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正3月15日是国际消费者权益日,这期间,食品安全是媒体每年报道必不可少的新闻话题。食品安全与人们生命健康有着密不可分的联系,与每个人的切身利益息息相关。"方便面荧光剂"、"勾兑葡萄酒"、"毒大米"、"注水猪肉"、"毒奶粉"等食品安全事件让消费者心有余悸。食品安全成了人们茶余饭后的谈资。我们希望国人"横扫"海外奶粉货架,以及广州人买酱油都要到香港的现象不复存在,相关部门和食品标杆企业努力为大家营造一个安全、健康的食品消费环境。  相似文献   

沟通、引导、关爱、激励的作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
运用沟通、引导、关爱、激励的方法,让思想政治工作落到实处,生根开花,是企业全面协调持续发展的需要.只有常抓不懈,才能润物无声。  相似文献   

六、病退国家劳动总局、国家人事局、卫生部、中华全国总工会曾以劳总险字[79]37号、[80]13号、[81]52号关于患有二、三期矽肺病或者一期矽肺病合并活动性肺结核病的,可以按照国发[1978]104号文颁发的《国务院关于工人退休,退职的暂行办法》第三条的规定办理。在这先后各省、市为全面执行暂行办法,都制订或修订了鉴定标准,各地均都正确执行国发[1978]104号《国务院关于安置老弱病残干部的暂行办法》和《国务院关于  相似文献   

王起 《企业技术开发》2015,(4):80-81,96
人、机、料、法、环五大因素在企业管理中不可或缺。在现代企业管理中,为了探究和挖掘其根本原因,项目小组会同相关部门人员从人、机、料、法、环五个方面分析原因,找出每个方面的主要原因之后,就几个主要原因通过小组人员投票找出2~3个关键原因,通常我们称之为根原因。找对根原因后,小组需要通过头脑风暴找出对策和实施方案,方案实施后,需要通过验证,以确认问题是否得以根本解决,这就是简单而富有实效的鱼骨图分析问题法。文章着重剖析在现代企业中的人、机、料、法、环五大因素,从其要素组成和对企业的影响逐一阐述,希望对企业管理者有所裨益。  相似文献   

近年来,随着干部队伍年轻化、知识化进程的加快,越来越多年富力强的中青年干部走上各级领导岗位,这是党的事业兴旺发达、后继有人的标志。但是,同样要看到,我们的不少中青年干部缺乏理想信念、党性修养的系统教育和锤炼,包括缺乏严格的党内生活锻炼和重大政治风浪考验、缺乏改革开放和市场经济条件下对腐朽思想和错误思潮的鉴别力与免疫力。因此,这就要求年轻干部必须加强党性锻炼,始终保持清醒头脑,坚持从我做起、从现在做起、从小事做起,做学用相长的表率、求真务实的表率、艰苦奋斗的表率、廉洁奉公的表率、发扬民主的表率、修身立德的表率,真正做到自重的准则、自省的镜子、自警的标尺、自励的目标,始终保持共产党员的政治本色。  相似文献   

1.防范盗窃(1)家庭防盗*家里的门、窗、排气口、空调口要经常检查,门、窗损坏要及时更换,出入家门随手关锁门窗,门锁损坏或钥匙遗失要及时更换。门框应坚固,门缝应密封,固定锁体锁扣部位的门体、门框应牢固、结实。*家中不要存放大量现金。存折、银行卡不要与身份证、户口簿放在一起。*钥匙要随身携带,不要乱扔乱放。  相似文献   

我曾在一个企业家的会议上,用《一、二、三、四、五》为题作了一次演讲。 “一”说的是企业要生产“一流产品”。在非物质生产部门,那就要有“一”流服务、“一”流微笑。我认为对一个企业来说这是最为重要、最为根本的。企业内部也要有“一”流管理和“一”流经营。  相似文献   

一、国务院办公厅通知要求加强普通高等学校毕业生就业工作2009年1月19日,国务院办公厅下发《关于加强普通高等学校毕业生就业工作的通知》(国办发〔2009〕3号),要求各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府、国务院各部委、各直属机构进一步加强高校毕业生就业工作,通知要求:  相似文献   

酱腌菜是指以新鲜蔬菜为主要原料,经淘洗、腌制、脱盐、切分、调昧、分装、密封、杀菌等工序,采用不同腌渍工艺制作而成的各种蔬菜制品的总称。  相似文献   

文章通过ICP-AES法对煤灰成分中Pb、Cu、Zn、Mg、Cr元素进行测定,选择了合适的仪器工作条件及分析谱线;采用HCl-HNO3-HF-HClO4溶样方法,研究了方法的熔剂、溶剂酸度、及试样回收率等,测定结果具有较高的准确性和精密性。  相似文献   

