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产品质量问题之法律研究--附赠商品质量问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、问题的引出引一案例权做本文之序:某生意人李先生到某一大型商场购买手机,在商场里,其看到商家正在对一新款手机做促销活动,促销牌上明确写着:凡购买本款手机者均赠送手机电池一块,数量有限,赠完为止。李先生随即购买了此款手机,并获得了赠送的手机电池一块。商家签发了收款单据并开示了产品质量保证单, 保质期为半年,但商家并未对赠送的手机电池质量作出任何说明。  相似文献   

This paper estimates product quality at the sectoral level using data from a panel of twelve manufacturing sectors in nineteen OECD countries during the years 1995–2006. The author first derives a gravity model from a firm-heterogeneity model of trade, then measures product quality as the residual of the gravity model. In estimating the gravity model, the author employs the two-step procedure of Helpman et al. (Q J Econ 123(2):441–487, 2008) to correct for biases caused by selection in trade and firm heterogeneity. When aggregated into the country level, the used overall quality metrics do not systematically differ from Hallak and Schott’s (Q J Econ 126(1):417–474, 2011). In line with existing literature, sectoral quality estimates are found positively correlated with sectoral unit prices as well as countries’ income per capita. And the quality gap between rich and poor countries is more pronounced in capital- and skill-intensive sectors. In addition, the autor finds beta- and sigma-convergence in sectoral product quality across countries.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper is concerned with the decisions (output decisions and associated sell-or-process-further decisions) that arise with joint products when the technology allows some variability in the product proportions. Previous discussions in the literature have failed to convey the full complexity of this variable proportions case. The deficiency is made good by offering a more detailed general formulation of the problem and by analyzing the properties of the solution, including the implicit joint cost assignments. The formulation includes three joint products, each with an associated intermediate product, three ranges of variability in the product proportions, and demand functions for the final products. An activity model is the main vehicle for the analysis; an alternative model specified in terms of deviational variables is also presented. This is followed by five numerical examples covering boundary and extreme point solutions. The paper ends with a consideration of the modeling complications introduced by constraints on the joint process and by inventories. Résumé. Les auteurs s'intéressent aux décisions (les décisions relatives à la production et les décisions connexes relatives au choix de vendre ou de poursuivre le traitement) que suppose la fabrication de produits liés lorsque la technologie permet une certaine variabilité des proportions de produits. L'on constate à la lecture des publications sur le sujet que l'on n'est pas parvenu à cerner dans toute sa complexité la question des proportions variables. Cette lacune est comblée par la formulation générale plus détaillée du problème et par l'analyse des propriétés de la solution, y compris la répartition des coûts communs implicites. La formulation comporte trois produits liés, chacun ayant un produit intermédiaire connexe, trois intervalles de variabilité dans les proportions de produits, et des fonctions de demande relatives aux produits finis. Un modèle d'activité est le véhicule principal de l'analyse; un modèle de rechange exprimé en termes de variables déviationnelles est également présenté. Suivent cinq exemples numériques couvrant les solutions frontières et les points extrêmes. Les auteurs abordent pour terminer les complications relatives à la modélisation amenées par les contraintes relatives au processus commun et par les stocks.  相似文献   

This paper presents a dynamic model of the firm, where the firm can exert influence on demand by setting the price and by controlling the quality index. Assuming profit maximization, it is shown by means of the Hopf Bifurcation theorem that persistent oscillations of the variables may occur if there is positive growth at the steady state together with a high discount rate. Oscillations may also occur if the influence of an additional unit of the quality index on demand and price is sufficiently large, thus yielding a special version of the product life cycle. A numerical example is used in order to illustrate the results derived in the general framework. Valuable comments from an anonymous referee are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Based on the Statistical Classification of the Digital Economy and Its Core Industries (2021) released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China and the information and communications technology products released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development to construct a digital product catalog manually, this paper analyzes the impact of digital product imports on Chinese firms' export product quality using a combined data set of the Annual Survey of Industrial Production and China Custom Records from 2000 to 2013. The results show that digital product imports have a significant positive effect on a firm's export product quality. To address potential endogeneity, this paper uses a series of instrumental variables (IVs) and constructs a multi-timing difference-in-differences model using the firm's first digital product import as exogenous shock, and finds strong supporting evidence. Digital product imports improve the quality of export products through three mechanisms: technology spillovers, productivity, and information-searching capabilities. Heterogeneity analysis reveals that digital product imports have greater impacts on foreign-owned and capital-intensive firms, and digital intermediate imports play a bigger role than do digital non-intermediate imports. The results of this paper have important implications for developing countries that wish to improve the quality of exports through digital trade.  相似文献   

