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西方经济学研究的内容有理论性强、学术观点多、体系庞大、内容更新变动快等特点。目前西方经济学的教学与现实要求存在较大的距离,教学效果不佳等情况极为严重。如何正确处理好西方经济学教学,在教学过程中培养学生的应用意识和应用能力,是应用型高校西方经济学教学改革的核心内容。因此,促进课程建设,提高教学质量,加强实践教学环节,激发学生学习积极性势在必行。  相似文献   

按照西方经济学对公共财政学专业及课程的研究,财政学作为经济学的二级学科,需要站在经济学的视角、运用经济理论和经济方法开展研究分析工作。财政学专业建设应以对政府行为及活动的研究为中心,兼顾对学生理论及实践能力的培养。  相似文献   

《西方经济学》作为分析经济领域内具体现象和事物的工具,可以提高学生对经济学的学习兴趣,培养学生运用经济理论观察、分析和解决现实经济问题和经济现象的能力。只有打好坚实的西方经济理论基础,掌握该课程独有的逻辑分析方法,才会更有效地学习本科阶段的其他相关课程。  相似文献   

西方经济学是经济和管理专业必修的基础理论课,其特点是理论性强,实践性也很强。如何让学生更好地学好这门课,将西方经济理论与其他课程融会贯通,并培养学生经济学的思维习惯,将所学理论更好地应用于社会经济实践是经济学教学中不断研究和探讨的问题。现从西方经济学教学中存在的问题入手,深入思考了西方经济学应实现的教学目标,并提出了若干教学改进措施。  相似文献   

西方经济学是经济和管理专业必修的基础理论课,其特点是理论性强.实践性也很强。如何让学生更好地学好这门课,将西方经济理论与其他课程融会贯通,并培养学生经济学的思维习惯,将所学理论更好地应用于社会经济实践是经济学教学中不断研究和探讨的问题。本文从西方经济学教学中存在的问题八手,深入思考了西方经济学应实现的教学目标,并提出了若干教学改进措施。  相似文献   

西方经济学课程具有非常强的实践性和应用性,旨在培养学生"学以致用"的能力,然而,该学科是对西方市场经济的系统概括与总结,植根于西方市场经济的土壤,高校对《西方经济学》课程讲授时极易脱离我国的经济实践,不能达到"古为今用,洋为中用"的教学目的。基于此,本文对本土化视角下《西方经济学》课程案例教学模式进行了探究和分析,首先从理论层面分析了高校《西方经济学》课程教学本土化,又分析了高校《西方经济学》课程案例本土化教学的必要性和重要意义,提出了本土化视角下《西方经济学》课程案例教学模式的路径选择,以期为其提供有益的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

蒙永亨 《价值工程》2010,29(29):46-47
在经济管理类的各门课程中,西方经济学是最重要而难学的课程之一。本文阐述了提高西方经济学课堂教学质量的途径,认为要提高西方经济学课堂教学质量,需要做到以下几点:一,辩证看待西方经济理论,清晰了解西方经济理论产生的渊源;二,清楚说明概念与经济理论的内在逻辑关系;三,适当运用案例教学;四,引入课堂提问、课堂讨论的方式;五,运用经济学原理分析日常生活中的事例。  相似文献   

本文通过会计信息系统课程的教学改革,探讨培养会计专业学生创新创业能力的多种途径,包括:授课内容立足于实际,在解决现实问题的过程中培养创新能力;重视与其他课程的联系,在实验内容设计上演绎创新精神;实习实训齐头并进,在实操中体验创新创业者的艰辛;改革课程评价机制,贴近现实多角度考量学生创新创业能力等多个方面。  相似文献   

创学结合的人才培养模式是提高学生就业能力,在一定程度上能够拓宽就业渠道、缓解就业压力的有效途径之一,而课程改革是人才培养模式得以成功实施的重要核心和支撑,本文以《网络营销》课程为例,探讨了在基础课程的教学设计中,如何将创业教育纳入基础课程教学中,使创业与学业教育密切结合,以提高学生的创业素质和创业能力。  相似文献   

对《西方经济学》教学方法改革的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方经济学课程理论性强、内容深奥、数理分析抽象,往往使初学者感到枯燥乏味,导致教学质量不高。本文结合教学实践,首先对西方经济学的课程特点进行了探讨,接着分析了现行教学过程中存在的一些问题,最后从理论联系实际,实施案例教学法等五个方面阐释了改进该课程教学方法的措施。  相似文献   

The hypothesis that entrepreneurship is linked to economic growth finds it’s most immediate foundation in simple intuition, common sense and pure economic observation: activities to convert ideas into economic opportunities lie at the very heart of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is a source of innovation and change, and as such spurs improvements in productivity and economic competitiveness. The entrepreneur has been a fundamental agent in most production, distribution and growth theories. The role of entrepreneurship as the driving force of economic growth found its most explicit foundation. Empretec was established in 1988 to promote entrepreneurship in developing countries. Empretec’s programs have been initiated in 27 countries plus additional centers in Brazil, assisting more than 80, entrepreneurs through local driven business support centers. The information collected for this paper was secondary data rather than conducting survey. Therefore, one objectives of this paper is to examine the exact nature of entrepreneurship and its role in economic theory.  相似文献   

陈惠珍 《价值工程》2011,30(26):251-251
本文研究商务英语专业创业教育融入专业教育的有效途径,改进教师教学理念及方法,优化课程设置,构建基于内容依托教学的创业教育与专业教育一体化有效模式。  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship research tends to focus on individuals and their actions. However, some entrepreneurial activities are borne and maintained through the efforts of several parties in entrepreneurial partnerships such as franchisor-franchisee relationships. Due to their very nature, these partnerships include economic and social exchanges. Such exchanges received limited attention in entrepreneurship literature. To address this omission, this study first delves into the theories of economic and social exchange to illuminate their relevance for entrepreneurial partnerships. Next, this paper puts forward an agenda for future research agenda based on the tenets of interdependent reciprocal exchange in entrepreneurial partnerships. This research effort has a potential to spur future studies on the use reciprocity in other areas of entrepreneurship such as social entrepreneurship and international entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