Workfare programs are state-instituted programs that require able-bodied persons with children of school age who wish to claim welfare payments to participate in job training programs, and, eventually, to enter the work force. The philosophy of workfare is based on the value of work and the goal of self-determination. However, as a mandatory program for welfare recipients, workfare requires of those recipients certain duties which, according to those who challenge workfare, interfere with the freedom to choose what one will do with one's life. Whether some form of workfare will be adopted as part of our national welfare system remains to be seen. What the debate about such a program suggests is that welfare, in itself, by ignoring the necessity of security and education for full human agency, neither satisfies basic needs nor prepares its recipients for any life other than that of dependency. With all its difficulties workfare nevertheless presents an alternative to welfare that, at least in theory, more closely identifies its purpose with the values of our society.  相似文献   

In this paper we argue that the impact of external scale economies and diseconomies on city size is not nearly as clear-cut as it is tacitly believed in urban economics. Similarly, city-size distortions are not caused by externalities alone. Indivisibility and nonreplicability, which prevent establishing the “right” number of cities, may represent a source for city-size distortions which can be stronger than the standard resource misallocation resulting from external scale economies and diseconomies. It follows that a direct population dispersion policy is not just an inferior substitute to Pigouvian taxes and subsidies but rather a useful complement.  相似文献   

Using an expanding-variety endogenous growth model with purposive human capital accumulation, this paper provides an alternative explanation of why we may observe an ambiguous correlation between product market competition (PMC) and economic growth, and between population and economic growth rates. Our explanation is based on the notion of ‘returns to specialization’. Under the model's assumptions, PMC and economic growth are ambiguously correlated when returns to specialization are decreasing, whereas population growth and productivity growth are ambiguously correlated when returns to specialization are increasing. From a theoretical point of view, these results are explained by the presence or absence of an ‘increasing production-complexity’ effect associated to the use of a larger number of intermediate-input varieties in the same production process.  相似文献   

This article sketches the theory of debt finance and cites historical evidence on the sustainability of debt. If it is accepted that the future should under the current circumstances of COVID‐19 help to alleviate the problems of the present, then debt finance is in principle appropriate. It need not lead to an explosive rise in the debt‐to‐GNP ratio. British history shows that the theory can work in practice. A satisfactory outcome, however, depends on government being reliable, honest, and competent. Trust is easily lost and hard to restore.  相似文献   

Most firms issue financial assets such as debt or equity (e.g. bonds or stock) to outside investors. While these financial assets differ greatly in their characteristics, their diversity has received little attention in the literature. Filling this important gap in the literature, this paper views debt and equity as financial contracts, and asks why they are optimal instead of other financial contracts. By endogenizing the bankruptcy process, this paper shows how debt and equity arise as a consequence of an optimal allocation of cash-flow rights and monitoring rights, and how equity leads to dividend signaling.  相似文献   

We analyze two firms’ choice between merging, allying, and trading assets. We consider a setting in which firms have assets, skills, and core capabilities; skills are the component of organizational capital that increases in the course of joint operations, core capabilities the component that does not. We find that the two firms trade assets for them to operate separately in case the two firms have high initial skills; the two firms merge in case they have similar core capabilities; they ally where there is little equilibrium double moral hazard. We compare the times to dissolution in the alliance with those to divesture or post-merger integration in the merger; for all but the last jointly operated asset, we find that joint operations cease earlier in the alliance than in the merger.  相似文献   

This note continues the discussion about the well-known mean-median-mode inequality (Runnenburg , 1978, van Zwet , 1979, and Dharmadhikari and Joag-dev , 1983). A discrete analogue of this inequality is proved under similar conditions as those used for the classical Khinchin unimodality on R .  相似文献   

A bstract . "Structuralism" and "functionalism" facilitate an analysis of the evolution oi economic thought as a series of cultural, institutional , and socioeconomic challenges and responses. The methodologies of "structuralism" and "functionalism," like Hegelian dialectics, 1 to which they are closely related, do not consider thought systems or socioeconomic systems in terms of fixed and stable relationships but in the light of dynamic processes of change. They emphasize communication, feedback , and continuity. The aim of these methodologies is to facilitate the analyses of changes in interrelationships which constitute the processes of evolution. The economist is concerned with the theoretical analysis of socioeconomic processes. His task can be facilitated by describing and analyzing structural-functional relationships of the economy and its parts. However, the methodologies of structuralism and functionalism cannot be used to predict theoretical developments. At best they can be utilized to select from some set of possible alternatives.  相似文献   

This paper examines an equilibrium growth model in which production activities generate environmental pollution that has a negative welfare effect and in which individual households' subjective discount rate is a function of individual consumption, which is internal to each household, and of total pollution, which is an external factor to the individual agents. It is shown that there may exist multiple steady states and that the dynamic equilibrium may display indeterminacy, depending on the properties of the discount-rate function, the pollution-capital relationship in production technology, and the pollution-consumption relationship in instantaneous utility. The long-run effects of tighter environmental policy are subsequently examined, and the results are also found to be dependent on the above factors.  相似文献   

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