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钱宗鑫  王芳  孙挺 《金融研究》2021,489(3):58-76
本文利用2004-2016年的季度数据构建金融周期综合指数,用以描述金融市场景气程度;使用SV-TVP-VAR模型,围绕金融周期对我国房地产价格的影响进行实证研究。结果表明,金融周期对房地产价格的影响具有明显的时变性特征:2008年以前金融市场繁荣对房价有稳定推升作用,2008年后该影响持续弱化;与之类似,实体经济对房价的影响同样自2008年起逐渐减小。这意味着,在经济增长方式转变和经济结构调整的过程中,我国房地产价格对经济金融冲击的敏感度已经大幅下降,金融扩张可能难以再通过房地产市场有效带动实体经济的繁荣,相反,其反而可能导致银行贷款不良率的攀升,在金融系统内积累系统性风险。我国针对房地产的宏观调控政策不仅对控制贷款不良率的提高体现出积极作用,而且自2008年国际金融危机以来,产出及房价的随机波动率均呈显著下降趋势,风险得到有效控制。未来应更加重视房地产市场调控在宏观审慎政策框架中的重要地位,遏制房地产金融化泡沫化势头,防范房地产市场引发金融危机。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to quantify the property-value impacts of a change in environmental quality by using the hedonic price model. In particular, we focus on the impact of the presence of landfills on nearby residential real estate prices. We combine elements of an urban location choice and hedonic pricing model to estimate the effects of the presence of multiple environmental disamenities on residential real estate prices. We explicitly account for temporal effects by including housing transactions in areas with both open and closed landfills and control for information effects. In addition, we treat property taxes and prices as being simultaneously determined. Our analysis suggests that closing landfills will not necessarily mitigate property-value impacts.  相似文献   

Shiller (1993) proposes the hedonic repeated-measures (HRM) approach to measuring constant quality price indices for heterogeneous assets such as some bonds and real estate. We derive a mathematical relationship between the coefficients of the HRM model and those from the standard repeat-sales model, and we demonstrate how hedonic characteristics should be chosen for inclusion in the HRM model. Empirical estimates using Fairfax, Virginia, housing transactions data show that the HRM price index evaluated at the mean of the hedonic variable is virtually identical to the standard repeat sales index, just as predicted by our mathematical relationship. But the HRM allows estimation of different price paths for heterogeneous assets. We demonstrate that use of assessed value as the only hedonic characteristic allows parsimonious HRM estimates.  相似文献   

Several repeat-sales models have been advanced over the years for estimating real estate price indices. This article proposes a general model which incorporates earlier works as special cases and compares the alternative repeat-sales models using posterior odds ratios as criteria. While the existing literature estimates the real estate indices from the sampling point of view, in this article indices are constructed and then compared using a Bayesian approach. In general, the two-error term models outperform the one-error models. The model with a nontemporal component proposed by Goetzmann and Spiegel is found to be superior in three out of four cities. There is a significant discrepancy among the returns and indices obtained from different models.  相似文献   

This article examines a number of hypotheses that underpin the repeat-sales and hedonic approaches to the construction of housing price indices, as well as the practical problems associated with the implementation of either approach. We also examine a hybrid procedure that combines elements of both the repeat-sales and hedonic-regression techniques. For our sample of individual home sales in Oakland and Fremont California over an 18-year period, repeat-sales methods are subject to sample selection bias; the maintained assumption of time constancy of implicit prices of housing attributes is violated; the repeat-sales estimator is extremely sensitive to influential observations; and the usual method used to correct for heteroskedasticity in repeat-sale housing returns is inappropriate in our sample. Hedonic techniques are better suited to contend with index number problems per se, as they can accommodate changing attribute prices over time. They also appear to give rise to more reliable estimates of price indices, as unusual observations have less effect on estimated price indices. Drawbacks of the hedonic approach include the usual concern with omitted attributes, and their effect on the estimated price index.  相似文献   

The effect of real rates of interest on housing prices   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
During the late 1970s, U.S. house prices were appreciating rapidly even though mortgage interest rates were climbing. Recently, interest rates have eased but prices have moderated. This study examines the role of appreciation expectations in overcoming the negative effects of nominal mortgage interest rates on house prices. Expectations of future appreciation are important determinants of house sales prices, remaining influential during periods of declining and moderating real prices, not just when prices are rising. The real rate of interest, as viewed by the homebuyer, is the mechanism for affecting change in housing price levels. Because the nominal interest rate is slow to reflect changes in expectations, these real rates vary over time. This ebb and flow of real interest rates appears to explain market price levels. Nominal rates play a role as well, primarily in the formation of appreciation expectations.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of age on the sale prices of hotel real estate. Value erosion of commercial property due to the passage of time may be offset by renovation, although substantial follow-on investment usually occurs several years following construction. Obsolescence produces value losses during the post-construction period prior to new investment that result from technological change (Colwell & Ramsland, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 8(1), 47–63, 2003). A hedonic model is specified to allow age to measure the effects of obsolescence in hotel prices. Although the long-run obsolescence rate for hotel properties of 1.93%/year aligns closely with the rate estimated elsewhere for retail properties, the path of obsolescence through time shows some marked departures. Contrary to the theory and the empirical results from the retail real estate market, hotel prices do not reveal much more obsolescence in the years immediately following construction than later. Also, the age and sale price relation turns positive nearing the third decade of the lives of hotels indicating a vintage effect. Thus, a V-shaped obsolescence function emerges that either may be explained by a fixed-cost renovation expenditure function or a vintage effect produced by the demand for surviving assets. A series of tests of hotel brand-specific obsolescence rates reveals considerable variation in these rates among seasoned properties, perhaps an indication of a convex renovation expenditure function and sequential follow-on investment.  相似文献   

