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地质工程一体化是油田公司一项创新的管理工作,完全符合公司一体化发展战略,充分体现了勘探开发增储建产一体化、地质工程一体化、科研生产一体化。通过紧紧围绕增储建产、稳油增气、提质增效的工作,以多学科协同攻关为基础,以工艺技术进步为依托,借助市场化运作机制,实现高效评价、低成本开发。  相似文献   

正建立信息知识共享、学科专业融合、人才交流互动的一体化管理平台,推动勘探工作向后延伸,开发工作提前介入,实现勘探开发有机结合、协同研究、无缝衔接。2017年,胜利油田对科研单位的承包经营政策发生重大变化,取消费用补贴,实行市场化运营、效益化考核。"吃皇粮"的日子一去不复返。油田勘探开发研究院打出一套"破与立"的组合拳,大力推进资源优化战略,取得良好成效。  相似文献   

对于多级管理的国有供电企业来说,如何实现整体效益最优是管理永恒的主题,而一体化管理为实现“1+1>2”的目标提供了契机。在地市公司(本文以浙江绍兴供电公司为例)搭建一体化管理平台,以加强地市、县公司协同化运作,促进相关业务进一步集约融合,通过消化吸收和内部优化,促进合理分工,消除县公司的低效劳动和额外负担,进而拓宽县公司管控的“最后一公里”,全面提高其管理效率、经济效益和服务水平。  相似文献   

采油工程方案设计编制平台软件按照油田开发总体部署及方案编制原则与要求,为完成采油工程方案内容规范化、科学化设计而开发的.平台的设计采用先进的数据库管理、完整的方案设计以及工作流控制技术等关键技术实现,有良好的易维护性、易扩展性、开放性,同时提供方便的数据访问接口,能够灵活地适应协同分析设计决策的需要.  相似文献   

卢宏举 《化工管理》2022,(24):53-56
为适应冀东油田新型采油示范区建设发展需求,实现作业区油水井油气生产物联网系统全覆盖,冀东油田陆上油田作业区第三工区通过物联网建设和规划,实现了作业区生产全过程数字化管理,助推精益生产。文章探索以“数据采集、自动计量和视频监控”为基础,作业区“井场合围、自动计量、视频监控、机动巡护、智慧决策”的扁平管理模式,从而力争达到生产管理精简高效的目的。地面系统优化简化、全面感知、业务一体化、工作协同化、决策智慧化等方面的建设,能够为站场的少人值守和无人值守打下坚实基础,以实现项目区域油气生产“无人值守、重点巡视、全天监控、安全保障、组织运维、层级简化”的管理目标,为实现作业区安全、降本、提质、增效的可持续发展目标和创新发展提供有力支撑。  相似文献   

<正>物资智慧供应链采购协同平台(以下简称“采购协同平台”)始建于2019年,搭建了采购协同平台,通过数据包摆渡的方式实现了型号物资采购工作与供应商线上协同,支撑询报价、中标通知、采购订单通知、下场监制验收通知、发运通知、入库管理、发票管理等业务,反馈使用效果良好。但随着采购量增大、采购协同平台应用的深入,也暴露出供应商档案信息未与上级单位采购平台同步、供应商重复工作导致效率较低等不足。为解决这些问题,提升工作协同效率,本文在前期采购协同平台建设的基础上,  相似文献   

正聚合优势资源实现"编队出海",搭建全产业链一体化平台,推行"四位一体"模式打通价值链,推进职能制度化、业务流程化、工作标准化、管理信息化、创新价值化,电建海投公司不断提升管理水平,持续打造公司"走出去"的核心竞争力。在践行国家"走出去"战略、积极参与"一带一路"建设中,电建海投公司根据海外投资开发的特殊性、系统性和复杂性,不断提升管理水平,通过集成全产业链优势、构建特色经营模式、融合中外多元文化,持续打造公司"走出去"的核心竞争力、价值创造力、发展软实力,实现了以投资为引导,激发全产链一体化优势"走出去"的聚变效应。  相似文献   

基于渤海海域开发特点,以渤海典型在役平台为样本,结合工程设计、开发生产需求,以标准化设计为主要方法,开展海上油气设施定型研究。文章总结出一套适用于渤海油田的组块系列定型方案和导管架系列定型方案,并在“十四五”期间渤海油田平台设计与建造中推广应用,实现了加快勘探开发一体化、提高采办与建造安装效率、提升油气田全生命周期经济效益的显著效果。  相似文献   

创新油田开发管理模式,深化“以人为本”的管理理念,实施油田开发一体化决策、一体化设计、一体化运作和一体化考核;充实、健全组织、信息、技术与矿场管理保障体系;促进油田开发管理各路、各系统的和谐发展。胜利油田运用“油田开发一体化管理”实现了管理方法的转变,取得了较好的经济、社会效益。  相似文献   

