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进入壁垒使得新进入市场的厂商必须承担一些在位厂商并不承担的成本。广告的竞争性使得在位厂商可利用广告形成进入壁垒。这些进入壁垒主要包括产品差异化壁垒、规模经济壁垒和广告“抢先”所形成的进入壁垒。为应对这些进入壁垒,我国企业可采取广告的“确定性指向”策略、人无我有策略和强势品牌策略。  相似文献   

开放条件下中国轿车产业的外资进入与市场结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外资进入提高了国内轿车市场的竞争程度,降低了市场集中度,促进了市场规模的扩张和产品的差异化,同时也降低了产品价格,带来了消费者福利的提高;改善了我国轿车产业的组织结构,很多企业已经达到了工厂最小最优规模经济水平,生产成本大幅下降;外资进入从资本规模、技术、产品差异、规模经济等几个方面提高了国内资本的进入壁垒;政府与跨国公司共同主导的产业发展模式亟待改变.  相似文献   

基于网络外部性的产品差异化与兼容性选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张荣  谭孝权 《技术经济》2009,28(11):22-26
本文研究了网络外部性与转移成本存在下的新进入企业的产品差异化与兼容性选择问题,并考虑了在位企业的兼容性动机。研究结果表明:对于新进入企业而言,只存在两种策略组合,即(最大差异化,不兼容)和(最大差异化,兼容);在位企业是偏好兼容的。  相似文献   

进入壁垒使得新进入市场的厂商必须承担一些在位厂商并不承担的成本。在位厂商有意识地利用低价格、过度生产能力设计、“抢占”手段等战略行为来构筑战略性进入壁垒。应对战略性进入壁垒,我国企业可采取协同竞争策略、产品差别化策略、利用“搭便车”效应和垂直约束策略。  相似文献   

一个行业的竞争力和绩效水平往往要受到行业进入条件和容易程度的影响。对于进入者而言,制约进入的根本技术因素是最低质量标准。在差异化产品市场中,无最低质量标准的限制且进入成本较小时,进入者无论是以高质量进入还是以低质量进入,所获得的利润是一样的,而在内生最低质量标准限制情况下,在位者和进入者达成竞争均衡时的利润有很大的差异,最低质量标准改变了在位者和进入者的质量选择,在位者是高质量产品企业所获得的利润小于在位者是低质量产品企业时所获得的利润,因此,如果在位者能够自由选择质量,在位者有可能选择生产低质量产品,进入者可能选择生产高质量产品,这导致产品市场的竞争不足。在这种情况下,政府应为企业创造开放与竞争的市场环境和政策导向。  相似文献   

不同的产业组织理论学派对进入壁垒的理解不同,理论分歧较大。从定义来看,结构主义学派的基本立足点是相对于行业中的在位厂商来说的,进入者处于劣势的程度,而反应这种程度的则正是进入壁垒的高度或进入壁垒本身。而效率学派与可竞争市场理论的定义主要是以在位厂商与进入厂商问存在需求、成本不对称性为立足点,进入壁垒是指进入厂商必须承担而在位厂商不必承担的成本。  相似文献   

本文以友利控股为案例企业,针对其目前在氨纶产业中既无法获得价格上涨带来的好处.又无法达到同产业内竞争对手利润水平的现状.分析得出其核心原因是产品差异化程度太小,在产品品类和技术含量上都无法获得竞争优势.在类似于氨纶产业这样的中问品产业中,企业如果希望获得长期竞争优势,则需重视推进产品差异化战略,从而获得市场认可,得到稳定的发展.  相似文献   

产品差异化与竞争优势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
技术的扩散使得市场上的同类产品越来越相似,然而市场的激烈竞争却要求企业“与众不同”,能够脱颖而出,便于顾客识别,进而形成企业的优势,为此,竞争们绞尽脑汁使自己在某些方面有别于对手,形成因其自有的特点而备受消费关注和喜爱的特殊属性,因此,产品差异化方法便很自然的成为企业谋求竞争优势的一种战略。  相似文献   

IT产业中不同战略群组之间存在不同的流动壁垒,其中主要是以企业为主体的策略性壁垒。属于不同战略群组的企业会受到不同流动壁垒的保护。微软阵营的流动壁垒是技术积累和知识沉淀的结果,而反微软阵营流动壁垒产生的缘于阵营内公司对微软阵营垄断地位的反抗。战略群组间流动壁垒的高低是导致行业中公司利润差异的重要因素。在应对IT产业战略群组的流动壁垒方面,在位企业需要保护已有的流动壁垒,而潜在进入企业可以通过模仿和改进的方式打破原有的流动壁垒加入竞争行列,或者通过创造新的流动壁垒,赢得市场竞争优势。  相似文献   

规模经济不需要行政性进入壁垒的保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的很多垄断性产业处于市场内生性的结构性进入壁垒和政府设置壁垒的双重保护下。政府设置进入壁垒的原因被认为是保护在位企业的规模经济。本文的分析表明,这类企业的规模本身就构成了进入壁垒,并不需要行政性壁垒的保护。为弱化行政性进入壁垒下企业内生的低效率,有必要放松乃至解除行政性壁垒,但这并不必然导致竞争性低效率。  相似文献   

