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The academic literature generally asserts that omnichannel strategies create value throughout the customer journey based on the principle of synergy between channels. However, such strategies may appear complex to customers, notably when they face myriad e-channels that constitute all means of accessing the offer. Specifically, for digital information products, such as those of the press, digitalized content is now consumed through multiple e-channels. Our study aims to investigate the impact of e-channel combinations on the perceived value of a digital information product during the usage phase. We hypothesize that the similarity between the e-channels used by customers has a negative impact on the perceived value model. To test the research hypotheses, we conducted a longitudinal study of the readers of a digital version of an international newspaper. The results demonstrate that the similarity of e-channels impedes value creation. Our findings reintroduce a more ambivalent vision of the omnichannel strategy in a digital environment and provide insights into how managers should support customers by clarifying the usefulness of each e-channel proposed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the evolution and the underlying forces of the business cycle co-movements among seven African (A-7) countries over the period 1970–2016. These countries accounted for over 60% of regional GDP, have abundant natural resources, access to the global capital market and widely viewed as potential drivers of regional (or “African”) business cycle. We model the national business cycle using real output, consumption and investment. We employ a dynamic factor model to decompose fluctuations in these macro-variables into a regional, country-specific and idiosyncratic components using Bayesian methods. We also analyse the relative importance of some notable drivers of business cycle fluctuations found in the literature. We find that the idiosyncratic component is dominating cyclical fluctuations in the A-7 countries, while country-specific and regional factors play a negligible role suggesting the inexistence of a common regional cycle despite deepening intra-African trade. Among the driving variables, the terms-of-trade shocks exert greater influence on the A-7 business cycle, while exchange rate movements and changes in money supply explain sizeable fluctuations in consumption and investment in most of the A-7 countries. Shocks associated with changes in relative domestic oil prices, monetary and fiscal policies cause large output fluctuations.  相似文献   

Analysis of male roles in television advertising is limited. In order to remedy this, our research serves as a catalyst by providing a review of the current literature, conducting a preliminary examination of male roles in television advertising, and discussing ways for this area of research to move forward in the future. Specifically, the study conducted in this paper examines television advertising to provide insight on the depiction of males, the portrayed relations between males and other individuals, and how these depictions may have changed from 2003 to 2008. Male depictions in lead roles are contrasted using 907 primetime commercials from 2003 and 961 commercials from 2008 from the four major US broadcasting networks (ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX). Results suggest that some aspects of male depictions in advertising are counter to, while other aspects are reflective of, the changing gender roles occurring in society.  相似文献   

This study empirically investigates how companies' social contribution affects boycott intention by considering the role of brand strength. We use a dataset from two politically and historically conflicting countries, South Korea and Japan, at two points in time. A structural equation model is employed to test the hypotheses. Our findings reveal the pivotal role of companies’ social contribution in mitigating boycott intention through enhanced brand strength. The results, which are unexpected, show that the direct and negative link of social contribution to boycott intention is stronger for South Korea than for Japan. By elaborating the mediating role of brand strength, this study contributes to the literature by examining the differential impacts of corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices on consumer boycotts in the context of a cross-country difference. Additionally, one managerial implication of this study is that global companies should appropriately respond to public expectations of being socially responsible actors while associating CSR practices with brand strength through creative communications.  相似文献   

Generational theory presumes that generational cohorts develop similar attitudes and beliefs with regard to their market behaviors. This study examined the attitudes and beliefs of the Gen Y members towards mobile Internet service providers (MISPs). Gen Yers have the highest adoption of mobile Internet. They are also the most value-conscious, least satisfied and loyal customers compared with all other generations. This study therefore proposed a research model to elucidate the relationship between perceived value, satisfaction, switching costs (SC), alternative attractiveness (AA) and loyalty, and tested it using empirical data collected from 417 Gen Y mobile Internet subscribers. The results indicated that perceived value significantly influenced the satisfaction of Gen Y customers and, in turn, their loyalty towards MISPs. The results also confirmed the existence of mediators and moderators in the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty. Both SC and AA proved to be partial mediators, whereas AA was a moderator. Further, it was found that the moderating effect of AA on the association between customer satisfaction and loyalty was contingent upon the mediating effect of SC. Finally, the implications of these findings are delineated.  相似文献   

This study empirically investigates the link between global companies' brand strength and consumers' actual purchase behavior by considering online purchasability and the geographical area in the context of boycott campaigns. To test the hypotheses, we employ a hierarchical multiple regression model using online survey data collected from 571 South Korean consumers. Our findings reveal that online purchasability with strong brand strength could be a beneficial strategy for global companies to increase consumers’ actual purchase behavior. Further, non-metropolitan consumers show an increase in actual purchase behavior as compared to metropolitan consumers. This study has implications for global companies to adequately respond to unexpected consumer boycotts.  相似文献   

In addition to being the world's greatest consumer and producer of industrial metals, China now also features the most actively traded industrial metal futures contracts worldwide. To examine China's role in the global price formation process of industrial metal futures markets, we use a sample of 29 futures contracts traded on exchanges in the United States, the United Kingdom, India, and China. We estimate vector autoregressive models and conduct variance decompositions, which are then visualized in the form of networks. The results indicate that China, despite its role as key actor in both real and financial industrial metal markets, is a price taker.  相似文献   