This paper provides strong evidence for a positive feedback loop between property prices and mortgage supply, using data from the U.S. commercial property and mortgage markets over the 1991 to 2011 period. The empirical analyses control for the endogeneity of property prices, mortgage flows, mortgage interest rates, and loan to value ratios, and provide two main findings. First, exogenous increases in mortgage supply, measured with the growth of the CMBS market, significantly reduce property cap rates. Second, volatility of past price changes and the “biggest loss” in property values in the past significantly affect mortgage supply. This positive feedback loop may be an important driving force for real estate cycles.  相似文献   

Aggregation Bias in Repeat-Sales Indices   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The repeat-sales methodology has become a standard approach for estimating real estate price indices. This article examines the underlying assumptions inherent in the repeat sales model and provides an empirical test for both included and omitted variables as sources of aggregation bias. The results indicate that virtually all price indices may be biased, the degree of bias being dependent upon the number of variables examined and the instability of their parameters over time.  相似文献   

李伦一  张翔 《金融研究》2019,474(12):169-186
本文使用对数周期性幂律(Log Period Power Law, LPPL)模型对房地产市场价格泡沫进行测度,运用空间计量模型对我国房地产市场价格泡沫和空间传染效应进行研究。LPPL模型认为由价格泡沫产生并最终破裂的金融市场与地震系统具有很多相似之处,即金融资产的价格呈周期性变化规律,价格持续上涨到临界状态直至反转。本文采用2010年6月至2017年11月间我国100个城市的房地产市场数据对各城市房地产价格泡沫进行测度和物理/经济空间传染效应研究。研究发现,LPPL模型能够对我国100个城市房地产价格泡沫进行甄别且主要存在两种泡沫状态:正向泡沫(房价持续上升)和反转泡沫(房价整体下降却存在反转点)。各个城市(地区)房地产价格具有较强的空间传染性;存在正向泡沫区域的空间传染性相较反转泡沫区域更为明显,在考虑经济空间测度而不是物理空间测度的情况下,各城市间的空间传染性更强。与现有文献不同,我们发现反转泡沫区域的新房价格指数特别是二手房价格指数的上升对周边城市的房地产价格指数存在强烈的正向推高影响。最后,本文发现城市的房地产调控政策在一定程度上抑制了房价传统影响(比如信贷、新房、二手房价等)因素的推高影响,但各城市房地产价格之间的联动变化特征应该引起监管部门的注意。  相似文献   

廖慧  张敏 《投资研究》2012,(7):108-117
近年来,我国人民币汇率形成机制、股票市场和房地产市场发生了巨大变化,人民币汇率和股价、房价之间的信息传导和波动关联备受瞩目。本文采用VAR-MGARCH-BEKK模型,分析了我国人民币汇率、股价和房价之间的联动关系。研究结果表明,从波动的溢出效应来看,人民币汇率的波动率、股票价格的增长率和房地产价格的增长率之间存在非常明显的波动溢出效应;从资产价格的水平影响来看,人民币汇率与股票价格、房地产价格等国内资产价格的水平相关性较弱,而股票价格对房地产价格的影响较明显,并就该结论提出了相关的理论解释和政策建议。  相似文献   

All real estate markets are local, or so the conventional wisdom goes. But just how local is local? I address this question empirically using over 75,000 repeat-sales transactions from a large suburban county of Washington D.C.. I construct and evaluate a variety of local home price indices defined by geography, price, and home type. I also calculate ??house-specific?? indices using locally weighted regressions with maximized kernel bandwidths. On the whole, local indices add a moderate amount of explanatory power relative to metropolitan indices. In my sample, the metropolitan index explains 50?C75% of the variation in home price shocks, and local indices add 3?C7% more. In an index hedging framework, homeowners should be willing to pay 5?C10% to hedge with a local index versus a metropolitan index alone.  相似文献   