江汉油田坪北经理部党工委围绕建设特低渗透油田开发一流企业目标,开展以联系平台抓安全生产、联系平台治雨季水患、联系平台促增产创效、联系平台帮环境美化、联系平台保身心健康为内容的“五联”平台活动,大力加强机关作风建设,不断提高机关服务基层、服务一线的工作水平,有力促进了油田持续有效发展。  相似文献   

为了扩大可接纳建模数据范围,降低投标方的准入门槛,提高项目数字化交付可行性,以某公司数字工厂示范项目为研究对象,积极探索数字化交付模型数据的整合路径。在归纳整理项目涉及的模型数据类型的整合要素、关键节点及主要工具的基础上,制定了整合实施路径中的优化方向和步骤,并根据典型问题针对性地提出了改进优化方案。结果表明:1)实现了PDMS,Revit, SolidWorks, CADWorx, 3DS MAX等近10款主流软件在AVEVA AIM平台的整合,为项目的数字化交付工作打下了基础;2)实施整合后,项目模型数据完整度由70%提升至95%以上,减少大量供应商及部分设计单位进行PDMS翻模的工作,有效提升了总体院的数字化交付水平和平台兼容能力;3)精准运用各类插件和接口、灵活使用二、三维转换工具等措施,可以有效解决大量问题、提高整合效率。研究结果可为数字化交付的模型数据整合优化提供解决方案及思路,并为数字化交付及智能工厂的建设工作提供技术支持。  相似文献   

A review of extant literature reveals various theories on innovation, including technology push, market pull, and an organizational approach. All of these theories have been criticized for their lack of integration and inapplicability to today's competitive environment. An integrated view of innovation has emerged that synthesizes the variables in previous approaches. However, the application of this view has been restricted to investigating the innovation processes within the computer and manufacturing industries, whereas the biotechnology industry has been ignored. This is despite biotech managers' well‐acknowledged thirst for innovation and the ability of biotech to shape the way we live. The present article contributes to the literature by applying an integrated approach to the biotech industry, thereby extending understanding of innovation management beyond the traditional field of inquiry. An integrated approach is of particular relevance to biotech companies, given the complexities of managing the industry's long development cycle and intense collaborative activities. In‐depth interviews with eight organizations in Maryland formed the basis for an investigation into the challenges of managing the innovation process in biotechnology firms. The findings revealed that biotech entrepreneurs are ill prepared to lead their organizations through several transformations necessary along the product life cycle because of their fixation on a technology‐push approach and lack of an understanding of integrated innovation. These leaders also lack the commercialization knowledge necessary to push products to markets, resulting in avoidable delays and loss of productivity. The existing research has dispelled myths associated with biotech. Specifically, it suggests biotech entrepreneurs cannot rely solely on inventions but must invest in a timely application of knowledge to organizational and market forces to take full advantage of the innovation potential associated with the industry. This article presents a conceptual framework for applying the integrated innovation model to biotech firms and makes the case for incorporating market‐oriented mechanisms, building and using appropriate organizational capabilities, developing effective collaborations, and creating parallel interactions as major elements in a general strategy toward the success and improved efficiency of biotech companies. The limitations of current research are discussed, and avenues are highlighted for much‐needed future research into the biotech industry.  相似文献   

The partner selection process in the formation stages of collaborative new product development (NPD) is a neglected topic. The present study investigated the partner selection processes to ascertain the potential of creating competitively advantageous products through collaboration. The goal was to develop a process theory of partner selection for collaborative NPD alliances using a theory development approach. The literatures on NPD, interfirm knowledge transfer and generation, and interorganizational relationships were tapped. These literatures motivated the approach and the research questions. Parallel with the analysis of the literature, a series of case study interviews were conducted with managers currently in collaborative dyads. Managers' inputs were used (1) to guide the theory development process and (2) to validate the relevance of the literature-based assertions. The method of narrative analysis for building theory from case studies was adopted: Multiple indicators were collapsed into single constructs, and recurring sequences or divergences were analyzed. This resulted in the unveiling of phases in the partner selection process. The study's findings suggest that technological alignment of the partners triggered the partner-evaluation process. This phase was followed, in order, by the strategic alignment and relational alignment phases. These later phases were as important as the initial phase in ensuring the transfer and integration of critical know-how and in creating product value through collaboration. In addition to clarifying the definition of codevelopment alliances, this study reveals a comprehensive theoretical model of the technological, strategic, and relational aspects of partner selection in codevelopment alliances, as well as the order in which these aspects are practiced.  相似文献   

