondents were indifferent to the emotionality of standard product feature communications. Respondents did not show a preference for the inclusion of a graph explaining the product's sustainability attributes.  相似文献   


Modernisation brings the decline of traditional crafts and practices and thereby of their old, linked communities. Memories of these communities might survive though only for a time. A public policy dilemma presents – whether to conserve communities and their crafts as ‘living museums’ (akin to a milieu de mémoire in Pierre Nora’s terms) for tourist titillation; alternatively to merely retain the traces of that culture, as a museum more conventionally understood (lieux de mémoire); or, alternatively again, to accept the ephemerality of culture and its metamorphosis? And, if the last, then how is that to be presented to the discerning tourist? The paper mostly uses the case of the ancient goldsmith community of Wat Koh in Phetchaburi city, Thailand, to reflect on this dilemma. At stake academically are two sets of dialectic opposites: history against memory, and memory against nostalgia – also the contingent dichotomy of tourism and memory.  相似文献   

The state of the nation’s infrastructure is the subject of widespread discussion and comment because it is thought to include many deteriorating and unsafe bridges. Ever since the terrorist attacks of 9/11, there has been increasing concern over the extent to which an attack on infrastructure could result in serious economic disruption. This research develops a model to analyze the economic consequences of an attack on a major element of the highway network. We add a freight network to a national multiregional economic impact model and make freight traffic flows endogenous. The use of a sub-national interstate model recognizes that most infrastructure planning is at the state level and most political leaders’ interest is local. We base our approach on the National Interstate Economic Model (NIEMO) and refer to an elaboration that we name Transportation network and the National Interstate Economic Model (TransNIEMO). The new model enables us to study the state-specific and industry-specific economic impacts of some significant changes in the nature of highway freight movements. We tested the model for selected freight movements in and out of California. The results are entirely plausible and encourage us to elaborate and test the model for hypothetical disruptions of freight traffic throughout the US.  相似文献   

新世纪中国铁路建设需要在全局性的通盘筹划下,建成“田”字型的复式网络框架,将中国铁路建设和铁路运输提升到一个新的历史阶段,为社会经济持续,协调和稳定发展提供更充分的条件。  相似文献   

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