We advance research on the impact of business English as a lingua franca (BELF) on the communication of multinational companies (MNCs). Study 1 helps predict country-level variations of linguistic style in the English language of 2,223 press releases from US, UK, German, and French companies. Press releases are a specific genre of narratives used to engage investors. Study 2 demonstrates in a controlled quasi-experimental setting that adapting linguistic styles alongside well-established frameworks of cultural values can shape investors’ attitudes and intentions. Within-language linguistic style differences in the use of BELF can create barriers to communication fairly overlooked in International Business.  相似文献   

Patients decide on where to consume hospital services in Germany. Thus, the understanding of the exact hospital selection criteria and their weights is important. This research reviews the antecedents of hospital selection utilizing the conjoint methodology with regard to six questions. (1) Which are the relevant choice criteria, and (2) what are their weights? (3) Which criteria receive an increased importance in the absence of experience? (4) Do differences between compulsory and privately insured patients, (5) between hospitals with regard to their size, and (6) between female and male patients exist? The relevance and importance of nine pre-selected criteria are determined through two conjoint analyses. Experience is found to be most important followed by referral by general practitioner, certified quality management system, positive press coverage, recommendation by relatives and acquaintances and distance to the hospital. Reception area design and the personnel's friendliness, the website quality and the published quality report are less relevant. Without experience, reception area design, personnel's friendliness and distance to the hospital receive an increased importance. In addition, for some criteria notable discrepancies between female and male patients and between patients with different insurance policies are found.  相似文献   

The footloose nature of transfer passengers in the turbulent air transport market landscape has necessitated the need to assess service marketing constructs relevant for airport competitiveness. The current cross-sectional study examined (1) the influence of transfer passengers’ perceived airport staff helpfulness and communication (H&C) on their behavioral loyalty, (2) the mediating roles of passenger affective image and satisfaction, and (3) the interaction effects of passenger types (trip purpose & travel frequency) and airport in the direct and indirect airport staff H&C – behavioral loyalty relation. Post-hoc analysis of transfer passengers’ perceived airport staff H&C across airports and passenger types was performed. Data was collected from three international airports in China (N = 829). Findings revealed that perceived airport staff H&C has significant positive associations with the three behavioral loyalty variables, and indicated further that these associations are partly explainable via passengers’ affective image and satisfaction. Also, the perceived airport staff H&C’s direct and indirect relations with behavioral loyalty variables are sensitive to passenger types but not airports. Expectedly, the post-hoc analysis showed that transfer passengers’ perceived airport staff H&C is significantly different across passenger types but not airports. Theoretical and practical implications, limitations and directions for future studies have been discussed.  相似文献   

Recent research has challenged the wide-spread use of reward cards in the retail/service sector by arguing that in many cases, they offer rewards that fail to add value and increase loyalty to the store (Leenheer et al., 2007, Meyer-Waarden, 2015). Consequently, researchers have examined a variety of loyalty programs in order to determine which specific designs have a greater impact on the program's performance (Breugelmans et al., 2015, Meyer-Waarden, 2015). The underlying assumption of this view is that consumers will favour those programs which offer the “best deal”, potentially excluding the role of consumers’ affects in forming loyalty. In contrast to this view, this research draws on attachment theory to develop and test a more integrative model which concurrently assesses how consumers’ emotional, normative and calculative commitment to the card impacts store loyalty. We demonstrate that it is not calculative but emotional commitment that drives store loyalty in the long term. We conclude by discussing the theoretical and managerial implications of our findings, which collectively call managers to rethink current CRM practices that emphasizes rewards as a driver of customer loyalty.  相似文献   

The Physical Internet (PI) concept presents a radical change with the aim to revert the unsustainable practices that are used for transporting goods. It identifies dedicated freight flows and transforms them into transparent open logistics networks which can be accessed by other users, such as shippers and carriers. In this paper, we test the universal network openness in which the users can tap into the PI network and place orders that will be assigned to the nearest available transport service and consequently delivered to the order sender. The objective of our paper is to investigate the impact of inserting extra service points into existing dedicated freight flows of a service‐driven company. We simulate different transparency levels and routings to new pickup locations and evaluate the impact in terms of altered lead times, covered distances, and fill rates. The novel aspects presented herein are (1) deliveries based on decentralized location detection of the nearest order sender, (2) dynamically changing speed parameters of agents within specific geographic clusters based on their geo‐locations in order to account for congestion levels, (3) more realistic routing strategies that consider the urban layout, and (4) transparent querying of nearest agents in space and time that meet specific conditions such as current ongoing processes, available capacity, and position. Finally, we identify the impact from a general/holistic perspective that emerges once extra orders are assigned to the service‐driven company's fleet.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop and estimate a series of Bayesian generalized gamma family and mixture family models of product modification timing that take into account both firm- and industry-specific effects that are time varying. Our models are capable of capturing non-standard modification behavior such as multi-modality and non-monotonicity in the hazard rates motivated by real data. Additionally, we explore the existence of latent groups with respect to product modification timing strategies. The models are estimated using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods using a panel data from the automotive industry that covers 50 years and contains 6598 car model-year observations for 683 car models. The results reveal the non-monotonic modification behavior over time and the existence of three latent groups. Larger product portfolios and higher industry product proliferation lengthen the modification time. Brand and competitive modification dynamism increases the frequency of major modifications.  相似文献   