为了解决城市峡谷、信号干扰等挑战场景下,GNSS信号短暂丢失带来的定位中断问题,保证导航服务的持续性及可靠性,设计了基于GNSS/INS/LiDAR的松组合方案。首先在GNSS信号可见的情况下,以GNSS/INS组合系统的定位、定姿结果为主作为导航服务的数据参考,其次在GNSS拒止环境下,在GNSS/INS提供的定位、定姿结果基础上,采用基于LOAM算法的LiDAR里程计接替GNSS接收机系统,通过LiDAR/INS组合方式提供定位、定姿估计,保证挑战环境下的持续性定位服务,最后在实验小车平台上完成了算法验证。实验结果表明,在GNSS挑战环境下,LiDAR系统可以在短时间段内(35 s,20 m距离)保证分米级精度的续航能力。所设计的GNSS/INS/LiDAR的松组合方案可以应用在GNSS挑战环境下的导航服务中,以保证导航的持续精度能力。  相似文献   

We study how vertical integration in a media market affects investments in premium content. We show that a content provider provides the premium content exclusively to a platform, regardless of the vertical structure of the industry. However, a vertically integrated content provider has lower incentives to invest in quality than an independent one. With asymmetric platforms, the platform with a competitive advantage in the advertising market obtains the exclusive content, and the content provider invests even less when it is integrated with it. We show that the content provider prefers to merge with the platform with a competitive advantage in the advertising market. Vertical integration reduces both consumer and total surplus. Our results suggest that authorities should carefully assess the effects of vertical mergers on the incentives to invest in content quality, incorporating non-price measures in merger analysis. An intervention at the distribution stage that enforces non-exclusive provision reduces quality and may have adverse effects on consumer and total surplus.  相似文献   

作为一个工业化任务尚未完成,又面临着实现信息化艰巨任务的发展中国家,大力推进两化融合,是中国释放各种发展活力、建设中国特色社会主义强国的必然选择。促进两化融合不仅需要在发展信息化的生产装备、核心技术和产业上下"硬功夫",更需要在信息化浪潮所带来的管理革命上下"软功夫"。在阐述协同管理内涵及效应的基础上,剖析两化融合过程中的"孤岛"现象,提出借助协同管理理念,加速两化融合进程的具体路径,促进我国工业由"大"变"强"。  相似文献   

As the pace and breadth of technological progress increases around the world, companies both large and small are forming international collaborative arrangements as the basis for developing competitive advantage from technology. Management of these arrangements requires the creation and maintenance of a wide variety of strategic and operational interdependencies within and between companies. The paper introduces a method for developing a representation leading to a system level understanding of the coordination structure of international collaborative arrangements. The method is based on recent advances in coordination theory and object oriented domain analysis. We apply the method to represent four international collaborative arrangements. The representations that result are then used as data to identify five basic modules of the coordination structure of international collaborative arrangements: strategic management, intra-firm management, joint management, technology exchange and customer interaction. The proposed method leads to increased organizational learning of the goal oriented coordination processes for which managers are responsible when establishing international collaborative technology arrangements.  相似文献   

介绍了2012 API石油行业大会及展览会概况和会议主要内容,对API标准的发展现状和我国石油管标准与API标准的关系进行了分析,指出在采用API标准的基础上,制定非API标准和补充技术条件的必要性及将我国科研及标准化成果推向国际的意义。  相似文献   

New product development (NPD) is often subject to internal and external disruptions due to the complicated nature of the development process. The advent of product lifecycle management (PLM) systems provides an IT platform to streamline NPD related processes, but the lack of approaches to effective adaptation may conceal the true value of PLM. The conventional wisdom of technology adaptation has focused on the pattern of the adaptation process. However, the collaborative work structure embedded in PLM may trigger organizational change. This study analyzes how a project team successfully adapted a PLM system to quickly create a small and low cost panel product. In light of the strategic choice framework, we suggest an integrated model of organizational change innovation and adaptive structuration theory (AST) to investigate the dynamic aspects of PLM system usage. Driven by management vision and involvement, organizational objectives were achieved through interactions between multilevel users and the modification of system features and process flows. The case study presents techniques for analyzing IT usage behavior which may present significant research opportunities regarding the potential impact of PLM systems might affect the firm's ability to manage its relationships with its partners.  相似文献   

针对现代企业信息资源呈现出的分布、异构和松散耦合的特点,在分析目前工作流技术所存在的不足的基础上,设计了基于SOA架构的工作流管理系统,该系统采取Web Services技术,屏蔽了软件平台之间的差异,使系统具备异构系统之间的集成并适用于企业分布式的异构环境。该系统具有易维护、重用性强等特点,具有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

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