完善住房市场体系是国民经济中的重要议题,限购政策作为政府稳定和调节房地产市场的主要手段,对房地产企业以及住房市场体系建设均有重要影响。本文利用上市房地产企业2008—2013年以及2015—2019年的相关数据,通过构建强度双重差分模型实证分析了两轮限购对上市房地产企业价值的影响及其作用路径。实证结果表明:第一,两轮限购政策均显著降低了上市房地产企业市场价值,当企业在限购城市销售占比越大时,价值下降幅度越大;第二,从企业经营绩效来看,两轮限购对其实际盈利和营运能力并未产生显著影响,第一轮提高了企业偿债的经营风险,而第二轮只是影响了企业的资产增长能力;第三,两轮限购对房地产市场产生异质性影响,第一轮并未显著影响房价上涨,而第二轮则显著遏制了房价上涨;第四,从股票市场看,第一轮限购主要是通过企业经营风险影响投资者预期,而第二轮限购则是通过影响房价来改变投资者预期,这进一步凸显了“房住不炒”的政策作用。本文的研究意义主要体现在制定与推进政策时应关注预期的作用,这对于当前“房住不炒”政策的长期实施及其政策效果的长期稳定都具有一定启示。  相似文献   

Spatial dependence is often seen as a problem in econometrics rather than in economics. This study seeks to find an economic explanation for spatially correlated real estate prices. We posit spatial dependence as a process to discover price information from neighboring property transactions. Weaker spatial dependence is expected when price information in the immediate vicinity of a subject property is abundant. In the context of apartment buildings, in addition to the more commonly known horizontal dependence, there is also spatial dependence in the vertical dimension within the same building. Based on more than 18,000 transactions of highly homogeneous apartment units in Hong Kong, we found that the trading volume of a building depresses horizontal spatial dependence, but raises vertical spatial dependence. This not only confirmed the role of trading volume in the real estate price discovery process, but also questioned the validity of constant spatial autocorrelation assumption adopted in many studies.  相似文献   

Real estate prices can deviate from their fundamental value due to rigid supply, heterogeneity in quality, and various market imperfections, which have two contrasting effects on bank stability. Higher prices increase the value of collateral and net wealth of borrowers and thus reduce the likelihood of credit defaults. In contrast, persistent deviations from fundamentals may foster the adverse selection of increasingly risky creditors by banks seeking to expand their loan portfolios, which increases bank distress probabilities. We test these hypotheses using unique data on real estate markets and banks in Germany. House price deviations contribute to bank instability, but nominal house price developments do not. This finding corroborates the importance of deviations from the fundamental value of real estate, rather than just price levels or changes alone, when assessing bank stability.  相似文献   

房价波动对消费支出影响的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
房地产资产是我国居民最重要的资产财富,房价波动通过财富效应影响居民消费支出行为.对全国和特定地区的数据进行稳定性检验、因果关系检验和加入房价变量的消费函数模型实证检验的基础上发现,房价上涨对我国居民消费支出有显著的抑制作用,房价波动的财富效应在不同地区之间存在很大的差异,不同类型商品房屋的财富效应是不同的,财富效应分析可作为考量房地产市场需求结构和价格合理性的一个测度.  相似文献   

We examine and test the merits of diversifying portfolios of real estate securities internationally and across property types. Our analysis covers the period January 1990 through July 2005. Using data from the Global Property Research GPR 250 Property Securities Index, which has monthly prices for five property type indexes in 21 countries, we decompose country and property type sources of variation in real estate security returns. We find that property type effects are smaller than country effects. Property type specialization explains only 6% of the variance of national real estate securities index returns. Because property type effects are so small, country diversification is a more effective tool for achieving risk reduction than property type diversification. In addition, we find evidence that the relative importance of country effects is decreasing while that of industry effects is increasing. However, country effects continue to dominate property type effects.  相似文献   

Since real estate is heterogeneous and not all its quality attributes are observable, the repeat sales model pioneered by Bailey et al. (1963) has become one of the standard methods to estimate a constant-quality price index. The model, however, fails to adjust for depreciation, as age and time between sales have an exact linear relationship. This paper proposes a new method to estimate an age-adjusted repeat sales index by decomposing property value into land and structure components. As depreciation is more relevant to the structure than land, the property’s depreciation rate should depend on the relative size of land and structure. The larger the land component, the lower the depreciation rate of the property. This new method is applied to property transactions in Hong Kong and Tokyo. Hong Kong is shown to have a higher depreciation rate based on a fixed structure-to-property value ratio, while the resulting age adjustment is larger in Tokyo because its land value has shrunken over time.  相似文献   

近些年,房价问题引起社会普遍关注。本文通过建立面板数据模型,研究了不同地区的房地产税收对房价的影响。研究表明房地产税收对房价有影响,但各个税种在不同地区的影响效果和贡献度不同。因此,差别化房地产税收制度结构是当前房地产市场调控的关键。  相似文献   

基于1999~2011年的季度数据,运用考虑外生政策变量的多变量SVAR模型检验我国房地产价格与通货膨胀之间的关联及其影响因素,研究表明:我国房地产价格与通货膨胀之间存在关联关系,并且受到流动性水平、工业产业产能、利率、市场预期、工资水平、调控政策等因素的共同影响,其中货币因素是主要因素之一,而宏观调控政策对房价的作用最初则表现出紧缩失灵、扩张有效的态势,特别是对房价的调控,存在较长时滞,因此,必须坚持调控政策不动摇。  相似文献   

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