葛梅 《特区经济》2005,(11):321-322
一、从“阜阳劣质奶粉”事件谈起 阜阳劣质奶粉事件震动了全国,由此也引起人们对假冒伪劣商品的重新关注。本次事件不得不让我们注意到一个新问题:假冒伪劣商品对农村消费群体的危害十分严重。事实上,近些年来,许多地方的农村市场成为假冒伪劣商品的倾销地。这些假冒伪劣商品中相当一部分就是与人们的健康密切相关的食品,甚至是人命关天的药品。而农民则开始成为了假冒伪劣商品的基本消费者和主要的受害者.  相似文献   

樊哲银 《特区经济》2007,221(6):303-304
产品质量低劣使消费者缺乏对国货的认同力,妨碍企业特别是个体户的正常经营,加大消费者的购物成本,降低农民购买力,增强人们的不确定性和消费支出预期,抬升企业生产经营成本,抑制财政政策发挥效益,是制约我国扩大内需的重大因素。应通过充分利用科学技术,实行严格的质量检测标准和产品检验制度,强调职工的敬业精神,认真执行《消费者权益保护法》,提高人们的质量意识等措施,进一步提高产品质量。  相似文献   

苏小惠 《特区经济》2012,(3):302-304
低碳经济作为世界经济发展的新方向,越来越受到人们关注。中国作为目前世界上最大的CDM供应方,碳交易市场潜力巨大。本文通过对于CDM交易中CER产品的价值、价格、风险分析,针对我国碳交易发展,提出加强赤道银行建设、增强产品异质性、提高议价能力、摆脱产业链下游地位、开创衍生品市场等对策,其根本目的是加快研发环保减排技术、提高国民节能环保意识、增强我国在国际市场上的话语权。  相似文献   

A relatively recent development in the intra-industry trade (IIT) literature is the measurement of the simultaneous import and export of quality-differentiated products, commonly known as vertical and horizontal IIT. A recent paper from Azhar and Elliott [Azhar, A. K. M. & Elliott, R. J. R. (2006), On the Measurement of Product Quality in Intra-Industry Trade, Review of World Economics, Vol 142 no 3, pp 476–495] analyses various approaches for disentangling vertical and horizontal IIT and suggests a complementary methodology. To investigate the robustness and sensitivity of the existing approaches we examine data on the nature of trade flows between China and its East Asian neighbours and show that in 2002 China tended to export low quality versions of its manufactured goods to Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines.  相似文献   

Anderton  B 《Oxford economic papers》1999,51(1):152-167
Using the framework of the new trade and endogenous growth theories,this paper finds that factors such as innovation and productquality-proxied by variables such as relative R&D and patentingactivity-help to explain the determination of import volumesfor both Germany and the UK. The econometric work makes an originalcontribution to this area of research by using bilateral importvolume data disaggregated to the four-digit ISIC level.  相似文献   

随着电子信息技术迅猛发展,宽带信号在各种电子信息系统中的应用越来越普遍。目前,常用的宽带信号波达方向估计算法往往需要大量的信号样本数据支持,以达到优良的估计性能。由于实际系统常需要快速响应,无法提供大量样本,现有宽带DOA估计算法在少快拍条件下的估计会出现性能的严重下降现象。文章结合常用宽带DOA估计算法与少快拍DOA估计算法,提出一种基于随机矩阵理论(GMUSIC)的少快拍宽带信号DOA估计算法。新算法对于邻近空间的少快拍宽带相干信号的波达方向估计有很好的效果,仿真结果验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