Are interpersonal trust and organizational trust mutually complementary or substitutable in determining patient purchasing intention? To address this issue, we develop a theoretical model to distinguish and test the interrelationship between the two types of trust in the setting of the health care industry. Using multiple regression analysis and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis, we reveal that organizational trust and interpersonal trust are complements rather than substitutes. We also examine how four primary boundary conditions (i.e., trust propensity, perceived behavioral control, price sensibility, and brand awareness) influence the relationships between the two types of trust and purchase intention. Our findings provide unique insights for health care practitioners to effectively manage trust in hospital-doctor-patient relationships.  相似文献   

The abundant academic literature on international entrepreneurship has attracted the attention of many researchers in various fields (international business, entrepreneurship, management, marketing, to mention a few). A debate has been opened on whether international entrepreneurship is indeed a field. In this article, we seek to contribute to this debate. We applied a bibliometric analysis to 567 articles on international entrepreneurship published during the 1989–February 2015 period. The main indices that this is an emerging field are as follows: a concentration of publications on central contributors and universities, key dates of social events, the creation of a journal dedicated to the topic and a strong identity of keywords. A co-citation analysis shows that the international entrepreneurship field is structured on a stable body of references, organised into five key clusters, distinct from its mother disciplines: international business and entrepreneurship. Our work helps to identify the paradigmatic approaches that structure international entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

Corporate scandals brought the issue of corporate governance to the forefront of the agendas of lawmakers and regulators in the early 2000s. As a result, Congress, the New York Stock Exchange, and the NASDAQ enacted standards to improve the quality of corporate governance, thereby enhancing the quantity and quality of disclosures by listed companies. We investigate the relationship between corporate governance strength and the quality of disclosures in pre- and post-regulation time periods. If cross-sectional differences in corporate governance policies affect the quality of financial disclosures, the quality of information available to analysts varies with such policies. Specifically, higher quality disclosures, produced as a result of strong corporate governance, should lead to more accurate and less dispersed analysts’ forecasts. Our analysis suggests that voluntary implementation of stronger corporate governance enhanced the quality of disclosures in the pre-regulation period; however, exceeding current corporate governance standards does not appear to result in higher quality disclosures post-regulation. These results suggest that SOX and the stronger regulations enacted by U.S. exchanges were effective in reducing variation in the quality of financial information available to investors.  相似文献   

This article seeks to provide reliable insights into current trends of ‘China-focused’ Human Resource Management (HRM) vis-à-vis the need for a more ‘contextualized’ framework. It tries to capture the status quo of the literature in the field – in terms of evaluating quality indicators (such as citation rates), author information (such as affiliations), methodological data (such as sample foci) and content-related facts (such as subject matters), amongst others. Ten SSCI-indexed journals were systematically selected for the study, as they explicitly focus on HRM and/or on Asian management issues. The findings are based on an in-depth analysis of 159 articles published between 2008 and 2017. A rich content analysis is presented to illustrate current trends. Although the results have to be treated with caution, I provide some evidence for what numerous scholars recently point out may be the case for the field of China-focused HRM: A contextual and methodological narrowing. It is hoped that the present article may add to the debate on the future of the field.  相似文献   

Online crowdsourcing contests are a nascent but rapidly growing method among marketers and retailers to generate and solicit creative ideas. In two studies – a dynamic model with scraped data from a well-known crowdsourcing platform using Python (study 1) and a survey among real participants in online contests with conjoint analysis (study 2) – we explore how multiple design parameters influence participation in online contests. Our empirical results support the notion that both extrinsically (i.e., prize money) and intrinsically (i.e., feedback) motivating parameters can generate value for participants (i.e., expected utility). Comparatively, however, we find evidence that intrinsically motivating design parameters that provide self-relevant feedback (i.e., feedback from organizer) can be more impactful than extrinsically motivating design parameters (i.e., award size). We also show novel time-dependent effects: as a contest nears its end, important design parameters shift in their effects on participation rates— their role over time is non-monotonic. In particular, the effect of award size becomes non-significant, but feedback remains impactful. Our findings contribute to the crowdsourcing literature, especially regarding how self-knowledge (e.g., self-efficacy) affects utility and consumer co-creation through contest participation over time; the findings also can help retail managers and marketers enhance participation in idea contests.  相似文献   

Building on institutional theory, this study investigates the impact of local officials' turnover on corporate philanthropy in China. Using data from Chinese listed firms from 2000–2015, we find that when city-level officials are replaced, firms increase the amount of money they donate. We also note that such positive relationship is stronger when the turnover of a local secretary is unexpected or when the firm experiences stronger performance than in the prior year. Further in-depth analysis shows that the positive impact of the turnover of local officials becomes more salient when firms have high levels of state ownership.  相似文献   

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