Promoting entrepreneurship has become an important policy strategy in Europe in the hope to stimulate the crisis-shaken economy. In this paper, we caution against undue expectations. Using data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor for 17 European countries, we find that a considerable proportion of the new entrepreneurs have started a business despite a negative perception of business opportunities as well as lack of confidence in their own entrepreneurial skills. This proportion has increased during the economic crisis, especially in those countries which were particularly affected by economic downturn and rising unemployment. We extend existing entrepreneurship theories to account for this phenomenon, which we call “nons-entrepreneurship”. Testing the hypotheses derived from our model, we find that the primary motivation for these people to turn to entrepreneurship is the lack of other options to enter the labour market during the economic crisis. Still, this sort of “desperate” entrepreneurship does not equal necessity based entrepreneurship, warranting further research.  相似文献   

孙学朋 《价值工程》2014,(30):251-252
构建大学生就业创业指导体系是服务国家加快转变经济发展方式、建设创新型国家和人力资源强国的战略举措,是深化高等教育教学改革、提高人才培养质量、促进大学生全面发展的重要途径,是落实以创业带动就业、促进高校毕业生充分就业的重要措施。本课题通过对大学生开展就业创业调查问卷,梳理高校大学生就业创业指导体系,参考有关研究成果,在目前国内外对大学生就业创业政策、培训体系、帮扶体系、孵化平台、协调机制研及职业指导体系的基础上,结合山东药品食品职业学院就业创业工作实际,构建立足地方行业企业,结合地方经济发展的大学生一体化、专家化、全程化、信息化的就业创业指导体系。  相似文献   

Innovation has mainly been analysed as a rather narrow phenomenon. This has been an obstacle to a more operationally useful understanding of innovation processes. Two main approaches to explain innovation exist, namely economic innovation theory and the theory of entrepreneurship. Both are criticized in the article, the economic innovation theory for being based on a technological reductionism, the entrepreneurship theory for being based on an individualistic determinism. The two theories have not been coordinated to form a more comprehensive synthesis. The concept of technological paradigm within the economic innovation theory and the concept of entrepreneurial networks within the entrepreneurship theory mark some improvement in establishing a broader understanding of innovation, but have not yet been synthesized. The idea of paradigms is used in the article for a broader, synthesizing conception of innovations as being determined by shifts in strategic paradigms. A theoretical model of factors causing shifts in the strategic paradigm is set up.  相似文献   

As starting and managing a small business means both social and economic risk taking so is building a robust community a social as well as an economic endeavour. Such a community is a most vital context for entrepreneurship. If located in a remote area and if the environment is hostile cooperation is stimulated between firms and other community groups. Their success is especially ascribed to qualified community entrepreneurship, i.e. personal and innovative ways of building support for local autonomous entrepreneurs. An integrative approach to local economic development is illustrated by two successful, albeit contrasting, Swedish cases.

The cases are reviewed with the help of a conceptual framework that particularly points out the importance of local and global networking in both community and autonomous entrepreneurship. In a mixed economy such networks must be carefully managed and encompass linkages on, beside the market, institutional and political arenas. The very role of the community entrepreneur is to bridge these different settings through alert leadership, if required organized as a team.  相似文献   

根据物流系统工程课程在物流管理专业人才培养中的地位,从物流系统工程课程的教学目标出发,结合学生之学习特点和教师之教学实践,分析多元化教学方式方法在物流系统工程课程中的应用,主要探索调查法、实验法、实地法、模拟法4种教学方式方法,结合实验室实验、课程实习、物流设计大赛、创新创业训练、科研提升项目等开展教学活动,完善人才培养。  相似文献   


The paper empirically examines the effect of economic freedom on the average prevalence of formal and informal entrepreneurship. Whereas the formal entrepreneurship and economic freedom nexus has been studied, the influence of economic freedom on informal entrepreneurship is less forthcoming. The results, based on cross-country data and after accounting for possible reverse causality, show that economic freedom promotes formal entrepreneurship and inhibits informal entrepreneurship. Furthermore, the return from economic freedom is greatest in countries with a relatively higher prevalence of formal and informal entrepreneurship.  相似文献   


To advance understanding of informal sector entrepreneurship, the aim of this paper is to evaluate and explain the cross-country variations in the prevalence of informal sector competitors. To do so, World Bank Enterprise Survey (WBES) data is reported from 142 countries. This reveals that 27% of formal enterprises view competition from the informal sector as a major constraint on their operations, although this varies from 72% of formal enterprises in Chad to no formal enterprises in El Salvador. To explain these cross-country variations, four competing theories are evaluated which variously view informal sector entrepreneurship and enterprise to be more prevalent when there is either: economic under-development (modernisation theory); high taxes and state over-interference (neo-liberal theory); too little state intervention (political economy theory), or an asymmetry between the laws and regulations of formal institutions and the unwritten socially shared rules of informal institutions (institutional theory). A multilevel probit regression analysis confirms the modernisation and institutional theories, but not the neo-liberal and political theories. Beyond economic under-development, therefore, it is not too much or too little state intervention that is associated with the prevalence of informal sector competition but rather, whether the laws and regulations developed by governments are in symmetry with the norms, values and beliefs of entrepreneurs. The paper concludes by discussing the theoretical and policy implications of these findings.


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