叶方同 《特区经济》2006,(1):303-304
我国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)几年了,它对我国农产品贸易的影响以其特殊重要性曾引起方方面面的极大关注。因此,我们要熟悉WTO框架体系下的农产品贸易规则,运用其为我国农产品贸易服务,促进我国农产品贸易的发展。  相似文献   

银行理财产品暗藏玄机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘一凡 《新财经》2006,(11):20-21
理财产品并不适合每一个人,不同的年龄、不同收入、不同风险偏好的人群应有各自不同的选择在居民投资渠道依然缺乏的今天,银行理财产品作为商业银行的新型服务业务,推出伊始就受到市场热烈追捧。银行理财产品销售得如火如荼,可投资者真的了解它么?银行理财产品真的能带来比定期存款甚至国债更高的收益么?面对雨后春笋般推出的银行理财产品,投资者该如何选择呢?汇率风险影响外汇产品收益根据投资币种的不同,银行理财产品可以分为人民币理财产品和外汇理财产品,其中,外汇理财产品以美元为主。由于我国银行资金投资渠道少且缺乏相应的金融避险…  相似文献   

唐旭 《中国经贸》2005,(9):i0026-i0027
“共同配送”是一些第三方物流服务商将共享的思想应用于精细服务形式的典型体现,从广度与深度已经超越了整合运输的这种简单形式,不仅可以帮助厂商对市场需求做出快速反应,还可以让厂商有非常的弹性来调控物流成本。  相似文献   

高羽 《特区经济》2012,(9):278-280
目的从北京市老年人保健品服用状况的视角入手,初步了解我国老龄产品产业发展状况。方法本文运用2010年中国城乡老年人口状况追踪调查(北京地区)的数据对老年人关于保健品的服用情况做以分析,从人口学因素、老年人自身状况因素等角度进行交叉分析,旨在从老年人保健品服用状况出发,探析我国老龄产品产业发展的状况。结果北京市老年人的保健品服用率一直较低,对于年龄、地区、教育程度、身份、经济状况、慢性病、自评健康和生活满意度的交叉分析统计学显著。结论在我国,保健食品行业市场潜力巨大,应该了解老年人的选择心理,正确倡导是我国老龄产品产业进一步发展。  相似文献   

万同法 《新财经》2008,(4):82-83
缺陷产品召回制度打破了传统私法的范围,甚至也超越了现代法上单纯“扶弱抑强”的立法思维,而是站在公共利益的高度,对经济社会进行整体调整  相似文献   

We investigate the timing of adoption of product and process innovation using a differential game where firms may invest in both activities. We consider horizontal product innovation that reduces product substitutability, and process innovation that reduces marginal cost. First, we demonstrate that the incentive for cost‐reducing investment is relatively higher than the incentive to increase product differentiation. Second, depending on initial conditions: (i) firms activate both types of investment from the very outset to the steady state; (ii) firms initially invest in only one R&D activity and then reach the steady state either carrying out only this activity or carrying out both; or (iii) firms do not invest at all in either type of innovation. Comparing R&D investments under Cournot and Bertrand behavior shows that quantity competition entails lower R&D incentives than price competition in both directions.  相似文献   

因果关系本就是民法中最为复杂的问题之一,产品责任的因果关系更为复杂。而在我国,由于产品责任问题研究起步较晚,产品责任的因果关系理论还不够成熟,对缺陷与损害之间的因果关系问题理论界尚未进行深入探讨,实务界的有关司法解释更少,同时也是实务界中一个热点难点问题,笔者在  相似文献   

商品创新是企业赖以生存和发展的基础.本文探讨了企业创新的重要性,并详细地介绍、分析了五种较为实用的新产品开发战略.  相似文献   

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