Abstract.  We show how rebates (or fidelity discounts) that take the form of lump‐sum payments made to retailers can be used by an incumbent manufacturer to achieve exclusivity and to deter the entry of a more efficient rival. The results, which hold whatever the degree of differentiation between retailers and whatever the cost advantage of the entrant, are found, despite minimizing asymmetries that may favour the incumbent. As such, there is no need to introduce buyers' disorganization, discriminatory offers, economies of scale, non‐coincident markets, or liquidated damages to find that exclusivity can lead to anti‐competitive effects. JEL classification: L12, L42  相似文献   

Under uniform pricing a monopolist cannot make a positive profit in equilibrium. I analyze how differential pricing can be exploited by a natural monopolist to deter entry when entry is costless. In a two-stage game with price competition before quantity competition I show that the incumbent firm can deter entry and make a positive profit in equilibrium. The incumbent sets two different prices, the low price to deter entry and the high price to generate profit. Entry is not possible because of scale effects. If dumping is allowed for all firms no positive profits are realizable, but welfare is reduced. I show that for some parameter values the incumbent is forced to engage in a stunt (i.e., set a negative low price) to keep entrants out.  相似文献   

基于产品质量策略性行为的进入壁垒研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从产品纵向差异的角度出发,研究了垄断厂商为构建进入壁垒在选择产品质量方面所采取的策略性行为。通过采用一个扩展式博弈,分析了在位者和潜在进入者的质量选择行为所形成的各种产品质量组合及其支付。研究发现,在位者可以通过一部分研发投资,抢先承诺提供多档次质量的产品,填补消费者的需求空间,减少潜在进入者的期望收益,使其做出不进入的决定。所以,在位者在产品质量方面的策略性行为就构成了进入壁垒。  相似文献   

We consider a model of vertical product differentiation where consumers care about the environmental damage their consumption causes. An environmental group is capable of increasing consumers’ environmental concern via a costly campaign. We show that the prospect of such a campaign can induce entry by a firm that is able to employ a cleaner technology than the one used by the incumbent. We further demonstrate that the subsequent competition can lead to an adverse effect on aggregate pollution, i.e. the decline in average industry pollution per product is offset by the increase in aggregate production.   相似文献   

The paper investigates the effects on competition of the unilateral most-favoured-customer pricing policy. A model is considered in which a multimarket incumbent firm faces a threat of entry in one of its two markets. It is shown that contemporaneous most-favoured-customer clauses may change competition to the advantage of the incumbent both under strategic substitutes and strategic complements. If the duopolistic market is strong, the most-favoured-customer policy makes the incumbent 'tough' and may be used for entry deterrence purposes.  相似文献   

Entry Deterrence in a Unionized Oligopoly   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigate wage determination between an incumbent firm and its labour union under threat from another firm entering its product market. In equilibrium, it may be optimal for a labour union of the incumbent firm to lower its wage demand. This may make it possible for the incumbent firm to maintain a higher employment level, in that the lower wages can help the firm deter the entry of a rival firm. This will yield a higher profit for the incumbent firm and a lower utility level for the labour union compared with those in an equilibrium with no threat of entry.
JEL Classification Numbers: J51, L10  相似文献   

In today’s highly competitive and globalised marketplace, firms need more and more to develop new knowledge and capabilities to leave behind their competitors, thus gaining market share. Knowledge is fundamental for success because a firm that knows more, often develops more sustainable competitive advantage. Networks, like those oriented to New Product Development, seem to be valuable means of learning, as firms could not achieve alone the same results, or at least not as quickly. Through this integrative systematic review, we are interested in understanding whether different New Product Development projects correspond to different New Product Development networks in terms of knowledge exchanged among the partners involved. Our results highlight the presence of four types of New Product Development networks deriving from the combination of the degree of innovation characterising the project and its mode of development. Implications and future research are also proposed.  相似文献   

越来越多的企业利用不断推出新产品获得市场与消费者的青睐,以建立长期竞争优势。企业若能成功推出新产品,除能以独一无二的新产品提高产品与市场的价值之外,更能提升企业整体竞争力。然而,在现今竞争激烈导致产品生命周期急遽缩短的趋势下,使得产品创新在企业日常营运角色中的重要性日渐增加,企业若能掌握产品推出时机,并且藉由创新延长产品生命周期,就有机会维持企业在座业中的领导地位。本研究以3M作为个案研究之对象,探讨渐进式创新、技术突破、市场突破以及激追式创新等四种不同的产品创新类型对组织绩效的影响,期能藉由实际个案与相关数据显示产品创新与组织绩效间之关联性。研究结果显示,无论属于何种产品创新类型,对组织绩效都有正向的影响。若能激发激进式产品创新的产生,更能透过新产品或新技术创造新的产品践,亦能强化组织的竞争优势,成为组织竞争优势的根源。3M超过百年的发展历史以及不断创新的历程与经验,使它成为商业历史发展的裹程碑外,更成为现今各企业的典范与楷模。  相似文献   

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